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[From Computers and Animation, Berkley Enterprises INC 815 Washington street
Newtonville Mass. (info from 1970)]
Photo Photographer Seq.
No. Type*1 Name & No. No. Photo Shows
1 MC Zapruder, 1 1 JFK on Elm-Houston St. to Overpass
2 MC Nix. 2 1 JFK on Houston St. before shots
3 MC " 2A JFK on Elm St. just before, during &
after head shot
4 MC " 2B Grassy knoll and cars on Elm just after
head shot
5 MC Muchmore, 3 1 JFK on Houston St.
6 MC " 2 JFK on Elm just before, during & after
head shot
7 MC Hughes, 4 0 JFK on Houston from Main St. 2/3 of
way to Elm
8 MC " 1 JFK on Houston & Elm & TSBD 6th
floor window empty
9 MC " 2 Camera cars on Houston St. - Man on
Dal Tex fire escape, sitting
10 MC " 3 Grassy knoll after shots
11 MC " 4 Grassy knoll after shots
12 MC " 5 County Courts Bldg., Dal Tex & Main &
13 MC " 6 Parking lot
14 MC " 7 Plaza looking south from arcade
15 MC " 8 Parking lot
16 MC " 9 TSBD Bldg. - top
17 MC " 10 TSBD Doorway & Dal Tex
18 MC Martin, 5 0*2 JFK on Houston St. (from DCA Film)
19 MC " 1 JFK in front of TSBD Bldg.
20 MC " 2A Grassy knoll & Elm St. after shots
21 MC " 2B Grassy knoll & Elm St. after shots
22 MC " 3 Parking lot
23 MC " 4 Cop on Motorcycle with negro
24 MC " 5 C. Lovelady in front of TSBD
25 MC " 6 C. Brehm interviewed on Elm St.
26 MC " 7 View North on Houston from Elm
27 MC " 8 View North on Houston & TSBD
28 MC " 9 Front of TSBD - Cops with shotguns
29 MC " 10 Dal Tex Bldg - Copwith shotgun - Police
30 MC Mentesana, 6 0 L. Florer under arrest at Houston & Elm
31 MC " 1 Top of TSBD - 2 cops on 7th floor fire
32 MC " 2 Houston St. between TSBD and Dal Tex
- Rifle being examined
33 MC Bell, 7 1 JFK on Houston St.
34 MC " 2 JFK in front of TSBD
35 MC " 3 JFK approaching triple overpass on Elm
36 MC " 4 Grassy knoll area just after shots
37 MC " 5 Grassy knoll area after shots
38 MC " 6 Center of Plaza after shots
39 MC " 7 Grassy knoll area
40 MC " 8 Plaza from Bldg. on south later in day
41 MC " 9 Plaza from Bldg. on south later in day
42 PC Bond, 8 1 Motorcycles rounding Houston & Main
43 PC " 2 JFK rounding Houston & Main
44 PC " 3 JFK on Houston
45 PC " 4 Grassy knoll & Elm St. after shots
46 PC " 5 Grassy knoll & Elm St. after shots
47 PC " 6 Grassy knoll & Elm St. after shots
48 PC " 7 Grassy knoll after shots
49 PC " 8 Grassy knoll after shots
50 PC " 9 Grassy knoll after shots
51 PB M. Moorman, 9 1 Motorcycle cop rounding corner Elm &
52 PB " 2 Grassy knoll & JFK at time of head shot
53 PB Altgens, 10*3 1-2 Lead motorcycles in Motorcade on Main
54 PB " 1-3 JFK approaching Houston St. on Main
55 PB " 1-4 JFK turning corner on Houston & Main
56 PB " 1-5 JFK halfway down Houston toward Elm
57 PB " 1-6 JFK after first 3 shots & before fatal
shot. Open window, fire escape, DalTex
58 PB " 1-7 JFK approaching triple overpass, C.Hill
on car
59 PB " 1-8 Arcade & knoll from South of Elm after
60 PB " 2-4 TSBD 5:06 PM November 22
61 PB " 2-5 TSBD 5:06 PM clock shows
62 PB " 2-6 TSBD 5:06 PM clock shows
63 PB " 2-13 TSBD from same position as Altgens 1-6
64 PB " 2-14 TSBD from same position
65 PB " 2-15 TSBD from same position 5:19 PM
Clock shows
66 PB " 2-19 TSBD from same position 5:19 PM
Clock shows
67 PB " 2-20 TSBD from same position 5:19 PM
68 PB " 2-20 TSBD from same position 5:19 PM
69 PB " 3-7 TSBD from center of plaza 5:07 PM
Clock shows
70 PB " 3-8 TSBD from center of plaza
71 PB " 3-9 TSBD from center of plaza
72 PB " 3-10 TSBD from center of plaza
73 PB " 3-11 TSBD from center of plaza
74 PB " 3-12 TSBD from center of plaza
75 PB " 4-10 Triple overpass from same position as
Altgens 1-6
76 PB " 4-11 Triple overpass from same position
77 PB " 4-12 Triple overpass from same position
78 PB " 4-16 TSBD 5:16 PM from same position as
Altgens 1-6 Clock shows
79 PB " 4-17 TSBD 5:16 PM from same position as
Altgens 1-6 Clock shows
80 PB " 4-18 TSBD 5:16 PM from same position as
Altgens 1-6 Clock shows
81 PC Willis, 11 1 JFK on Main St.
82 PC " 2 JFK on Houston St.
83 PC " 3 JFK on Houston St.
84 PC " 4 JFK in front of TSBD
85 PC " 5 JFK after first shot
86 PC " 6 Elm St. & grassy knoll after shots
87 PC " 7 Elm St. & grassy knoll after shots
88 PC " 8 TSBD Doorway
89 PC " 9 Houston St. looking N. from Elm, TSBD
& Dal Tex
90 PC " 10 TSBD front - doorway & 5 eastern
windows - Arrest and possible rifle
91 PC " 11 Houston St. looking N. from Elm St.
92 PC " 12 TSBD (all of it) from Houston & Main
93 PC " 13 Man arrested outside Dal Tex building
94 PC " 14 White station wagon on Elm about 12:45
95 PC " 15 Scenes around TSBD
96 PC " 16 Scenes around TSBD
97 PC " 17 Scenes around TSBD
98 PC " 18 Scenes around TSBD
99 PB Betzner, 12 1 JFK on Houston
100 PB " 2 JFK in front of TSBD
101 PB " 3 JFK on Elm about time of first shot
102 PB Bothum, 13 1 JFK near Love Field
103 PB " 2 JFK on Main approaching Houston
104 PB " 3 Lead motorcycles approaching Houston
105 PB " 4 JFK rounding corner Main & Houston
106 PB " 5 Arcade after shots
107 PB AP Photographer,14 1Group of photos taken outside Parkland
108 PB AP Photographer,15 1Copy of Moorman 2 - clearer than
109 PB AP Photographer,16 1Officers & newsmen inside TSBD at 6th
floor window
110 PB AP Photographer,17 1Group of officials and pickup truck on
Stemmons Freeway - TSBD in
background - Taken from moving
car - 1:04 PM Nov. 22
111 PB " 2 Triple overpass from same car on west
112 PB " 3 Closeup of overpass - 1:04 PM from car
113 PB " 4 TSBD, Dal Tex, County Records Bldg,
from moving car on Main St. near
overpass 1:04 PM
114 PB " 5 TSBD, Dal Tex from car on Main st. -
1:04 PM Clock shows
115 PB " 6 Grassy knoll & triple overpass from car
on Main St.
116 PB " 7 TSBD, Dal Tex from car on Main - 1:04
PM - View of activity around corner of
Elm and Houston
D. Miller, 18 1 JFK early in motorcade
" 2 JFK early in motorcade
117 PB " 3 JFK on Stemmons Freeway - possible
man with rifle in background - Corham
sign shows JFK's-C. Hill's foot
sticking out of car
118 PB Rickerby, 19 1 (Life) Arcade & West Cupola after shots
(3 people)
119 PB " 2 Arcade & photographers taking pictures
(Cam 2)
120 PB Dillard, 20 1 TSBD 6th floor window from Cam 3
(Dallas morning N)
121 PB " 2 TSBD 6th floor window from Cam 3
122 PB " 3 Overpass and camera cars on Elm
123 PB " 4 1:45 PM - hand pointing to bullet mark
124 PB J. Laird, 21 1 (Dallas Morning News) Scene at
Parkland Hospital
125 PB " 2 11 contact prints of TSBD late on
November 22
126 PB " 3 11 contact prints of Parkland Hospital
127 PB " 4 8 contact prints at police station
128 PB " 5 16 contact prints of scenes around
Parkland Hospital
129 PB J. Beers, 22 1 (Dallas Morning News) Lt. Montgomery
carrying large paper bag
130 PB " 2 Lt. Montgomery with bag
131 PB " 3 Lt. Johnson carrying Dr. Pepper bottle
132 PB " 4 Boxes inside TSBD 6th floor window
133 PB " 5 W.E. Barnett & J.M. Smith (cops)
134 PB " 6 Larry Florer on Houston St.
135 PB " 7 Area where Oswald's rifle found
136 PB " 8 Area where Oswald's rifle found
137 PB " 9 Two men in police car - one negro, one
138 PB " 10 Sam men being led from TSBD by cops
139 PB " 11 Three tramps being led away from
140 PB " 12 Three tramps being led away from
141 PB " 13 Rifle being carried away from TSBD by
Lieutenant Day
142 PB " 14 Rifle being carried away from TSBD by
Lieutenant Day
143 PB " 15 Rifle being carried away from TSBD by
Lieutenant Day
144 PB " 16 Two ladies & boy leaving TSBD
145 PB " 17 View from 6th floor window - Nov 22PM
146 PB " 18 Oswald arrival at Police Station
147 PB " 19 Cop with shotgun looking up at TSBD
148 PB " 20 Group around TSBD
149 PB " 21 Old white haired man led away from TSBD
150 PB " 22 Scene around & inside TSBD - view of
east side of Houston
151 PB " 23 TSBD from point on Houston
152 PB " 24 3 boxes stacked up at TSBD 6th floor
153 PB " 25 Scene around & inside TSBD
154 PB " 26 Scene around & inside TSBD
155 PB " 27 Scene around & inside TSBD
156 PB " 28 Scene around & inside TSBD
157 PB " 29 Scene around & inside TSBD
158 PB " 30 Scene around & inside TSBD
159 PB " 31 Scene around & inside TSBD
160 PB " 32 Scene around & inside TSBD
161 PB " 33 Scene around & inside TSBD
162 PB Wm. Allen, 23 1-3 (Dallas Times Herald) 12:39 PM
Walthers & 2nd official picking up
something from ground
163 PB " 1-4 12:40 PM (Hertz clock shows) Walthers
& group near spot where something
picked up - south of Elm near inlet
164 PB " 1-5 12:41 PM Grassy knoll from center of
165 PB " 1-6 Group near foot of steps on Elm - TSBD
& Dal Tex in background - C. Brehm
being interviewed 12:42 PM
166 PB " 1-7 Group near foot of steps on Elm -
grassy knoll in background - C. Brehm
being interviewed 12:42 PM
167 PB " 1-8 Group near foot of steps on Elm -
center of plaza in background - 12:42PM
168 PB " 1-15 Cop with shotgun - Dal Tex in
background - Elm & Houston 12:43 PM
169 PB " 1-16 Cop with shotgun - view east on Elm
from Houston 12:44 PM
170 PB " 1-17 (around 12:45 PM) TSBD from south of
Elm on Houston
171 PB " 1-18 TSBD from south of Elm on Houston
(closer view)
172 PB " 1-19 Crowd held back - corner Elm &
Houston outside County Records
173 PB " 1-20 Dal Tex, cops with shotguns from
corner Elm & Houston
174 PB " 2-3 Cops & crowds in front of Dal Tex fire
escape - Mentesana in photo
175 PB " 2-4 Cop with shotgun in front of Dal Tex
176 PB " 2-5 6th floor window - man measuring
177 PB " 2-6 6th floor window - man measuring
178 PB " 2-7 6th floor window - man measuring
179 PB " 2-8 Cops checking cars lined up to leave
parking lot 12:45 PM
180 PB " 2-14 12:55 PM Sheriff waving out of 6th flr
window next to "the" window
181 PB " 2-15 "Assassins" window
182 PB " 2-16 12:55 PM Cops with shotguns - Dal Tex
in background (looks like Murray 2-15)
183 PB " 2-17 Larry Florer being frisked
184 PB " 2-18 Larry Florer close up
185 PB " 2-19 "Assassins" window
186 PB " 3-5 1:00 PM Larry Florer in Sheriff's
187 PB " 3-6 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office
188 PB " 3-7 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office
189 PB " 3-8 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office
190 PB " 3-9 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office
191 PB " 3-10 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office
192 PB " 3-11 TSBD from a distance
193 PB " 3-12 TSBD from close up
194 PB " 3-13 Two cops in TSBD doorway
195 PB " 3-14 Three "tramps" from R.R. yards in
front of TSBD
196 PB " 3-15 Three "tramps" on Houston St.
197 PB " 3-16 Three "tramps" being led towards
Sheriff's office
198 PB " 4-2 Bullet mark on curb
199 PB " 4-3 Bullet mark on curb
200 PB " 4-4 Lt. Montgomery with bag & Lt. Johnson
with bottle
201 PB " 4-5 Lt. Montgomery with bag & Lt. Johnson
with bottle
202 PB " 4-6 Lt. Johnson with bottle & lunch sack
203 PB " 4-7 Lt. Johnson with bottle & lunch sack
204 PB " 4-14 Boxes inside 6th floor window
205 PB " 4-15 Boxes inside 6th floor window
206 PB " 4-16 Boxes inside 6th floor window
207 PB " 4-17 View down Elm from 6th floor window
208 PB " 4-18 View down Elm from 6th floor window
209 PB " 4-19 View down Elm from 6th floor window
210 PB " 5-1 Rear bumper of car
211 PB " 5-2 Cop in front of TSBD & group
212 PB " 5-3 Group in front of TSBD
213 PB " 5-4 Cops in TSBD doorway
214 PB " 5-5 Police cars & crowd behind TSBD(north)
215 PB " 5-6 Police cars & crowd behind TSBD(north)
216 PB " 5-7 Police cars & crowd behind TSBD(north)
217 PB " 5-8 Negro & Latin man under arrest on Elm
218 PB " 5-9 Negro & Latin man climbing in policecar
219 PB " 5-10 Negro & Latin man in police car
220 PB " 5-11 Lt. Day carrying rifle out of TSBD
221 PB " 5-12 Lt. Day carrying rifle toward Houston &
222 PB " 5-13 Lt. Day carrying rifle toward Houston &
223 PB " 5-14 Lt. Day carrying rifle approaching
224 PB " 5-15 Lt. Day carrying rifle crossing Houston
225 PB " 5-16 Lt. Day carrying rifle crossing Houston
226 PB " 5-17 Lt. Day carrying rifle in front of Dal
227 PB " 5-18 Lt. Day carrying rifle in front of Dal
228 PB " 6-3 Two women and man leaving a house
229 PB " 6-4 Two women and man getting in police
car - another photographer shows
230 PB " 6-5 Two women and man getting in police
car - another photographer shows
231 PB " 6-6 Two women and man in police car -
another photographer shows
232 PB " 6-7 Two women and man arriving at police
233 PB " 6-8 Two women and man arriving at police
234 PB " 6-9 Two women and man in police waiting
235 PB J. McAulay, 24 1 (Ft. Worth Star Telegram) Man arrested
in Fort Worth near police car
236 PB " 2 Man near car in Fort Worth - Nov. 22
237 PB " 3 Men being led away from car
238 PB H. Cabluck, 25 1 (Ft. Worth Star Telegram) Spot where
bullet hit grass
239 PB " 2 Spot where bullet hit grass
240 PB " 3 Spot where bullet hit grass
241 PB " 4 Spot where bullet hit grass
242 PB " 5 Parkland Hospital - many people in
243 PB " 6 Parkland Hospital - many people in
244 PB " 7 Parkland Hospital - many people in
245 PB J. Cabluck, 26 1 (Ft. Worth Star Telegram) Dealey Plaza
from helicopter late afternoon Nov. 22
246 PB " 2 Helicopter view of Dealey Plaza from
east of Dal Tex
247 PB " 3 Helicopter view of Dealey Plaza from
west of overpass
248 PB " 4 Parkland Hospital, JFK car
249 PB " 5 Parkland Hospital, other cars
250 PB " 6 View of Railroad tracks from TSBD
251 PB G. Smith, 27 1 (Ft. Worth Star Telegram) Three men
from R.R. tracks in front of TSBD under
252 PB " 2 Three men from R.R. tracks in front of
TSBD under arrest
253 PB " 3 Lt. Montgomery with bag
254 PB " 4 Lt. Montgomery with bag
255 PB " 5 Lt. Johnson with sack & bottle
256 PB " 6 Lt. Johnson with sack & bottle
257 PB " 7 NW corner 6th floor TSBD inside
258 PB W. Davis, 28 1 (Ft. Worth Star Telegram)
Photographers in camera car Cam 2
early motorcade
259 PB Weigman, 29 1 Scene on Elm, grassy knoll, TSBD
doorway from Cam 1
260 PB " 2 Newmans on ground - Cong 1 & 2 on
Elm St.
261 PB Murray, 30 *4 1 Blank
262 PB " 1-2 Blank
263 PB " 1-3 Elm & Houston & Dal Tex from in front
of TSBD 12:33
264 PB " 1-4 -
265 PB " 1-5 Parking Lot - North section 12:34
266 PB " 1-6 Parking Lot - South section 12:34
267 PB " 1-7 Elm St. Ext. - From west end looking
east 12:34
268 PB " 1-8 Center of Plaza from knoll 12:35
269 PB " 1-9 Closeup of large group on north curb of
Elm 12:35
270 PB " 1-10 Closeup of couple on north side Elm St.
- TSBD in background 12:36
271 PB " 1-11 Long shot facing overpass from steps
on Elm 12:37
272 PB " 1-12 Arcade & knoll from center of Plaza
273 PB " 1-13 Police examine spot on ground - Hertz
clock shows the time 12:39
274 PB " 1-14 Same as 13 - South Elm near sewer
outlet - Walthers lighting cigarette
275 PB " 1-15 Walthers picking up something from
ground 12:39
276 PB " 1-16 Walthers holding something in his hand
277 PB " 1-17 Another official touching spot on
ground 12:40
278 PB " 1-18 Police standing around spot on ground
279 PB " 1-19 Police picking up other objects from
two spots - Clock shows the time 12:40
280 PB " 1-20 TSBD Plaza & knoll from Commerce St.
- front doorway guarded by two cops
281 PB " 1-21 TSBD Plaza & knoll from Commerce St.
282 PB " 1-22 Front door of TSBD from south of Elm
283 PB " 1-23 Front door of TSBD from south of Elm
284 PB " 1-24 Front door of TSBD - Closeup 12:42
285 PB " 1-25 Front door of TSBD - Closeup 12:43
286 PB " 1-26 Negro boy in police car - front of TSBD
287 PB " 1-27 Front door TSBD - Closeup - Walthers
in doorway 12:43
288 PB " 1-28 View east on Elm St. from Houston &
Elm Dal Tex & County Records Bldg.
289 PB " 1-29 County Records Bldg. - N. Corner 12:43
290 PB " 1-30 View north on Houston from south side
of Elm St. 12:44
291 PB " 1-31 TSBD from Houston & Main 12:44
292 PB " 1-32 TSBD front & doorway from Houston &
Elm 12:45
293 PB " 1-33 TSBD front & doorway from Houston &
Elm 12:45
294 PB " 1-34 TSBD doorway - crowd in front 12:45
295 PB " 1-35 Cop with shotgun - Dal Tex Bldg. in
background 12:45
296 PB " 1-36 View north on Houston from Elm St.
297 PB " 2-3 View of overpass from Elm St. 12:45
298 PB " 2-4 Crowd on Elm & eastern Cupola from
south on Elm 12:40
299 PB " 2-5 TSBD front door - reporter tape
recording interview with Brennan 12:42
300 PB " 2-6 TSBD front door 12:42
301 PB " 2-7 TSBD front door 12:42
302 PB " 2-8 Walthers being interviewed in front of
TSBD 12:45
303 PB " 2-9 Walters being interviewed in front of
TSBD 12:45
304 PB " 2-10 Policeman on 6th floor yelling out
window & pointing to 6th floor window
305 PB " 2-11 Policeman on 6th floor yelling out
window & pointing to 6th floor window
306 PB " 2-12 Three ladies on top floor fire escape
landing of Dal Tex 12:56
307 PB " 2-13 Cops with shotguns in front of Dal Tex
308 PB " 2-14 Cops with shotguns in front of Dal Tex
309 PB " 2-15 Cops with shotguns in front of Dal Tex
310 PB " 2-16 Cops with shotguns in front of Dal Tex
311 PB " 2-17 Larry Florer being interviewed in
Sheriff's office 1:06
312 PB " 2-18 Larry Florer being interviewed in
Sheriff's office 1:06
313 PB " 2-19 Four men in Sheriff's office 1:06
314 PB " 2-20 Larry Florer 1:06
315 PB " 2-21 Larry Florer 1:06
316 PB " 2-22 Larry Florer 1:06
317 PB " 2-23 Cops beside Dal Tex Bldg. - Houston
St. side 1:08
318 PB " 2-24 Cops beside Dal Tex Bldg. - Houston
St. side 1:00
319 PB " 2-25 Group in front of DalTex - Closeup 1:09
(Murray went downtown to buy film)
320 PB " 2-26 BarBQ place downtown 1:24
321 PB " 2-27 BarBQ place downtown 1:24
322 PB " 2-28 BarBQ place downtown 1:24
323 PB " 2-29 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office 1:30
324 PB " 2-30 Larry Florer in Sheriff's office 1:30
325 PB " 3-2 Group outside Dal Tex 12:56
326 PB " 3-3 Front of TSBD & Elm St. Ext. looking
west 12:56
327 PB " 3-4 View south on Houston from Elm 12:57
328 PB " 3-5 View south on Houston from Elm 12:57
329 PB " 3-6 In Sheriff's office 1:06
330 PB " 3-7 In Sheriff's office 1:06
331 PB " 3-8 In Sheriff's office 1:06
332 PB " 3-9 In Sheriff's office 1:06
333 PB " 3-10 Mary Moorman using phone in Sheriff's
office 1:06
334 PB " 3-11 View across Plaza from Houston 1:07
335 PB " 3-12 Bar on Houston St. - South of Main 1:12
336 PB " 3-13 Bar on Houston St. - South of Main 1:12
337 PB " 3-14 Cab driver downtown where Murray
bought film 1:23
338 PB " 3-15 In Sheriff's office 1:30
339 PB " 4-4 Overpass from Elm & Houston
340 PB " 4-5 Overpass from Elm & Houston
341 PB " 4-6 Overpass from Elm & Houston
342 PB " 4-7 TSBD West end - top floor
343 PB " 4-8 TSBD West end - all floors
344 PB " 4-9 Houston & Elm activity
345 PB " 4-10 Houston & Elm activity
346 PB " 4-11 Houston & Elm activity
347 PB " 4-12 Houston & Elm activity
348 PB " 4-13 Houston & Elm activity-possible arrest
349 PB " 4-14 TSBD East end - top floors
350 PB " 4-15 TSBD East end - top floors
351 PB " 4-16 TSBD East end - top floors
352 PB " 4-17 TSBD East end - top floors - clock
353 PB " 4-18 TSBD East end - top floors
354 PB " 4-19 TSBD East end - top floors
355 PB " 4-20 TSBD East end - top floors
356 PB " 4-21 TSBD East end - top floors
357 T Atkins, 31 1 Newmans on the ground
358 T " 2 Newmans on the ground
359 PB Cancellare, 32 1 Newmans on ground - Weigman,
Craven, Altgens*5
360 PB " 2 Newmans on ground - Closeup
361 PB " 3 Parking lot
362 PB " 4 Plaza & Elm St. from knoll
363 PB " 5 Crowd on north side of Elm from knoll-
Babushka Lady appears
364 PB " 6 Crowd on Overpass watching JFK
going out Stemmons Freeway
365 PB UPI, 33 1 Lt. Montgomery carrying paper bag out
366 PB UPI, 34 2 Officers in front of TSBD
367 PB " 3 Copy of Wm. Allen 1-3 with caption
reading: "Dallas police search ground
for bullet believed to have lodged in
the earth"
368 PB UPI, 35 4 Negro girl crying outside Parkland
369 PB " 5 Negro girl crying outside Parkland
370 PB Stoughton, 36 Not sure he took anything Cam 2
371 PB Burrows, 37 1 Camera cars on Houston St. from Cam
2 (AP)
372 PB " 2 Camera cars on Houston St. from Cam 2
373 MC Dorman, 38 1 JFK on Houston - Glimpess on Elm
before shots
374 MC " 2 More glimpses on Houston after shots
375 PC Unidentified, 391 TSBD on AM of Nov. 22 - 6th floor
photog. (Foley)
376 MC Mrs. Beck, 40 Not sure film exists - taken during
377 PB Weaver, 41 1 TSBD 6th floor window before first shot
378 PB Powell, 42 Cannot find him
379 PB Volkland, 43 1 JFK on Stemmons Freeway - back of
TSBD & Parking lot
380 PC MacCammon, 44 1 Group of police interrogating an old
negro outside TSBD
381 PC " 2 Group of police interrogating an old
negro outside TSBD
382 PC " 3 Scene in Dealey Plaza
383 PC " 4 Scene in Dealey Plaza
384 PC " 5 Scene at Tippitt shooting
385 PC " 6 Scene at Tippitt shooting
386 PC " 7 Oswald in Texas Theatre just before
387 PC " 8 Oswald in Texas Theatre just before
388 PB Jackson, 45 1 (Times Herald) photo of cars on
Houston St.
389 T A.J.L'Hoste, 461 Station WFAA-TV (ABC) Photographer -
COP carrying shotgun toward TSBD
390 T " 2 Decker, Brennan, Cop with shotgun
outside TSBD doorway
391 T " 3 TSBD doorway near same time as Willis
392 T " 4 6th floor window from underneath
393 T " 5 Larry Florer led toward Houston & Elm
394 T " 6 Decker being interviewed in front of
395 T " 7 Four cops with shotguns - Dal Tex in
396 T " 8 Larry Florer being led down Houston St.
- 3 other photographers show up
397 T " 9 Larry Florer going into garage entrance
of Sheriff's bldg.
398 T " 10 Two cops leading negro witness into
399 T " 11 Possibly two men placed in police car
in front of TSBD
400 T " 12 Same two men driving down Elm. St
401 T " 13 Mexican & negro led to police car on
Elm St.
402 T " 14 Same two being placed in car - Another
403 T T. Alyea, 47 1 (WFGAA-TV ABC) View of Plaza & knoll
from Houston & Main - crowd moving
toward knoll
404 T " 2 Scene outside TSBD
405 T " 3 Scene outside TSBD
406 T " 4 Scene outside TSBD
407 T " 5 Scene outside TSBD
408 T " 6 Police searching through 6th floor
409 T " 7 Police looking out 6th floor on Houston
410 T " 8 Cop sticks head out toward Elm St.
411 T " 9 Area showing lunch sack & Dr. Pepper
412 T " 10 Rifle on 6th floor of TSBD - in hiding
place - sheriffs & police examine spot
413 T " 11 Closeup of rifle posed for photo -
sight visible
414 T " 12 Policeman holds rifle up - second cop
points at bolt
415 T " 13 Group near boxes where rifle found -
Newsmen taking notes
416 T " 14 Lt. Day dusting live shell for finger
Bullet visible
417 T " 15 Sheriffs talking on 6th floor
418 T R. Reiland, 48 1 (WFAA-TV ABC) Frame Bldg. in Oak
Cliff - where assassin thought to be -
Men sneaking upon it- Could be library
or temple
419 T " 2 Two police cars speeding along
residential street in Oak Cliff-
police go into old frame building
420 T " 3 Cop holding up light grey jacket- near
parking lot
421 T " 4 Man in shirt sleeves talking near used
car lot
422 T " 5 Several police cars & cops near Tippitt
shooting site - cop runs toward police
car holding gun butt
423 T " 6 Group gathered around Tippitt's car.
Piece of paper or poster lying on
dashboard - no detail
424 T " 7 Cops examine Tippitt;s billfold
(according to Reiland who is narrat-
ing) - Note pad inside - Cops point
to it-Cop holding Tippitt's pistol
beside his car
425 T " 8 Group around Tippitt shooting site
426 T " 9 Crowd around police car in business
section-it drives away with someone in
back seat
427 T " 10 Police cars driving up to TexasTheatre
428 T " 11 Texas Theatre looking up at tower
429 T " 12 Texas Theatre - Cops going in - car
pulls away
430 T " 13 Inside Texas Theatre- very dark-lights
blinking - cops hustle Oswald toward
inside doorway
431 T " 14 Crowd gathered around police car
outside Texas Theatre - Oswald inside
in back seat - it drives away
432 T M. Couch, 49 1 (WFAA-TV ABC) In CAM 3 - motorcade
on Main St. approaching Houston St.
433 T " 2 Front of TSBD - crowd on north side of
Elm as CAM 3 rounds corner Houston
& Elm
434 T " 3 CAM 1, CAM 2, other photographers on
umbrella folded - officer Haygood
approaching north curb - Hargis
running to cycle South of Elm St. as
CAM 3 moves down Elm
435 T " 4 Cop with revolver drawn 0 south of Elm
436 T " 5 Brehm, Babushka Lady, Summers, Hill,
Moorman, Tague South of Elm -
sweeping view to overpass
437 T " 6 Photographers on knoll - Newmans on
438 T " 7 Haygood trying to jump cycle over curb
north of Elm - Weigman & Cancellure
running to catch CAM 1
439 T " 8 Crowd on North side of Elm - taken
from arcade
440 T " 9 Crowd on North side of Elm - taken
from Houston & Elm
441 T " 10 Crowd on North side of Elm - taken
from car driving on Elm (all of above
are taken prior to 12:35 PM - Nov. 22)
442 T " 11 TSBD 6th floor window inside - cops
looking out
443 T " 12 TSBD from center of Plaza - Zooms in
on 6th floor window - Pans down to
knoll - then to corner of Houston&Elm
& back to overpass - Executive train
moving on overpass
444 T " 13 Arcade with several people in it
445 T " 14 WFAA Commentator shows rifle &
telescopic sight similar to Oswalds
lying in Plaza grass - demonstrates
bolt action
446 T " 15 Center of Plaza from knoll
447 T " 16 Cupola, Zapruder's position & arcade
(Sequences 11 to 16 above were taken
between 3 and 4 PM Nov 22)
448 T D. Cook, 50 1 (KTVT-Channel 11 Fort Worth) JFK on
Main and rounding corner Houston &
Main-taken from in front of sheriff's
449 T " 2 Cop with drawn revolver & crowd on
Elm less than two minutes after fatal
450 T " 3 Activity in parking lot
451 T " 4 Looking east on Elm St. Ext. toward
452 T " 5 in front of TSBD
453 T " 6 Inside TSBD - lower floor
454 T " 7 Inside TSBD - 6th floor
455 T " 8 Arrest & possible rifle (same as
Willis 10)
456 T " 9 Larry Florer arrest
457 T " 10 Scene of Plaza
458 T " 11 Scene in front of TSBD
459 T " 12 Scene of knoll (all of above by Don
Cook were taken prior to 1:30PM - Nov.
460 T T. Craven, 51 1 (CBS) From CAM 1 Houston St. before
the shots
461 T " 2 Knoll after shots - Craven jumped out
of CAM 1
462 T " 3 Closeup of Newmans
463 T " 4 Arcade (2, 3, 4 above taken within
2 minutes after fatal shot)
464 T*6 Underwood, 52 1 (KRLD-CBS) TSBD sign over doorway
465 T*6 Sanderson, 53 2 6th floor window from directly beneath
466 T " 3 Cops with shotguns - Dal Tex in
467 T " 4 Cops with shotguns - Dal Tex in
background - police photographer
leaving TSBD
468 T " 5 Fire engine moving north to Elmon
469 T " 6 Cops with shotguns
470 T " 7 5th floor window TSBD from directly
471 T " 8 Cop with shotgun & police official -
DalTex in background
472 T " 9 6th floor window from beneath - Pans
down to view west on Elm St. Ext. -
several cops moving fast - police car
in center cop getting out
473 T " 10 Cop looking up at TSBD with shotgun
474 T " 11 Cop looking up at TSBD with shotgun
475 T " 12 Same cop looking up at County
Records Bldg.
476 T " 13 Several men going into TSBD doorway
477 T " 14 TSBD from Houston St. - pans in on 6th
floor window
478 T " 15 Several more men going into TSBD
479 T " 16 Cop & 2 police officials running fast
from near TSBD doorway toward
garage entrance of County Record
480 T " 17 Fireman going into TSBD carrying
481 T " 18 Arrest & possible rifle in front of
TSBD (same as Willis 10)
482 T " 19 Decker being interviewed in front of
TSBD (shows in Murray)
T " 20 Fake secret service man & Roger Craig
in front of TSBD (shows in Murray)
483 T J. Darnell, 54 1 (WBAP-NBC) Elm St. activity after he
jumped out of CAM 3 - less than 1 min.
after fatal shot
484 T J. Darnell, 54 2 In parking lot
485 T " 3 In front of TSBD-arrest of man on Elm
486 T " 4 In WBAP press room - Old Co. Court
House witness interviews
487 T D.Owens,55 1 (WBAP-NBC) in front of TSBD
488 T " 2 Decker being interviewed in front of
489 T KRLD,56 1 (Photographer unknown) tow men running
in shadow of fence toward old building
among trees & shrubbery - Could be
library or church in Oak Cliff where
suspect was believed to be hiding
490 MC T. Towner,57 1 JFK rounding corner Houston & Elm
491 PC " JFK rounding corner Houston & Elm
492 PC " Camera cars going down ELM St.
493 MC P. Paschall,59 1 JFK going under overpass
494 PC JFK on Elm - TSBD in background
495 PC JFK on Elm - Overpass in background
496 PB JFK in car after shots (sold to AP)
497 PB JFK on on Stemmons (sold to AP)
498 PB JFK at time of fatal shot - Eva Grant
says Howard had this photo - not sure
it exists
499 ? Unid. Photog.,64 Appears in Wm. Allen 196
500 ? Babushka Lady,65 Could be Babushka Lady - Appears in
many pictures taken north and south of
Elm-Probably took movie of fatal shot
501 ? Unident. Man,66 Appears in Muchmore 1
502 ? Unident. Man,67 Appears in Martin 3
503 ? Overpass Man,68 Policeman says he saw someone on
overpass taking pictures
504 ? Unident. Woman,69 Brennan says he saw her taking
505 ? Unident. Woman,70 Appears in Altgens 1-4
506 ? Unident. Man,71 Appears in Murray at Houston & Elm
507 ? Unident. Man,72 Appears in Murray 1-22, 1-23, 2-5, 2-6
and 2-7 in TSBD doorway
508 ? Grant,73 Not sure he took anything-Was in CAM 2
509 ? Unident. Man,74 Took Elm St. photo before motorcade
510 ? Unident. Photog.,75 JFK early in motorcade. Jack Ruby? &
stripper? standing on curb
511 ? Unident. Photog.,76 Man taking movies from upper floor of
Dal Tex. Bldg. Sorrels took possession
See Sawyer test. 6H324
512 ? Joe Scott,78 TSBD scenes - KRLD photographer
*1 Type of photo : M - Movie;
P - Still photo;
T - Television footage;
C - Color
B - Black & white
*2 There are 10 othere photgraphers' sequeences in the DCA film in addition to
Martin & Mentesana.
*3 "Ike Altgens, AP. remembered taking only three of the photos he actually
took in DP. He took seven at the time of the motorcade and 21 more after
5 pm. The actual roll and frame numbers are given.
*4 James Murray used two cameras. one telefoto and one wide angle. the rolls
as numbered alternate between the two cameras. Rolls 1,3 - Camera 1;
Rolls 2,4, etc., Camera 2. However, the individuals photos do not
alternate. Camera 2 was used much less frequently than Camera 1. The
photos on Rolls 2,4,6,8,and 10 therefore are interspersed with Rolls 1,3,
5,7,9 on a more or less random basis. Only the times listed indicate the
true sequence. The roll and photo numbers listed are those appearing on
the actual films. Only rolls 1 through 4 are listed here. Rolls 5-10 were
exposed either on Nov. 23 or later, or the night of Nov. 22 in locations
other than Dealey Plaza. In addition there are four other Black Star
photographers who took pictures: Gene Daniels, Matt Herron, Shel Hershorn
and Mr. Shulke.
Gene Daniels took a total of 260 black and white, 35mm still photos during
the November 22-24 period. A few of these were taken the afternoon and
evening of November 22 and the rest were taken November 23 and 24. There
are scenes at Dealey Plaza, TSBD, Sheriff's office, Police station, Police
press conferences, and views of Oswald's rooming house and room, Oswald's
public appearences and views Elm St. from Dal Tex Bldg. through telescopic
Their photos are not counted in this list because they were not taken on
November 22 in Dealey Plaza.
*5 Man with sign saying "S.O.B. Jack Kennedy" is standing on South curb of
Elm, facing position of man with umbrella. This photo taken about 1 minute
after shots. Could be a signal for successful hit.
*6 Underwood and Sanderson shared the same camera. Underwood borrowed it from
Sanderson shortly after shots were fired, then returned it. It is not
certain which one took what sequences.
Preparer's note: Much care was taken to produce an accurate list from the
Journal article, however, since this was not an official document, and was
nearly impossible to scan in as either a graphic or ASCII document due to the
binding of the Journals, and the very small type, there are inevitably some
minor typos. In addition, some liberty was taken due to spacing in using an
abbreviation here and there such as 'Unident.' for 'Unidentified'. If any
major discrepancies are noted, bring it to the attention of [76547,474] and
an attempt will be made to correct them. Enjoy!