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scorecard folks! can't tell the players
without a scorecard!
(and, we were worried about
the communists for sixty years ? ? ?)
Declassified Papers Show
U.S. Recruited Ex-Nazis
December 11, 2010
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After World
War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS
veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been
previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the
other way when they escaped, according to thousands of newly declassified
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The Nazi officer Klaus
Barbie escaped to Bolivia; he and others got American help.
With the
Soviet Union muscling in on Eastern Europe, “settling scores with Germans or
German collaborators seemed less pressing; in some cases, it even appeared
counterproductive,” said a government report published Friday by the
National Archives.
“When the
Klaus Barbie story broke, about his escaping with American help to Bolivia, we
thought there weren’t any more stories like that, that Barbie was an exception,”
said Norman J. W. Goda, a
University of Florida professor and co-author of the report with
Professor Richard Breitman of American University. “What we found in the record
is that there were a fair number, and that it seems more systematic.”
In chilling
detail, the report also elaborates on the close working relationship between
Nazi leaders and the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who later
claimed that he sought refuge in wartime Germany only to avoid arrest by the
In fact, the
report says, the Muslim leader was paid “an absolute fortune” of 50,000 marks a
month (when a German field marshal was making 25,000 marks a year). It also said
he energetically recruited Muslims for the SS, the Nazi Party’s elite military
command, and was promised that he would be installed as the leader of
Palestine after German troops drove out the British and exterminated
more than 350,000 Jews there.
On Nov. 28,
1941, the authors say,
Hitler told Mr. Husseini that the Afrika Corps and German troops
deployed from the Caucasus region would liberate Arabs in the Middle East and
that “Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews.”
The report
details how Mr. Husseini himself was allowed to flee after the war to Syria — he
was in the custody of the French, who did not want to alienate Middle East
regimes — and how high-ranking Nazis escaped from Germany to become advisers to
anti-Israeli Arab leaders and “were able to carry on and transmit to others Nazi
racial-ideological anti-Semitism.”
“You have an
actual contract between officials of the Nazi Foreign Ministry with Arab
leaders, including Husseini, extending after the war because they saw a cause
they believed in,” Dr. Breitman said. “And after the war, you have real Nazi war
criminals — Wilhelm Beisner, Franz Rademacher and Alois Brunner — who were quite
influential in Arab countries.”
In October
1945, the report says, the British head of Palestine’s Criminal Investigation
Division told the assistant American military attaché in Cairo that the mufti
might be the only force able to unite the Palestine Arabs and “cool off the
Zionists. Of course, we can’t do it, but it might not be such a damn bad idea at
“We have more
detailed scholarly accounts today of Husseini’s wartime activities, but
C.I.A. file indicates that wartime Allied intelligence organizations
gathered a healthy portion of this incriminating evidence,” the report says.
“This evidence is significant in light of Husseini’s lenient postwar treatment.”
He died in Beirut in 1974.
The report, “Hitler’s
Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence and the Cold War,” grew
out of an interagency group created by Congress to identify, declassify and
release federal records on Nazi war crimes and on Allied efforts to hold war
criminals accountable. It is drawn from a sampling of 1,100 C.I.A files and 1.2
million Army counterintelligence files that were not declassified until after
the group issued its final report in 2007.
Shadow” adds a further dimension to
a separate Justice Department history of American Nazi-hunting
operations, which the government has refused to release since 2006 and which
concluded that American intelligence officials created a “safe haven” in the
United States for certain other former Nazis.
Like earlier
reports generated by the group, this one paints a grim portrait of bureaucracy,
turf wars and communication gaps among intelligence agencies. It also details
blatantly cynical self-interested tactical decisions by Allied governments and a
general predisposition that some war crimes by former Nazis and their
collaborators should be overlooked because the suspects could be transformed
into valuable assets in the more urgent undercover campaigns against Soviet
The American
intelligence effort to infiltrate the East German Communist Party was dubbed
“Project Happiness.”
“Tracking and
punishing war criminals were not high among the Army’s priorities in late 1946,”
the report says. Instead, it concludes that the Army’s Counterintelligence Corps
spied on suspect groups ranging from German Communists to politically active
Jewish refugees in camps for displaced people and also “went to some lengths to
protect certain persons from justice.”
Among them was
Rudolf Mildner, who was “responsible for the execution of hundreds, if not
thousands, of suspected Polish resisters” and as a German police commander was
in Denmark when Hitler ordered the country’s 8,000 Jews deported to Auschwitz.
Mr. Mildner
escaped from an internment camp in 1946, and the report raises questions about
whether American intelligence agents’ “lenient treatment of Mildner contributed
in some way to his ability to escape” and even suggests that he may have
remained in American custody helping identify Communists and other subversives
before settling in Argentina in 1949.
The report
cites other cases that parallel the experience of Klaus Barbie, known as the
Butcher of Lyon. He cooperated with American intelligence agents who helped him
flee to Argentina.
One of those
cases involved Anton Mahler, who as a Gestapo anti-communist agent interrogated
Hans Scholl, the German underground student leader who was beheaded in 1943. Mr.
Mahler also served in Einsatzgruppe B in occupied Belarus, which was blamed for
the execution of more than 45,000 people, mostly Jews.
admission on his own U.S. military government questionnaire in 1947 was ignored
or overlooked by U.S. and West German authorities,” the report said.
agents recommended that Mr. Mahler and other former Nazis be protected from
politically inspired criminal proceedings in Germany.
In 1952, the
report says, the C.I.A. moved to protect Mykola Lebed, a Ukrainian nationalist
leader, from a criminal investigation by the Immigration and Naturalization
Service. He would work for American intelligence in Europe and the United States
through the 1980s, despite being implicated in guerrilla units during the war
that killed Jews and Poles and being described by an Army counterintelligence
report as a “well-known sadist and collaborator of the Germans.”
Operation Paperclip casefile
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997
Dossier: Documented Evidence
Case File: 5X067
Compiled by Agent Orange
After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams
began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific
booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs,
medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious
"spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany.
The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine.
The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had
originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But
when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertise, the War
Department decided it would be a waste to send the scientists home. Following
the discovery of flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in
German military bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must
control this technology, and the Nazi engineers that had worked on this
There was only one problem: it was illegal. U.S. law explicitly prohibited Nazi
officials from immigrating to America--and as many as three-quarters of the
scientists in question had been committed Nazis.
Convinced that
German scientists could help America's postwar efforts, President Harry Truman
agreed in September 1946 to authorize "Project Paperclip," a program to bring
selected German scientists to work on America's behalf during the "Cold War"
However, Truman expressly excluded anyone found "to have been a member of the
Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active
supporter of Naziism or militarism."
The War Department's Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted
background investigations of the scientists. In February 1947, JIOA Director
Bosquet Wev submitted the first set of scientists' dossiers to the State and
Justice Departments for review.
The Dossiers were damning. Samauel Klaus, the State Departments representative
on the JIOA board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were
"ardent Nazis." Their visa requests were denied.
Wev was furious. He wrote a memo warning that "the best intrests of the United
States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in 'beating a dead Nazi
horse.'" He also declared that the return of these scientists to Germany, where
they could be exploited by America's enemies, presented a "far greater security
threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliations which they may have had
or even any Nazi sympathies that they may still have."
When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers on the
Nazis, the Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director
Allen Dulles. Dulles and Gehlen hit it off immediatly. Gehlen was a master spy
for the Nazis and had infilitrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence
network. Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA.
Apparently, Wev decided to sidestep the problem. Dulles had the scientists
dossier's re-written to eliminate incriminating evidence. As promised, Allen
Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the CIA, which later opened many
umbrella projects stemming from Nazi mad research. (MK-ULTRA / ARTICHOKE,
Military Intelligence "cleansed" the files of Nazi refrences. By 1955, more than
760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given
prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime
members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans
at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had comitted other war crimes.
In a 1985 expose in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Linda Hunt wrote that
she had examined more than 130 reports on Project Paperclip subjects--and every
one "had been changed to eliminate the security threat classification."
President Truman, who had explicitly ordered no comitted Nazis to be admitted
under Project Paperclip, was evidently never aware that his directive had been
violated. State Department archives and the memoirs of officials from that era
confirm this. In fact, according to Clare Lasby's book Operation Paperclip,
project officials "covered their designs with such secrecy that it bedeviled
their own President; at Potsdam he denied their activities and undoubtedly
enhanced Russian suspicion and distrust," quite possibly fueling the Cold War
even further.
A good example of how these dossiers were changed is the case of Wernher von
Braun. A September 18, 1947, report on the German rcoket scientist stated,
"Subject is regarded as a potential security threat by the Military Governor."
The following February, a new security evaluation of Von Braun said, "No
derogatory information is available on the subject...It is the opinion of the
Military Governor that he may not constitute a security threat to the United
Here are a few of the 700 suspicious characters who were
allowed to immigrate through Project Paperclip.
During the war, Rudolph was operations director of the Mittelwerk factory at the
Dora-Nordhausen concentration camps, where 20,000 workers died from beatings,
hangings, and starvation. Rudolph had been a member of the Nazi party since
1931; a 1945 military file on him said simply: "100% Nazi, dangerous type,
security threat..!! Suggest internment."
But the JIOA's final dossier on him said there was "nothing in his records
indicating that he was a war criminal or and ardent Nazi or otherwise
objectionable." Rudolph became a US citizen and later designed the Saturn 5
rocket used in the Apollo moon landings. In 1984, when his war record was
finally investigated, he fled to West Germany.
From 1937 to 1945, von Braun was the technical director of the Peenemunde rocket
research center, where the V-2 rocket --which devasted England--was developed.
As noted previously, his dossier was rewritten so he didn't appear to have been
an enthusiastic Nazi.
Von Braun worked on guided missles for the U.S. Army and was later director of
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. He became a celebrity in the 1950s and
early 1960s, as one of Walt Disney's experts on the "World of Tomorrow." In
1970, he became NASA's associate administrator.
A high-ranking Nazi scientist, Blome told U.S. military interrogators in 1945
that he had been ordered 1943 to experiment with plague vaccines on
concentration camp prisoners. He was tried at Nuremberg in 1947 on charges of
practicing euthanasia (extermination of sick prisoners), and conducting
experiments on humans. Although acquitted, his earlier admissions were well
known, and it was generally accepted that he had indeed participated in the
gruesome experiments.
Two months after his Nuremberg acquittal, Blome was interviewed at Camp David,
Maryland, about biological warfare. In 1951, he was hired by the U.S. Army
Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare. His file neglected to mention
According to Linda Hunt's article, the US military tribunal at Nuremberg heard
evidence that "Schreiber had assigned doctors to experiment on concentration
camp prisoners and had made funds available for such experimentation." The
assistant prosecutor said the evidence would have convicted Schreiber if the
Soviets, who held him from 1945 to 1948, had made him available for trial.
Again, Schreiber's Paperclip file made no mention of this evidence; the project
found work for him at the Air Force School of Medicine at Randolph Field in
Texas. When columnist Drew Pearson publicized the Nuremberg evidence in 1952,
the negative publicity led the JIOA, says Hunt, to arrange "a visa and a job for
Schreiber in Argentina, where his daughter was living." On May 22, 1952, he was
flown to Buenos Aires.
These two, along with Blome, were amoung the 23 defendants in the Nuremberg War
Trials "Medical Case." Becker-Freysing was convicted and sentenced to 20 years
in prison for conducting experiments on Dachau inamtes, such as starving them,
then force-feeding them seawater that had been chemically altered to make it
drinkable. Ruff was acquitted (in a close decision) on charges that he had
killed as many as 80 Dachau inmates in a low-pressure chamber designed to
simulate altitudes in excess of 60,000 feet. Before their trial, Becker-Freysing
and Ruff were paid by the Army Air Force to write reports about their grotesque
It was five years after the end of WW2 but one of Hitler's chief intelligence
officers was still on the job. From a walled-in compound in Bavaria, General
Reinhard Gehlen oversaw a vast network of intelligence agents spying on Russia.
His top aides were Nazi zealots who had committed some of the most notorious
crimes of the war. Gehlen and his SS united were hired, and swiftly became
agents of the CIA when they revealed their massive records on the Soviet Union
to the US.
Gehlen derived much of his information from his role in one of the most terrible
atrocities of the war: the torture, interrogation and murder by starvation of
some four million Soviet prisoners. Prisoners who refused to cooperate were
often tortured or summarily executed. May were executed even after they had
given information, while others were simply left to starve to death. As a
result, Gehlend and members of his organization maneuvered to make sure they
were captured by advancing American troops rather than Russians, who would have
executed them immediatly.
Two months before Germany surrendered in 1945, the Gehlen organization made its
move. "Gehlen and a small group of his most senior officers carefully
microfilmed the vast holding on the USSR in the military section of the German
army's general staff. They packed the film in watertight steel drums and
secretly buried it in a remote mountain meadow scattered throughout the Austrian
General William Donovan and Allen Dulles of the CIA were tipped off about
Gehlen's surrender and his offer of Russian intelligence in exchange for a job.
The CIA was soon jockeyeing with military intelligence for authority over
Gehlen's microfilmed records--and control of the German spymaster. Dulles
arranged for a private intelligence facility in West Germany to be established,
and named it the Geheln Organization. Gehlen promisd not to hire any former SS,
SD, or Gestapo members; he hired them anyway, and the CIA did not stop him. Two
of Gehlen's early recruits were Emil Augsburg and Dr. Franz Six, who had been
part of mobile killing squads, which killed Jews, intellectuals, and Soviet
partisans wherever they found them. Other early recruits included Willi
Krichbaum, senior Gestapo leader for southeastern Europe, and the Gestapo chiefs
of Paris and Kiel, Germany.
With the encourgement of the CIA, Gehlen Org (Licio Gelli) set up "rat lines" to
get Nazi war criminals out of Europe so they wouldn't be prosecuted. By setting
up transit camps and issuing phony passports, the Gehlen Org helped more than
5,000 Nazis leave Europe and relocate around the world, especially in South and
Central America. There, mass murderers like Klaus Barbie (the butcher of Lyons)
helped governments set up death squads in Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, and
Known as the Nazi butcher of Lyons, France during World War 2, Barbie was part
of the SS which was responsible for the and death of thousands of French people
under the Germany occupation.
Some of Rupp's best work was done for the CIA, after he was imported in
Operation Paperclip. Rupp has been convicted of bank fraud. He was an operative
for the CIA and is deeply involved in the Savings and Loan scandals. A federal
jury has indicated they believe testimony that Rupp, the late CIA Director
William Casey - then Reagan's campaign manager, and Donald Gregg, now U.S.
Ambassador to South Korea, flew with George Bush to Paris in 1980, during the
election in which Bush was on the ticket with Ronald Reagan. The testimony
states that three meetings were held on October 19 and 20 at the Hotel Florida
and Hotel Crillion. The subject? According to the court testimony, the meetings
were to sabotage President Jimmy Carter's reelection campaign by delaying the
release of American hostages in Iran. The hostages were released on January 20,
1981, right after Reagan and Bush were sworn into office. Iran was promised
return of its frozen assets in the United States and the foundation for the
Iran- Contra deal was set into motion.
Head of a 2400 member secret Masonic Lodge, P2, a neo-fascist organization, in
Italy that catered to only the elite, Gelli had high connections in the Vatican,
even though he was not a Catholic. P2's membership is totally secret and not
even available to its Mother Lodge in England. Gelli was responsible for
providing Argentina with the Exocet missile. He was a double agent for the CIA
and the KGB. He assisted many former Nazi high officials in their escape from
Europe to Central America. He had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a
close associate of Benito Mussolini. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto
Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank. Calvi was murdered. Gelli's
secret lodge consisted of extremely important people, including armed forces
commanders, secret service chiefs, head of Italy's financial police, 30
generals, eight admirals, newspaper editors, television and top business
executives and key bankers - including Calvi. Licio Gelli and others in P2 were
behind the assasination of Pope John Paul 1.
The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic
Lodge, Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian
government and several international banks was Licio Gelli. He, with Klaus
Barbie and Heinrich Rupp, met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for
the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland
Island attack to kill british soldiers.
Who is Gelli and why was he so important?
To understand Gelli, one must understand the complex post war years of Europe.
The biggest threat to Europe in pre-war times was Communism - it was the great
fear of Communism that gave birth to the Fascists and the Nazis. Though both
sides were dreaded, the Fascists represented right-wing government, while the
Communist represent left-wing government. It was the right-wing that the United
States and the Catholic Church desired over Communism - because Communism would
destroy the capitalistic system. This is why the CIA and the Vatican had go
through with Operation Paperclip. The Nazis had massive amounts of Soviet
intelligence, had infilitrated Communist partisans, and were in no way going to
be given up to the Soviet Union.
Gelli worked both sides. He helped to found the Red Brigade, spied on Communist
partisans and worked for the Nazis at the same time, a double agent. He helped
establish the Rat Line, which assisted the flight of high ranking Nazi officials
from Europe to South America, with passports supplied by the Vatican and with
the full acknowledgment and blessing of the United States intelligence
community. While on one hand, the U.S. participated in the war crime tribunals
of key Nazi officials and maintained an alliance with the Communist Soviet
Union, secretly, the U.S. was preparing for the cold war and needed the help of
Nazis in the eventual struggle the U.S. would have with the Soviet Union.
Gelli's agreement with U.S. intelligence to spy on the Communists after the war
was instrumental in saving his life. He was responsible for the murder and
torture of hundreds of Yugoslavian partisans.
The Vatican provided support to Nazis and Fascists because the Communists were
the real threat to the Church's survival. The Italian Communists would have
taxed the Church's vast holdings and the Church has had a dismal experience with
Communist governments throughout the world - where religious freedom was stamped
Gelli was well connected with the Vatican from the days of the Rat Line and he
worked for American intelligence, as well. Gelli formed the P-2 Masonic
Lodge-which did not follow the direction of any Grand Lodge-and it was supplied
with a sum of $10 million a month by the CIA. Its membership was a Who's Who in
the intelligence, military and Italian community. So prominent was Gelli's
influence, that he was even a guest of honor at the 1981 inauguration of
President Ronald Reagan.
Gelli used blackmail in order to gain prominent members of his P-2 lodge, its
membership is estimated at 2400 members, including 300 of the most powerful men
in the Western World.. He was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of
Argentina, Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in the
Italian and American governments - he is also reported to have had some
financial dealings with the George Bush for President campaign.
Gelli and his P-2 lodge had staggering connections to banking, intelligence and
diplomatic passports. The CIA poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Italy
in the form of secret subsidies for political parties, labor unions and
communications businesses. At the same time the Agency continued its
relationship with far- right and violent elements as a back-up should a coup be
needed to oust a possible Communist government. This covert financing was
exposed by the Prime Minister of Italy in a speech to Parliament. He indicates
that more than 600 people in Italy still remain on the payroll of the CIA. Licio
Gelli was an ardent Nazi and a perfect asset of the CIA. As part of Reinhard
Gehlen's intelligence team, he had excellent contacts. Licio was the go between
for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge.
Project Paperclip was stopped in 1957, when West Germany protested to the U.S.
that these efforts had stripped it of "scientific skills." There was no comment
about supporting Nazis. Paperclip may have ended in 1957, but as you can see
from Licio Gelli and his international dealings with the CIA in Italy/P2, and
Heinrich Rupp with his involvement in October Surprise, the ramifications of
Paperclip are world-wide. The Nazis became employed CIA agents, engaging in
clandestine work with the likes of George Bush, the CIA, Henry Kissenger, and
the Masonic P2 lodge. This is but one of the results of Operation Paperclip.
Another umbrella project that was spawned from Paperclip was MK-ULTRA.
A secret laboratory was established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles in
Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by
psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. For the next several years Dr. Ewen Cameron waged
his private war in Canada. What is ironic about Dr. Cameron is that he served as
a member of the Nuremberg tribunal who heard the cases against the Nazi doctors.
When it was at its height in drug experiments, operation MK-ULTRA was formed.
This was the brainchild of Richard Helms who later came to be a CIA director. It
was designed to defeat the "enemy" in its brain-washing techniques. MK-ULTRA had
another arm involved in Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) known as MK-DELTA.
The "doctors" who participated in these experiments used some of the same
techniques as the Nazi "doctors". Techniques used by Dr. Cameron and previous
Nazi scientists include electro shock, sleep deprivation, memory implantation,
memory erasure, sensory modification, psychoactive drug experiments, and many
more cruel practices.
Project Paperclip brought us MK-ULTRA. Paperclip ultimately brought in key
players involved in the Assassination of Pope 1, October Surprise (sabotage of
Carter's peace talks), and a great many other things still classified to this
day. The results of Project Paperclip were devastating, and very far reaching. I
guess that is what you would expect from collaborating with Nazis.
This research shows that the OSS/CIA that was formed in the National Security
Act, the same agency that employed hundreds of Nazis, has been in alliance with
the Vatican through various Agency connections such as Licio Gelli. The
CIA/Vatican alliance that Assassinated Pope John Paul 1, JFK, and hundreds of
dictators of 3rd world countries is the Illuminati.
The Bavarian Illuminati has been around for centuries in one way or another.
It's presence in the 20th century is the direct result of the Nazis. The Nazi
connections to the occult and the Bavarian Thule Society were parallel to the
American members of 33rd degree Freemasonry. When the Operation Paperclip was
successfully executed, the Nazi element of the Bavarian Thule society was fused
with the American members of Freemasonry to create the Illuminati.
Operation Paperclip, MK-ULTRA, October Surprise, and George Bush are all facets
of the Illuminati, a group whose ideals are rooted in the occult, and dedicated
to world domination.
Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor of rural
philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and member of a Freemason lodge,
said that he was asked to join the Illuminati. After studying the group, he
concluded that the purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his
In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy," which states:
"An association has been formed for the express
purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the
existing governments.... The leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable
power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their
unknown superiors."
The CIA and the Vatican have rooted out all the religious establishemnts in the
world. The CIA has overthrown and set up dictators under their control all over
the world. The CIA and the Vatican have fullfilled the purpose of the
Illuminati. The CIA and the Vatican _are_ the Illuminati.
Dossier compiled by Agent Orange
1. It's a Conspiracy! Michael Litchfield, Earthworks Press
2. Operation Paperclip, Clare Lasby, Athenaeum 1975
3. U.S. Coverup of Nazi Scientists, Linda Hunt, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
4. Acid Dreams, Martin Lee and Bruce Schlain, Grove Press
5. Journey Into Madness, Gordon Thomas, Bantam Books
6. Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, New York
7. Kiss the Boys Goodbye, by Monika Jensen-Stevenson and William Stevenson.
8. Inside Job - The Looting of America's S&L, by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker
9. In God's Name, An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I, by David
10. The Crimes of Patriots - A True Tale of Dope. Dirty Money, and the CIA by
Jonathan Kwitny.
11. Mengele - The Complete Story, by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware.
12. Blowback, America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effects on the Cold War, by
Christopher Simpson.
13. Jury Says Story of Reagan-Bush Campaign Deal With Iran Is True, San
Francisco Chronicle May 5, 1990.
14. Hawaii Scheme Cost Napans $500.000, Napa Register October 3, 1983.
15. The Vatican Connection by Richard Hammer
16. The Great Heroin Coup, Drug's, Intelligence & International Fascism by
Henrik Kruger
17. The Nazi Legacy by Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton, Neal Ascherson
18. The P-2 Time Bomb Goes Off, May 1984 The Economist
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>zowie_99@hotmail.com wrote:
>What were some of the issues during JFK's Presidency?
Besides some of the more obvious issues (Bay of Pigs, civil rights, the "space
race", and Cuban Missle Crisis) :
....on 1.21.61, President Kennedy signs Executive Orders increasing quantity
and quality of surplus food distributed to jobless Americans and expanding Food
for Peace Program to aid overseas needy.
....In 1961, one of the three major steel companies pulled the commonly used
trick of being the first company, in collusion with all the others, to hike the
price of steel and thus, to establish an excuse for all the other steel
companies to hike their prices. JFK forced the steel companies, by some means,
to roll back their prices. That was an extraordinary achievement on behalf of
the American consumer which has probably never been done before or since by any
of the corporate-owned Presidents of the United States. That deed alone focused
upon JFK the hatred of the "barons" of big business.
....on 3.21.61, President Kennedy signs an executive order establishing the
Peace Corps. Three days later, Sargent Schriver is appointed its first
Director. President Kennedy had spoke of the Peace Corps during the
Presidential campaign on 10.14.60 at a Univ. of Michigan speech.
....on 3.28.61, President Kennedy initiates the largest and most rapid defense
buildup in United States' peacetime history, doubling Polaris missile program,
increasing armed bomber and other missile programs, adding five combat ready
divisions and quadrupling anti-guerilla forces.
....4.4.61, President Kennedy and Attorney General Kennedy implemented a step
up in the pursuit of members of all levels of organized crime, commonly known
as the "mafia." One of the first things that RFK did, in his assault against
organized crime, was the so-called kidnap/deportation of Carlos Marcello, the
"godfather" of New Orleans, on April 4th, 1961. Now this was an unprecedented
and arguably
illegal act. RFK had Marcello snatched off the streets, herded to an awaiting
Federal jet, flown to Guatemala, and dumped in a Guatemala City airport.
Marcello had complained that
he couldn't call his wife, pack any clothes, or cash a check. The action put
the Mob on notice that JFK + RFK was serious. Upon returning to
the U.S. llegally, Marcello swore vengeance against the Kennedy's on at least
three reported occasions. There are witnesses for three occasions in which
Marcello swore vengeance against the Kennedys. Immediately after this episode,
RFK went after, "friends and associates" of Marcello, Santos Trafficante, and
the mob-led Teamsters' [Union] boss, Jimmy Hoffa" Soon, FBI electronic
listening devices began picking up complaints from mobsters all over the
country about what Kennedy was doing to them. I'll mention just two of them.
They were reported by the HSCA in 1979. A mobster working for the BRUNO Family
in Philadelphia, was recorded by a bug saying this:
"See what KENNEDY done? With KENNEDY, I should take a knife and stab and kill
the fucker. I mean it. This is true. Honest to God. I hope I get a week's
notice. I'll kill. I'll kill, right in the White House. Somebody has got to get
rid of this guy."
NICOLINO CARLENTE, (a GENOVESE Family caporegine... -probably means something
like "royal head"), two months later was recorded by an FBI bug saying this:
"I'd like to hit Kennedy. I'd gladly go to the penitentiary for the rest of my
life. Believe me."
....4.16.61, "Bay of Pigs", CIA backed, failed invasion of Cuba. Following the
disastrous invasion at Cuba's Bay of Pigs, the JFK
administration regrouped and initiated a massive new covert action program to
trigger Castro's overthrow. This program was called "Operation Mongoose", and
was launched in late 1961 and placed under the command of Brigadere General
Edward Lansdale (purported to be the character represented by "General Y" in
the error filled, and yet, oftimes accurate, movie "JFK"), an Air Force officer
viewed by the president as a real-life James Bond -- a covert action specialist
without peer. Lansdale was celebrated within the Pentagon and CIA for his
innovative propaganda stunts in the Philippines and Vietnam during
the 1950s. A true believer in the power of psychological operations (PSYOP),
Lansdale had suppressed communist rebels using not only military might, but
folklore and superstition as well. He used PSYOP threats in the Philippines,
where counter-insurgency forces
he trained placed well-publicized bounties on the heads of rebel leaders. (Some
of Lansdale's exploits are detailed in Dossier's
documented feature, "Psywar Terror Tactics".)
....5.9.61 (interesting non-related-to-you- question-tidbit I found in my
notes) The last record of CIA files concerning Clay Shaw discloses that on May
9, 1961, Deputy Director Cabell of CIA spoke before the "Foreign Policy
Association" in New Orleans. On the occasion of this speech, Mr. Cabell was
introduced by the infamous, Clay Shaw, who was the Program Director.
....5.25.61, JFK addresses the House of Representatives and vows to put a man
on the moon before the end of the decade.
....in June, 1961, JFK traveled to Vienna, Austria, where he met with Soviet
Premier Nikita Khruschev for the first time. During two days of meetings,
Khruschev sized-up the young President and underestimated his resolve,
resulting later in the October Missile Crisis of 1962. The topics were West
Berlin and the problem of nuclear missiles, which, according to Khruschev, the
Soviet Union was producing like sausages. At the summit, Khruschev said that if
the Berlin problem could not be solved jointly - he himself would settle it
once and forever. Kennedy suggested that there could be a war. "Well, if a war
is to begin let it be sooner rather than later", Khruschev replied.
....6.28.61, NSA memo's #55,56,57 are drawn up by JFK and given to General
Lemnitzer. The bottom line of these memoranda was to bring
control over the CIA back under the Military. #55 has to do with the
responsabilities of the Joint Chifs of Staff during the cold war. JFKsaid that
the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff would be held esponsible for any military or even
quasi-para-military activities that took place in the World that was initiated
by the United States. So this was an attempt to bring the CIA back under the
control of the Military. Gives control of covert
operations to the military (taking it away from the cia, etc. )....never
implemented formally.
....8.13.61, news from Germany shocked the world. East German soldiers were
surrounding West Berlin with barbed wire. When President Kennedy got the news
he was stunned. The response was the "Berlin Airlift."
....8.21.61, President Kennedy issues NSAM 81 requesting a report about the US
gold supply decreasing noticably. By July of 1963, President Kennedy was still
presenting the latest in series of administrative and legislative programs to
stabilize United States balance of payments and stem outflow of gold.
....9.25.61, JFK in speech to United Nations General Assembly endorses complete
and general disarmament and challenges Soviets to a "peace race."
....11.61, JFK fires Dulles, Bissell & Cabell, all with direct ties to the CIA.
JFK vows to, "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and cast it to the winds."
....in 1962, At the request of his brother RFK, standing behind him, JFK signs
three tough new anti-crime bills targeting organized crime. The bills prohibit
telephone betting, interstate transportation for purposes of racketeering and
commercial transportation of betting equipment.
....5.3.62, JFK in a Special Message to Congress on Conservation said "Our deep
spiritual confidence that this nation will survive the perils of today--which
may well be with us for decades to come--compels us to invest in our nation's
future, to consider and meet our obligations to our children and the numberless
generations that will follow."
....9.62, JFK delivered a speech at Rice University in which he pledged the
U.S. would put a man on the moon, "before the end of this decade."
....10.14.62, The start of the "Cuban Missle Crisis"
....in 1963 JFK received over 800 death threat letters.
....in 3.63, JFK calls for major defense budget cuts. 52 installations in the
U.S. and 21 overseas are at the top of his cutbacks list.
....in 5.63, JFK visits Nashville, TN. The Nashville Congressman - the son of
the late Governor Frank Clement, the president's host during a May 1963
visit - said the incident at Overton High School was kept quiet in order to
keep from encouraging similar scares. "At Overton High School there was a man
who approached with a gun underneath a sack. The would be assassin was grabbed
by the Secret Service."
....6.5.63, The basic decision on the November trip to Texas was made at a
meeting of JFK, Vice President Johnson, and Governor Connally at the "Cortez
Hotel" in El Paso, Tex. JFK had spoken
earlier that day at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., and had
stopped in El Paso to discuss the proposed visit and other
matters with the Vice President and the Governor. The three agreed that the
President would come to Texas in late November 1963. The original plan called
for the President to spend only 1 day in the State, making whirlwind visits to
Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Houston.
There was also a bomb threat against JFK on this day.
....6.10.63, a portion of JFK's speech delivered at American University
"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax
Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of
the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the
kind of peace
that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to
grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely
peace for Americans but peace
for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.
I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an
age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear
forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no
sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the
explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War.
It makes no sense in an age when the
deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and
water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet
....6.11.63, JFK orders Alabama Governor George Wallace to cease and desist
from obstructing black students from attending the University of Alabama. That
night, the President delivers a major televised address on civil rights.
President mobilizes Alabama National Guard to admit two negroes to University
of Alabama as ordered by the court.
....6.22.63, President proposes most sweeping Civil Rights legislation in
history to give all Americans equal opportunity in education, employment,
public accommodations, voting and access to Federal programs.
....6.26.63, In Berlin, the President speaks to the enormous crowd of Germans,
telling them, -"All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens
of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words 'Ich bin ein
Berliner.' (I am a Berliner)."
....in July, 1963, President Kennedy announces to the nation via tv and radio
the "Outer Space Test Ban Treaty on Nuclear Weapons."
....July, 1963, President Kennedy was still presenting the latest in series of
administrative and legislative programs to stabilize United States balance of
payments and stem outflow of gold.
....August, 1962, leaders of the March on Washington, including Martin Luther
King, Jr.
and Roy Wilkins, meet to discuss civil rights with JFK.
....8.9.63, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy died just 39 hours after his birth. Born
five weeks premature, the newborn died from resulting complications. JFK was
crushed by the death of his son and very concerned about Jackie.
....9.2.63, during a JFK interview with Walter Cronkite, speaking about
difficulties in Laos and Vietnam, JFK says, "I don't think that the war can be
won out there....in the final analysis, it's their war; they're the ones that
have to win or lose it."
....9.26.63, Dallas trip is announced by the White House to the media. The
Secret Service was so aloof and not even telling the Dallas FBI that JFK was
even coming to Dallas, let alone solicit FBI aid, in a meeting with Shanklin
where he is pretty outraged that he had to find out that the President was
coming to Dallas in the newspaper.
....10.05.63, the President considered the recommendations contained in the
report of Secretary McNamara and General Taylor on their
mission to South Vietnam.
....10.07.63, President Kennedy signs the "Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty" at
the White House
....10.11.63, JFK has decided to pursue peace and "smash the cia into 1000
pieces...." as he said. Here is a transcript of NSAM 263 :
October 11, 1963
TO: Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
SUBJECT: South Vietnam
At a meeting on October 5, 1963, the President considered the recommendations
contained in the report of Secretary McNamara and General Taylor on their
mission to South Vietnam.
The President approved the military recommendations contained in Section I B
(1-3) of the report, but directed that no formal
announcement be made of the implementation of plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S.
miltitary personnel by the end of 1963.
After discussion of the remaining recommendations of the report, the President
approved an instruction to Ambassador Lodge which is set forth in State
Department telegram No. 534 to Saigon.
s/ McGeorge Bundy
McGeorge Bundy
Copy furnished:
Director of Central Intelligence
Administrator, Agency for International Development
[Declassified - was Top Secret Eyes Only
Auth: EO 11652
Date: 7-6-76
By: Jeanne W. Davis
National Security Council]
....10.24.63, after addressing a meeting in Dallas, U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations, Adlai E.Stevenson was jeered, jostled, and spat upon by
hostile demonstrators outside the Dallas Memorial Auditorium Theater. The
local, national, and international reaction to this incident evoked from Dallas
officials and newspapers strong condemnations of the demonstrators. Mayor
Earle Cabell called on the city to redeem itself during President Kennedy's
visit. He asserted that Dallas had shed its reputation of the twenties as the
"Southwest hate capital of Dixie."
....11.2.63, JFK's trip to Chicago, IL was cancelled at the last minute due to
mortal threats against his life.
....11.12.63, JFK signs NSAM 271 for cooperation with the USSR on outer space
....11.13.63, JFK signs NSAM 272 for safety
rules for nuclear weapons systems.
....11.14.63, JFK in NYC for an AFL-CIO convention. JFK rode through New York
City without a motorcycle escort and with fewer guards than police and the
Secret Service wanted him to have. A frequent visitor to New York City, the
President until last week had been heavily guarded, had a motorcycle escort,
and traveled heavily-guarded streets which had been cleared of other traffic
to make way from him. There were those who spoke disparagingly of the
interruption of normal living occasioned by the President's visits, and this
disturbed him. He insisted that there be no motorcycle escort and that his
motorcade stop for traffic lights. His principal protection on the ride from
LaGuardia Field to the Hotel Caryle, 76th and Madison Ave., was two
city police cars in front of his limousine and one car with Secret Service men
immediately behind the limousine. During the ride into Manhattan, cars
containing newsmen on occasion came dangerously close to the side of the
President's car before being waved off. While the President's car was stopped
for a red light at 72d St. and Madison
Ave., an amateur photographer stepped up close and took pictures before he was
chased off. All this was clear evidence to security men that the small guard
insisted upon by the President was not adequate to insure his safety. Queried
on this point, Police Commissioner Michael Murphy officially said, "No
comment." But those close to him knew that he and his top brass and the Secret
Service were deeply concerned.
....11.17.63, someone warns FBI about an assassination attempt on JFK in
Dallas; FBI sends a telex to all offices about this. The BI's William Walker
makes a xerox of the telex. All copies of this telex are ordered destroyed
after the assassination as an obvious embarrassment to the FBI. Walker later
gives his copy to Garrison.
....11.20.63, Salinger receives a letter from a woman in Dallas saying not to
let JFK come to Dallas. Salinger never tells JFK about the letter.
....11.21.63, President Kennedy is quoted as remarking: "Well,,,That's Lyndon
Johnson, and he's in a lot of trouble."
Selected Milestones in the
Presidency of John F. Kennedy
November 8, 1960
Senator John F. Kennedy is elected 35th President of the United
January 20, 1961
F. Kennedy is inaugurated President--"Ask
not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your
January 21 and 24, 1961
President signs Executive Orders increasing quantity and quality of
surplus food distributed to jobless Americans and expanding Food for
Peace Program to aid overseas needy.
January 30, 1961
President asks Congress to include health insurance in Social
Security Program.
February 2, 1961
President asks Congress for program to help end recession, including
food stamps, extended benefits for unemployed workers and welfare
payments for their children.
February 9, 1961
President requests legislation assisting medical and dental colleges
and students.
February 15, 1961
President warns Soviets to avoid interfering with United Nations
pacification of the Congo.
1, 1961
President initiates Peace Corps
to carry American skills and idealism to new and developing
13, 1961
President proposes a long-term Alliance for Progress between the
United States and Latin America, emphasizing democratic reform and
economic development.
22, 1961
President calls for long-term Foreign Aid program with new emphasis
on self help.
23, 1961
President warns Communists that cease fire must precede negotiations
for a neutral and independent Laos.
28, 1961
President initiates the largest and most rapid defense buildup in
United States' peacetime history, doubling Polaris missile program,
increasing armed bomber and other missile programs, adding five
combat ready divisions and quadrupling anti-guerilla forces.
20, 1961
President assumes responsibility for failed Bay of Pigs invasion,
says policies and procedures will be changed.
May 1,
President signs long-sought Area Redevelopment Bill to aid
communities with chronic unemployment.
25, 1961
President proposes an American space effort greater than all
previous efforts combined, and designed to put an
American space team on the moon
within the decade.
3, 1961
President opens channels of communication with Chairman Khrushchev
of the Soviet Union in an informal conference in Vienna.
30, 1961
President signs bill extending Social Security benefits to five
million people and permitting people to retire with benefits at age
President signs most comprehensive Housing Bill in history,
initiating aid to middle income families and mass transportation
users, and increasing urban renewal and elderly housing.
20, 1961
President signs bill doubling Federal effort to halt water
25, 1961
President tells nation of determination to deter war in West Berlin,
increasing military might and manpower--Soviet deadline for East
German Treaty subsequently passes.
7, 1961
President signs first of three bills creating National Seashore
Parks, the first major addition to the National Park System in 16
8, 1961
President signs most comprehensive wheat and feed grain bill since
1938, resulting in higher farm income and lower food surpluses.
September 3, 1961
President signs $1.25 Minimum Wage Bill, expanding coverage by
several million for the first time since original passage.
September 22, 1961
President signs bill committing United States to unprecedented
search for economic breakthrough in the conversion of salt water to
President signs bill establishing first Federal program to help
combat juvenile delinquency.
September 25, 1961
President, in speech to United
Nations General Assembly endorses complete and general
disarmament and challenges Soviets to a "peace race."
September 26, 1961
President signs bill establishing the first full-scale, full-time
Disarmament Agency in the world.
December 15, 1961
President renews American commitment to preserve independence of
2, 1962
President announces that Soviet resumption of atmospheric nuclear
testing makes American testing necessary in late April unless
effective treaty is signed.
15, 1962
President signs first major Federal bill to retrain jobless victims
of automation and chronic unemployment.
5, 1962
President calls for overhaul of Federal transportation policy,
emphasizing increased and equal competition instead of
regulation--also renews request for urban mass transportation
11, 1962
President urges reconsideration of
inflationary steel price increase--increase was rescinded
shortly thereafter.
12, 1962
President couples depreciation reform with tax credit to spur
greater investment in plant and industry.
26, 1962
President signs the most far-reaching revision of public welfare
legislation since enactment in 1935, emphasizing family
rehabilitation and training instead of dependency.
September 26, 1962
President signs bill enabling construction of world's largest atomic
power plant in Hanford, Washington.
September 30, 1962
President announces action by Federal
Government to carry out court order admitting James
Meredith to the University of Mississippi.
October 2, 1962
President signs United Nations bond issue bill authorizing American
participation in financing United Nations peacekeeping operations in
the Congo and elsewhere.
October 10, 1962
President signs first major improvement in Food and Drug laws since
1938, protecting families against untested and ineffective drugs.
October 11, 1962
President signs Trade Expansion Act granting unprecedented authority
to end American protectionism and build free world economic unity.
October 22, 1962
President announces naval quarantine
to halt Soviet missile buildup in Cuba--Khrushchev
subsequently withdraws missiles under United States inspection.
November 20, 1962
President signs Executive Order to prevent racial discrimination in
Federal housing.
January 14, 1963
President calls for massive tax reduction and tax reform, accurately
predicting longest, strongest economic expansion in American
peace-time history to that time.
22, 1963
President urges final action on Constitutional Amendment outlawing
poll tax as a bar to voting--it became the 24th Amendment.
10, 1963
President, in
speech at American University,
calls on American people to reexamine their attitude toward Cold
11, 1963
President mobilizes Alabama National
Guard to admit two negroes to University of Alabama as
ordered by the court.
22, 1963
President proposes most sweeping Civil Rights legislation in history
to give all Americans equal opportunity in education, employment,
public accommodations, voting and access to Federal programs.
18, 1963
President presents latest in series of administrative and
legislative programs to stabilize United States balance of payments
and stem outflow of gold.
September 20, 1963
President, in address
to the United Nations General Assembly, proposes
additional cooperation with Soviet Union, including outer space
exploration--United States and Soviet Union subsequently agree on
outer space disarmament move.
September 24, 1963
President signs first major program assisting construction of higher
education classrooms.
October 7, 1963
President signs Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, first disarmament agreement
of the nuclear age.
October 9, 1963
President announces agreement with Soviet Union to open private
negotiations for sale of American wheat.
October 24, 1963
President signs bill launching first major national drive against
mental illness and mental retardation.
November 21, 1963
President asks economic advisers to prepare "War on Poverty" program
for 1964. |
>zowie_99@hotmail.com wrote:
>What were some of the issues during JFK's Presidency?
Besides some of the more obvious issues (Bay of Pigs, civil rights, the "space
race", and Cuban Missle Crisis) :
....on 1.21.61, President Kennedy signs Executive Orders increasing quantity
and quality of surplus food distributed to jobless Americans and expanding Food
for Peace Program to aid overseas needy.
....In 1961, one of the three major steel companies pulled the commonly used
trick of being the first company, in collusion with all the others, to hike the
price of steel and thus, to establish an excuse for all the other steel
companies to hike their prices. JFK forced the steel companies, by some means,
to roll back their prices. That was an extraordinary achievement on behalf of
the American consumer which has probably never been done before or since by any
of the corporate-owned Presidents of the United States. That deed alone focused
upon JFK the hatred of the "barons" of big business.
....on 3.21.61, President Kennedy signs an executive order establishing the
Peace Corps. Three days later, Sargent Schriver is appointed its first
Director. President Kennedy had spoke of the Peace Corps during the
Presidential campaign on 10.14.60 at a Univ. of Michigan speech.
....on 3.28.61, President Kennedy initiates the largest and most rapid defense
buildup in United States' peacetime history, doubling Polaris missile program,
increasing armed bomber and other missile programs, adding five combat ready
divisions and quadrupling anti-guerilla forces.
....4.4.61, President Kennedy and Attorney General Kennedy implemented a step
up in the pursuit of members of all levels of organized crime, commonly known
as the "mafia." One of the first things that RFK did, in his assault against
organized crime, was the so-called kidnap/deportation of Carlos Marcello, the
"godfather" of New Orleans, on April 4th, 1961. Now this was an unprecedented
and arguably
illegal act. RFK had Marcello snatched off the streets, herded to an awaiting
Federal jet, flown to Guatemala, and dumped in a Guatemala City airport.
Marcello had complained that
he couldn't call his wife, pack any clothes, or cash a check. The action put
the Mob on notice that JFK + RFK was serious. Upon returning to
the U.S. llegally, Marcello swore vengeance against the Kennedy's on at least
three reported occasions. There are witnesses for three occasions in which
Marcello swore vengeance against the Kennedys. Immediately after this episode,
RFK went after, "friends and associates" of Marcello, Santos Trafficante, and
the mob-led Teamsters' [Union] boss, Jimmy Hoffa" Soon, FBI electronic
listening devices began picking up complaints from mobsters all over the
country about what Kennedy was doing to them. I'll mention just two of them.
They were reported by the HSCA in 1979. A mobster working for the BRUNO Family
in Philadelphia, was recorded by a bug saying this:
"See what KENNEDY done? With KENNEDY, I should take a knife and stab and kill
the fucker. I mean it. This is true. Honest to God. I hope I get a week's
notice. I'll kill. I'll kill, right in the White House. Somebody has got to get
rid of this guy."
NICOLINO CARLENTE, (a GENOVESE Family caporegine... -probably means something
like "royal head"), two months later was recorded by an FBI bug saying this:
"I'd like to hit Kennedy. I'd gladly go to the penitentiary for the rest of my
life. Believe me."
....4.16.61, "Bay of Pigs", CIA backed, failed invasion of Cuba. Following the
disastrous invasion at Cuba's Bay of Pigs, the JFK
administration regrouped and initiated a massive new covert action program to
trigger Castro's overthrow. This program was called "Operation Mongoose", and
was launched in late 1961 and placed under the command of Brigadere General
Edward Lansdale (purported to be the character represented by "General Y" in
the error filled, and yet, oftimes accurate, movie "JFK"), an Air Force officer
viewed by the president as a real-life James Bond -- a covert action specialist
without peer. Lansdale was celebrated within the Pentagon and CIA for his
innovative propaganda stunts in the Philippines and Vietnam during
the 1950s. A true believer in the power of psychological operations (PSYOP),
Lansdale had suppressed communist rebels using not only military might, but
folklore and superstition as well. He used PSYOP threats in the Philippines,
where counter-insurgency forces
he trained placed well-publicized bounties on the heads of rebel leaders. (Some
of Lansdale's exploits are detailed in Dossier's
documented feature, "Psywar Terror Tactics".)
....5.9.61 (interesting non-related-to-you- question-tidbit I found in my
notes) The last record of CIA files concerning Clay Shaw discloses that on May
9, 1961, Deputy Director Cabell of CIA spoke before the "Foreign Policy
Association" in New Orleans. On the occasion of this speech, Mr. Cabell was
introduced by the infamous, Clay Shaw, who was the Program Director.
....5.25.61, JFK addresses the House of Representatives and vows to put a man
on the moon before the end of the decade.
....in June, 1961, JFK traveled to Vienna, Austria, where he met with Soviet
Premier Nikita Khruschev for the first time. During two days of meetings,
Khruschev sized-up the young President and underestimated his resolve,
resulting later in the October Missile Crisis of 1962. The topics were West
Berlin and the problem of nuclear missiles, which, according to Khruschev, the
Soviet Union was producing like sausages. At the summit, Khruschev said that if
the Berlin problem could not be solved jointly - he himself would settle it
once and forever. Kennedy suggested that there could be a war. "Well, if a war
is to begin let it be sooner rather than later", Khruschev replied.
....6.28.61, NSA memo's #55,56,57 are drawn up by JFK and given to General
Lemnitzer. The bottom line of these memoranda was to bring
control over the CIA back under the Military. #55 has to do with the
responsabilities of the Joint Chifs of Staff during the cold war. JFKsaid that
the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff would be held esponsible for any military or even
quasi-para-military activities that took place in the World that was initiated
by the United States. So this was an attempt to bring the CIA back under the
control of the Military. Gives control of covert
operations to the military (taking it away from the cia, etc. )....never
implemented formally.
....8.13.61, news from Germany shocked the world. East German soldiers were
surrounding West Berlin with barbed wire. When President Kennedy got the news
he was stunned. The response was the "Berlin Airlift."
....8.21.61, President Kennedy issues NSAM 81 requesting a report about the US
gold supply decreasing noticably. By July of 1963, President Kennedy was still
presenting the latest in series of administrative and legislative programs to
stabilize United States balance of payments and stem outflow of gold.
....9.25.61, JFK in speech to United Nations General Assembly endorses complete
and general disarmament and challenges Soviets to a "peace race."
....11.61, JFK fires Dulles, Bissell & Cabell, all with direct ties to the CIA.
JFK vows to, "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and cast it to the winds."
....in 1962, At the request of his brother RFK, standing behind him, JFK signs
three tough new anti-crime bills targeting organized crime. The bills prohibit
telephone betting, interstate transportation for purposes of racketeering and
commercial transportation of betting equipment.
....5.3.62, JFK in a Special Message to Congress on Conservation said "Our deep
spiritual confidence that this nation will survive the perils of today--which
may well be with us for decades to come--compels us to invest in our nation's
future, to consider and meet our obligations to our children and the numberless
generations that will follow."
....9.62, JFK delivered a speech at Rice University in which he pledged the
U.S. would put a man on the moon, "before the end of this decade."
....10.14.62, The start of the "Cuban Missle Crisis"
....in 1963 JFK received over 800 death threat letters.
....in 3.63, JFK calls for major defense budget cuts. 52 installations in the
U.S. and 21 overseas are at the top of his cutbacks list.
....in 5.63, JFK visits Nashville, TN. The Nashville Congressman - the son of
the late Governor Frank Clement, the president's host during a May 1963
visit - said the incident at Overton High School was kept quiet in order to
keep from encouraging similar scares. "At Overton High School there was a man
who approached with a gun underneath a sack. The would be assassin was grabbed
by the Secret Service."
....6.5.63, The basic decision on the November trip to Texas was made at a
meeting of JFK, Vice President Johnson, and Governor Connally at the "Cortez
Hotel" in El Paso, Tex. JFK had spoken
earlier that day at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., and had
stopped in El Paso to discuss the proposed visit and other
matters with the Vice President and the Governor. The three agreed that the
President would come to Texas in late November 1963. The original plan called
for the President to spend only 1 day in the State, making whirlwind visits to
Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Houston.
There was also a bomb threat against JFK on this day.
....6.10.63, a portion of JFK's speech delivered at American University
"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax
Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of
the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the
kind of peace
that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to
grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely
peace for Americans but peace
for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.
I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an
age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear
forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no
sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the
explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War.
It makes no sense in an age when the
deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and
water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet
....6.11.63, JFK orders Alabama Governor George Wallace to cease and desist
from obstructing black students from attending the University of Alabama. That
night, the President delivers a major televised address on civil rights.
President mobilizes Alabama National Guard to admit two negroes to University
of Alabama as ordered by the court.
....6.22.63, President proposes most sweeping Civil Rights legislation in
history to give all Americans equal opportunity in education, employment,
public accommodations, voting and access to Federal programs.
....6.26.63, In Berlin, the President speaks to the enormous crowd of Germans,
telling them, -"All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens
of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words 'Ich bin ein
Berliner.' (I am a Berliner)."
....in July, 1963, President Kennedy announces to the nation via tv and radio
the "Outer Space Test Ban Treaty on Nuclear Weapons."
....July, 1963, President Kennedy was still presenting the latest in series of
administrative and legislative programs to stabilize United States balance of
payments and stem outflow of gold.
....August, 1962, leaders of the March on Washington, including Martin Luther
King, Jr.
and Roy Wilkins, meet to discuss civil rights with JFK.
....8.9.63, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy died just 39 hours after his birth. Born
five weeks premature, the newborn died from resulting complications. JFK was
crushed by the death of his son and very concerned about Jackie.
....9.2.63, during a JFK interview with Walter Cronkite, speaking about
difficulties in Laos and Vietnam, JFK says, "I don't think that the war can be
won out there....in the final analysis, it's their war; they're the ones that
have to win or lose it."
....9.26.63, Dallas trip is announced by the White House to the media. The
Secret Service was so aloof and not even telling the Dallas FBI that JFK was
even coming to Dallas, let alone solicit FBI aid, in a meeting with Shanklin
where he is pretty outraged that he had to find out that the President was
coming to Dallas in the newspaper.
....10.05.63, the President considered the recommendations contained in the
report of Secretary McNamara and General Taylor on their
mission to South Vietnam.
....10.07.63, President Kennedy signs the "Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty" at
the White House
....10.11.63, JFK has decided to pursue peace and "smash the cia into 1000
pieces...." as he said. Here is a transcript of NSAM 263 :
October 11, 1963
TO: Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
SUBJECT: South Vietnam
At a meeting on October 5, 1963, the President considered the recommendations
contained in the report of Secretary McNamara and General Taylor on their
mission to South Vietnam.
The President approved the military recommendations contained in Section I B
(1-3) of the report, but directed that no formal
announcement be made of the implementation of plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S.
miltitary personnel by the end of 1963.
After discussion of the remaining recommendations of the report, the President
approved an instruction to Ambassador Lodge which is set forth in State
Department telegram No. 534 to Saigon.
s/ McGeorge Bundy
McGeorge Bundy
Copy furnished:
Director of Central Intelligence
Administrator, Agency for International Development
[Declassified - was Top Secret Eyes Only
Auth: EO 11652
Date: 7-6-76
By: Jeanne W. Davis
National Security Council]
....10.24.63, after addressing a meeting in Dallas, U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations, Adlai E.Stevenson was jeered, jostled, and spat upon by
hostile demonstrators outside the Dallas Memorial Auditorium Theater. The
local, national, and international reaction to this incident evoked from Dallas
officials and newspapers strong condemnations of the demonstrators. Mayor
Earle Cabell called on the city to redeem itself during President Kennedy's
visit. He asserted that Dallas had shed its reputation of the twenties as the
"Southwest hate capital of Dixie."
....11.2.63, JFK's trip to Chicago, IL was cancelled at the last minute due to
mortal threats against his life.
....11.12.63, JFK signs NSAM 271 for cooperation with the USSR on outer space
....11.13.63, JFK signs NSAM 272 for safety
rules for nuclear weapons systems.
....11.14.63, JFK in NYC for an AFL-CIO convention. JFK rode through New York
City without a motorcycle escort and with fewer guards than police and the
Secret Service wanted him to have. A frequent visitor to New York City, the
President until last week had been heavily guarded, had a motorcycle escort,
and traveled heavily-guarded streets which had been cleared of other traffic
to make way from him. There were those who spoke disparagingly of the
interruption of normal living occasioned by the President's visits, and this
disturbed him. He insisted that there be no motorcycle escort and that his
motorcade stop for traffic lights. His principal protection on the ride from
LaGuardia Field to the Hotel Caryle, 76th and Madison Ave., was two
city police cars in front of his limousine and one car with Secret Service men
immediately behind the limousine. During the ride into Manhattan, cars
containing newsmen on occasion came dangerously close to the side of the
President's car before being waved off. While the President's car was stopped
for a red light at 72d St. and Madison
Ave., an amateur photographer stepped up close and took pictures before he was
chased off. All this was clear evidence to security men that the small guard
insisted upon by the President was not adequate to insure his safety. Queried
on this point, Police Commissioner Michael Murphy officially said, "No
comment." But those close to him knew that he and his top brass and the Secret
Service were deeply concerned.
....11.17.63, someone warns FBI about an assassination attempt on JFK in
Dallas; FBI sends a telex to all offices about this. The BI's William Walker
makes a xerox of the telex. All copies of this telex are ordered destroyed
after the assassination as an obvious embarrassment to the FBI. Walker later
gives his copy to Garrison.
....11.20.63, Salinger receives a letter from a woman in Dallas saying not to
let JFK come to Dallas. Salinger never tells JFK about the letter.
....11.21.63, President Kennedy is quoted as remarking: "Well,,,That's Lyndon
Johnson, and he's in a lot of trouble."