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Richard Bissell, Oral History Interview – JFK#1, 4/25/1967
Administrative Information
Creator: Richard Bissell
Interviewer: Joseph E. O’Connor
Date of Interview: April 25, 1967
Location: East Hartford, C.T.
Length: 31 pages
Biographical Note
Bissell, Deputy Director of Plans for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1959
to 1962,
discusses the planning for the Bay of Pigs invasion, including the timing of
when John F.
Kennedy learned of the plans, the Joint Chiefs of Staffs’ involvement in the
planning, and
the possibility for alternate outcomes, among other issues.
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Transcript of Oral History Interview
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Suggested Citation
Richard Bissell, recorded interview by Joseph E. O’Connor, April 25, 1967, (page
number), John F. Kennedy Library Oral History Program.
Richard Bissell—JFK #1
Table of Contents
Page Topic
1 Contacts with John F. Kennedy (JFK) during 1960
3, 24 Planning for the Bay of Pigs invasion
10 Role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in planning the Bay of Pigs
20 War in Laos
22 JFK’s changes to intelligence communication structures
26 Support for and objections to the Bay of Pigs plan by specific people
28 Possibility of setting up a network of guerillas within Cuba
First of Two Oral History Interviews
Richard Bissell
East Hartford, Connecticut
April 25, 1967
By Joseph E. O'Connor
For the John F. Kennedy Library
O’CONNOR: Mr. Bissell, I wanted to begin this by asking you if you had any
contacts with John Kennedy [John F. Kennedy] before he became
BISSELL: Yes, I had rather occasional and fleeting comments. I think the first
time I actually met him, under circumstances where I sat down and
talked to him, was when I went up to see him in his office in the
Capitol. This was at a fairly early stage in his campaign, and it was for the
purpose of—he
invited me to contribute, in writing, any ideas that I might have that could be
fed into the
campaign that would be valuable to him in the campaign. I was eager to do so,
but the press
of business kept me fairly busy, and I think as it turned out, I never did make
contributions. I may have seen him once or twice more during the campaign, but
really very
little until after the election.
Did he have any things particularly in mind when he asked you for
I had the impression that he didn't have, at that point, anything much in
mind having to do with the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], where I
was, of course, then working and had been for about six years. I'm
inclined to think he was more interested in economic policy, but we didn't
really bring it to
the point or sharply defining a field. I think there's one more reason that may
have influenced
him to make the suggestion, which is that I was one individual known to him and
quite well to a number of his close associates as being a Democrat, a professed
and also being interested in his candidacy. I was one such person who was active
in the
executive branch of the government and at a fairly senior civil service level. I
don't mean for
one moment that there was any intimation that he wanted to use me to find out
what was
going on in the inner councils of the administration; that was not the thrust at
all. It is simply
that I was an individual who had had, and was still having, current experience
inside the
executive branch. I think he was well aware that many problems of government
looked differently from inside than from outside, even where that difference
doesn't have
anything to do with privileged information or classified information.
Okay, then I would presume your next contact with him would have
come, well, perhaps just during the campaign. Were you involved at
all in the briefing that he received?
I really wasn't very much involved in that, and I was a little reticent to
be. I don't remember any specific suggestion to that effect being made,
but I would have been a bit reticent simply because of my position in
the government.
But I thought specifically of the briefing that he received regarding—
well, various matters, undoubtedly—but regarding the Bay of Pigs.
There was, as you're well aware, a controversy over whether or not
he had known anything about the invasion, about the plans for infiltration or
invasion of
Cuba before the election was actually held.
My impression is that he didn't know anything about those plans
before the election. The next time that I remember seeing him at any
length was an occasion that has been widely reported when Allen
Dulles [Allen W. Dulles] and I went down just after Thanksgiving, after the
election, and
gave him a pretty extensive briefing on the Bay of Pigs and on many other things
as well. I
think he probably had intelligence briefings during the campaign; that is to
say, briefings in
which he was appraised of the latest intelligence on the state of the world. But
I took no
part in those, that wouldn't have been a part of my job in the CIA, anyway, and
I would be
fairly surprised if those had covered the Bay of Pigs at all.
Well, when the briefing with you and Allen Dulles took place at
Thanksgiving time, had the decision been made at that time to advance
the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban operation from infiltration, perhaps, to a
modified invasion? Had this decision taken place yet?
I would say that the decision had taken place because the plan as we
outlined it to him did contemplate some form of landing of a
significant force to act as a catalyst in inducing, ultimately, a
revolutionary situation in Cuba. It's difficult to answer the question, however,
because that
decision as to the character of the operation was rather gradually modified
during the late
autumn, and it's very difficult even for someone who was close to those
developments, to put
a finger on the exact moment when a clear decision was made or the circumstances
or, really,
the people who made it. It was a
decision rather forced by circumstances.
Well, much has been made of the pressure on the President-elect and
President from the fact that a body of men was training for this
operation. Was this pressure much, was this pressure very great
before the Inauguration? Are you aware of this…
I don't believe it was because I don't think that before the
Inauguration he tried to concern himself in any detail with this
activity. My impression was that this was a period when his efforts
were overwhelmingly directed to the selection and choice of people for various
and in which he really didn't have very much time to spend on the Bay of Pigs.
Well, when does this become a major factor? Or did it ever, the
pressure of…
Oh, it did become so. Yes, it did become so later; I think the pressure
began to be felt, as such, perhaps as much as a month after the
Inauguration. I say that as much time as that elapsed simply because
my recollection is that it was possible and logical to allow the preparatory
phase to go
forward for at least that period of time before the ultimate decisions began to
imminent and had to be faced very seriously. Of course, the pressure in the
first month of a
new administration of the decisions that have to be made is so intense— I think
in some
ways more so than in any subsequent period except the most extreme crises—that
that doesn't absolutely demand attention is bound to be here pushed off.
Much has been made of this pressure, and the defenders of John
F. Kennedy have said, in effect, that he was presented almost with a
fait accompli, that it was very, very difficult to reverse this measure
once it had begun rolling. Now, do you agree with that or not? How strong do you
feel the
pressure was, or what chance—what opportunity do you feel the President had to
reverse the
decision? I know he legally always had the chance up until the move was actually
Yes. Well, I think I would agree that the pressure—which I'll for
the moment call the pressure of circumstances, but also a
pressure applied through people, including myself—was very
strong. By the time this began to be a serious issue requiring major decisions,
was a significant military force; it was in training under circumstances that
could not
be maintained for very long. There were a variety of circumstances: the
arrival of the rainy season, the inadequacy of the facilities of the training
camp in
Guatemala, the increasingly precarious political position of this venture
Ydigoras [Ydigoras Fuentes Miguel], the President of Guatemala, the
impossibility of
maintaining the Cubans as a force and maintaining their morale and discipline if
weren't committed to action fairly soon.
There were many circumstances, of which I have perhaps enumerated the
principal ones, which made some action to change radically the location, status,
and role of that military force absolutely essential and urgent. So the
was not, as I'm sure has been said many times, that of continuing to train and
prepare a military force or else to commit it to action. The alternative to
committing it to action would have been to move it back to the U.S. or to break
up and disperse it, or both. This would have been a very difficult and messy
operation. It not only would have been difficult and messy at the level of the
Cubans themselves and the Cuban force, but as we all know it had domestic
political overtones that were pretty serious. Because of what would have had to
have been done, the action would have been widely publicized, and there would
have been a great many Cubans expressing their
view that here they were ready to recapture their homeland by their own efforts
and the
U.S. government was actively preventing it.
The President, therefore, within a couple of months of corning into office,
would have
been open to the accusation that he was dismantling the government's major
effort to unseat
Castro [Fidel Castro]. Castro was extremely unpopular then. The whole issue of
with him was much more exacerbated at that point than it is now. I think,
therefore, that the
pressures—ultimately built up by the circumstances in being, but expressed as
political pressures and a very real concern about the wisdom of breaking up the
effective anti-Castro force—I think these pressures became very powerful indeed.
Because of these pressures, this force of circumstance, to an outsider
there seems to be a sort of inevitability about the Bay of Pigs
operation. I don't know whether you'd agree with that or not, but I
would like to ask you if or when consideration was given to alternatives. What
would be
done with the men training if it was decided to call off the operation?
Well, consideration was given to that off and on all through those
early months—really, from the beginning in February until the
operation was actually mounted—because we had to face this
possibility a number of times. The plan, as I remember it, that was ultimately
adopted as a
fallback plan, was that they would be embarked on the vessels that had been
chartered for
the invasion, but those vessels would have been taken into convoy by American
vessels and brought to a U.S. port or to Guantanamo or to the Marine station on
or some place of this kind. As far as it went, that was feasible. I don't think
anyone had
tried to think through all the details of then disarming and demobilizing these
people and
actually returning them to the U.S., although that part would not have been too
Frankly, I thought that would be the most difficult part. I think that's
what everyone was worried about, the problem of disarming the force
and returning it to…
What I really mean is that if they'd been under U.S. Naval escort,
they would really have had no choice. If they'd been taken first to
some port other than in the continental U.S., let us say some military
base in the Caribbean, and they had there been disembarked and disarmed, perhaps
when the political and similar difficulties would have stared, but the military
problem, I
think, would have been under control by that time.
Okay. There is a controversy over what the role of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff was, or the military in the United States.
Could I go back and add a little to your preceding question because
one is bound to speculate about might-have-beens of all kinds. As I
look back, I think one of our failures, collectively, in the course of
the decision-making process, one of the respects in which that process was, with
unsatisfactory, is that some other alternatives were not considered, perhaps
because some
of the basic underlying assumptions of the operation were not brought out and
Let me expand on this point and make a little clearer what I'm driving at. A
decision that was at no point questioned during the period we're talking about,
the early
months of the new Administration, was that if this operation were to be carried
forward at
all, it would be so as, ostensibly, an activity of the Cubans; one which was
certain to be
suspected of receiving some support from the U.S. government, but nevertheless,
basically undertaken and carried forward on Cuban initiative with the
possibility of a
plausible disclaimer of support by the U.S. government. This was the concept of
this as an
operation, and of course this is the reason that the CIA rather than the
Pentagon was in
charge of it.
I think one simple failure of observation on the part of really all of us who
involved, including the President and Rusk [Dean Rusk] and very definitely all
of us in the
CIA was that, despite reading the daily papers and listening to the radio, we
didn't really
grasp the extent to which it was believed by everyone else that whatever
operation was in
preparation was very much on the initiative of the U.S. government and under the
of the U.S. government rather than on Cuban initiative and under effective Cuban
In the public discussion it was more and more taken for granted that this was,
in effect, an
activity of the U.S. government, which, to be sure, was using Cubans, but really
only using
Therefore, I believe that, just as a matter of fact, the concept of this as an
operation, responsibility for which could be plausibly disclaimed by the U.S.
government, had lost its validity many weeks before the invasion itself took
place. It
was this fact, as I now believe it to have been, that really, it seems to me,
was never
faced by those of us in the CIA who were advocating the operation and deeply
committed to it emotionally, or by someone like Rusk, who was on the whole
to it, or by the President or others in the circle of advisors. The one thing
that seemed
to be taken sort of for granted throughout was that if anything was going to be
done, it
would be done within this original concept.
My feeling is that if the breakdown of that concept had been faced, some other
possible courses of action would have been considered. One was to decide that
Administration would go forward with the operation but would do so in ways that
took full
advantage of the fact that it was going to be attributed to the U.S. government
no matter
what denials and what official positions were taken. And there are quite a few
things that
could have been done to enhance the chances of success of this operation if it
was once
admitted that U.S. government responsibility was going to be established in the
mind beyond any possibility of doubt. For instance, using U.S. volunteers as
pilots would
have made a significant difference. If this decision had been made some weeks in
the whole scale of the
operation could have been different. Probably more sophisticated weaponry could
have been
used. Even without committing any U.S. citizens or any but a handful of
volunteers to action
on the ground, it still would have been possible to make it a more militarily
Alternatively, if the complete breakdown of that concept had been faced, I am
inclined to think Dean Rusk would have argued even harder than he did, and he
very well have won the day in favor of complete cancellation of the operation.
But, as I
look back on it, almost everybody continued, really without much debating of
this point,
to believe that the fig leaf was still in place. And that belief, the deep
reluctance of Rusk
to drop the fig leaf if the operation was going to be done at all, the
President's own
reluctance to drop the fig leaf, these, I think, in the final weeks did
contribute to the
ultimate failure of the operation.
O'CONNOR: Well, do you think sufficient attention also was paid to the domestic
political consequences early enough in the operation, early enough in
the planning?
BISSELL: You mean the U.S. domestic political consequences? I think
probably not, because certainly the people who were concerned,
like myself, with the conduct of the operation simply weren't
spending any time on the domestic political complications. We were very
concerned with
the political platform, as it were, of the Council [Cuban Revolutionary
Council], which
was the political arm of the invasion. A lot of nonsense has been written about
the degree
to which this was a conservative group and the degree to which the U.S.
government's influence
was in the direction of conservative doctrines. This is just plain false; it was
the other way. But I don't think much attention was paid to the political
implications or
possible repercussions in the U.S.
O'CONNOR: Okay. I started to ask you a little bit ago about the role that the
Chiefs of Staff played in this. There's been much question about this,
much has been written about this. Can you tell me at what point the
Joint Chiefs of Staff or the Pentagon became involved? In other words, was it
ever strictly
a CIA operation?
BISSELL: Let me answer in these phases: for the first eight months or so of the
whole activity, which took it up almost to the change of
administration, the military had been involved as they are or have
been in a number of CIA operations. There were military personnel assigned to
the CIA to
work as part of the CIA staff. This was the source of the men who did most of
the military
training, of course. The principal military officer in charge of the planning
and finally the
military conduct of the operation was a very fine Marine colonel, an outstanding
Then we had made some use of various military facilities: we got our B-26's, as
remember it, by release from the National Guard; we got some National Guard
pilots or air
crews to volunteer primarily for training purposes; we used the ex-military base
at Miami
as a logistics base; we undoubtedly—and I don't know the details of this—used
military installations on occasion for loading ships and doing things of this
sort. All of this
involvement, however, was at a relatively low level, and it comes under the
heading of
support by the Department of Defense to CIA activities.
I would say that the most decisive change in the role of the Joint Chiefs came
early in the Administration. I can't remember just how soon, but I do know that
the very
first time this was discussed in a policy meeting in the White House, the
President said,
“Have the Joint Chiefs done a careful evaluation of this operation?” The answer
negative. And he said, “I want that done as the very next step.”
One reason that the subject was then fairly quiescent at the policy level in
Washington, at least through February, was that the Joint Chiefs formed a
committee, a
senior officer from each of the three services chaired by an Army brigadier
general, to carry
out an evaluation. This committee, first of all, came and reviewed the
provisional operational
plans. They then went down to Central America and elsewhere, wherever we had
activities, and looked them over. My recollection is they got back to Washington
and finished
their appraisal in the latter part of February, then made a report in the first
instance to the
Joint Chiefs. The Joint Chiefs accepted their conclusions. Their report was
then, in effect,
presented either by General Gray [David W. Gray], who was the chairman of that
group, or
else by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs to the President in one of those policy
From that point on, the involvement of the Joint Chiefs was very much more
because that review committee remained in existence to review variations in and
versions of the military plan, also to keep an eye on the implementation of
these plans. That
committee of three military officers worked very very closely with us, and they
spent, I think,
as much time in the office where this project was quartered in Washington as
they did over in
the Pentagon. Theoretically, they were a committee to oversee and report to the
Joint Chiefs.
They had no authority, and in the CIA no one had any authority over them. In
however, they worked very closely with the senior military commander, the Marine
colonel I
spoke of, who was on assignment to the CIA and in the line of command reported
to me.
O'CONNOR: Well, when the Joint Chiefs of Staff first became involved, or this
committee selected by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was it understood by
them that they could reject this operation, or was it simply the feeling
that they were to implement…
BISSELL: No, very definitely, in that first month, the question was whether the
operation should go forward. What they were invited to do at that
point had nothing to do with implementation. They were acting, at
that point, very clearly and explicitly in their
role as the President's advisors and not in the role of an implementing or
directing body.
O'CONNOR: It seems to me from what little I know about the operation, that
the plan tended to have a series of weak points, or at least from an
overall military standpoint it was a rather fragile plan. It depended
on the perfect execution of various things. Did you ever feel that the Joint
Chiefs of
Staff or that the committee, the military committee, did not emphasize
sufficiently to you
or to the President the fragility of the plan?
BISSELL: The answer to that is affirmative. I did have that feeling on several
specific occasions. I suppose the reason I felt it, however, was that it
affected the President's attitude toward the form and implementation of
the plan. I had great confidence in the Marine officer who was directing the
military side of
this operation. He was trained and experienced in amphibious warfare. From the
when it began to appear that this would involve the landing of a significant
body of troops—
now we were first talking of four or five hundred as against three times that
number that
eventually went in—he emphasized that if the group were large enough so they
make what would amount to a completely clandestine entry into Cuba, then air
cover of the
operation was absolutely essential, and if the air cover was not fully
effective, the operation
wouldn't succeed. He said flatly, “This is accepted doctrine. And every military
officer who
knows anything about amphibious operations knows that unless you can count on
solid air
cover, the chances of success are small.”
O'CONNOR: This he was saying to you.
BISSELL: To me and to Allen Dulles, and to Cabell [Charles Pearre
Cabell], Allen's deputy, my boss. And we, all of us, accepted
this position. The feeling I had then, and I have never changed
this in any degree, is that as a piece of military doctrine it was surprising
and later
horrifying to me that the Joint Chiefs did not emphasize this point nearly as
as the colonel who was in charge of the operation himself did.
There was one interesting and alarming occasion at one of the sequence of
policy meetings in the White House. Before the meeting started, those of us who
to participate in it were talking outside the Cabinet Room, which was still
by a preceding meeting. I was told, I think it was by General Gray (the chairman
this Joint Chiefs review committee), who shared, I may say, our view on the
essentiality of air cover, something of a discussion that had taken place the
day in the meeting of the Joint Chiefs. In that discussion, two of the three
present had said that they weren't at all sure the operation really had to have
air cover,
that it had a good chance of success without air cover.
I relayed this view to the military director of the operation, who was also
in the group; he had heard something of the same thing and was, again,
horrified. He said that if the Commandant of the Marine Corps had been at that
particular meeting of the Joint Chiefs, he felt sure there would have been a
different tone taken.
Let me make clear, in none of those meetings did Lemnitzer [Lyman L. Lemnitzer]
or Arleigh Burke [Arleigh Albert Burke], who was acting Chief whenever Lemnitzer
away, nor did the chairman of the JCS review group, General Gray, say to the
“We don't believe that air cover is absolutely vital for this operation.” As to
General Gray, I
don't think he believed any such thing, and of course the Joint Chiefs, I'm
sure, would all
have agreed that effective air cover enhanced the chances of success.
Nevertheless, I don't
exclude the possibility that the President became aware, one way or another,
that the Chiefs
placed less emphasis on pre-invasion air strikes to knock out the Castro air
force than did
those in charge of planning the operation. And I may
say that as a civilian with no military experience, I was put in a very odd
position to know
that at the level of the Chiefs themselves there was real question about the
doctrine that the
colonel reporting to me regarded as so essential.
I think it has to be said that if there's anything hindsight tends to prove, it
is that the
colonel was right. With hindsight, I think one is not justified in saying that
given adequate air
cover the operation would surely have been a success. I've never thought that
one could be at
all certain of that. I do think you could pretty well say, however, that without
air cover it
didn't have a chance.
O'CONNOR: This apparently wasn't brought out very strongly in the meetings with
the President in discussion.
BISSELL: No. Particularly, the representatives of the Chiefs there didn't take
position strongly. You see, a great many of the policy questions that
kept arising in those planning meetings with the President had to do
with whether “you really have to have these air strikes?” I'm sure that in
advance of the event
both he and Secretary Rusk were more worried about the effect on world opinion
of the air
operations than they were about the landing itself. They were eager to see the
landing done as
unobtrusively as possible—indeed, we all were—and hence their desire, which was,
course, what was done, to trim back the preparatory air operations.
Well, the thing that Arthur Schlesinger [Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.]
brought out in his book was that the military men who were involved
in this, the Joint Chiefs’ committee or the Joint Chiefs themselves,
never really had an opportunity—now this is what he says, I believe—never really
had an
opportunity to make their views known effectively because there was no agenda to
things kept changing, and by the time they realized the change had taken place,
the planning
was already past that. Do you agree or disagree with that?
By and large, I disagree with that, although I think you can shade this
one way or the other. It is perfectly true that there were no agendas
for the policy meetings with the President. It is not true that as the
military plan changed in certain respects, major respects, the Chiefs did not
have an
opportunity themselves to consider and then to make known their views on such a
of the plan as, for instance, the much discussed shift from a plan for a landing
at Trinidad to
a landing at the Bay of Pigs.
The Chiefs always knew in what respects the plan was being revised or
because their review committee under General Gray, as I have said, was in daily
touch with the planners and, in a sense, were helping with the planning of the
Furthermore, the chairman of that committee reported to the Chiefs, I believe at
meeting of the Joint Chiefs during all of this period. So the Joint Chiefs were
up to date on
what was happening in the planning.
Now in the case of that major change of locale from Trinidad to the Bay of
Pigs, the Chiefs—as again I'm sure has been said in the books—not only knew of
but they had a chance to consider it, and they did have a written comment on
that. In
the last rather hectic days, that was not true. After all, the famous decision
to cancel
an air strike scheduled for Monday morning wasn't made until six o'clock Sunday
evening. It was made, to the best of my knowledge and belief, without
with the Chiefs. The Chiefs were not consulted on a decision that the air strike
was made on the Saturday morning would be cut to about half strength or less.
indeed, the way that decision was made was rather odd because I was simply
instructed by the President to reduce the scale of the strike and make it
No figure was set; and that was a decision that I made myself. The Chiefs
consulted on that. So there is some truth in Arthur's contention in these cases,
but I
rather doubt if this is what he had mainly in mind.
In any case, without trying to guess what he did have in mind, I would say this:
although the Chiefs did receive orderly reports from their Joint Staff
committee, although
they did discuss the operation—and by the way, with nobody from CIA or from the
office present—and although they did express views, only on two occasions that
I'm aware
of were these views reduced to writing. Moreover, so far as I'm aware, it was
not the
practice, either in the meetings which I attended or in other private meetings,
for the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to give the President an orderly account of the
Joint Chiefs’
most recent deliberations on this matter. If the Joint Chiefs met on a Tuesday
and spent half
an hour on this and then passed on to other business, I very much doubt whether
that afternoon or the next day saw the President and said this was discussed in
the Joint
Chiefs. There was no action item before the Joint Chiefs. So I think I would
agree with
Arthur that the way the system worked, the President was not exposed to a kind
of orderly
reporting of the Joint Chiefs’ deliberations.
O'CONNOR: Well, I have the impression that you, as a civilian, and the President
were dependent on the Joint Chiefs of Staff to point out deficiencies
in the planning and operation.
BISSELL: Yes, that's true.
O'CONNOR: Military deficiencies.
Right. I think that's correct. But also very heavily dependent on
the two senior military officers who worked for me. One is the
Marine colonel I talked of, another was an Air Force colonel, also
on assignment to CIA, who had not been brought into it for that purpose, but
really had
been in charge of the U-2 operation and of the Agency's air operations
Well, did they ever specifically object to a portion of the plan, or
were any objections ever effectively presented by the Joint Chiefs of
Staff or by the military?
My recollection is that in their original review, when their review
committee of the Joint Staff visited the installations, I think they did
point to some fairly minor specific deficiencies, but I think they
were satisfied that action was taken on those deficiencies in due time. There's
no doubt
that, well…. I do not recollect any points on which the Chiefs expressed
dissatisfaction, although they made it clear that they thought the Trinidad plan
have had a better chance of success than the Bay of Pigs plan.
In hindsight we can see many aspects of the plan, I think, that could
very well have been strengthened by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and I
wondered if there were any specific instances that you could recall
Remember that the curtailment of strategic air strikes, pre-invasion air
strikes designed to knock out the Castro air force, were something that
they really didn't ever have much opportunity to express an opinion
on. I am confident that they would have opposed that, but I'm not at all sure
they would have
opposed it in terribly strong terms to the President for the reason that I've
indicated to you.
As to other deficiencies, well, I think with hindsight there are some that the
Chiefs and
indeed the military officers who were working for me, should have foreseen and
exposed. As
a matter of fact, I came to feel immediately after the event that in straight
military terms,
aside from curtailing the air strikes, the worst mistake by all odds was that
the air force we'd
assembled wasn't big enough to begin with. I feel very guilty on this point
because I think I
could have foreseen the deficiency, but I think that our military people had, if
I may say so, a
greater responsibility for this. We had something like seventeen aircraft and
aircrews. A
single sortie required about ten hours in the air for about an hour and a half
to two hours over
If you'll just do the arithmetic on the back of an envelope, it's clear that
you can't turn one aircraft around more than twice a day, and you
probably can't turn an aircrew around more than one and a half times a
day. That means that the most you can get is three hours a day over the target
area per aircraft
and maybe two hours a day per aircrew. Well, this means that if you did all your
perfectly and if you had no attrition, you could have about one and a half
aircraft over the
target area all the time.
Now this, as I feel with hindsight, was very definitely insufficient. We were
counting on our aircraft not only for the strategic role before the invasion to
knock out
Castro's aircraft on the ground, but we were also counting on it very heavily
as, in effect,
the artillery of the ground forces. No one ever thought that the Brigade [Cuban
could hold Castro's armies off unless you had favorable terrain, which we did,
and unless
you could call in very strong air support. It's been clear to me ever since that
this was a
serious miscalculation. And I think that I should have foreseen this, and I
think others
should have foreseen it. It is for this reason, among others, that I have always
unwilling to say that if the President hadn't called off that air strike, the
operation would
surely have been a success. I'm about 90 percent certain that the Joint Chiefs
commented on this inadequacy. Indeed, I don't remember the Joint Chiefs ever
making this
simple analysis.
O'CONNOR: Okay. I had come in here, frankly, with the impression that there must
have been—from earlier conversations I got this impression—that there
must have been perhaps an institutional lack of communications
between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA. I don't get that impression now
from talking
with you.
No, I think that is incorrect. I think the communication in the last two
months before the operation and during it was excellent, was very
good. I think the Chiefs had the mechanism as a result of Kennedy's
action, I may say. This had not been the case previously. But with that review
under General Gray, they had the means of keeping themselves continuously
informed, and
yet, just as a comment on government procedures, they were able to do so without
improper interference, with the activity of the people who had the line
responsibility. I also
feel that they had every opportunity to state specific objections because they
could either
make any objections or comments directly to us through General Clay [Lucius
Clay, Sr.] or, if they'd wished to do so, face to face, or the chairman could
have made any
objections that he thought it important to make directly to the President and
the whole
circle of the President's advisors.
One of the reasons I had this impression was because President
Kennedy has been criticized for disrupting older channels of
communication and, during the first six months, not instituting new
channels to replace them. And again, because of the appointing of Chester Cooper
as a
sort of liaison man between McGeorge Bundy's group in the White House and
intelligence groups in various other places, I thought—well, evidently there was
a lack of
communication during the time of the Bay of Pigs. But apparently, this lack, if
it did
exist, wasn't relevant to the Bay of Pigs operation.
BISSELL: I don't believe it was relevant to the Bay of Pigs, no, because that
received so much attention that the communications were really very
good on that. I would like to make a comment on the general point
though. I think one thing that happened during these first few months of the
term, as others have remarked, is that he largely lost confidence in his senior
military advisors. That was certainly due in part to the Bay of Pigs, and I've
assumed, rather than actually learned from the President himself, that he felt
the Joint
Chiefs, in their capacity as his advisors, should have been more vigilant in
pointing out
shortcomings or causing shortcomings to be corrected, one of the two.
However, I think it's a mistake to assign the major role to the Cuban experience
in explaining his at least temporarily reduced confidence in the Joint Chiefs
because I
also saw very intimately during these months what was going on in Laos and the
decisions that were being made there. One reason that the Bay of Pigs operation
have much attention for the first few weeks after the Inauguration was that the
war was in a state of acute crisis as he assumed office. The first meeting I
with members of the new Administration—Paul Nitze [[Paul Henry Nitze] for one,
McNamara [Robert S. McNamara] for part of the time, Dean Rusk for part of the
time—was one of a series of meetings in the State Department on Laos. I was
at most of these informal policy meetings that were the successor to the formal
[National Security Council] that dealt with Laos. Now there was a case where I
the communication certainly didn't work, although it wasn't, I think, because of
institutional changes that he made or procedural changes.
What would happen at successive meetings was that the President would be
briefed either by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs personally or, as is more apt
to be the
habit, a more junior officer would actually do the briefing of the whole group
in the
presence of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and with the Chairman's comments
time to time. I still remember very clearly the occasion when the long planned
offensive by the Royal Laotian Army against the Nationalists under Kong Le and
communists in the Plaine des Jarres was outlined.
Well, it was a nice piece of planning to have been carried out in a military
as an exercise in how you would dispose troops, given the terrain and the
dispositions of
the enemy. It predicted that the Plaine des Jarres would be seized on the tenth
day of the
operation, or something of this kind by parachute troops. All of this, you
understand, was
to be done by the Royal Laotian forces. I left this briefing with a sense of
unreality. I had been close for a year and a half, I guess, to the goings on in
Laos, and it just
never occurred to me that the Royal Laotian could, or would, carry out any such
military operation of this sort, and of course they didn't.
It really didn't occur to me until after that whole event that the President had
this plan seriously. And why shouldn't he? He assumed, correctly, I believe,
that when he
was given a briefing by the Joint Chiefs on the plans of the Laotian Army, plans
with U.S. military advisors at every level, that the Joint Chiefs endorsed the
plan and
thought it would work. I'm sure that if he'd asked the Chairman, the Chairman
would have
said, “Yes, we think there's a pretty good chance this will work.”
On that occasion there were a lot of others of us civilians in the room who
have expressed extreme surprise at the notion that this was going to work out
the way it was
planned because a number of us had had much more intimate experience than the
of the Joint Chiefs, individually, of observing the imperfections of military
execution in a
tiny, backward, backwoods Asian country. It is no particular criticism of the
Joint Chiefs,
perhaps, that they had no feel for that, but it is a grave criticism of the way
the system
worked. Either because the Joint Chiefs were permitted to be quite unrealistic
about what
the Laotians could accomplish or because they assumed the President would do his
discounting, he was given, I believe, a completely false picture about what was
going to
happen in that little war. And I think this was disillusioning to him.
Well, then that was followed by the Bay of Pigs, and I'm sure he felt that here
again the Chiefs had given a kind of formal comment on a plan, a superficial
that did not reflect the results of probing deeply, and that this was another
example of
the same thing. Nevertheless, I am suggesting that in the Cuban case they
were better informed, or at least as well informed, and they certainly had every
opportunity to probe deeply and had certainly made an effort through a Joint
group to do so.
O'CONNOR: Well, we're getting a little bit away from the Bay of Pigs, but I'd
to get just a little bit farther away before we get back to it at all. As I
mentioned, before I came in here I was under the impression that
Chester Cooper's appointment as a sort of liaison man—and I assume I'm correct
thinking he was—was a result of the Bay of Pigs, or at least partially the
result of the Bay
of Pigs. I now see that that is probably not so. Was it the result at all of the
encountered in the Laotian situation, or would you express an opinion or explain
precipitated this?
BISSELL: I don't really know what precipitated it. I will only say that at the
it never particularly occurred to me that it was a result of the Bay of
Pigs. I can only surmise that after the President had been in office two
or three months, and McGeorge Bundy had been there and functioning, they came to
that the flow of intelligence had to be systematized and rendered more orderly
however, in any sense being straitjacketed or impeded or sifted. I strongly
suspect the
feeling was that we have to be sure that any new intelligence that is urgent can
get to the
President's attention promptly; we must be sure that all of the intelligence
that is
important gets to him systematically with at least some indication of which
items he
simply must be aware of and which ones are of lesser importance. And I suspect
feeling was that you couldn't accomplish this result simply by the format of a
report with its underlinings, asterisks, omissions, and compressions; that it
was very
important to put an effective intelligence analyst in a position where he could
reach at
least McGeorge Bundy and through McGeorge Bundy, the President, any time he
this essential, and could say, “These are some things the President really ought
to know.
And here are some other things in the daily bulletin, and they're not as
You mentioned that the Marine Corps colonel who served as an
advisor, in effect, and a trainer of men had had experience in
amphibious operations, and I know for a fact that he did have
experience in Iwo Jima.
But I've at the same time, heard the criticism made of the operation
that not enough people with experience in amphibious operations were
involved, and that particularly within the CIA organization itself,
among civilians in the CIA, there were men—and I'm thinking offhand of Robert
[Robert Amory, Jr.]—who had had experience in amphibious operations whose
was not drawn upon.
Well, there's no doubt that the last is true. There were civilians whose
experience wasn't drawn upon, and this is because of their place in the
Agency. Perhaps, with hindsight, that was a mistake. I don't feel this in
itself was a serious source of inadequacy in the plan or in its execution. The
marine colonel
had also, as you probably know, been a year and half behind the lines in the
Philippines, so
he'd had extensive guerrilla experience as well as amphibious. I think some of
the usual
mistakes that seem to be made in any amphibious landing were made in this case,
but not
really by want of foresight. I'm thinking of the fact that we did find a reef
where we didn't
expect one. And this is despite the fact that we had really looked very hard for
that with
reconnaissance photography.
That's something I never did understand. I couldn't understand how…
And I, frankly, never understood that to this day. But again, no amount
of added experience in CIA headquarters or at the project office would
have made any difference in that because the need for accurate
knowledge of the landing area was very clearly recognized. I think an argument
could be
made that there hadn't ever been an opportunity to train the senior Cuban
officers in the
brigade in amphibious warfare. After all, their total training was fairly brief;
most of it, I
think, was in straight infantry tactics. It would have been very desirable to
have been able to
take a group of them and perhaps send them down to the jungle warfare training
center and
get a little amphibious training. There were a lot of reasons, however, why it
was quite
unfeasible to take the responsible officers away from the unit. It was hard
enough to keep the
Brigade together, anyway, in terms of discipline
and morale. Also, it was really quite out of the question to proceed so openly
about the
training of Cubans as that would have implied. There was a grave political
objection by the
State Department to doing any of the training or any significant amount of it on
territory. Again, the insistence on a plausible disclaimer limited what could be
done. So it
just wasn't feasible to do that. My own hunch is that if more experience in
warfare would have helped, it would have helped really in the officers of the
brigade itself
rather than in headquarters' planning.
O'CONNOR: Okay. There is also an important question about the plan or the
possibility that these invaders or infiltrators might be able to escape
into the Escambray Mountains and become guerrillas. Was Kennedy
actually told this very, very strongly? Was this very definitely a part of the
final plan?
BISSELL: No. I think it is certainly true that it was in the minds of everyone
concerned with the final plan that, given the Bay of Pigs location,
there was little likelihood they could make an escape to the
Escambray. We did feel there was some chance that guerrilla activity could be
continued in
the marshes around and especially to the north and west of the Bay of Pigs.
Classically and
historically that's been an area that's supported guerrilla operations. I do
feel the impression
we attempted to give the President was just that—that the chances of a retreat
to the
Escambray from the Bay of Pigs, by contrast with a landing around Trinidad which
is right
next to the Escambray, those chances were very poor, but that there would be
some chance
of organizing effective guerrilla activities right around the Bay of Pigs. I
feel myself that
this is a respect in which all of us were derelict. The President was given, or
was allowed to
form, a much too optimistic impression of this as a possibility, as a fallback
in the Bay of
Pigs case.
O'CONNOR: Well, there is, in connection with this same problem, a conflict over
whether or not the Cubans themselves understood that this was a
possible fallback. The Cubans have testified that they were not told,
and yet other people have maintained that they were told, or that this was, at
least, a part of
the plan.
I can't throw very much light on that. My own belief is that in the last
month or so of their training the emphasis was so heavily on more or
less conventional infantry tactics and fire power that I doubt if their
trainers, let alone the Cubans themselves, faced at all clearly this contingency
that they might
have to break up and as many of them as possible function as guerrillas. I also
don't think that
they were well equipped; I don't think we had researched water sources and that
kind of thing
well enough.
There was a very famous April 4 meeting, among many meetings, in
which it is said the President asked various people to stand up and give
their opinions. Apparently he never got around to the whole group, but
at least he did ask various members. And at this meeting, it is said or has been
said, that
Senator Fulbright [J. William Fulbright] voiced objection to the plan. And yet
I've heard
from other people that he did not. Now, what was your recollection of that? Do
you recall
Senator Fulbright's opinions outstanding at all?
Yes, my impression is that he did voice some objection.
Well, we're dealing with impressions here all around because…
Yes. That is my impression. By the way, the President did get around
to almost everybody in that meeting.
I wasn't aware of that. I was under the impression that…
If that's the meeting I have in mind. There was one where he went
around, and he asked everyone for their votes. One reason I
remember this quite clearly, he came to Adolf Berle [Aolf A. Berle,
Jr.]. Adolf gave a rather long reply, which was, well, the alternatives aren't
very good, and
it has dangers, but if it succeeded, it would be effective, and so on. Finally,
when he was
through, the President said, “Well, Adolf, you haven't voted.” And Berle said,
“I'd say, let
her rip.”
I've heard that “Let her rip” a number of times, but I didn't know who
it came from, actually. That was one of the things he...
That's it. Several of the people gave, ultimately, inconclusive
comments, sort of no objection comments. I remember particularly,
that pro votes were given specifically by Nitze, however, who was
there, McNamara, Berle in the terms I've spoken of, Tom Mann [Thomas Clifton
Mann], I
think, when finally pinned down in somewhat the same way. Well, these are the
whom I remember, and I don't know who was there for the Joint Chiefs. I don't
whether it was Lemnitzer or Burke, but I suspect that whoever it was gave an
reaction. And I know that also the Marine colonel was there in that room. No, I
guess he
wasn't in that room because he was at that point down at the embarkation. He had
been at
an earlier session. He may have been there, I'm not sure of that. I think
General Gray was
there for the Joint Chiefs committee and so on. But it was a pretty complete
Another controversy involves what was expected of the dissident
elements in Cuba. Would you comment on that? What exactly did
you expect from the dissident elements, and when?
I thought we'd get nothing. Oh, possibly a few sporadic incidents, but
nothing of significance until a beachhead was consolidated and had
been held for three or four days. By that time, if we had had aircraft
operating out of the beachhead and had, in effect, demonstrated that the Castro
forces could
not successfully attack and destroy the beachhead, if we'd had aircraft able to
communications and the railroad and targets of this kind, then I thought there
was a very
real possibility that you'd begin to get significant action.
One of the criticisms that is made in connection with the dissident
elements is that, number one, they were not told satisfactorily or in
time that their cooperation was to be expected eventually, and that
this led to their being defenseless when Castro moved effectively against them.
Yes, right.
How did that come about? Can you explain that at all?
Yes. I think that the second half of that criticism especially has
some validity. It came about as the final climax of one of the
developments in the whole course of the operation that had a lot to
do with its ultimate failure. This was the complete failure of the effort to
organize a
disciplined underground in Cuba. As you remember, of course, when the operation
started a year before the Bay of Pigs, it was intended in the first instance as
an operation
involving the training of guerrilla leaders and organizers, radio operators, and
a few
technicians, the infiltration of these men and their subsequent resupply by air.
It wasn't
until months after the operation had been initiated that the concept was evolved
of a small
landing force to detonate, as it were, an internal revolt
that would have been already organized. It wasn't until the latter part of the
autumn with the complete failure of the effort to organize a disciplined
underground that
the whole emphasis shifted to the landing force, to the invasion.
These facts, I think, are pretty well known, but they need a little more
The key to what I mean by a disciplined underground is perhaps not quite
described by this term because its essential feature is a secure command and
control and
communications net. What I mean by a command and control and communications net
not a large body of men. Perhaps in the whole of a country the size of Cuba it
could be one
or two hundred people, but people who were highly disciplined, would obey
orders, who
were compartmented so they knew one another, for instance, only by code name and
pseudonyms, who had means of communicating with one another in such a fashion
that if
one man was apprehended, he would not be able to give away the identity of many
in the net. And to be effective, the individuals who constitute a communications
net of this
kind must have radios. Quite possibly, these would serve as a major means of
communication, and certainly they have to be in a position to receive
communications from
outside and to send them by radio.
Given a command and control net that is secure, it then becomes possible to have
guerrilla groups which by their very nature are more numerous, less well
trained, therefore,
less susceptible to tight discipline, and much less able to be secure than those
comprise the “net.” If there's a guerrilla band of twenty men, it's just
inevitable that if one
of them is picked up, he knows the identities of the other twenty. But if your
communication with actual groups of dissidents and also with all kinds of groups
of would-
be dissidents inside the country. Furthermore, there's no need for one group of
dissidents to
know the identity of another group. There can be some university students in a
cell, and
there can be some guys in the Escambray, and there can be some industrial
workers who
are still at their jobs, and they don't need to know one another.
It's in this way that something that can be called a controllable and reasonably
disciplined resistance movement can be, and has to be, built up. A resistance
that is held
together by this kind of net, then, becomes a collection of forces from which
intelligence can be quickly obtained and to which information and instructions
can be
given. For instance, if you have an organization of this kind, a group that
wants and needs
an air drop of supplies, and is in a place in the country where it can receive
it, can communicate
(a)its needs, and (b)where it is and when it will be there and what the
signal will be, and you can organize these things.
In the course of the autumn I don't know how many air drops were made, and
I think one was reasonably successful, but only one of the entire series. For
the most
part, after an air drop had been carried out in response to a request that had
forwarded in a cumbersome chain through Havana and the U.S. Embassy, we never
knew whether the recipients had been anywhere near the drop zone and they never
knew whether the aircraft had been anywhere near what they thought was the drop
zone. I certainly felt that I received a liberal education in the fact that what
I've called
a communications and command and control net of some sort, an underground, is
doomed to ineffectiveness.
Well, for a whole lot of reasons—and some of them, I'm sure, reasons that I have
never understood—the efforts during the late summer and autumn to build an
of this sort, specifically to establish contact with guerrilla groups, to send
in a radio
operator and technician to each so that they'd communicate to the outside, to
identify and
recruit agents in fishing villages who were reliable people with whom
would be possible for infiltration by small boats, all of these efforts failed
abysmally. In
late autumn we had a number of very successful small boat infiltrations of
supplies and
people, but as a general rule, the people were picked up within forty-eight
hours and the
supplies immediately thereafter. Why? Because when you land guys on a beach at
even if it's completely secure and they're completely safe and, after all, are
of the
nationality of the country and all the rest of it, there has to be a house in a
village nearby
where they can go and sleep and get a meal. Then there has to be another place
pass them along to. This simply was not accomplished. That being the case, the
inside Cuba at the time of the Castro uprising were a very diverse group, or set
of groups of
people. Mainly, the dissidents were people who were emotionally in opposition to
but not in any kind of organizational framework. And short of a broadcast on the
there wasn't any way to communicate with these people. There was still a few
with whom
we could communicate but very, very few. The whole effort, of course, was to
make this
invasion a tactical surprise, which it was. To that end it, of course, was quite
out of the
question to warn Castro semi-publicly by broadcasting to the dissidents that
something was
going to happen on such and such a day.
One of the myths of the discussions of that operation, a myth that's uttered by
Cubans, too, is to the effect that there was an organized underground with which
communication was possible, which could have been warned to get out of the way
on a
certain date so as to avoid arrest without giving the date away to Castro. That
is a myth.
There probably weren't more than a dozen people, if that many, inside of Cuba to
whom it
was possible, with any security what ever, to communicate let alone given an
order and
expect to have it carried out.
One of the lessons that can be drawn from this is that the whole thing should
been aborted, not just after Kennedy came into office but way back in November
when it
was pretty clear that the effort to build an underground wasn't working. Here
again this is
where one, both at the time and looking back on it, has a feeling of
inevitability. A great
effort had been mounted, let us say, by November, and there seemed to be really
pressing reason then for giving it up. What I think we did not foresee as early
even as
December is that there plainly wasn't going to be time to start all over again
at the building
of an underground and have that job done before the rainy season. Because it
seemed that
there wasn't time to do that job and because we were quite aware that it had not
been a
success, everyone concerned began to pay more and more attention gradually to
the other
Richard Bissel Oral History Transcript – JFK #1
Name Index
Amory, Robert, Jr., 24 Rusk, Dean, 8, 9, 14, 20
Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 27 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 15, 16
Bundy, McGeorge, 20, 23
Burke, Arleigh Albert, 13, 27
Cabell, Charles Pearre, 13
Castro, Fidel, 6, 13, 18, 19, 28, 31
Clay, Lucius Dubignon, Sr., 20
Cooper, Chester, 20, 22
Dulles, Allen W., 3, 13
Fulbright, J. William, 26
Gray, David W., 11, 13, 15, 19, 27
Kennedy, John F., 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27,
Lemnitzer, Lyman L., 13, 27
Mann, Thomas Clifton, 27
McNamara, Robert S., 20, 27
Miguel, Ydigoras Fuentes, 5
Nitze, Paul Henry, 20, 27