



On page 89 of the Warren report it states that the "Single Bullet Theory" was reached on the morning of November 23, 1963   in a phone call from Dr. Humes at Bethesda Hospital to Dr. Perry at Parkland Hospital In Dallas.

There goes the Single Bullet Theory.


Some of these attendees had already attended a meeting on January 27th 1964 to study the Zapruder film.  Redlich, Eisenberg and Specter for the Warren Commission met with FBI photographic expert Lyndal Shaneyfelt, FBI visual aids expert Leo Gauthier and Secret Service Inspector Thomas Kelley (5H 141).  Obviously, no conclusions had been reached otherwise there would have been little need for the “strange conferences”.


Eisenberg produced a three-page memo (not in the Warren Commission Report or any one of the 26 volumes), later obtained by Weisberg, which speaks for itself.    Even Dr. Humes was in attendance.


                                      April 22, 1964




FROM:   Melvin A. Eisenberg


Subject:        Conference of April 14, 1964, to determine which

                frames in the Zapruder movies show the impact of 

                the first and second bullets




        On April 14, 1964, a conference was held to determine which

frames in the Zapruder film portray the instants at which the first

and second bullets struck.


        Present were: Commander James J. Humes, Director of

Laboratories of the Naval 



Commander J. Thorton Boswell, Chief Pathologist, Naval 




; Lt. Col. Pierre A. Finck, Chief of Wound Ballistics

Pathology Branch, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; Dr. F.W. Light,

Jr. Deputy Chief of the Biophysics Division at 


, and Chief of the Wound Assessment Branch of the Biophysics

Division; Dr. Oliver, Chief of the Wound Ballistics Branch of the

Biophysics Division at 
 Arsenal; Messrs. Malley, Gauthier,

Shaneyfelt, and two other unidentified agents of the FBI; Messrs.

Kelley and Howlett of the Secret Service; and Messrs. Redlich, Specter

and Eisenberg of the Commission staff.


        A screening was held of the Zapruder film and of slides

prepared by LIFE from the film.  Each slide corresponded with a

separate frame of film, beginning with frame 171.  The consensus of

the meeting was as follows:


        (a) The President had been definitely hit by frames 224-225,

when he emerges from behind a sign with his hands clutching his



        (b) The reaction shown in frames 224-225 may have started at

an earlier point - possibly as early as frame 199 (when there appears

to be some jerkiness in his movement) or, with a higher degree of

possibility, at frames 204-206 (where his right elbow appears to be

raised to an artificially high position).


        (c) If the reaction did not begin at 199 or 204-206, it

probably began during the range of frames during which the President

is hidden from Zapruder's camera by a sign, namely, frames 215-24.



cc:     Mr. Rankin             Mr Belin

        Mr. Willens            Mr. Specter

        Mr. Redlich            Mr. Eisenberg

        Mr. Ball       


Page Two--------------------------------------------------



        (d) The President may have been struck by the first bullet as

much as two seconds before any visible reaction  began.  In all

likelihood, however, the maximum delay between impact and reaction

would be under one second, and it is possible that the reaction was

instantaneous.  Putting this in terms of frames, the President may

have been struck as much as 36 frames before any visible reaction is

seen.  If the visible reaction begins at 199, the President may have

been struck as early as 163; if the visible reaction begins at

204-206, he may have been struck as early as 168-170; if the visible

reaction begins while the President is behind the sign, he may have

been struck as early as 179-188.


        (e) The velocity of the first bullet would have been little

diminished by its passage through the President.  Therefore, if

Governor Connally was in the path of the bullet it would have struck

him and (probably) caused the wounds he sustained in his chest cavity.

Strong indications that this occurred are provided by the facts that

(1) the bullet recovered from Governor Connally's stretcher does not

appear to have penetrated a wrist and (2) if the first bullet did not

hit Governor Connally, it should have ripped up the car, but

apparently did not.  Since the bullet recovered from the Governor's

stretcher does not appear to have penetrated a wrist, if he was hit by

this (the first) bullet, he was probably also hit by the second



        (f) If Governor Connally was hit by the first and second

bullets, it is impossible to say definitively at what point, or by

what point, he had been hit by the second bullet.


        (g) Governor Connally seems to straighten up at frames

224-226, and may be reacting to a wound at this point. (If so, it

would be a wound from the first bullet).


        (h) Governor Connally seems to begin showing an expression of

anguish around 242.  If he was hit with two bullets, this expression

may have resulted from his second wound.


        (i) After Governor Connally straightened up at frames 224-26,

he starts to turn to the right.  As a result of this turn, at no time

after frame 236 was Governor Connally in a position such that a bullet

fired from the probable 



Page 3----------------------------------------------------



site of the assassin would have caused the wound in his chest cavity

which Governor Connally sustained--that is, after frame 236, the

Governor presented a side view to the assassin rather than a back




        (j) It is not possible to say whether prior to 236 Governor

Connally was ever in a position such that one bullet could have caused

the five wounds he sustained.



        (k) As in the case of the President, Governor Connally could

have conceivably been hit two seconds before he begins to react, but

the maximum likely time interval between hit and reaction is one

second, and the reaction may have been instantaneous.  The likelihood

of an instantaneous reaction is particularly great in regard to the

wrist wound, since pain is usually felt more quickly in a limb than in

the torso. 



*/ Mr. Specter disagrees with this, and feels the Governor was in

position to receive the chest wound up to 242.


This memo is hugely destructive to the SBT for the following reasons:


  • It explains that, “…the bullet recovered from Governor Connally's stretcher does not appear to have penetrated a wrist.”  This observation probably came from the Edgewood Arsenal doctors and is completely supportive of Dr Gregory.


  • It suggests that the facts better match a different theory, “…if he [Connally] was hit by this (the first) bullet, he was probably also hit by the second bullet”


Of the fifteen people there, including five doctors (three of whom were experts in wounds) and two FBI photographic experts, only Specter, the architect of the SBT, dissented from the three bullets, three hits conclusion.  The man either had guts or he knew that some powerful people were on his side.

Also see>>>   http://whokilledjfk.net/single_bullet.htm

  Contact Information  tomnln@cox.net  

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