Photos and Instructions by R. Ted Jeo |

1) Make sure rifle is unloaded. Remove bolt by
pressing trigger and pulling bolt out of rifle. |

2) Remove trigger guard screws. |

3) Lift up and pull trigger/follower housing out of
stock. |

4) Remove screw on mid barrel band. Note: the back
side of this screw is a nut that includes a sling
swivel. |

5) Remove two screws on front barrel band. |

6) Slide mid barrel band and upper wood stock off of
rifle. |

7) Lift up approximate 2-3 cm on rear receiver,
pivoting barrel where it meets the front barrel
band. |

8) Barrel tilts upward and then slides forward,
clearing the barrel band as well as freeing the
bayonet lug carrier from the stock. |

9) Major components of disassembled rifle. |

10) Remove sear pin from receiver and trigger group.

11) Trigger parts released by sear pin. On my rifle,
they basically all fell out once sear pin was
removed. |

12) On follower housing, remove the forward
retaining screw |

13) Using a flat screw driver, push follower through
hole behind the front trigger guard screw hole.
Follower assembly slides forward a bit then drops
out. |

14) Follower assembly as removed from follower
(trigger guard) housing. |

15) Remove retaining screw of clip latch. |

16) You may need to use a punch to push the screw
out because it is under spring tension. |

17) Parts of the clip latch mechanism removed from
follower housing. |

18) This is perhaps the hardest and trickiest part
of the Carcano rifle. I find that I don't have the
finger strength or dexterity to compress the flat
spring and pop out the retaining pin.

19) So, I devised an alternative method using ½ of a
wooden clothespin. I had to sand/file the sides of
the clothespin to fit in between the sides of the
follower holder. Then I slowly compress the entire
device in a vise. |

20) Once the tension is released, it is quite easy
to drift out the retaining pin. |

21) The parts of the follower. |

22) The flat spring can be removed from the housing
by tilting it upwards. |

23) Once the angle is enough, you will be able to
push/lift the flat spring out of the housing.

24) Follower parts. |
Reassembly Instructions |

25) Insert spring into clip latch and place latch
into housing. |

26) Depress latch and align holes in housing and
latch. Insert screw and tighten. |

27) Insert flat spring into follower housing, note
how the tab of the spring goes into the hole in the
housing. |

28) Once inserted, the tab will be flush with the
outside of the housing. |

29) Note the notch on the spring and how it aligns
with the follower. |

30) Using the same wood/vise combination, compress
the flat spring until the holes align and pop in the
retaining pin. Slowly release the vise, spring is
under tension. |

31) Insert follower assembly into trigger housing.
Tip rear end downward and the press the follower
assembly into place. |

32) Once the follower assembly is in place, it will
be perfectly flush with the outside of the trigger
housing (you may have to tap it lightly to get it
flush). |

33) Insert forward retaining screw and tighten.

34) Note the straight flat face of the ejector.

35) Insert the ejector so that the straight flat
side faces forward. |

36) Attach the ejector spring. |

37) Note the pin on the side of the trigger
assembly. This is where the bolt stop (at front of
picture) will attach to. |

38) Note how the bolt stop attaches. |

39) Place the trigger assembly into receiver. Note
how the front hole aligns with the spring/ejector
assembly and how the bolt stop slides into its own
notch in the receiver. |

40) Press down on the trigger assembly and insert
the sear pin. |

41) Slide the front barrel band onto barrel. |

42) Slide stock under barrel band. At a slight
angle, slide stock/band forward until the bayonet
mount slides neatly onto the stock and the barrel
band is aligned with hole on bayonet mount. |

43) Receiver should drop right into the stock. |

44) Insert the trigger guard. |

45) Replace and tighten the trigger guard screws and
tighten (longer screw is behind trigger). |

46) Slide the upper stock piece into position with
the mid barrel band. Note that the wood should be
properly fitted to the rear sight. |

47) Insert the swivel/nut on the mid barrel band.
Insert screw through other side, hold swivel/nut in
place and tighten screw. |

48) Insert and tighten the front barrel band screws. |

49) Insert bolt, press trigger and push bolt all the
way into place. The rifle is reassembled.