JFK Assassination Quotes by Government Officials
What have some of the most notable officials in our country and around
the world had to say about the JFK assassination and its subsequent
investigations? This compendium of quotes reveals who believed the
Warren Report and who suspected a darker truth, and provides a unique
perspective on the assassination and aftermath. Many people think that
only "conspiracy buffs" disbelieved the lone-nut solution to the Crime
of the Century, this page suggests otherwise.
Robert Kennedy, Attorney General and brother of JFK:
"There's so much bitterness I thought they would get one
of us, but Jack, after all he'd been through, never worried about it."
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 4, quoting Justice Department
spokesman Edwin Guthman, who was with RFK on the afternoon of the JFK
"One of your guys did it."
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 10, quoting Haynes Johnson in
Post of 17 Apr 1981 and personal interviews, about a comment made over the
within hours of JFK's murder. There remains disagreement and confusion
over whether RFK said this to friend and Cuban exile leader Harry
Ruiz-Williams or to Haynes Johnson himself, as Johnson implied in a
later article (he two men were together when the call from RFK came).
According to Talbot, Johnson today insists that RFK said it to Williams.
Edward Kennedy, Senator and brother of JFK:
"There has to be more to it."
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Jonn Christian and
William Turner, p. xv. NBC correspondent Sander Vanocur, the source of
this statement, rode on the plane with
Ted Kennedy which carried RFK's body back from Los Angeles to
New York; Kennedy had talked bitterly of the "faceless men"
with no apparent motive charged in the slaying of both his brothers and
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Lyndon Johnson, president:
"I'll tell you something about Kennedy's murder that will
rock you.....Kennedy was trying to get Castro, but Castro got to him
- from
How CIA Plot to Kill Castro Backfired, 2 Aug 1976, by Harry
Altshuler, quoting Howard K. Smith interview of LBJ.
Richard Russell, Senator and former Warren Commissioner:
"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."
Whitewash IV, by Harold Weisberg, p. 21.
Hale Boggs, Majority Leader and former Warren Commissioner:
"Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission - on Oswald,
on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the guns, you name it..."
Coincidence or Conspiracy?, by Bernard Fensterwald Jr. and Michael
Ewing, p. 96. The quote comes from an unnamed aide to Congressman Boggs.
The book also quotes Bogg's wife Lindy, through a colleague, as saying
"He wished he had never been on it [the Commission] and wished he'd
never signed it [the Report]."
John Sherman Cooper, Senator and former Warren Commissioner:
"On what basis is it claimed that two shots caused all
the wounds?.....It seemed to me that Governor Connally's statement
negates such a conclusion. I could not agree with this statement."
The Zapruder Film, by David Wrone, p. 247. Cooper was commenting on
a draft of the Warren Report. Wrone is citing the papers of J. Lee
Rankin, wherein Cooper's written comments appeared.
Ken O'Donnell, former Special Assistant to JFK:
"I told the FBI what I had heard [two shots from behind
the grassy knoll fence], but they said it couldn't have happened that
way and that I must have been imagining things. So I testified the way
they wanted me to. I just didn't want to stir up any more pain and
trouble for the family."
Man of the House, by Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill Jr., p. 178. O'Donnell
was riding in the Secret Service follow-up car with Dave Powers, who was
present and told O'Neill he had the same recollection.
Nicholas Katzenbach, former Asst. Attorney General:
"My own feeling was that Bobby was worried that there
might be some conspiracy and that it might be his fault.....It might
very well have been that he was worried that the investigation would
somehow point back to him."
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 277.
"I'm as certain as one can be that there was no other gun
shot.....But it's not silliness to speculate that somebody was behind
Oswald.....I'd almost bet on the [anti-Castro] Cubans."
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 290.
William Attwood, former Ambassador to the UN:
"If the CIA did find out what we were doing [talks toward
normalizing relations with Cuba], this would have trickled down to the
lower echelon of activists, and Cuban exiles, and the more gung-ho CIA
people who had been involved since the Bay of Pigs.....I can understand
why they would have reacted so violently. This was the end of their
dreams of returning to
, and they might have been impelled to take violent action. Such as
assassinating the President."
Not in Your Lifetime, by Anthony Summers, p. 307.
Arthur Schlesinger, former JFK special advisor:
"Undoubtedly if word leaked of President Kennedy's
efforts [the Attwood initiative noted above], that might have been
exactly the kind of thing to trigger some explosion of fanatical
violence. It seems to me a possibility not to be excluded."
Not in Your Lifetime, by Anthony Summers, p. 307.
"We were at war with the national security people."
- told to acquaintance Wilmer Thomas when asked whom he believed was
behind the assassination of President Kennedy. Quoted by Joan Mellen in
How the Failure to Identify, Prosecute and Convict President Kennedy's
Assassins Has Led to Today's Crisis in Democracy, and paraphrased in
A Farewell to Justice, p. 162.
Frank Mankiewicz, former press secretary to RFK:
"I came to the conclusion that there was some sort of
conspiracy, probably involving the mob, anti-Castro Cuban exiles, and
maybe rogue CIA agents."
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 312.
Dick Goodwin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Inter-American Affairs:
"We know the CIA was involved, and the Mafia. We all know
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 303. Author interview.
William Walton, friend of the Kennedys, speaking on behalf of RFK and
Jaqcueline Kennedy:
"Perhaps there was only one assassin, but he did not act
was the ideal location for such a crime."
Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 32. Walton delivered his message in
Moscow to Georgi Bolshakov, who had been a backchannel to the Soviet
leadership and was asked to repeat it to Khrushchev. This incident
occurred a week after the assassination; the story is also recounted in
One Hell of a Gamble.
H.R. "Bob" Haldeman, former Nixon chief of staff:
"After Kennedy was killed, the CIA launched a fantastic
cover-up. Many of the facts about Oswald unavoidably pointed to a Cuban
connection.....In a chilling parallel to their cover-up at Watergate,
the CIA literally erased any connection between Kennedy's assassination
and the CIA."
The Ends of Power, by H.R. Haldeman with Joseph DiMona, p. 39.
Richard Schweiker, Senator and former Church Committee member:
"I think the [
] report, to those who have studied it closely, has collapsed like a house
of cards.....the fatal mistake the
Commission made was not to use its own investigators, but instead to rely
on the CIA and FBI personnel, which played directly into the hands of
senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up."
- speaking on
Face the Nation on 27 Jun 1976. Schweiker was with Gary Hart the
co-chairman of the JFK subcommittee.
Richard Nixon, former president:
"Why don't we play the game a bit smarter for a change.
They pinned the assassination of Kennedy on the right wing, the
Birchers. It was done by a Communist and it was the greatest hoax that
has ever been perpetuated. And I respectfully suggest, can't we pin this
on one of theirs?"
- from a
taped conversation with aide Chuck Colson on the day of the 1972
shooting of George Wallace. This quote has been misinterpreted to
suggest that Nixon called the
Commission a "hoax."
Joseph Califano, former Army member of Cuban Coordinating Committee:
"I have come to share LBJ's view [that Castro "got him
first"]....Over the years I have come to believe that the paroxysms of
grief that tormented Robert Kennedy for years after his brother's death
arose, at least in part, from a sense that his efforts to eliminate
Castro led to his brother's assassination."
- Inside: A Public and Private Life, by Joseph A. Califano Jr., p. 126.
Harry Truman, former president:
"I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that
it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger
operations.....There is something about the way the CIA has been
functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position, and I
feel that we need to correct it."
- published in
Post of 22 Dec 1963, exactly one month after JFK's murder. Excerpted in
Church Committee testimony of Clark Clifford.
G. Robert Blakey, former Chief Counsel of the HSCA:
"I now no longer believe anything the Agency [CIA] told
the committee any further than I can obtain substantial corroboration
for it from outside the Agency for its veracity.....We also now know
that the Agency set up a process that could only have been designed to
frustrate the ability of the committee in 1976-79 to obtain any
information that might adversely affect the Agency. Many have told me
that the culture of the Agency is one of prevarication and dissimulation
and that you cannot trust it or its people. Period. End of story. I am
now in that camp."
- in an
addendum to the web page for the Frontline episode "Who Was Lee Harvey
Oswald?", after Blakey learned that CIA-HSCA liaison George
Joannides had been case officer for the DRE in 1962-64.
George Burkley, former presidential physician to JFK:
"I would not care to be quoted on that."
- responding to the question "Do you agree with the Warren Report on
the number of bullets that entered President Kennedy's body?" in an
oral history interview of 17 Oct 1967. In 1977, Burkley's lawyer
William Illig contacted HSCA Chief Counsel Sprague stating Burkley "had
never been interviewed in the Kennedy assassination and has information
that others besides Oswald must have participated." See Sprague
memo to file of 18 Mar 1977.
Charles DeGaulle, President of
"Vous me blaguez! [You're kidding me.] Cowboys and
- upon being briefed by a reporter on the lone-nut theory; reported by
David Talbot in a
Salon article entitled The Mother of All Cover-ups.
Fidel Castro, Prime Minister of
"First of all, nobody ever goes that way for a visa.
Second, it costs money to go that distance. He (Oswald) stormed into the
embassy, demanded the visa, and when it was refused to him, headed out
saying 'I'm going to kill Kennedy for this.'.....What is your government
doing to catch the other assassins? It took about three people."
Commission Document 1359, reporting on a conversation which SOLO had
with Castro in June 1964. Operation SOLO was the FBI's penetration of
the Communist Party
via the brothers Jack and Morris Childs. According to John Newman, Morris
was the likely source of CD 1359.
Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the
Soviet Union
"What really happened?"
- expressing incredulity at the official account of JFK's murder to
journalist Drew Pearson during a
meeting in May 1964.
Mikhail Gorbachev, former Premier of the
Soviet Union
"He looked far ahead and he wanted to change a great
deal. Perhaps it is this that is the key to the mystery of the death of
President John F. Kennedy."
- written in a Sixth Floor Museum memory book in 1998, according to
archivist Gary Mack in the
Kennedy Assassination Chronicles.
Earl Warren, former head of the
"Practically all the Cabinet members of President
Kennedy's administration, along with Director J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI
and Chief James Rowley of the Secret Service, whose duty it was to
protect the life of the President, testified that to their knowledge
there was no sign of any conspiracy. To say now that these people, as
well as the Commission, suppressed, neglected to unearth, or overlooked
evidence of a conspiracy would be an indictment of the entire government
of the
United States
. It would mean the whole structure was absolutely corrupt from top to
bottom, with not one person of high or low rank willing to come forward
to expose the villany..."
The Memoirs of Earl Warren, by Earl Warren, p. 367.
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