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On 18 Nov, 16:39, Bill <beatle...@gmail.com>
> it seems to me that after he defected to the soviets & offer up
> information about U-2 flights, & one U-2 gets shot down ( Power's U-2 ), I
> would think someone from the cia would be waiting for Lee when he returned
> to the USA. & arrest him for spying. I read that the Russian were not
> interested in Oswald's knowledge of U-2's but how do we know this, after
> all no U-2 were shot down before Oswald's defection, this alone should
> send a red flag to everyone!
Because it would have implicated the CIA in an embarrassing position for
having him sent there in the first place?, and of course if they were
involved in JFK's murder and had controlling interests in its
investigation, it would have to be bypassed?
Oswald and The CIA (Otto Otepka) - Previously posted in 2008
Otto Otepka was head of the State Department's Office of Security (SY) and
responsible for issuing or denying security clearances for State
Department personnel. He took his job very seriously and, in 1958,
received an award for Meritorious Service from Secretary of State, John
Foster Dulles (brother of CIA Director Allen Dulles) for his attention to
detail, loyalty, devotion to duty, and sound judgment.
By October, 1960 eighteen US Citizens had "defected" to the Soviet Union
and came to Otepka's attention at the State Department. He *informally*
asked the CIA and military intelligence to identify which these
"defectors" were double agents working for the US but, after receiving no
response, formally requested the information.
On October 25 Hugh Cumming, of the State Department's Intelligence and
Research Bureau, wrote a letter to CIA Deputy Director of Plans (DDP)
Richard Bissell requesting detailed information on the eighteen
"defectors." Bissell turned the request over to James Angleton's
Counterintelligence (CI) staff and Sheffield Edwards' Office of Security
(OS), *but not to the Soviet Russia (SR) division which had jurisdiction
in dealing with the "defectors," including Oswald. This is confirmation
that Angelton's CI staff was involved with false "defectors," including
Oswald.* Angleton's CI/SIG chief, Birch D. O'Neal, prepared the responses
on behalf of counterintelligence while Robert Bennerman handed the request
to members of his staff in the CIA's Office of Security that included
Bruce Solie, Morse Allen, and Paul Gaynor. Gaynor was head of the
Security Research Staff where *James McCord, of future Watergate fame*,
Bennerman specifically instructed Marguerite Stevens, in the research
staff (OS), to provide information *only on American "defectors" other
than Lee *Harvey* Oswald* (and six other "defectors"), explaining that
Otepka already had information on these individuals. The Office of
Security then coordinated their response with Angleton's CI staff before
sending it to Richard Bissell (DDP) in late November for his signature.
When Otepka finally received the CIA's response at the State Department,
the 10th name on the list was Lee Harvey Oswald with the notation
On December 9, 1960, a few days after providing information on "defectors"
to the State Department, Angleton's trusted associate Ann Egerter, of the
Special Investigation Group (SIG), opened a "201" file on Lee *Henry*
Oswald (201-289248). *This file was opened 13 months *after* Oswald
"defected" to the Soviet Union and 6 months *after* the memo was written
about the CIA's interest in the *Harvey* story."*
It appears that if not for Otepka's investigation into American
"defectors", the CIA would never have opened a file on Oswald. *This
indicates that Lee *Harvey* Oswald and his activities were so sensitive
that only Angleton, and perhaps SIG , knew the truth about Oswald which
they held only in memory.* Prior to President Kennedy's assassination, Lee
*Henry* Oswald's "201" file was held within Angleton's Special
Investigations Group (SIG).
NOTE: *During Oswald's stay in the Soviet Union cover sheets of Oswald
documents contained the notation "CI/OPS," which is an abbreviation
"Counterintelligence Operations."
#SIG member Ann Egerter was asked by the HSCA if a CIA asset or agent
would have a "201" file and if it would contain material of an operational
nature. She replied, "I assume that person would have a 201 file but it
would be a restricted 201 file and *it might even be a false 201 file, not
having anything in it. Everything would be held by the case
officer...operational material is not filed in 201 files...It would be
held by the operations officer, case officer."*
#*Angleton's deputy Ray Rocca said, "The key documents in establishing a
fiduciary relationship would not be in the 201. They would be in a
separate file held by the desk and whoever was handling the individual."*
#*Former CIA employedd Phillip Agee said, "The 201 file is divided into
two parts which are stored separately for maximum secutiry. One part
contains true name documents while the other contains operational
#*The obvious question: "Who was Oswald's case officer?"*
Soon after trying to pry information on the eighteen American "defectors"
from the CIA, Otto Otepka's duties began to change and soon his position
as Chief of Security at The State Department appeared to be in jeopardy.
Even though head had received awards for Meritorious Service only two
years earlier. Otepka soon found that his access to sensitive cases was
limited. Stories began to appear in the press that the State Department,
and specically Otepka's Office of Securiy, would soon experience a
"reduction in force." Otepka was soon asked by his superior to transfer
to another division within the State Department and take a different job
but refused.
*NOTE: James Angleton had developed a fearsome reputation within the
agency and was known to expose agents he no longer trusted. CIA career
officer John Whitten (aka John Scelso) told the HSCA, "Several times in my
career I was appointed by Helms or Karamessines to investigate or look
into investigations where Angleton was running....They always told him.
And when they say, now, you go tell Angleton you are going to do this. I
used to go in fingering my insurance policy, notifying my next of kin."*
*It is reasonable to speculate that Otepka's problems originated with
Angleton after he began pressing the CIA for information relating to
"defectors", including Oswald. A phone call from Angleton to CIA Director
Allen Dulles, and a subsequent call from Dulles to his brother, Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles , could easily have set the wheels in motion
to "neutralize" Otepka and stop his investigation at the State Department
(the Eishenhower administration remained in the White House until late
January, 1961).*
Otepka, *for unexplained reasons*, was called before the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee, which was chaired by Senator James Eastland and
Senator Thomas Dodd. He was questioned at length by Jules (Jay) Sourwine,
the subommittee's Chief Counsel, about procedures established by Otepka
for issuing clearances for State Department applicants. Sourwine and
Otepka soon became friends and discussed at length a proposal by the
subcommittee to loosen security clearance procedures for State Department
Sourwine soon realized that the loosening of security procedures was not
the only reason the subcommittee was focusing their attention on Otepka.
In an attempt to learn what was really happening at the State Department,
behind the scenes, Sourwine began to informally question Otepka. But
Otepka, following protocol and procedure, told Sourwine that if he wanted
to question him further he would have to question him before the
When the subcommittee questioned Otepka they asked if had been subjected
to any recent "reprisals" from the State *Department, which he denied, and
defended the department's actions. A short while later* hidden listening
devices were placed in Otepka's office and a former employee of the
National Security Agency (NSA), David Belisle, was assigned to work with
him. Otepka's secretary was replaced by an individual who spied on him,
his house was placed under surveillance, and his trash was inspected
*QUESTION: Which agency of the US government has the capability and the
political muscle to electronically bug the Office of Security at the State
One evening Otepka was working late in his office and went out for dinner.
Upon returing he found David Belisle and an NSA employee in his office,
but when he asked for a reason for their intrusion *neither man gave a
rational explanation for being there.*
Otepka soon found that someone had drilled a hole in his safe and, with a
tiny mirror, had determined the combination and removed the contents.
According to Otepka the only sensitive material in the safe was his
uncompleted study of American "defectors" to the Soviet Union, *which
included Lee *Harvey* Oswald. Fred Traband, who also worked in the Office
of Security ate the State Department, told the Eastman Committee that it
was Otepka's boss, John Francis Reilly, who searched, who searched
Otepka's files and his safe.
*NOTE: Three weeks before the assassination of President Kennedy, Otto
Otepka was ousted from the State Department, but had not yet determined if
Lee *Harvey* Oswald was an agent of the US Government. Following the
assassination OTepka told journalist Sarah McClendon that he knew who had
JFK killed, but declined comment in public.*
pgs. 306-08 Harvey and Lee, How the CIA framed Oswald, J. Armstrong.
* = Italicizing