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The "CLIFTON" Version of the Air Force One Tapes Yields Important Information

February 26th, 21:24
On November 15, 2011, AP reporter
Joann Loviglio posted a story of major interest on the AP wire about a new
version of the Air Force One tapes of in-flight conversations with the ground,
recorded the day of President Kennedy's assassination by the White House
Communications Agency, on 11/22/63, as the Presidential aircraft (SAM 26000) was
enroute from Love Field in Dallas, Texas to Andrews Air Force Base, in Maryland.
This new version was found in the effects of former Military Aide to Presidents
Kennedy and Johnson, Army Brigadier General Chester V. Clifton, who retired in
1965 (and took the reel-to-reel tape recording with him into retirement).
Clifton died in 1991; his widow died in 2009; and the tape recording and various
papers were acquired by the RAAB Collection in a public sale, conducted by
Clifton's heirs. The article stated that the RAAB Collection, in addition to
selling the original tape recording purchased from the Clifton estate, was going
to donate a digitized copy to the National Archives.
That was appropriate, since the tape was government property---indeed, was a
historically significant archival record of the American government in
crisis---which had been purloined by a government official when he retired.
(This was common practice in the mid 1960s, but is prohibited by law today.)
What made this story so interesting to so many people is the fact that the
earlier version of the Air Force One tapes, released by the LBJ Library in the
1970s, was known to have been edited and condensed (since the disclaimer
admitting this preceded the actual recording). Its contents were about 110-115
minutes long. It contained much provocative and interesting material about the
in-flight planning for JFK's autopsy: namely, differing opinions about where it
should be conducted, and about how the body should be transported to the autopsy
site. This may have seemed to many of only mild historical curiosity in the
mid-1970s when the tape was first released, but questions about how the autopsy
site was selected, and how the body was transported to the site, took on major
importance after David Lifton published his 1981 book Best Evidence,
which provided convincing evidence for multiple casket entries into the Bethesda
morgue that evening. Following the release of the HSCA's staff interviews in
1993 (thanks to the JFK Records Act), and through the work of the ARRB staff (in
deposing retired FBI agents Frank O'Neill and James Sibert; and in acquiring the
written report of Marine Corps Sergeant Roger Boyajian, dated 11/22/63), the
evidence for three different casket entries into the Bethesda morgue on November
22, 1963---as posited by David Lifton in 1981---has become fact, and is now
unchallengeable. Those three casket entries, which make the Air Force One tapes
so historically significant and relevant even today, are summarized below:
The Three Casket Entries (Summarized):
(1) 6:35 PM/casket delivered was a cheap aluminum shipping casket/mode of
delivery was a hearse (a black Cadillac mortuary-style ambulance).
The hearse was offloaded by Navy Petty Officer Dennis David and his Navy working
party of about 8 sailors, wearing Navy working uniforms (not dress uniforms).
[Supporting evidence: David's recollections to a newspaper in 1975 and to David
Lifton in 1979 and 1980; and the subsequent recollections of Donald Rebentisch
(a member of his working party), circa 1981. The time of this casket entry (1835
hours, or 6:35 PM) was reported contemporaneously by USMC Sergeant Boyajian in
his 11/26/63 typed after-action report; he authenticated a copy he sent to the
ARRB staff in 1997.]
(2) 7:15-7:17 PM/casket delivered was a bronze, ceremonial viewing casket
furnished by the Oneal Funeral Home at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. It was taken
into the morgue anteroom by four Federal agents (using a wheeled
conveyance, likely a "church truck"): FBI agents James Sibert and Frank O'Neill,
and Secret Service Agents Roy Kellerman and William Greer. [Supporting evidence:
HSCA staff interviews of Sibert and O'Neill from the late 1970s; ARRB
depositions of Sibert and O'Neill taken in 1997; and an FBI internal memorandum
from 1964 that helped to approximate the timing of this casket entry as about
(3) 8:00 PM/casket delivered was the same bronze, ceremonial viewing casket from
Dallas that had entered earlier---with no one inside it (empty)---at 7:17 PM. It
was taken into the morgue again at 8:00 PM (this time with JFK's body having
first been reintroduced into the casket) by the Joint Service Casket Team, or
"honor guard," composed of US Navy, US Army, US Air Force, and U.S. Coast Guard
personnel wearing dress uniforms and white gloves. [Supporting evidence: the
written report of the Military District of Washington provided the time of 2000
hours; and extensive interviews by authors David Lifton and William Manchester
established the unique nature of this ceremonial second entry for the Dallas
Each time the bronze, ceremonial viewing casket from Dallas was brought to the
morgue, it was delivered to the loading dock by a light gray, Navy
mortuary-type ambulance. The bronze Dallas casket in the light gray Navy
ambulance did not even arrive at Bethesda Naval Hospital (from Andrews AFB)
until 6:55 PM, or 20 minutes AFTER JFK's body was delivered to the morgue
(via a simple aluminum shipping casket, in a hearse, or mortuary-style
black Cadillac). The Dallas casket was not driven away from the front
of Bethesda Naval Hospital, around to the morgue loading dock, until about 7:07
PM, and was then not offloaded until about 7:15-7:17 PM or so. The upshot? The
publicized, televised removal of the bronze Dallas casket from Air Force One
about 6:10 PM, immediately after Air Force One was "on the blocks" (at 6:04 PM),
was a sham, for by definition that casket had to be empty when it was
offloaded, since JFK's body first arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital twenty
minutes prior to that ornate viewing coffin from Dallas. The first
entry of the Dallas casket into the Bethesda morgue was of an empty
coffin. As I documented in my book, Inside the Assassination Records
Review Board, the early arrival of JFK's body in the shipping casket, at
6:35 PM, provided time for key medical personnel at Bethesda Naval Hospital to
perform a preliminary inspection of his head wounds, and to grossly expand the
President's cranial wounds---by illicit, clandestine post-mortem surgery---in
order to remove evidence of shots from the front and right front, prior to the
formal commencement of the autopsy at 8:15 PM. The second entry of the
Dallas casket at 8:00 PM allowed the honor guard to carry JFK's body---his
cranial wounds, unknown to them, now altered and dramatically different in
appearance---into the morgue, which was their primary function that night. After
earlier "losing" the casket while chasing a decoy ambulance around the grounds
of Bethesda in the darkness, it was imperative to those orchestrating the
cover-up that night that the confused and mortified Joint Service Casket Team be
allowed to "find the casket" shortly before 8:00 PM, and perform their duly
authorized function. It was the "impossibly early" arrival of JFK's body, in a
different casket from which it left Dallas (an aluminum shipping casket),
and in a different ambulance from that in which the Dallas casket left
Andrews AFB (namely, in a hearse, a black Cadillac), that broke the
chain-of-custody of the body and therefore, by definition, invalidated the
results of the Bethesda autopsy. The broken chain-of-custody was evidence of
a covert operation that was underway---in short, obstruction of justice.
It is this context, summarized above, which makes the Air Force One tapes,
containing undisputed audio evidence of a powerful tug-of-war over the
forthcoming autopsy, so important today, almost 49 years after JFK's
assassination. I Iistened to the earlier, edited-and-condensed LBJ Library
version of the tapes at the National Archives in October of 1995---and wrote a
7-page ARRB staff memo on October 17, 1995, about why they were so relevant and
interesting to historians and researchers. I also wrote about the Air Force One
tapes on pages 1660-1664 of volume V of my book, Inside the ARRB.
This brings us to the point of this essay, which is that I have found
three items of particular interest in the new "Clifton" version of the Air
Force One tapes that is now available to the public (for free) from the National
Archives. The "Clifton" version can be downloaded from a GPO/NARA website at
this address:
(You can cut-and-paste the above address into your search engine, or simply
Google the following phrase---"Post JFK Assassination Air Force One Flight Deck
Recordings"---and you will be led to the webpage that allows you to download the
new version of the Air Force One tapes.)
The "Clifton" recordings can be downloaded via two MP3 audio files: one is
called "side 1" and is 70.1 MB in size; the other is called "side 2" and is 66.3
MB in size.
It appears that the audio has been digitally cleaned up as much as possible
already. There is still considerable static in places, and there is still some
audio distortion on occasion in some conversations, but overall the quality of
the audio in these digitized recordings is far superior to that in the LBJ
Library versions, released in years past on audiocassette.
Furthermore, the "Clifton" recording of the Air Force One conversations from
11/22/63 is 2 hours and 22 minutes long---about 27 or so minutes
longer than the LBJ Library version.
Here is my report on three aspects of the "Clifton"
recording which are different from the LBJ version---i.e., new material---and
worthy of note:
I. A "black Cadillac" is clearly mentioned in the new recordings.
Download side 1 (the 70.1 MB MP3 recording), and fast forward to the segment
that begins at time 1:02:20, and which ends at time 1:03:13. What you are
listening to here is "back chatter" (i.e., background conversation) from the
White House Situation Room ("Crown"), which was picked up inadvertently in an
"open mike" situation, in which AF1 was temporarily off the line due to
communications problems, and the "Crown" microphone remained "hot." The
following snippets of conversation by unidentified background speakers can be
heard, as follows: "...black car...[followed by faint, garbled
conversation]...that Cadillac is the...[followed by faint, garbled
conversation]...black Cadillac...[followed by faint, garbled
conversation]...I'd get him out there anyways, regardless! And then get him
out there [garbled] regardless, then maybe, then maybe...[followed by faint,
garbled conversation]..."black Cadillac." This final use of the phrase
"black Cadillac," ending at time 1:03:12, is the loudest and clearest use of
that phrase during this overheard, "hot mike" conversation. The phrase "black
Cadillac" could barely be heard (and just once) on the LBJ Library tape when I
reviewed it at the Archives in 1995, but was extremely faint and the context was
uncertain, which I pointed out in my 1995 ARRB memo. Now, in the "Clifton"
version of the Air Force One tapes, the phrase "black Cadillac" is unmistakable,
and its overall context is clear---it is preceded and followed by discussions
about where the autopsy site should be, and about how to get JFK's body to the
autopsy site (i.e., the tug-of-war over whether to use an ambulance or a
helicopter). The immediate context of the speaker's comments above is
clearly about getting the body to the autopsy site as fast as possible, and
matches the general context, which is the aforementioned ongoing
discussion about where the autopsy should be held and how the body should be
transported there. This mention of a "black car" and a "black Cadillac" strongly
corroborates Dennis David's consistent account (for more than three decades now)
about how his working party met a hearse (a black Cadillac) and unloaded
a shipping casket---the first of three casket entries that night at the Bethesda
morgue. [It is important to note that Dr. "J" Thornton Boswell, the Navy
pathologist who assisted the chief prosector, Dr. James J. Humes, confirmed to
Dennis David later that evening after the conclusion of the JFK autopsy that the
President had indeed been inside the casket that David's working party offloaded
from the black Cadillac, or hearse, at 6:35 PM.] If any more evidence was needed
as to Dennis David's veracity, it has now been amply supplied. Many of the
speakers using the "Crown" handle that night were national security officials
(such as Chief of the Secret Service White House Detail Gerald Behn; and
McGeorge Bundy, the National Security Advisor to the President). They surely had
their staff assistants with them. The "black Cadillac" remarks cited above were
probably spoken by Secret Service agents, or by persons working for McGeorge
Bundy. Someone with sensitive sound equipment may, in the future, be able to
recover more of the conversation cited above. I have quoted for you here what I
could glean myself from turning my speakers up to maximum, and through the use
of studio headphones.
II. General LeMay's aide, a Colonel Dorman, urgently attempted to contact
General LeMay by radio shortly before his inbound plane from Canada landed.
This conversation is recorded on "side 2," the 66.3 MB MP3 recording, between
times 11:05 and 12:04. Why have I declared this to be of such interest? Why
is it more than just a passing, random, historical curiosity? Because: (1)
General LeMay, returning from Canada to the United States following learning
about the assassination, disobeyed the orders of the Secretary of
the Air Force (his nominal superior), Mr. Eugene Zuckert, and instead of landing
at Andrews AFB as he was directed, landed at Washington D.C.'s National Airport
adjacent to downtown Washington, D.C., instead; and (2) because Paul K.
O'Connor, a Navy corpsman who assisted the Navy pathologists with the autopsy on
JFK, stated many times before his death that General LeMay attended the autopsy
of President Kennedy on 11/22/63. I documented the great antipathy that LeMay
(Air Force Chief of Staff) and President Kennedy had for each other---as well as
LeMay's disobedience toward the Air Force Secretary the day of the
assassination---in volume 2 of Inside the ARRB, on pages 481-488. The
real question here is, "Why did the editor of the LBJ Library version of the Air
Force One tapes decide to remove this conversation from that version of the
recordings?" Perhaps the whole subject of General LeMay, particularly whether or
not he was present at JFK's autopsy, was "radioactive" when the tapes were
edited in the 1960s. General LeMay did not retire from the U.S. Air Force until
1965; presumably he was still Air Force Chief of Staff when the edited and
condensed tapes were assembled, and perhaps he had personally ordered the
removal of that conversation from the record. Alternatively, someone else may
not have wanted LeMay's name even remotely associated with the events
surrounding the autopsy, especially if he had been present at JFK's post-mortem
examination. More than one third of the air time on the Air Force One tapes is
devoted to the autopsy arrangements, and "someone" may have been quite
uncomfortable about the urgently expressed desire of LeMay's aide to contact him
early that evening. LeMay landed at National Airport 52 minutes prior to the "on
the blocks" time for Air Force One, and 83 minutes prior to the arrival of JFK's
body at Bethesda (at 6:35 PM). He had plenty of time to be driven to Andrews if
he had wanted to be there; and he certainly had plenty of time to drive from
National Airport (or the nearby Pentagon) to Bethesda Naval Hospital, prior to
the body's arrival.
III. The takeoff time of Air Force Two from Dallas, Texas and its prospective
arrival time at Andrews AFB is conclusively provided on the new Air Force One
tapes. (This information is not present on the LBJ Library version of the
Air Force One tapes.) Go to "side 2," the 66.3 MB MP3 download, and you can find
this short exchange between "Liberty" and "Andrews" beginning at time 12:35,
and ending at time 13.11. Why is this important? Because previous to this,
the only known record of when Air Force Two (SAM 86970) took off from Dallas (at
2115 Zulu time, or 3:15 PM local) was its mention in the reports of two Secret
Service agents. The same takeoff time in these two written reports (2115 Zulu
time) is present on the "Clifton" Air Force One tape, corroborating the times
given by the Secret Service agents. Similarly, previous to the public release of
the "Clifton" tapes, the only known record of the landing time for Air Force
Two---2330 Zulu time, or 6:30 PM local in D.C.---was contained in the "Chuck
Holmes Logbook" donated to the ARRB by an Air Force civil servant who "rescued
it from the trash." The anticipated landing time for "970" of 2330 Zulu given on
the new recording is identical to, and thus corroborates, the actual landing
time of 1830 local (6:30 PM in D.C.) recorded in the "Chuck Homes Logbook" from
Andrews AFB. The importance of these two times cannot be overstated, for they
completely dispell and disprove theories that JFK's body was actually
transported to D.C. on Air Force Two, instead of Air Force One. We know that
JFK's body arrived at the Bethesda morgue at 1835 local (6:35 PM), per the
Boyajian report. Since AF2 landed at 1830 local time (per the Chuck Holmes
Logbook, as corroborated by the new Air Force One recording), it is therefore
impossible for JFK's body to have come east on that airplane and then, to have
also arrived at Bethesda at 1835 hours, local time. (Those implementing the JFK
medical cover-up did NOT have access to Starfleet "transporters," a la Star
Trek, in November of 1963!) I disposed of one such theory in the Epilogue to
my book, Inside the ARRB, in volume V, pages 1777-1796.
In my October 17, 1995 memo, and in my book, Inside the ARRB, I explained that
Master Sergeant John Trimble, USAF, the AF1 radio officer, had written in his
after action report that he "...had three phone patches going simultaneously
most of the time" during the flight from Dallas to Andrews AFB. Examination of
the Air Force One tapes reveals that there were four radio circuits actually in
use on the flight, and Trimble's report explains that three of them were in
nearly full time, simultaneous use. The duration of the flight was 2 hours and
17 minutes---Air Force One took off at 2047 Zulu time and was "on the blocks" at
Andrews at 2304 Zulu time. If we shave 17 minutes off of the flight time, just
to be conservative, and then multiply the remainder (2 hours) by the number of
circuits in nearly full time simultaneous use (3), we get the following sum: 2 X
3 = 6 hours. That is, assuming all three radio circuits in full-time use were
recorded, the Air Force One tapes should actually be at least SIX HOURS LONG.
The "Clifton" tapes are two hours and twenty two minutes long, which means that
as much as three and one half hours could still be missing from history.
There are two reasons to believe that this may actually be the case. The first
is the fact that the radio dispatcher and facilitator at Andrews who is heard so
often on the Air Force One tapes, "Airman Gilmore," explains numerous times on
the recording that Air Force One and "Crown" (the White House Situation Room)
had two radio patches going simultaneously with each other, and that this
was why so many other entities could not contact Air Force One when they
desired. One gets no sense of two patches going simultaneously from listening to
the Air Force One tapes. It is as if one whole "track" of conversation was
missing from the recordings. If so, what might have been on that "missing
I explained what may still be missing today from the Air Force One tapes on
pages 1660-1664 of volume V of my book, Inside the ARRB. What I wrote
then about the LBJ Library version applies equally today to the "Clifton"
version. Both journalist and author Theodore White (in his book The
Making of the President, 1964), and Assistant Secretary of State
Robert Manning (who was onboard the Cabinet plane bound for Japan, SAM 86972,
when JFK was assassinated), both unequivocally stated that the President's
assassin was identified to the occupants of both Air Force One and SAM 86972
by radio---and by implication, therefore, from the White House.
"Crown," the White House Situation Room, is the font of all knowledge on the Air
Force One tapes---there is no other reasonable candidate for who would have
passed this information to the passengers on the two aircraft. Anyone who
listens to the Air Force One tapes will understand that. White wrote on page 48
of his book, "On the flight the party learned that there was no conspiracy
[and] learned of the identity of Oswald and his arrest...". Manning told
the authors of the 1993 oral history, Let Us Begin Anew: An Oral History of
the Kennedy Presidency (p. 450-451), "The news then came in [after Pierre
Salinger had been informed of JFK's death] that someone named Oswald who had
been in the Soviet Union had done this."
The two accounts corroborate each other quite nicely. The only problem here is
that Oswald had only been arrested on suspicion of shooting a policeman, and had
not been charged with the murder of the President while Air Force One was in
flight. Air Force One landed at 5:04 PM Dallas time, and Lee Harvey Oswald was
not charged with the murder of the President until near midnight. It appears,
from the accounts of White and Manning, that someone in the White House
Situation Room ("Crown") jumped the gun, and prematurely incriminated Oswald,
and blamed the assassination on a lone nut, well before the Dallas Police
Department had even come to that conclusion. (And we know now that it was
pressure from LBJ that caused Will Fritz, the Chief of Homicide at the Dallas
Police Department, to stop blaming the assassination on an international
Communist conspiracy, and blame it all on the lone suspect in custody. As LBJ
told Fritz on the phone, "You have your man.") Furthermore, as quoted on
Saturday morning in the Dallas papers, late Friday afternoon and early Friday
evening, District Attorney Henry Wade was openly proclaiming that the
assassination could not have been the work of one man. If this was Wade's
tentative conclusion on Friday afternoon and early Friday evening, then how
could the passengers on SAM 26000 and SAM 86972 be told that Oswald had done the
assassination all on his own, unless they were being fed a cover story by the
conspirators themselves?
If the accounts of White and Manning are correct---White either spoke to someone
who had listened to the complete, unedited Air Force One tapes, or someone who
had been aboard Air Force One; and Manning himself was aboard SAM 86972 with
Salinger and Rusk and personally heard the premature announcement of
Oswald's guilt with his own ears---then the serious nature of this gaffe---blaming
Oswald for the crime before evidence had been developed to support that
contention---would explain why so much of the Air Force One recording still
appears to missing.
I encourage everyone reading this essay to download the "Clifton" tapes
themselves, and focus anew (or perhaps for the first time, if you have not yet
done so) on the disastrous spoken record of the JFK autopsy arrangements that
were recorded for posterity by "Liberty" in the American midwest. (It was
"Liberty's" job to monitor and record all Presidential communications while
in-flight.) Even if it is true that three and one half hours of national
security discussions about the purported lone assassin are still missing from
the "Clifton" recording, the conversations we do have are a damning
indictment of a poorly organized cover-up "on the fly," with those involved
working at cross-purposes with each other. The "Clifton" tapes have only made
this sorrowful record a bit more interesting, and a bit more definitive.
Postscript: Researcher Bill Kelly has prepared and posted a transcript of the
"Clifton" version of the Air Force One tapes on his blogsite, "JFK Countercoup,"
as well as much illuminating background information that will better inform
anyone interested in this subject---information about Curtis LeMay and JFK;
Colonel Dorman, LeMay's Aide; and "Liberty," the Collins Radio facility whose
job is was to record air-to-ground Presidential communications, beginning in
1962. Here is the link to Bill Kelly's Air Force One transcript:
November 22nd, 2011
AN OPEN LETTER TO Mr. Chris Matthews of MSNBC's "Hardball," Written on
11/22/2011, On the 48th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC still "doesn't get it" regarding the assassination of
John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. He proclaimed yet again today on his
cable-TV program (as he has many times in the past) that Lee Harvey Oswald
killed our 35th President 48 years ago today, and that he did it all by himself.
He further opined that the reason so many "liberals" in America refuse to accept
this, is because they have an emotional shortcoming: that they find it difficult
to accept "that a nobody killed a somebody," and then blamed that shortcoming on
William Shakespeare and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by explaining that these great
authors have trained us, with their great works of literature, to always expect
to find that a Great Evil Force, or a sinister cabal, or an evil nemesis, was
behind the murder of the Good, and that only a "Dr. Moriarity" could bring down
a hero like Sherlock Holmes. In other words, Chris Matthews was telling the
American people that we are not grown up enough to accept the truth.
I am writing this piece to intentionally and publicly challenge Chris Matthews
by stating that it is HE who cannot accept the truth. There are only two
possibilities here: either (1) Chris Matthews is such a "Pollyanna" about
our country, so desperate to love it totally and without reservation, that he
cannot accept the fact that our national leadership and our major institutions
(the new 36th President, the Warren Commission, the FBI, and the Fourth Estate
to which he belongs) failed us so completely in 1963 and 1964 by covering up the
truth that JFK was killed by a crossfire in Dealey Plaza, and the more important
truth that his public execution was the culmination of an ongoing struggle
between JFK and his national security establishment over America's place in the
world and the future of American foreign policy and the Cold War; or (2)
he is willfully acting under the marching orders of others in promoting a
position that he knows is untrue. For quite a long time I assumed it was option
number one above---namely, that Chris loved America so much that he had a blind
spot, and refused to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence of conspiracy and
cover-up in JFK's assassination because he just could not bring himself to
believe that the America of his childhood was that badly flawed. But now
I am not so sure that there is a benign explanation for Matthews' continued
behavior every November when this dark anniversary rolls around again. For
today, who was his guest on "Hardball" helping him to proclaim Lee Harvey
Oswald's guilt and the "obvious" truth of the lone assassin hypothesis of the
discredited Warren Commission? None other than Max Holland, a man recently outed
by Mark Lane in his latest book, Final Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the
Murder of JFK, as a CIA third party surrogate whose primary job for years
has been to sell the lone assassin hypothesis to the American people (who
stubbornly still refuse to accept it, and in large numbers). Mark Lane makes
this claim about Max Holland in his new 2011 book, with evidence that I have
found persuasive. I encourage the readers of this piece to read Mr. Lane's
book---if you wish to learn more about Max Holland---and to judge for yourself.
During the carefully orchestrated interview with Chris Matthews, Max Holland
today likened Lee Harvey Oswald to the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh.
And Matthews scolded all of us poor misguided Americans who believe there was a
conspiracy to kill JFK by accusing us of willful blindness, since as he claims,
we are unable to accept that "a nobody" had killed a popular President.
I've got news for you, Chris Matthews: I have no trouble believing that Timothy
McVeigh was an angry lone nut who blew up a Federal Building and killed many
innocent people, and furthermore I have no trouble believing that Mark David
Chapman, for instance, killed John Lennon all by himself, or that President Ford
was stalked by a lone nut who attempted to kill him but failed. I have no
trouble believing those things because the overwhelming weight of the evidence
points in that direction in each case. In spite of my love for the Beatles, I
did not have a strong emotional need that forced me to construct a
conspiracy theory around how and why John Lennon was murdered. Get real,
Chris---spare us the psychobabble.
If the evidence for Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt was as simplistic and as
overwhelming as you and Warren Commission apologists like Max Holland claim it
to be, I would have had no problem concluding many years ago that a lone
assassin killed JFK. But instead, the reverse is true; there are numerous
overwhelming reasons not only to doubt, but to disbelieve the lone
assassin hypothesis, as follows:
(1) JFK's autopsy report in the National Archives is at least the third
written version of that document; the first written draft was burned, and the
first signed version is now missing. The autopsy report is therefore now
impugned as evidence and would not be admitted as evidence if there were a trial
(2) Numerous autopsy photos that are known to have been taken are missing, and
many of the autopsy images in the existing collection in the National Archives
have been repudiated by both the Parkland Hospital medical staff who treated JFK
in an attempt to save his life, AND by key witnesses who were present at JFK's
autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital, including the official photographer and the
two FBI agents present. Two skull x-rays are missing, and there is very robust
scientific evidence (empirical, testable evidence) that the three remaining
skull x-rays in the National Archives are altered copy films, not
originals. The official collection of autopsy photos and x-rays, therefore,
have been impugned as evidence and would not be admitted as evidence if there
were a trial proceeding.
(3) The chain of custody of the so-called "Magic Bullet," Commission Exhibit
399, was impugned by a devastating FBI fact summary written in July of 1964 and
published in the Warren Commission's 26 volumes of evidence. Its provenance
is extremely suspect and it would not have been admitted as evidence at a trial.
(4) The contemporaneous eyewitness and earwitness testimony from Dealey Plaza on
the day of the assassination overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that JFK's
limousine was driven into a crossfire on Elm Street---an ambush---and that he
was shot at from the front, from the side, and from behind. Kenny O'Donnell and
Dave Powers, both beloved and trusted JFK aides, believed this, and they were
present in the followup car, directly behind the limousine. (You were not there,
Chris, and neither was Max Holland.) This strong evidence, along with the
primary pattern of the exit debris (from the head explosion) noted in Dealey
Plaza that day, is prima facie evidence of conspiracy. The acoustic
dictabelt tape recorded by the Dallas Police Department, analyzed for the HSCA
by two different consulting firms, is also proof of conspiracy since it
unequivocally proves that at least one shot was fired from the right front.
(5) Lee Harvey Oswald was not an authentic Communist as you claimed on your show
today; rather, he was almost certainly part of a "fake defector program" run by
the CIA in the late 1950s, and he was without a doubt masquerading as a
leftist lover of Fidel Castro when he was in New Orleans in the summer of 1963.
In short, he was a patriotic U.S. ex-Marine who was being run as an intelligence
agent both when he was in the Soviet Union, AND following his return to the
United States in 1962. Most disturbing of all is the fact that during his
infamous trip to Mexico City in late September and early October of 1963 (during
which someone identifying himself as Lee Harvey Oswald visited both the Cuban
and Soviet embassies), there is very persuasive evidence that he was
impersonated by someone pretending to be him, both at the Cuban embassy (in
person), and subsequently, on the telephone to the Soviet Embassy. This
impostiture was clearly part of an attempt to "set him up" for the forthcoming
murder of JFK, by providing a superficial link to both Castro's Cuba and to the
officer in charge of Western Hemisphere assassinations at the Soviet embassy.
(6) Oswald did not get his job as the Book Depository in Dallas by chance, as
you claimed today on your program. Ruth Paine (with whom his wife Marina was
living in Fort Worth) was instrumental in helping him obtain that job---and in
preventing him from taking an alternate job instead---and as author Jim Douglass
has demonstrated in his book JFK and the Unspeakable, both Ruth Paine and
her husband Michael had strong ties to the CIA. They took over the
mentoring/babysitting of Oswald once his first handler following his return to
the U.S., George DeMohrenschildt (a friend of LBJ's, and an agent of U.S.
intelligence), left the U.S.for a clandestine assignment in Haiti in the spring
of 1963.
(7) No credible witness saw Lee Harvey Oswald firing his rifle that day, and
furthermore, the paraffin test designed to determine whether he had done so,
produced a negative result. In fact, Oswald was seen in the second floor lunch
room only 5 minutes prior to the assassination (not on the sixth floor), and
based on the most careful analysis of the famous Altgens photo, Oswald was in
fact standing in the front doorway of the Book Depository when JFK's motorcade
went by. He was discovered calmly drinking a coke at the second floor lunch room
soda machine less than 90 seconds after the assassination by Dallas motorcycle
patrolman Marion Baker. Not only was his WWII surplus Italian carbine "junk,"
with a defective firing pin, but the rifle's scope was also junk, and was
(8) Analysis of Oswald's denials of shooting anyone and his denial that he
killed JFK, recorded during his brief captivity after the assassination, were
subjected to PSE machine (psychological stress evaluation) analysis circa 1975,
and he was found unequivocally to have been telling the truth when he made those
two denials.
(9) Recent analysis in Hollywood of digitized frames from a high quality
duplicate negative of the Zapruder film (purchased from the National Archives)
have revealed crude black patches---visual effects, or artwork---superimposed
over the back of JFK's head in key frames of the extant Zapruder film. These
special visual effects---state of the art in 1963 but now clearly discernible
using today's technology---were designed to hide the exit wound in the rear
of President Kennedy's head (evidence of a fatal shot from the front) that
was seen by all of the treatment physicians and nurses who assisted him at
Parkland Hospital.
(10) The CIA and Secret Service had joint custody of the Zapruder film the
weekend of the assassination (on Saturday and Sunday evenings, 11/23 and 11/24)
in Washington, D.C. at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center
(where briefing boards were made from frame enlargements of two different
versions of the film---first, from the camera original, and then, from an
altered film masquerading as the original); the camera original film was not
in the hands of LIFE magazine Saturday evening in Chicago (as has
previously been claimed). All indications today are that alterations to the
Zapruder film (to hide evidence of frontal shots) were commissioned by the CIA
and were performed by Kodak at a state-of-the-art lab at its headquarters in
Rochester, N.Y. on Sunday, 11/24/63. LIFE magazine, at the request of the
national security establishment, ensured the film was suppressed as a motion
picture for 12 years, out of fear that the film's alteration would be discovered
if it were to be closely scrutinized by experts. For this reason, LIFE
only published selected still frames, but never loaned it or licensed it to be
shown or studied as a motion picture, even though the magazine had paid Zapruder
an additional $ 100K for motion picture rights above and beyond its original
offer of $ 50K (for still picture rights only). After a bootleg copy of the film
was shown on ABC television in 1975, LIFE sold it back to the Zapruder
family for one dollar, never having exploited its huge investment in the motion
picture rights. (The original intent---suppression of the film as a motion
picture---had been circumvented in 1975, so LIFE no longer had any use
for the film.)
(11) The "wrong rifle"---a 7.65 Mauser---was the first weapon found in the Book
Depository, not the 6.5 mm Italian carbine that is so infamous today. This is
another strong indicator of conspiracy, for Oswald did not own a Mauser. The
Mauser was probably one of the weapons actually used in the assassination,
whereas the Italian carbine was a "stage prop."
I could go on and on, but that is enough for now.
Let me conclude by making this public challenge to
Chris Matthews: Chris, I just bought a copy of your book
Jack Kennedy, Elusive Hero---and I
look forward to reading it and learning even more about the life and style of
our beloved 35th President. I commend you for your ongoing praise of his life,
his courage, and his political skills. That praise is well-merited.
I challenge you to read just three
books on the JFK Assassination:
My own five-volume work on the medical cover-up and the alteration of the
Zapruder film, Inside the Assassination
Records Review Board (published in 2009 and available at
Amazon.com); JFK and the Unspeakable,
by Jim Douglass; and Brothers,
by David Talbot.
That is all I ask---that you read these three books, and then tell us on the
50th anniversary, two years from now, whether or not you still believe that Lee
Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy. Don't be churlish and dismiss this
challenge out of hand: read all three books. I suspect that up to now you have
been cherry-picking the evidence and consulting only those books that support
your own predetermined conclusions. Show some intellectual honesty here, and
read these three books. And then tell us whether your views about the
assassination have changed.
I served as a U.S. Naval Officer for 10 years, and was later the Chief Analyst
for Military Records for the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records
Review Board (ARRB); I worked for that small, independent Federal Agency from
1995 until it shut down in 1998. I am the first U.S. government official to work
full-time on an official body involved with the assassination's aftermath to
have the courage to allege a medical cover-up in JFK's assassination, and I
explain why in explicit detail in my book. You owe it to yourself to grow
intellectually, and to seriously study JFK's death in the same detail that you
have studied his life. Studying JFK's death informs the reader about how
much was wrong with our government in 1963 and 1964, and indeed with our media.
Many of those faults are sadly, still with us today.
John F. Kennedy's assassination was not the random act of a lone malcontent,
devoid of political import or meaning. His assassination was the culmination of
the ongoing "war" between President Kennedy and his own national security
establishment, that lasted throughout the entire term of his Presidency. The
stresses and fears of the Cold War (and our internal debate and conflict over
how to manage it) warped our domestic politics to an unprecedented degree---to
such a point that JFK, whose re-election appeared imminent, was eliminated
before he could institute changes to the world order, and America's place in the
world, that would be irreversible. He wanted to end the Cold War, and his
frustrated opponents at the CIA and the Pentagon wanted to win it---on the
battlefield. Part of the legacy of his assassination was not only the tragedy in
Vietnam, but an extremely dangerous and potentially fatal, and expensive,
nuclear arms race with the USSR, and a continuation of the Cold War for another
generation. Another part of the legacy of his assassination was, unfortunately,
the triumph of secrecy over openness, and of the Big Lie over Truth in this
country, which all good Americans are still attempting to overturn today.
Chris Matthews, I say to you that it is not the members of the independent JFK
research community who have an "emotional problem and cannot handle the
truth"---rather, it is people like you who engage in knowing blindness and
willful denial of the facts, and who prefer to deny conspiracy and cover-up
rather than study facts which would conflict with your own ideas of what kind of
country you grew up in, and are living in today. Please prove to me that you
still have an open mind, and read the three books I cited above. And I really
mean READ THEM, FROM COVER TO COVER---don't just peruse them, and don't depend
on others like Max Holland to characterize them for you.
Read them yourself---and then I would like to appear on your show on the 50th
anniversary of JFK's assassination, for a 30-minute debate, and ask you,
face-to-face, whether you have changed your opinion about his assassination. For
in this story, there really was Great Evil confronting the Good, and
unfortunately, Evil won out over Good, to the detriment of our country. It is my
belief that only by facing the truth and admitting what really happened in 1963
(and later on in the 1960s, in the two assassinations of 1968), can our nation
regain its self-respect, and the respect of other nations. END
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The JFK Assassination: Still a Taboo Subject for the Mainstream Media in the
United States

September 30th, 2011
Almost 48 years after President
John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, the
mainstream media (MSM) in this country still treats it as a Taboo Subject. This
is a strange state of affairs, given the MSM's propensity to tout its own
courage and independence, and its important role as the Fourth Estate in our
Let me provide just two recent examples.
Last year, as MSNBC "Hardball" host and moderator Chris Matthews interviewed the
author of a book about the JFK assassination, he employed a sneering, dismissive
tone toward all persons who are convinced there was a conspiracy to murder the
35th President---by implication, tarring all such people as misguided idiots,
and irresponsible. As usual, he characterized such persons as nuts, cranks,
crazy people, and conspiracy theorists (the ultimate insult employed by anyone
still supporting the Warren Commission's seriously flawed and unsupportable
findings), and in a rather brutal and intellectually overbearing and arrogant
manner, proclaimed that Lee Harvey Oswald was a crazy person, a lone nut, who
killed JFK all on his own. In doing so, he was disagreeing with (and insulting)
over 75% of the American people, but this didn't seem to bother him. The real
question is, WHY does he continue to proclaim this stance in such an insistent
manner? Aside from this issue, Matthews appears to be a pretty bright and well
informed guy. How, I asked myself, could he so loudly and insistently proclaim
that the Warren Commission got it right, when there is so much overwhelming
evidence that its conclusion cannot possibly be true? On this one issue he has
consistently shown a very ugly, and obnoxious side of his personality---a "dark
side," if you will. I wondered last fall if he really believed the nonsense he
was spouting, or whether he was reflexively adopting a stance he had been
instructed to adopt in public. And if he had been so instructed, who provided
him with his JFK assassination marching orders? Was it the management structure
at MSNBC, or was it a cadre within the American intelligence community that
remains fixated on this subject (and others that are crucial to the attitudes of
Americans toward their own governmental institutions)? Sadly, Keith Olberman and
Rachel Maddow, two MSNBC journalists whom I highly respect most of the time,
have also spoken derisively about "conspiracy theorists" and have painted anyone
who believes that JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy with this overused tar
This past week, a new public opinion poll was released showing that the number
of Americans who now trust the American government to "do the right thing all or
most of the time" is at an all time low---it is now down to only 15% of those
polled. CNN, in reporting this story and providing context, then proceeded to
promote inaccurate history about the polling numbers in its background pieces on
the story. CNN stated that under President Eisenhower, in the late 1950s, this
trust figure was as high as 73% (which is true), and then falsely implied that
this was as high as the trust figure had ever been. THIS WAS UNTRUE. In his 1994
book "Arrogant Capital," conservative author Kevin Phillips wrote that in
January of 1964 this figure was 78%, and that this was the all-time high
watermark for trust in the American government. He published a graph showing
that from 1960 through January of 1964, the figure was continuously rising, and
therefore, it is clear that the figure rose from 73% to 78% during the
Presidency of John F. Kennedy, America's 35th President: a rationalist who
touted openness in government, who opposed withholding information from the
American people, and who even gave a speech against secrecy and secret
societies. (I published the graph used by Phillips as Figure 71, in my own book,
"Inside the Assassination Records Review Board," published in 2009 and still
available at Amazon.com). Study of the graph reveals that this trust starting
dropping precipitately after January of 1964.
The CNN talking heads and anchors proclaimed this past week that the primary
reasons for the sharp decline of the high numbers seen in the late 1950s were
the Vietnam War and Watergate. But this is only a half truth, at best. They
conveniently omitted mentioning when the figure was at its highest (at the end
of JFK's Presidency), and also conveniently chose not to mention that the rapid
decline in confidence in the U.S. government began very shortly after the JFK
assassination. It is clear to me when studying this graph (you can access it in
either Phillips' book or in mine), that the American people began to lose faith
in the American government immediately after the JFK assassination; no doubt
people smelled a rat when LIFE magazine, and later the Warren Report, began to
blow smoke up our collective asses about how (and why) JFK was murdered. The
sharp decline on the graph accelerated in 1968. And what happened that year?
Three things: the Tet Offensive in Vietnam (when the American people finally
realized the USG had been lying to them about the conduct of the war and the
prospects for victory); the Martin Luther King assassination; and the Robert F.
Kennedy assassination. These two assassinations, like JFK's, were all blamed on
lone nut individuals acting on their own---and in each case, there is strong
evidence that the official story is not true. The next sharp drop in confidence
in the graph occurs between 1972 and 1976, and almost certainly reflects the
Watergate scandal, and America's unceremonious ejection from Vietnam, after
losing a war for the first time. The nosedive in confidence continues at a rapid
rate through 1980, and it is likely that one contributor was the unsatisfactory
way in which the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) handled the JFK
and MLK assassinations. The HSCA stirred up the muck of bad memories and
feelings about those two events, and the electrified public which had demanded
the Congressional investigations into the JFK and MLK murders was more than a
bit nonplussed about the HSCA whitewash of both events.
So what happened this past week with CNN? I explain it in this way: if the high
watermark for faith in the U.S. government during JFK's presidency is event A,
and the rapid decline in faith in government after January 1964 is event B, then
the MSM could not mention A, without mentioning B and WHY it occurred. Event B
(the loss in confidence in government) began immediately after the
assassination, clearly caused by the government's attempt to calm public opinion
with soothing lies after JFK was murdered. NBC, CBS, and ABC (most of the time,
but not all of the time) have all been participating in the same collective
"groupthink"---namely, that Oswald was the lone assassin who killed JFK and that
he did it all on his own---since December of 1963. The MSM would have us believe
that that JFK's assassination was the work of a lone malcontent, devoid of any
political significance. CNN has now joined the club. FOX news is...well, FOX
news; one week before air time, the network removed my interview clips
(containing explosive new material which the producer had promised me would be
used) from its 2003 documentary about the JFK assassination after network
officials objected to the content. The anchors and reporters employed by the
mainstream networks have obviously been instructed by managing editors and
company vice presidents that you do not mention the JFK assassination, unless it
is to (1) blame Lee Harvey Oswald for the event; and (2) disparage any contrary
views as the unstable thinking of "conspiracy theorists." (A corollary to this
pack mindset is that you don't mention JFK in a historical context unless it is
to disparage him or tear down his reputation---since doing so tends to make
people not care as much about his assassination.) Event A could not be reported
because it would have forced CNN to report event B. If CNN had reported event B,
it would have highlighted the fact that the American media had missed the story
of the century---had either been asleep at the switch, or muzzled by the
government---from December of 1963 throughout 1964. (And indeed, for the most
part, it has kept its head in the sand, like an ostrich, ever since the Warren
Report came out as well.) The American media is not fond of reporting on its own
failures. Doing so, in this case, would raise the ugly specter of why the
mainstream media continues to aggressively promote an editorial position on this
subject which is diametrically opposed to the opinions of over 75% of the
American people.
So in my view, CNN could not mention the truth---that the trust in government
was continuously going up (above Eisenhower's numbers) during JFK's presidency,
and that it fell precipitately after his assassination, because to do so would
attract attention to the positive aspects of JFK's presidency (certainly not in
vogue within either conservative or mainstream circles), and would also show, in
a way that ANYONE in the viewing audience could understand, that there was a
linkage between the corrosion of trust in the USG and JFK's assassination. The
continuous government and mainstream media assassination spin from December of
1963 through the summer of 1964, and the public conclusions of the Warren
Report---issued in September of 1964---were clearly the proximate cause of the
sharp decline in trust in government, which began in 1964. CNN (and no doubt
other networks reporting the same story) could not tell the whole truth about
the confidence polling because the whole truth would have contravened the wishes
of their corporate and intelligence community masters.
In 1975 reporter Carl Bernstein (in a "Rolling Stone" article) and the New York
Times (in a series of piggyback articles) both reported that the CIA had used
over 400 media "assets" (both abroad and domestically) to promote its spin on
world events to the publics of the world---in other words, for propaganda
purposes. Author John LeCarre (British master of spy novels and a former MI 6
agent himself) recently stated in an interview that in the 1960s, when his book
"The Spy Who Came in From the Cold" was about to be made into a film, he was
flown to America and questioned about his loyalty to the West by American
intelligence. (They were not happy that the theme of his book, at the height of
the Cold War, was "a plague on both your houses.") In his interview (on the
Criterion bonus DVD about that same film), LeCarre stated that most people would
be absolutely amazed if they knew how many people in the American intelligence
community were sitting around doing nothing but thinking about ways to influence
public opinion. (This is clearly against the CIA's charter, by the way---and
unlawful---since it is not supposed to participate in any domestic activities.)
If you think this activity has stopped just because of the Church Committee
Hearings in the mid-1970s, then I have a bridge to sell you in the Gobi desert.
There are things that we know and believe, and then there is the much smaller
universe of things that can be proved in a court of law. There is no doubt in my
mind that the MSM's blindness about the true facts of the Kennedy assassination
and the ensuing government cover-up (and its continued denigration of his
reputation) is self-willed, not inadvertent---and that the media's collective
groupthink about the Kennedy assassination (namely, blaming it on a lone nut in
spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary) is evidence that the CIA is
still playing the "Great Wurlitzer" of the media like an impresario. The CIA has
in the short term succeeded brilliantly, in that it has gotten the MSM to think
and speak in unison, tarring all JFK researchers as "conspiracy theorists" in an
effort make them a subject of ridicule, and thereby marginalize their work. When
it can, it orchestrates media blackouts of serious new research and new books
(such as mine, and Phil Nelson's), for fear that the general public would learn
about them and read them, even if they were to be trashed by a hostile reviewer.
In the long term the CIA/MSM propaganda war against JFK researchers is
counterproductive and has failed, because lying to the citizenry of a democracy
"to protect its institutions," in an attempt to bolster trust in the government,
only ends up destroying respect for those institutions, when the lies are
eventually revealed. And they are all (or most, anyway) eventually revealed,
since as Shakespeare noted, "The Truth Will Out."
Individual reporters dare not report about the overwhelming evidence of
conspiracy in the JFK assassination, or the ensuing government cover-up, if
their editors forbid them to file such stories, and if they know they will lose
their jobs if they attempt to do so. This has been going on since December of
1963; everyone in the MSM knows it; and most of them will not even try anymore
for fear of losing their jobs.
This is what we all face as the 50th anniversary approaches. When you are
bombarded by even more bullshit and government spin about the assassination of
the 35th President two years from now, do not be surprised. Learn to think
critically and independently; read as many books as you can; and make up your
own minds about what happened in America in November of 1963. If you do not,
there is a vast disinformation and propaganda machine out there that will be
happy to tell you what to believe on the 50th anniversary of JFK's murder.
The national security spinmasters, Obama's information CZAR Cass Sunstein, and
the corporate media would prefer that you spend all your time obsessed with game
shows, singing and dancing contests, so-called "reality shows" that are cheap to
produce (and are, in reality, garbage), and modern age gladiatorial contests in
large outdoor stadiums and indoor sports arenas. When you do focus on history
from time to time they want you to accept the vanilla, mainstream, and
simplistic interpretations of events ground out like sausage by mainstream
historians and the MSM. They want you to engage in Goodthink, and think
Goodthoughts. "But don't think too deeply, please." They don't want the American
people to think too much about deep politics or historical trends; when we do
focus on politics every two years or so, they want us to focus on "the
horserace" each election cycle, and not on substantive issues. They definitely
don't want us to focus on what has gone wrong in this country since the end of
World War II---after all, if we all really get mad as hell, we might demand
basic structural changes to our society and our system of government. These
controlling elements of our society prefer that we adopt a "father knows best"
mentality, and simply trust the national security elite to manage this nation's
international affairs and military policies. They depend upon their allies and
assets in the corporate mainstream media (whores, actually) to keep us
distracted with pablum, and to define for us, on a daily basis, the bounds of
what is "acceptable" for us to publicly discuss, and what is "not acceptable."
[This is the game Chris Matthews of MSNBC, and CNN and the other major networks
on television, are engaged in.] The loss of independence by the MSM and its
failure to ever seriously oppose the nation state with any really hard-hitting
investigative reporting on substantive issues (such as war and peace, and why
people get assassinated) should be of very serious concern to us all. Once an
independent media is lost, tyranny is only one step away. END
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Where Are the Large Format LIFE Magazine Transparencies of the Zapruder Film?

April 9th, 2011
SUMMARY: In April of 1997 I
personally located the large format LIFE magazine transparencies of individual
Zapruder film frames---the transparencies that had featured so prominently in
Josiah Thompson's 1967 book "Six Seconds in Dallas"---in the office of attorney
Jamie Silverberg, who at that time was representing the film's owners, the LMH
Company. At the time I was a Senior Analyst on the ARRB staff, and was
conducting an official ARRB examination of the LMH company's holdings. On
December 30, 1999 the LMH Company transferred both the copyright to the Zapruder
film, and reportedly, all of its film holdings, to the Sixth Floor Museum in
Dallas. (After obtaining a windfall profit of 16 million dollars, plus interest,
from the U.S. government---in just compensation for the taking of the film by
the Review Board---the LMH company had decided it was time to get rid of the
troublesome political albatross around its neck.) On January 26, 2000 the Dallas
Morning News published an article about the LMH Company's donation to the
Museum, which indicated all of the associated film items had been physically
transferred to the museum "nine days ago," and which further stated: "Gary Mack,
the Museum's Archivist, was all but whistling Tuesday as he examined what may be
the gem of the bunch---oversized transparencies of each Zapruder film frame
believed to have been made in 1963 or 1964." It seems reasonable to conclude
that this statement by the article's author can only have referred to the same
LIFE magazine transparencies which I had discovered in the office of Jamie
Silverberg on April 10, 1997. In November of 2010, in response to a question
about the whereabouts of the LIFE magazine transparencies made by a visiting
researcher, Megan Bryant---the Sixth Floor Museum's Director of Collections and
Intellectual Property---said that the Museum did NOT POSSESS the LIFE magazine
transparencies. When she was asked a follow-on question by the same person about
the January 2000 article in the Dallas Morning News, she stated that the article
had been in error. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? I present the details of this mystery
(1) I visited the Washington, D.C. offices of Jamie Silverberg, ESQ., on April
10, 1997 to examine the LMH company's Zapruder film holdings at the request of
my boss, Jeremy Gunn (who was General Counsel and head of the research staff for
the Assassination Records Review Board). Silverberg was wary of my visit, for he
no doubt suspected that the Review Board might engage in a legal taking of any
items we found worthy of preservation. (Indeed, the ARRB effectuated a formal
"taking" of the so-called "original" Zapruder film---on storage in the National
Archives---on April 24, 1997, just 14 days after my visit. To my regret at the
time---now my profound regret---the Review Board's taking did not include the
LIFE magazine transparencies.) The first time I showed up at his office a few
days previous to this---by appointment---I had been rebuffed by one of
Silverberg's secretaries; I was told he was too busy and that he would be unable
to meet with me, in spite of the fact that I was appearing at a specified time
set up by an appointment engineered with him by Jeremy Gunn. Jeremy registered
his displeasure over this rebuff, and Silverberg did indeed meet with me the
second time I appeared, on April 10, 1997. During the course of this long visit,
I made two significant discoveries. First, I discovered that the LMH Company
possessed the (at that time) missing first-generation copy of the Z film: the
third of three first-generation copies known to exist. Second, I discovered that
Silverberg possessed the famous LIFE magazine large format (4" x 5") color
positive transparencies, which Josiah Thompson had written about so extensively
in his book, "Six Seconds in Dallas." Not only were these transparencies crucial
for study of the behavior and reactions of the occupants of the limousine during
the assassination, but they were of historical interest because they were
clearly the source material used to generate the beautifully clear color picture
spreads of the Zapruder film in LIFE magazine in late 1963 (the Memorial Issue),
and in 1964 and 1966 editions, as well. Silverberg did not readily produce the
large format transparencies; as I now vividly recall, they were not on his typed
inventory list, and he produced them as the very last item he removed from his
safe, and did so only after repeated and persistent inquiries on my part. I
recall thinking that this was odd behavior. On April 11, 1997 I wrote a memo
detailing the items I discovered during the inspection the day before in his
office. That memo is now on file at the National Archives, and was also
published by Rollie Zavada in the Appendices to his report on the Zapruder film.
By this time I was accustomed to looking at 4 x 5 inch transparencies, because
the color positive transparencies of the JFK autopsy were also of this size. The
transparencies of the Zapruder film that I saw in Silverberg's office were of an
identical size. I do not recall whether they were Ektachrome or Kodachrome---I
believe I failed to make this determination at the time. But they were
definitely 4 x 5 inch color positive transparencies of a very high quality, and
they were made from frames of the Zapruder film. I still vividly recall looking
at the image content in many of the transparencies---and that image content was
consistent with the sketches in Josiah Thompson's book (i.e., I recall frames of
the limousine close to the Stemmons Freeway Sign). As I now recall, there were
scores of transparencies---too many for me to count, at the end of a long day
with an unfriendly attorney. (I now wish I had counted them, and had recorded
the type of film used.)
(2) On January 26, 2000 the Dallas Morning News published an article written by
Mark Wrolstad, titled: "Zapruders Donate JFK Film, Rights." I have a copy of
this article today. I attempted to access the article online today by going to
the link: dallasnews.com, but could not do so because the article is over ten
years old, and the online archives appear to go back only ten years, to calendar
year 2001.
I will therefore now quote verbatim from the passages in this article which are
germane to this journal entry:
The author explained that the Zapruder family had donated "...its last original
duplicate of the film and the copyright to its coveted images to the Sixth Floor
Items donated, the article explained, included "...the copy of the 26-second
film clip itself---as well as other film, frame-by-frame slides and stills."
The article continued: "Mr. Zapruder ordered three so-called first-generation
copies of the film when it was processed the day of the assassination. The two
he gave to the Secret Service...now rest at the [National] Archives. The third
copy, the only one still privately owned, became the Sixth Floor's property when
an agreement was signed December 30, capping four months of discussions."
"Mr. West [Sixth Floor Museum Executive Director] and an associate carried the
film in an archival box on a flight to Dallas nine days ago, along with other
"Part of the 1,900 item donation may be exhibited later this year, but the
material must first be cataloged."
"Gary Mack, the Museum's Archivist, was all but whistling Tuesday as he examined
what may be the gem of the bunch---oversized transparencies of each Zapruder
film frame believed to have been made in 1963 or 1964."
The reader of this journal entry will note that the article's author states as a
FACT that Gary Mack had examined the oversized transparencies made in 1963 or
1964. (Presumably, Mark Wrolstad witnessed this examination himself.) Wrolstad
then directly quoted Gary Mack, in direct reference to this examination: "These
may be in better condition than the original film is today," he said. "We may
have something that is better or sharper. Who knows?"
And with this significant quote, the article ended. The article makes it very
clear that in January of 2000, the Sixth Floor Museum possessed the large format
Zapruder film transparencies made by LIFE, and that Gary Mack had examined them.
I find it difficult to believe, and extremely unlikely, that the author, Mark
Wrolstad, made up this story out of whole cloth, or was mistaken about such an
important fact.
(3) In November of 2010, over ten years later, in response to a question posed
by a Museum visitor, the Sixth Floor Museum's Director of Collections and
Intellectual Property, Megan Bryant, claimed that the Sixth Floor Museum did not
possess the transparencies, and that the article in the Dallas Morning News had
been in error.
Something is terribly wrong here. If you want to know why the question posed by
this journal entry is so important to me, keep reading.
The ad hoc Hollywood Research Group (a label given to that ongoing, informal
research effort by me alone, not by its participants) that is studying a 35 mm
dupe negative of the extant (so-called "original") Z film (obtained from the
National Archives) has discovered startling visual anomalies---what I have
described in my book as a "black patch" seen in several frames on the back of
JFK's head---that strongly imply that the images in the film have been severely
(and crudely) altered. [See chapter 14 in Volume IV of "Inside the Assassination
Records Review Board," pages 1352-1363.] Since the publication of my book, some
in the JFK research community have stated that they see no such anomalies in
other versions of the Zapruder film, or in other still images of the Zapruder
film. The unseemly insinuations of many of these critics and skeptics are that
the Hollywood Research Group may have manipulated or altered its own evidence,
in an attempt to prove there was a government coverup of the true facts involved
in the assassination (namely, that JFK had a large exit wound in the rear of his
head caused by a shot from the front). Unfortunately, many of the critics of my
book's reportage fail to understand that the 6K digital scans of the dupe
negative frames are "flat" or neutral scans, and have not been manipulated to
make them more pleasing to the human eye---and that they therefore reveal much
more information than, for example, Z film images from a multi-generational
bootleg copy of the Z film that suffers from contrast buildup, or than some
manipulated video version of the Z film shown on television, or presented on a
The best way for interested Americans to resolve this issue for themselves is to
ask to see the LIFE magazine large format transparencies, and to compare what
they show to the image of frame 317 (from the 35 mm dupe negative) published in
volume I of my book. Frames 313, 321 and 323 of the dupe negative also show a
large black patch extraordinarily well. Once the LIFE magazine large format
color positive transparencies are located, the frames that should be studied
most closely are 313, 317, 321, and 323. The "black patch" should appear in each
of these first-generation transparencies, if LIFE did not unduly manipulate the
contrast when they were created. (Remember, if these transparencies are suddenly
produced, to check their provenance: they should exist on film stock made no
later than 1963.)
Perhaps Megan Bryant made a mistake when she claimed that the Sixth Floor Museum
does not possess these materials. Who knows? I prefer to place my trust, for the
time being, in the unbiased Dallas Morning News reporter who wrote his article
in January of 2000.
I will never be traveling to Dallas again---it's too upsetting for me to go
there, and in any case, I can't afford the trip. But those of you who wish to
take on this issue could ask the Sixth Floor Museum, in writing (hint: use the
Museum's website), whether it possesses large format transparencies of the
Zapruder film made in 1963 or 1964, approximately 4 x 5 inches in size (and
unmounted when I saw them in 1997).
If the Museum still claims that it does not possess them, researchers who visit
the Museum might ask to review both the Deed of Gift signed between the LMH
Company and the Museum on December 30, 1999; and much more importantly, the full
inventory or catalog made in 2000 of the items received. That inventory would
have been made 11 years ago, before there was any controversy associated with
what those images might reveal.
I will sum up this entry by simply repeating the question posed at the beginning
of this journal entry: "Where are the large format color positive transparencies
of the Zapruder film made by LIFE magazine in 1963 or 1964?" The LMH Company,
presumably, had no motivation to hold onto them when it transferred the film's
copyright, and all of its film elements, to the Sixth Floor Museum on December
30, 1999. The evidence contained in the Dallas Morning News article---the best
evidence I have at this writing---indicates that the Museum DID IN FACT receive
these transparencies from the LMH Company. All members of the JFK research
community deserve an honest, and accurate answer to this question. END
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March 30th, 2011
SUMMARY: On September 12, 2009 I
submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, about the famous Zapruder
film of JFK's assassination, to the CIA. This FOIA request of mine was an
attempt to determine whether any documents still existed today which might
verify that the Agency had ordered, and sponsored, the alteration of the film's
visual imagery; and had studied---and subsequently suppressed---its original,
authentic image content. I wanted to know whether such documents still existed,
and if so, to compel their release.
I wrote extensively about the Zapruder film in volume IV of my book, "Inside the
Assassination Records Review Board," in chapter 14. On pages 1363-1377 of that
chapter, I wrote about the process which led to the generation of my FOIA
letter, and reproduced copies of the FOIA request, and of letters of concern
about that FOIA request that I wrote to President Obama, CIA Director Leon
Panetta, and Senator Jim Webb.
I'm sad to have to report here that on February 7, 2011---15 months after the
submission of my FOIA---the CIA signed out what it calls a "final response" to
my FOIA, which embodies all of the arrogance and official stonewalling for which
that Agency has been well-known since its creation in 1947. This letter was
intentionally non-responsive, and constitutes an insult to my intelligence, to
the intelligence of all members of the JFK research community, and to the
honorable intentions which motivated my request.
The CIA sent me 19 documents which had all previously been released, and most of
them pertain to the Rockefeller Commission Zapruder film documents from the
mid-1970s, which I specifically told the CIA (in my FOIA request of September
2009) I was NOT SEEKING. The remainder of these previously opened records
pertain either to the Warren Commission's interest in the Zapruder film, or to
my own work when a member of the ARRB staff. Nothing in these 19 open records
was new to me, and in fact some of the documents are so poorly written, and so
imprecisely worded, that they were likely conscious attempts at obfuscation when
they were written back in the mid-1970s.
But the real insult was contained in the following two sentences from the CIA's
"final response" of February 7, 2011:
"We also located records originated by other government agencies, but only the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) or the specific agency has
the authority to release those records. Additional material on this subject has
been transferred to NARA in compliance with this Act [the JFK Records Act] and
to obtain this material you should submit your request directly to them...".
In other words, if I may translate from bureaucratic language to plain English,
the CIA was telling me: "We found other records responsive to your request, but
we are NOT going to tell you how many records; who originated them; when they
were created; the subject matter of each of these records; or how many pages
constitute each of these records. Furthermore, we are not even going to give you
the redacted (i.e., blacked-out or censored) copies of these records."
This constitutes a new low in the annals of CIA responses to JFK information
requests. In the past, as JFK researchers well know, at least the blacked-out
(i.e., redacted) copies of records were provided in response to FOIA requests.
This time, I am told that other records were found, but I was not even given the
blacked-out copies of these partially withheld records! Furthermore, punting the
political football to another Agency---to NARA, in this case---is the
bureaucratic equivalent of giving someone the middle finger.
The story recounted above explains all too clearly why the media in the United
States has given up on FOIA, and long ago was forced to resort to leakers to
obtain information about what is going on inside our own government. The FOIA
process, originally designed by the Congress to provide Americans with accurate
information about the workings of their own government, contains so many
loopholes and exclusions---most of them added at the insistence of the
intelligence community---that it is ironically now used as a means to withhold
information from U.S. citizens, while at the same time giving the outward
appearance of compliance with the FOIA law. The FOIA law is now a travesty---a
joke. In fact, this was recognized by Congress back in 1992, and is the very
reason why the JFK Records Act was passed in October of that year---because FOIA
was not working.
I. On September 12, 2009 I mailed my FOIA request to the CIA. It requested
records pertaining to the following subjects: (1) handling and analysis of the
Zapruder film at the CIA's NPIC during the weekend immediately following the
assassination of JFK [reason: as revealed on pages 1220-1239 of my book, two
distinct events revolving around the Zapruder film, both compartmentalized
operations, occurred at the National Photographic Interpretation Center on
November 23-24, 1963]; (2) a listing of any and all motion picture processing
equipment installed at the CIA's secret photo lab at Kodak headquarters in
Rochester, N.Y. ("Hawkeyeworks"), as well as any and all records of the Zapruder
film's handling or processing at that Kodak facility; (3) any and all records
pertaining to the briefing of CIA Director John McCone by the NPIC Director
(Arthur Lundahl) on Sunday, November 24, 1963; and (4) a brief excerpt
(approximately one page) from the official history of NPIC (written by Dino
Brugioni) which purportedly pertained to some of the handling of the Zapruder
film at NPIC on November 23-24, 1963.
II. On January 27, 2010 the CIA responded to my FOIA and indicated its intention
to search only for records originated by the CIA. This letter also stated that
"The CIA Information Act...exempts CIA operational files from the search,
review, publication, and disclosure requirements of the FOIA." The implications
of this statement---that my FOIA was a waste of time---were chilling, and
III. On February 1, 2010 I responded that I objected to the CIA searching only
for CIA-originated records (i.e., only for records originated by U.S. government
employees of the CIA). I pointed out that the secret photo lab run for the CIA
in Rochester, N.Y. had been staffed by Kodak contractor employees, and I
therefore requested that the CIA also search for contractor-initiated records in
response to my FOIA.
IV. On March 4, 2010 the CIA agreed to my request to search for
contractor-initiated records as well as records generated by the CIA, saying "We
have notified the appropriate component of your request and will search for all
records regardless of origin."
V. On February 7, 2011 the CIA signed out what it called its "final response,"
as discussed above in this journal entry.
What was formerly known as the National Photographic Interpretation Center
(NPIC) is no longer a part of the CIA---it is now a part of another agency.
Therefore, the unidentified records from "other government agencies" which the
CIA has deposited with NARA, in response to my FOIA, may very well be some of
the NPIC records I was seeking. Presumably, all records related to the NPIC may
now fall under the aegis of the governmental entity under which that former
facility is now included.
Someone younger than I, with more energy than I now possess, and perhaps imbued
with less cynicism and more optimism than I am at this stage in my life, should
approach NARA formally, in writing, and ask for a listing of all records
deposited with the JFK Records Collection by the CIA during the years 2010 and
2011, in response to Doug Horne's 2009 FOIA about the Zapruder film. Such a
request should ask for each document to be identified by: (1) its originator;
(2) the date it was created; (3) to whom it was sent; (4) a page count; and (5)
the subject matter of the document.
Surely some energetic researcher or journalist has the patience to undertake
this quest with NARA. My understanding of the JFK Records Act is that any person
making such a request is entitled to receive from NARA both a Record
Identification Form (RIF) for each of these recent Zapruder film records
deposited by the CIA, as well as a redacted copy of said record, releasing those
portions which are not subject to third party equities (i.e., declassification).
I have retired from active participation in JFK assassination research, but
someone who is still "in the arena" will be doing all of us in the community a
favor if they will pursue such a request with those who manage NARA's JFK
Records Collection. Diligence and patience will be required. NARA may not even
create RIFs until or unless such a request is received; and pressure from the
research community will no doubt speed up NARA's declassification efforts. END
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RETHINKING the Question: "Why Was the First Draft of JFK's Autopsy Report

June 13th, 2010
In Volume III of my book "Inside
the Assassination Records Review Board," in Chapter 11, I wrote in the text on
page 866, and summarized in a data table on page 872, that the proximate cause,
or stimulus, for why the unsigned, draft version of the JFK autopsy report
(reviewed on Saturday, 11/23/63 at Bethesda Naval Hospital by CDR Humes, CDR
Boswell, and CAPT Canada) was abandoned, and subsequently destroyed by Humes in
his fireplace on Sunday, 11/24/63, was the fact that James Tague's wounding on
Main Street in Dealey Plaza (as a result of the ricochet of a bullet off of the
Main Street curb) was evidence of a missed shot. BACKGROUND FOLLOWS: The three
shot scenario---the conclusion that there was only one assassin, and that he was
above and behind the limousine, and that he fired only three shots---was adopted
by the Dallas police department and the U.S. government on Friday afternoon;
Richard Lipsey, the Aide to General Wehle (Commandant of the Military District
of Washington), recounted to the HSCA staff with great certainty that he heard
the pathologists discussing a three-hit scenario---that is, three hits on JFK
without any discussion of what had happened to Connally---in the autopsy morgue;
and yet the version of the autopsy report entered into evidence by the Warren
Commission (CE 387) concluded that there were only two hits on President
Kennedy. Clearly, at least one change to the autopsy conclusions had taken place
between the time Lipsey heard the pathologists discuss three hits on JFK, and
the time CE 387 was entered into evidence during the testimony of James J. Humes
before Arlen Specter in March of 1964.
At the time I drafted this chapter it seemed obvious to me that public knowledge
of James Tague's wounding, and therefore of a missed shot which had struck the
curb on Main Street, had forced Humes, et. al. to abandon the 3-shot, 3-hit
scenario arrived at inside the Bethesda morgue in front of Richard Lipsey late
Friday evening (after the FBI agents had departed at 11:00 PM).
It is now apparent, as a result of an astute question asked of me by a friend,
that the James Tague wounding could NOT have been the proximate cause, or
stimulus, for junking the first draft of the JFK autopsy report. WHY? Because as
James Tague clearly stated in his own book, published in 2003, there was no
widely available public mention of his wounding until newspaper journalist Jim
Lehrer published the results of his interview with Tague in the Dallas
Times-Herald on June 5, 1964. This was followed by an FBI interview and
subsequent Warren Commission testimony. While it is true that Deputy Sheriff
Buddy Walthers spoke to Tague about the wounding on the very afternoon of the
assassination, and photographer Tom Dillard photographed the curb strike (and
Tague himself) the afternoon of the assassination, there is no evidence that
this information was publicly available on November 23rd, or that it was known
within the confines of Bethesda Naval Hospital by Humes, Boswell, or Canada.
The error is mine and I am solely responsible for it.
CAUSED BY A FRAGMENT FROM THE HEAD SHOT). [It is this version of the 2-hit
scenario that apparently disappeared while in the custody of Robert F. Kennedy
between April of 1965 and October of 1966.]
So if James Tague's wounding was not the stimulus that caused Humes to rewrite
the autopsy report Saturday night and then burn the first draft in his fireplace
Sunday morning, what was?
Actually, the answer is remarkably simple. The official conclusions of both the
Secret Service and the FBI, although not yet published, had clearly already been
reached late Friday night (after the two FBI agents left the morgue, having
heard a 2-hit conclusion arrived at by Humes), namely: THAT PRESIDENT KENNEDY
conclusions of both the Secret Service and the FBI were that 3 shots were fired
by the assassin; the first and third shots hit President Kennedy; and the second
shot hit Governor Connally. [And what is truly remarkable, in hindsight, is that
in spite of the public's eventual knowledge, in the summer of 1964, of the
missed shot that wounded James Tague, and the recognition of a missed shot by
the Warren Commission in its late September 1964 report, neither the FBI nor the
Secret Service ever changed their official positions that two shots hit JFK from
behind, and one shot hit Connally from behind. Neither the Secret Service nor
the FBI have ever publicly acknowledged a missed shot, even though the evidence
for it is quite strong.] In summary, it was clearly the simple fact that
Connally had been seriously wounded (and indeed, had almost died), that caused
Navy officials to abandon the 3-hit scenario on JFK that the pathologists had
inconveniently arrived at about 11:30 PM Friday night at Bethesda, in response
to Humes' phone call with Dr. Perry shortly after 11:00 PM.
Before the FBI agents (Sibert and O'Neill) left the Bethesda morgue at 11:00 PM
on November 22, 1963, they heard Dr. Humes soberly intone his conclusion that
the pattern was clear, and that two shots and only two shots had struck JFK, and
that both of his wounds (a high shoulder wound and a head shot) had been
inflicted from behind. This information led to the conclusions of the Secret
Service and the FBI reported above. But Humes then spoke to Dr. Perry in Dallas
shortly after the FBI agents left the Bethesda morgue, and was confronted with
the fact that the Dallas treating physicians had noted a bullet wound in JFK's
throat. This fact caused the prosectors to change a 2-hit conclusion to a 3-hit
conclusion, as witnessed by Richard Lipsey, and recounted to the HSCA staff,
both orally and in a very precise diagram, in 1978. Lipsey obviously witnessed
the revised conclusions reached AFTER the FBI agents left the
morgue---conclusions reached based upon the new information from Dallas that
President Kennedy had a bullet wound in the anterior neck. It is surely this
late-Friday night conclusion that JFK was hit 3 times, that went into the first
draft reviewed on Saturday, November 23, 1963 at Bethesda.
Obviously, after reviewing the first draft on Saturday, someone in authority
over Humes at Bethesda---either CAPT Canada, or CAPT Stover, or RADM
Galloway---said "Wait a minute! Connally was wounded too, wasn't he?" And
because the U.S. government was already imprisoned in its evidentiary
straightjacket of "one assassin, three shots," this necessitated that the number
of hits on JFK was reduced back down to the two hits originally postulated by
Humes in front of FBI agents Sibert and O'Neill, so that the third bullet could
account for Connally's wounds. It is my belief that the next version of the
autopsy report, the first signed version (which later went missing), explained
the throat wound seen in Dallas as having been caused by a fragment from the
head shot. (The remarks of Warren Commission Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin,
recorded in a then-Top Secret transcript of conversation by a court reporter at
an Executive Session hearing in January, is the evidence for this conclusion.)
In short order---probably within a day or two after the first signed version was
executed on Sunday, November 24th---the Zapruder film had revealed to anyone who
looked at it that the throat wound could not have been caused by a fragment from
the head shot, since the film showed JFK reacting with distress to a throat
wound PRIOR TO the head shot. The Zapruder film was therefore clearly the cause
for the abandonment of the FIRST SIGNED VERSION of the autopsy report, and its
replacement with the SECOND SIGNED VERSION, no later than December 11th, 1963.
But the Zapruder film had not yet been seen by those who abandoned the 3-hit
scenario on Saturday afternoon, and replaced it with a 2-hit scenario that
postulated the throat wound was caused by a fragment from the head shot.
Summing up here, it is still evident to me that the autopsy prosectors changed a
2-hit conclusion re: JFK to a 3-hit conclusion late Friday night (11/22/63), and
then abandoned the 3-hits on JFK in favor of a modified 2-hit conclusion late on
Saturday (11/23/63). The cause for this change was almost certainly NOT the
knowledge that James Tague had been wounded, however; the cause was the simple
necessity to account for Governor Connally's wounds.
To those who wish to more completely understand this change in thinking on my
part, and the evolution of the autopsy report's conclusions during the hours and
days following President Kennedy's assassination, I refer you to Chapter 11 of
my book. END
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May 29th, 2010
My long chapter on the history of
the Zapruder film, and the evidence for its apparent alteration (in order to
hide the fact that President Kennedy was killed by multiple shooters in a
crossfire, as he was driven into an expertly arranged ambush on Elm Street, on
November 22, 1963), is Chapter 14 of my five-volume book, "Inside the
Assassination Records Review Board," and appears in Volume IV of that work,
which can be purchased at Amazon.com (keywords "Horne JFK").
In Chapter 14 I take to task many of the conclusions reached by retired Kodak
employee Roland J. ("Rollie") Zavada, who was rehired as a consultant by Kodak
to perform pro bono work for the ARRB during 1997 and 1998. That work included a
limited authenticity study, of which I am quite critical in my Chapter 14.
I just received from Rollie himself a 33-page rebuttal to my Zapruder film
chapter, in which he takes exception to many of my criticisms, arguments, and
assertions. In his cover letter, dated May 26, 2010, Rollie states that he has
mailed copies of his 33-page report to many of those mentioned in Chapter 14,
which surely must include Josiah Thompson, David Wrone, and Gary Mack. With the
sure knowledge that his rebuttal will soon appear on the internet in various
venues, I hereby offer my own comments on his paper.
Rollie's need to defend himself is not an unexpected development, and came as no
surprise. What does surprise me is that it is so weakly argued, and incomplete.
Much of his paper consists of hairsplitting, in a feeble attempt to defend the
flawed methodology he employed in the report he delivered at the eleventh hour
to the ARRB in late September of 1998.
Most of it appears to be a grandfatherly scolding, in which Rollie says,
essentially---I am paraphrasing here---"You must trust me, I know more than you,
and the technology did not exist to successfully alter the Zapruder film without
detection, and create an undetectable forgery or facsimile of it or any other 8
mm films in 1963; and even if the film was altered, it would have required a lot
of equipment and a lot of personnel."
Experienced film editor David Healy presented a stimulating and convincing
lecture at Duluth in 2003 proving that the technology did exist in 1963 to alter
8 mm motion picture films by removing frames, and altering image content; and
Professor Raymond Fielding, who discussed in depth the commonly used Hollywood
techniques of traveling mattes and aerial imaging in his seminal 1965 film
textbook on special visual effects in cinematography, have both provided
evidence that the Zapruder film could have been altered in 1963 using existing
technology. The only question remains, would such alteration have been
undetectable, or would the alteration have left detectable artifacts? This
question will be addressed in detail below, near the end of this essay.
In his rebuttal, Rollie presents a list of equipment that he believes would have
been essential to alter the Zapruder film at the Hawkeyeworks facility in
Rochester, N.Y.---and then implies that no such equipment was present at the
facility because of his belief that its sole purpose was in support of the
"Corona" spy satellite program. But this is disingenuous. My September FOIA
request filed with the CIA, asking for a list of equipment installed at
Hawkeyeworks in November of 1963, is as yet unanswered. The CIA has already told
me, in writing, that it refuses to search for the information I requested in
"operational records," and is currently apparently stonewalling, trying to give
the appearance of cooperation, while in effect doing nothing to answer my
Rollie's claim that Hawkeyeworks at Rochester was supporting the "Corona"
satellite surveillance program is a truthful one, but I suspect that it is only
part of the story. I do not believe that "Corona" activity was the only activity
supported by that highly classified joint CIA-Kodak film lab in Rochester. Why
do I say this? Because Dino Brugioni, the former Chief Information Officer at
NPIC in Washington, D.C. (a co-founder of NPIC, and the right-hand man of its
first Director, Arthur Lundahl), told researcher Peter Janney in 2009 that at
Hawkeyeworks, "they could do ANYTHING" with motion pictures. Dino should have
known---for he had visited the place personally on more than one occasion, and
knew the CIA official who ran the place. There is nothing Rollie Zavada can say
that can refute Dino Brugioni's personal and professional knowledge of what
Hawkeyeworks was capable of, for as Rollie said to me in his 33-page rebuttal:
"I was not aware of any government activities conducted at the Hawkeye Plant
during the time of my Zapruder film study or prior." Well then---Dino Brugioni
visited the facility, and Rollie clearly didn't, so whatever Dino Brugioni was
personally aware of trumps any later speculation of Rollie Zavada's that the
facility was solely dedicated to "Corona." Rollie also wrote the following to
me: "In recent discussions with principles [sic] in the Corona Project, none are
aware of a motion picture film entering the lab; further, it was reported to me
that the Corona Project lab had no motion picture or color film processing
capability." This is nothing but an attempt by a Kodak surrogate to issue a
statement that sounds like a denial---but which really denies nothing. All
Rollie has said here is that (based solely on his discourse with the limited
number of persons he spoke to about "Corona") the Zapruder film did not enter
the "Corona" lab---he does NOT say it did not enter the Hawkeyeworks facility.
Remember, Secret Service agent "Bill Smith," who delivered a 16 mm wide unslit
double-8 mm format Zapruder film to Homer McMahon at NPIC on Sunday night,
November 24th, told McMahon that it had been DEVELOPED AT HAWKEYEWORKS IN
HAWKEYEWORKS. Rollie's attempt to define Hawkeyeworks as solely a "Corona"
facility is nothing, in my view, but a modified, limited hangout, to use the
expressive language of the Watergate era. It is exactly what I would expect the
CIA (or Kodak, the prime contractor which ran the facility for the Agency) to
say, in an attempt to confuse readers and fuzz-up the issues here.
In an attempt to fuzz-up the Hawkeyeworks issue by identifying that classified
lab solely with the "Corona" project, Rollie speculated in his report that
"Corona" may have been the codeword that the CIA demanded the ARRB delete from
its interview reports with NPIC officials, and from the interview audiotape
released to the public. I will state unequivocally now that "Corona" was NOT,
repeat NOT, the code word that the CIA wanted expunged from our public records
of the interviews we conducted with NPIC employees. The word they wanted
expunged was "Hawkeyeworks," NOT "CORONA." At the time of our interviews of NPIC
employees in 1997, "Corona" was no longer a classified code-word, and in fact an
exhibit was already on display at the Air and Space Museum which told the public
all about "Corona," by name, and in great detail. This is a pretty lame attempt
by Rollie to confuse the issue of the full range of activities that Hawkeyeworks
was capable of tackling, and it won't fly.
Sadly, Rollie Zavada expects us to believe that neither Dino Brugioni (the
NPIC's Chief of Information), nor Homer McMahon (the Head of NPIC's Color Lab),
was capable of distinguishing the difference between an original 8 mm film, and
a copy. He suggests that both Brugioni (who said he handled a slit, 8 mm
original Zapruder film on Saturday night, Nov. 23rd), and McMahon (who had
delivered to him an unslit, 16 mm wide double 8 film on Sunday night, Nov. 24th,
and was told it was an original) were mistaken---and that instead of handling
originals, they handled first generation copies. No doubt this dismissive
opinion of Zavada's will make Josiah Thompson, David Wrone, and Gary Mack happy,
but it is not a persuasive way of addressing the serious import of the NPIC
evidence of the film's interrupted chain-of-custody, and of its likely
alteration. (If this sounds too much like "inside baseball" to the uninformed
reader, I will simply say you must read Chapter 14 of my book, and then Rollie's
rebuttal, if you wish to make sense of this journal entry. There is no way
around this.) Besides, if Rollie's explanation is correct, then why were two
different teams of NPIC officials assembled on two successive nights, to make
two entirely different sets of briefing boards, showing what the Zapruder film
depicted, and then forbidden to talk about it to anyone? Rollie doesn't address
this, because there is no benign answer to this question. The real answer is
that the two sets of briefing boards prepared on two successive nights at NPIC
were the products of two compartmentalized operations, because briefing boards
were being made from two different versions of the Zapruder film: the unaltered
original on Saturday night, and the altered (sanitized) film on Sunday night.
THE MOST IMPORTANT STATEMENT in Rollie's paper is this: "The medium is the
message." Rollie contends throughout his paper that the Zapruder film could not
have been altered using 1963 technology without creating detectable artifacts of
forgery. He even quotes Professor Raymond Fielding as saying: "...In my judgment
there is no way in which manipulation of these images could have been achieved
satisfactorily in 1963 with the technology then available; if such an attempt at
image manipulation of the footage had occurred in 1963 the results could not
possibly have survived professional scrutiny...".
I couldn't agree more. And there IS EVIDENCE of film alteration in the image
content of the extant Zapruder film, as I discussed in some detail in the
Epilogue to Chapter 14, titled "The Zapruder Film Goes to Hollywood." The best
images we have today of the film have NOT WITHSTOOD PROFESSIONAL SCRUTINY. I
even published a black and white image of the most egregious example of this
alteration (frame 317) in Volume I of my book. This, I believe, is why Rollie
Zavada did NOT discuss the most important section of my chapter---namely, the
fact that numerous Hollywood motion picture film experts have developed a strong
consensus that the Zapruder film exhibits artifacts which are not like anything
they have seen exposed inside a camera when shooting the natural world, and that
the film is an altered film. He didn't discuss this important new development in
Zapruder film research because he could not refute it. So he just pretended it
did not exist. But the problem does exist, and members of the public can see
this for themselves by asking for access to the large format (4 X 5 inch) MPI
transparencies (made in 1997 from the original film), and the large format (4 X
5 inch) LIFE magazine transparencies (made in 1963 by LIFE) that are held by the
Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas. If you go to the Sixth Floor Museum's website, you
can complete a form electronically and request to see these transparencies
during a personal visit; all that is required is the money to make a trip to
Dallas. (See the frame numbers cited below.)
At this point in time---these are the updated figures reflecting the current
state of play---over 30 experts in the motion picture industry in Hollywood have
examined the 35 mm dupe negative of the extant Zapruder film being studied by
the informal, ad hoc "Hollywood research group," and all of them have expressed
serious disquiet about the blacked-out areas on the back of JFK's
head---specifically in frames 313, 317, 321, 323, and 329---stating that they
have never seen apparent artifacts like these filmed in nature, and that they
strongly suggest artificiality, or tampering. Six of these people have flatly
stated that the film has been altered, and that the blacked-out areas on the
back of JFK's head are all the proof they need. Those who have viewed the film
in Hollywood are either editors, restoration experts, or colorists. Even the
somewhat degraded black and white images of frame 317 that I published in Volume
I of my book are pretty damning; the jet-black trapezoid with the remarkably
straight edges on the back of JFK's head in frame 317 just happens to be located
exactly where the medical staff at Parkland hospital says there was an exit
wound---evidence of a shot from the front. (In my view, it was a crude and
blatant attempt to hide the true exit wound---from a frontal shot, not from a
shot fired from behind, in the Book Depository---from the public.) When the high
definition digital scans of the 35 mm dupe negative are seen on an HD color
monitor---and not in a degraded black and white illustration printed on
non-glossy paper---they are truly stunning. Eventually, they will be publicly
released, but the timing and venue for that release is under the control of the
Hollywood research group, and their research is continuing at the present time.
Meanwhile, as I stated above, the public can request in-person viewings of the
large format transparencies---made directly from the extant film---on the Sixth
Floor Museum's website.
Let us also not forget that the late Dr. Roderick Ryan, a former Kodak employee
who was Los Angeles/Hollywood based for much of his career, told author Noel
Twyman during the 1990s that the large head wound seen in frames 335 and 337 on
JFK's skull was, in his opinion, a painting, i.e., artwork. (No such wound was
seen at Parkland hospital, either.) Now, Dr. Ryan worked for Kodak also---which
is just one more reminder that experts disagree, and that we need not trust what
Rollie Zavada says just because he was a Kodak employee. My basic point about
Rollie Zavada in Chapter 14 remains unchanged: he never worked in the Hollywood
motion picture visual effects industry, and therefore is not qualified to state
definitively that the Zapruder film could not have been convincingly altered.
His current position is that it could not have been altered without leaving
evidence of alteration---artifacts---that would have given the game away. And
yet this is precisely what today's pre-eminent Hollywood film restoration
experts and colorists and editors see when they examine the 35 mm dupe negative
of the Zapruder film: ARTIFACTS THAT INDICATE ALTERATION. In my opinion, this is
why the Zapruder film was purchased lock, stock, and barrel by LIFE magazine in
1963, and then suppressed as a motion picture for 12 years. (LIFE showed the
extant film---portrayed as the original---to the Warren Commission on one
occasion in February of 1964, and the Commission staffers saw it on a shaky,
flexible movie screen without the benefit of the frame by frame, high resolution
examination made possible by today's digital scanning technology. LIFE never
once licensed it commercially for use as a motion picture, and only published
selected frames when it was deemed desirable.) The versions seen today in most
documentaries are dark versions that come from less-than-desirable substandard
"bootleg" film elements. The MPI video sold in 1998 suffers from aspect ratio
problems, and the images of the back of the head are unusually dark since MPI
altered the contrast of the images it marketed. But the large-format MPI
transparencies at the Sixth Floor Museum, when viewed in person, clearly reveal
the artifacts that I discuss here.
I believe in the primacy of empirical evidence. The best empirical evidence
available today---the 35 mm dupe negative being studied in Hollywood, the MPI
large format transparencies owned by the Sixth Floor Museum, and the extant film
itself (in cold storage at the National Archives II facility in College Park,
Maryland)---bears evidence that the film was indeed altered. The medium is
INDEED the message---but Rollie Zavada does not want to discuss the evidence of
alteration (artifacts) that exist in the extant film today. Instead, he wants us
to trust him when he says that the Zapruder film was not altered, without
discussing the blatant evidence we now have that it WAS altered.
The small comfort that people like Josiah Thompson, David Wrone, Gary Mack, and
John McAdams will derive from Rollie Zavada's rebuttal of Chapter 14 of my book
will be short-lived, and their crowing will only persuade the limited audience
which has not read my book, and those who have not yet seen the evidence of
alteration in high definition: frames 313, 317, 321, 323, and 329.
The medium IS the message, and the day will soon come when frame 317 of the
Zapruder film will be a major icon of American history, representative of the
deceit, lies, and falsehoods sold to us for almost 50 years now about one of the
most shameful events in American history. END
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May 29th, 2010
I said in the front matter of my
book that all authors who write about the JFK assassination inevitably make
mistakes, and that I would be no exception.
I was right.
In Volume V of my book, in Chapter 16, on page 1468, I stated that former Navy
Secretary Fred Korth had committed suicide following his resignation, in the
wake of the TFX fighter-bomber procurement scandal.
This was an inadvertent error. It is reportedly Fred Korth's daughter who
committed suicide, not he. "Wikipedia" states that Fred Korth died in 1998, and
one of my readers has informed a friend of mine that Mr. Korth died of natural
causes. [The "Wikipedia" article does not mention the cause of death.]
While any error is regrettable to an author, fortunately this one was not a
major gaffe, and does not impact in any way the central themes of my book. Nor
does it alter the reasons for Fred Korth's resignation as Secretary of the Navy
in October of 1963; this former Texas banker was adversely affected by the TFX
fighter plane procurement process, in which favoritism appeared to have been
shown to the Fort Worth-based defense contractor General Dynamics, and he was
part of the taint of scandal surrounding Lyndon Johnson during his Vice
Presidency. As President, LBJ shut down all public investigation into the TFX
contract award. END
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A Matter of Epistemology

April 17th, 2010
There is a "right way" and a
"wrong way" to read "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board," the
five-volume book I have authored, documenting my personal journey while on the
staff of the ARRB, and my subsequent conclusions about the nature of the medical
coverup of President Kennedy's assassination.
It has recently become apparent to me that some recent readers and reviewers are
approaching the book, and my treatment of the evidence, in the wrong spirit and
without understanding how I myself approached the evidence, and reached my
conclusions. One disgruntled reader has attempted to summarily dismiss much of
what is in my book, calling me a "Liftonite;" and a recent reviewer has viewed
with dismay the fact that my book is a reinterpretation of David Lifton's
seminal 1981 work, "Best Evidence," and has called my conclusions that President
Kennedy's wounds were indeed altered (just as Lifton postulated in
1981)---severely tampered with by illicit post-mortem surgery, prior to the
commencement of the autopsy at Bethesda Naval hospital---"extreme." Both of
these approaches are seriously flawed, epistemologically.
Let me first address the charge that I am a "Liftonite." This implies that the
hypothesis that President Kennedy's wounds were tampered with following his
death (to alter the crime scene, and thereby the official view of what happened,
and how) is some kind of cult belief or religion; implies that David Lifton is
the leader of this cult or religion; and furthermore, implies that I am blindly
following the tenets of this (presumably) incorrect or flawed "belief system,"
and that therefore my views have no real validity, and that I have offered
nothing new in my recent book. All of this is wrong, in a number of ways, and
demonstrably so.
First of all, David Lifton is not the leader of a cult or religion. He is a
remarkably intelligent guy who formulated a paradigm shift of how we should
examine the deeply conflicted medical evidence pertaining to the assassination
of President Kennedy. His 1981 book really shook things up; change disturbs; and
it sometimes takes a generation---or several generations---before new ideas are
accepted as the "new orthodoxy." Martin Luther once called Nicholas Copernicus
(the Polish monk who challenged the Ptolemaic model of an earth-centered solar
system) a "fool"---and the work of Copernicus was argued about heatedly for many
decades---but in the end, Martin Luther and the Catholic church were both proven
wrong, and Copernicus and Galileo were proven right. (Second---and on a personal
note---I am an agnostic, and do not subscribe to any religion, formal or
otherwise.) Third, I consider myself an "empiricist"---meaning that I am
impressed by evidence, and my conclusions follow where the evidence leads me,
even if the evidence leads me to conclusions that are politically unpalatable,
or intellectually disturbing. David Lifton proposed in 1981 that JFK's
wounds---both the throat wound, and the cranial wounds---had been altered prior
to the commencement of the autopsy more than six and one half hours after his
death; the interviews and depositions taken by the ARRB staff confirmed in my
mind that this really did take place; therefore, I have stated so (and why) in
my book. (I have also disagreed with David Lifton on the "where" and "when" of
the post-mortem cranial surgery---more on this disagreement below.) While my
book provides a confirmation of the basic thesis in "Best Evidence," using
evidence unavailable when David Lifton published his book in 1981, it is
unscientific to call me a "Liftonite." It would have been much more accurate to
say, "Horne concludes in his book that Lifton's basic hypothesis---namely, that
President Kennedy's wounds were altered prior to the Naval autopsy at Bethesda
Naval hospital---was correct, and he cites a mass of evidence gathered during
the tenure of the ARRB to support his conclusions." Today, do we call those who
believe that the earth revolves around the sun "Keplerites" or "Galileans" or
"Newtonians" or "Copernicans?" No. We say, "modern astronomy (i.e., empirical
evidence) has verified the current consensus that the sun, not the earth, lies
at the center of our solar system." Similarly, we do not call those who accept
the cosmological model of the Big Bang "Hubble-ites." Rather, we say, "empirical
measurements of the universe we live in have repeatedly verified that the known
universe is expanding at a rapid rate and that all of the mass in the known
universe began rapidly expanding from an infinitesimally small point in space
about 13.5 billion years ago." Rather than tag me a "Liftonite," it would be
more accurate, and appropriate, to refer to the state of the medical evidence in
the JFK assassination as we understand it today, and my conclusions about what
the state of the medical evidence tells us about a U.S. government coverup, and
about what happened in this country in 1963.
Moving on, a recent reviewer (Jim DiEugenio of CTKA) seemed to deplore my hiring
by the ARRB, since he has concluded that I was determined to prove Lifton's
theories correct before accepting employment. This is not at all true. I wrote
in my book that while reading "Best Evidence" hooked me on the medical evidence,
and captivated me intellectually, that I had no vested interest in either
proving it correct, or incorrect, when I joined the ARRB staff in 1995. My sole
goal was to learn what had really happened in 1963, to the extent that I could;
Lifton had raised the most appropriate questions about the many conflicts within
the medical evidence, and I simply wanted to know whether his hypothesis was
correct or not. Wanting to know whether a hypothesis is correct, or incorrect,
is a very different thing from attempting to validate a hypothesis ahead of
time. I was anxious for the ARRB staff to perform all the interviews of medical
witnesses, and all the depositions, that we possibly could before our sunset, in
an attempt to learn all that I possibly could about the medical evidence. If
many of the questions raised by "Best Evidence" defined the areas that Jeremy
Gunn (the ARRB General Counsel) and I were interested in as we explored the
medical evidence arena, then that simply reflects upon the high quality of the
research and writing in that book. Gunn and I also pursued questions and issues
raised by other JFK assassination researchers---among them Harold Weisberg,
Cyril Wecht, Gary Aguilar, Randy Robertson, and David Mantik. Jeremy Gunn and I
were collecting all of the information we possibly could, in an attempt to place
all of the information we could in the National Archives before the ARRB shut
down; we were content to "let the chips fall where they may," in relation to
whether or not ANYONE'S pet theories or hypotheses were proven or disproven. I
made this quite clear throughout my book, but perhaps not everyone reads
This recent reviewer (DiEugenio) also made much of his "discovery" that Lifton
and I had once met (we met and briefly spoke with each other for about 3 minutes
before a lecture he gave in 1992) prior to my employment at the ARRB, and that
this somehow tainted my work effort. First, this is no "grand discovery;" I
wrote about my intellectual journey in regard to the assassination evidence
quite openly, in a spirit of complete transparency, in Volume I of my book, so
that each reader would know exactly where I was coming from. My pre-ARRB journey
was essentially a chronological trip through the Warren Report, and the works of
Mark Lane; Harold Wiesberg; Sylvia Meagher; Josiah Thompson; David Lifton; and
the HSCA report. In the illustration section, where I labeled my own book as
both a "confirmation and reinterpretation" of Lifton's "Best Evidence," I was
reporting on the results of 13 years of research and writing---I was reporting
my conclusions---not on my intentions as I joined the ARRB staff. My intentions
in 1995 were to learn all that I could, prompted by a spirit of curiosity that
took no assumption, or hypothesis, for granted. Jeremy Gunn, my boss in the
medical evidence arena, was prompted by the same open curiosity. Neither of us
was going to automatically defer to authority in how to interpret the medical
evidence; and neither of us came to our task with predetermined conclusions.
Jeremy and I had many of the same questions and doubts about the medical
evidence, but sharing many of the same questions does not imply an agenda or
predetermined conclusions. After all, the witnesses provided the answers to the
questions---not Jeremy and I---and in my book I am simply reporting what they
told us, and what I believe their answers mean. Jeremy Gunn had also read "Best
Evidence" and was captivated by the many questions and issues it raised; does
this imply that the ARRB General Counsel was somehow also "tainted" and unfit
for his role? I think not.
Perhaps the most dangerous and unsettling concept expressed recently about my
book is the overt skepticism raised by Mr. DiEugenio about the hypothesis that
JFK's wounds were altered by post-mortem surgery prior to the autopsy; he
labeled this hypothesis "extreme," and with that one phrase attempted to cast
severe doubt upon my entire book---its hypothesis, its findings of fact, and its
conclusions. This is not science---it's simply namecalling. Real science does
not worry about political labels reflecting whether or not someone's
sensibilities are offended---real science only asks: "Do the facts support the
hypothesis or not? Are the author's conclusions consistent with the evidence, or
not?" Just as the results of a lab experiment in chemistry or physics depend
upon facts (not wishes), what we believe about the Kennedy assassination should
be determined by the latest review of ALL the evidence (including evidence not
available 15 or 20 years ago), NOT by someone's ideas of what is politically
correct, or about whether the weight of the evidence challenges our own
political mythology about what did or did not happen in this country almost 50
years ago.
So what does the weight of the evidence tell us about the post-mortem
surgery/wound alteration hypothesis? It tells us that it has been established as
a fact (as recognized by David Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., in his 25-page review of
Volume IV of my book). For simplicity's sake, I will limit the discussion here
to the head wound(s):
(1) The Dallas doctors and nurses consistently observed a blowout---an avulsed
wound which they interpreted as an exit---in the right rear of JFK's head. They
described this in detail in both their contemporaneous treatment reports, and in
their sworn testimony in March of 1964.
(2) These descriptions were visually reinforced by the wound diagrams made by
Nurse Audrey Bell and Dr. Charles Crenshaw for the ARRB in 1997.
(3) Mortician Tom Robinson, who was present at Bethesda from the time the body
arrived until the time it departed, also drew a diagram of a head wound (for
both the HSCA staff and the ARRB staff) which was virtually identical to those
drawn by Bell and Crenshaw.
(4) Three physicians at Bethesda Naval hospital the night of JFK's autopsy (Burkley,
Canada, and Ebersole) who saw JFK's body either immediately after its arrival at
the Bethesda morgue (shortly after 6:35 PM, for Canada and Ebersole)---or, as in
Burkley's case, earlier, in Dallas, at Parkland hospital---have all described an
avulsed exit wound about the size of a baseball in the right rear of the head.
(5) Dr. Boswell drew a sketch at the autopsy (sometime after 8:00 PM) showing a
much larger wound---about 5 times larger---which indicated that virtually all of
the bone from the top of the head was missing---and leaving unanswered whether
or not bone was also missing from the rear of the head. At his ARRB deposition
in 1996, Boswell was asked to render on a 3-D skull model the true extent of the
area of missing cranial bone, and he did: at the autopsy proper, after 8:00 PM,
the bone was missing from the top of the skull, part of the right side of the
skull, and from the right rear of the head. The damage depicted by Boswell
included the avulsed exit wound seen in Dallas, but was five times larger and
extended to include the top and right side of the skull, as well. The
differences between the Boswell diagrams and the diagrams made by Bell,
Crenshaw, and Robinson are startling, and imply post-mortem surgery at Bethesda
Naval hospital. Even today, 14 years after Boswell's deposition, many
researchers refuse to deal with the implications of these differences; they are
not comfortable with the implications of the gross differences between the two
descriptions, so they simply choose to ignore them.
(6) Two witnesses---mortician Tom Robinson and x-ray technician Ed Reed---told
the ARRB that they saw the autopsy pathologists perform surgery on JFK's skull.
[I infer that the reason was to suppress evidence of crossfire, by removing
bullet fragments and brain tissue.] This contradicted Dr. Humes, who stated
under oath to the Warren Commission and to the ARRB that he did not have to
perform a craniotomy in order to remove the brain. (Humes also relayed this lie
to Dr. Finck, the Army pathologist, after his late arrival.) Humes himself
stated at the autopsy (as recorded by the FBI) that someone had performed
surgery to the top of JFK's skull, and then lied about this under oath---denied
it---before the ARRB. Mortician Tom Robinson examined the autopsy photos taken
of President Kennedy's skull, and stated that the gross damage to the top of the
cranium in those photographs "was what the doctors did," not "the bullet(s)."
(7) The early arrival of JFK's body at Bethesda at 6:35 PM (in the wrong casket,
the wrong wrappings, and the wrong vehicle) prior to the arrival of the official
motorcade from Andrews AFB (a light gray ambulance transported the ornate,
heavy, bronze Dallas casket), provided those in charge of the medical cover-up
time to perform the desired surgical manipulations prior to the beginning of the
autopsy proper shortly after 8:00 PM. The body's early arrival is documented not
only by eyewitnesses who handled the cheap shipping casket that arrived in a
black hearse, but its time of arrival (6:35 PM) was recorded by a Marine
Sergeant in a document obtained and authenticated by the ARRB staff.
(8) The wound descriptions provided by most Bethesda eyewitnesses include an
area that was missing in the right rear of the skull (consistent with the damage
seen in Dallas), but also reflect a much larger skull defect, which was
fronto-parietal-occipital in nature. That is, the wound seen by most Bethesda
witnesses INCLUDED the damage seen in Dallas, but was considerably larger,
reflecting the results of clandestine post-mortem surgery to expand the cranial
wound. (These witnesses include Paul O'Connor; James Jenkins; Jerrol Custer; and
Pierre Finck.) The autopsy photos of the cranium were taken after the
post-mortem surgery, and therefore show an extremely large, expanded skull
defect. Inadequate analysis of eyewitness testimony performed by others often
cites the similarities between the Parkland and Bethesda wound descriptions
(namely, an occipital-parietal exit wound in the right rear of the head) while
IGNORING that fact that most Bethesda witnesses (namely, the morgue audience
after 8:00 PM) saw a cranial defect that was five times larger overall than the
wound seen in Dallas, and included damage to areas other than the rear of the
(9) In short, I conclude that while the body may have been tampered with enroute
Bethesda (particularly the throat wound), that the exit wound in JFK's skull was
substantially the same when the body arrived at Bethesda as it was when it left
Dallas. Shortly after arrival, however, post-mortem surgery altered the shape
and size of the cranial defect so that evidence could be removed from the body
prior to the start of the autopsy. All of the existing skull photographs and
cranial x-rays were taken after the post-mortem surgery.
Carl Sagan once said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
What many have found objectionable over the years---the claim that President
Kennedy's wounds were altered by post-mortem surgery, in what amounted to
obstruction of justice (a crime)---is strongly supported by the overwhelming
evidence of the body's early arrival at Bethesda; by the two witnesses to
cranial surgery (Tom Robinson and Ed Reed); and by the startling differences
between the descriptions of the head wound seen in Dallas (and upon the body's
initial arrival at Bethesda), and the greatly enlarged cranial defect sketched
by Boswell after 8:00 PM. When viewed as a whole, the evidence supports my
The brain photographs in the Archives cannot be used to support the lone
assassin conclusion because as the ARRB's key witnesses (photographer John
Stringer and FBI agent Frank O'Neill) demonstrated, the brain photos in the
Archives cannot be, and are not, images of President Kennedy's brain---but
rather, are images of a substitute brain.
The autopsy report in the Archives (CE 387) cannot be used to discount any part
of my hypothesis because it is (at least) the third written version of that
document, and is therefore without any medico-legal standing whatsoever. If
there were a trial today, it would be thrown out of court by the judge. [The
first draft was burned by Dr. Humes in his fireplace, and the first signed
version of the report disappeared after it was given to Robert F. Kennedy.]
To those who would call me a "Liftonite," I would simply point out that while I
believe the essential points in David Lifton's hypothesis published in 1981 have
been verified---the chain of custody of the body was broken enroute Washington,
and JFK's wounds were surgically altered prior to the autopsy---I have disagreed
with him on some important points. Specifically, I take issue with Lifton's
conclusions (as published in "Best Evidence") in the following ways:
(1) I do NOT believe that post mortem surgery was conducted on JFK's head wounds
before the body arrived at Bethesda Naval hospital;
(2) I do NOT believe that President Kennedy's brain was removed prior to the
body's arrival at Bethesda;
(3) I do NOT believe that JFK's cranium was "reconstructed" at Bethesda, after
the body arrived, to fool the camera and the x-ray machine. (Instead, I believe
the photos of the intact back of the head are authentic photographic images
exposed after midnight---after the FBI departed the morgue---by grossly
manipulating and re-arranging the scalp; and I believe the Dallas
occipital-parietal blowout was obscured by visual effects in the two modified
lateral skull x-rays, which are in reality altered copy films, not originals.)
So much for the claim that I am a blind adherent to another's published views. I
have gone where the evidence has led me; in some cases this has meant I have
agreed with Mr. Lifton, and in other cases it has meant that I have publicly
disagreed with him, based upon my view of the expanded evidence in this case.
There is much evidence available now that he did not have access to in 1980 when
he completed his manuscript: specifically, the staff reports and deposition
transcripts of the HSCA's interviews of autopsy witnesses; and the ARRB's
medical witness deposition transcripts and interview reports.
In summary, David Lifton's basic hypothesis---that an assassinated President's
wounds were altered by illicit, clandestine, post mortem surgery---has been
verified by me in my book not out of blind loyalty, but because the weight of
the evidence supports that conclusion.
An historical conclusion cannot be denied simply because one person, or a group
of like-minded individuals, finds a conclusion "extreme" any more than a
scientific hypothesis can be refuted simply because it challenges an orthodox
view prevalent at the time the new hypothesis is introduced.
I encourage anyone interested in the epistemological issues mentioned above to
read my book yourself, and then make up your own mind about what the conflicts
in the medical evidence mean; don't depend upon any one review or any one
internet posting or so-called "discussion thread" for an assessment of my
five-volume work. The subject is too important for you to depend upon someone
else's opinion, when forming your own evaluation of the medical evidence in the
JFK assassination. (And all too often, strong opinions expressed within the
so-called JFK "research community," about the work of other researchers, reflect
more about pre-existing bias, closed minds, and long-established personality
conflicts, than anything else.) Study the evidence yourself, and make up your
own mind. END
My good friend David Lifton just
pointed out to me, this past week, a small error in Volume III of my book,
"Inside the Assassination Records Review Board," in Chapter 8, on pages 670-671.
In footnote number 2 on page 671, I incorrectly attributed a quote of something
Dr. Malcolm Perry said (to others) on the weekend following the assassination to
journalist Jimmy Breslin. (I also failed to cite where Breslin's article was
published, and when; if I had looked up the Breslin article anew, and re-read it
as I was drafting the chapter, instead of relying upon my memory, I would have
avoided this mistake altogether.)
In footnote number 2 on page 671 I incorrectly stated that Dr. Perry told
Breslin the small puncture in the front of President Kennedy's neck remained
"inviolate" after he conducted his small, transverse tracheostomy incision.
Journalist Jimmy Breslin interviewed Dr. Malcolm Perry on Saturday, November 23,
1963, the day after JFK's assassination, and Breslin's article about the wounds
observed and treatment administered at Parkland hospital in Dallas was published
the very next day on Sunday, November 24, 1963 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
newspaper---and was then subsequently republished in the Saturday Evening Post
magazine. Here is what Jimmy Breslin actually wrote related to the wound seen in
the President's neck, and Dr. Perry's tracheostomy:
"The wound in the throat was small and neat. Blood was running out of it. It was
not running too fast...Dr. Perry called for a scalpel. He was going to start a
tracheotomy, which is opening the throat and inserting a tube into the windpipe.
The incision had to be made below the bullet wound."
As David Lifton reminded me this past week, it was he (David Lifton) who
informed me during the 1990s that Dr. Perry had told at least two different
people on the weekend of the assassination that the small puncture wound in the
throat remained "inviolate," even though he (Perry) had made a small transverse
surgical incision (an estimated 2 to 3 cm in length) in the neck so that a
breathing tube could be inserted into the windpipe to aid in respiration. But
Perry, apparently, did not use the word "inviolate" with Jimmy Breslin when
interviewed by Breslin on Saturday, November 23rd.
My mistake was to conflate accurate information provided to me by David Lifton
(about what Dr. Perry said to others) with the fact that Perry had been
interviewed by Jimmy Breslin the day after the assassination.
Now clearly, as David Lifton pointed out to me this past week, if what Jimmy
Breslin wrote was correct---namely, that Dr. Perry's tracheostomy incision was
actually JUST BELOW the puncture wound in the throat---then of course, that
wound would have remained "inviolate!" IF DR. PERRY NEVER EVEN CUT THROUGH IT IN
THE FIRST PLACE, the wound would of course have remained untouched and
The point I was making in Chapter 8 is still valid: the 7-8 cm wide gash seen in
President Kennedy's throat at the Bethesda morgue (with "widely gaping,
irregular edges"), that Dr. Humes described under oath in 1964, bore no
resemblance to the small, neat incision made in Dallas, which closed
automatically after the tracheostomy tube was removed following JFK's death.
According to both Dr. Perry and (years later) Dr. Crenshaw, the character and
appearance of the small puncture seen in the anterior neck was undisturbed by
the tracheostomy incision, and was still clearly visible, even after attempts to
save the President's life had ceased. The markedly different character of the
large, gaping wound with irregular edges described at the autopsy---which Dr.
Humes told the ARRB had "obliterated" the bullet wound in the neck---from the
small, closed incision seen on JFK's body when it left Dallas, still constitutes
dramatic proof that the throat wound was surgically tampered with sometime after
JFK's death, and prior to the 8:15 PM start of the autopsy at Bethesda Naval
In the near future, I expect David Lifton to write much more extensively about
the throat wound; the procedures performed at Parkland hospital; and the
interviews Dr. Malcolm Perry gave to Jimmy Breslin and others the weekend after
the assassination, when his memory was still quite sharp, and before the
Parkland physicians were informed of an "official government position" recorded
in a Navy autopsy report.
David Lifton is the expert on this subject, and I wish to publicly thank him for
correcting the error I made in Chapter 8 of my book, in which I (unfortunately)
conflated the contents of Breslin's article with statements Perry reportedly
made to others that weekend. END
Add to Memories
The "CLIFTON" Version of the Air Force One Tapes Yields Important Information
Chris Matthews of MSNBC Still "Doesn't Get It"---WHY?
The JFK Assassination: Still a Taboo Subject for the Mainstream Media in the
United States
Where Are the Large Format LIFE Magazine Transparencies of the Zapruder Film?
RETHINKING the Question: "Why Was the First Draft of JFK's Autopsy Report
A Matter of Epistemology
One Small Correction...to Chapter 8 of "Inside the ARRB"

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