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timmy brennan's bullshit
Here's what ashole timmy posted.
> >On Jun 18, 5:38=A0am, "Samantha Brown" <samjbrow...@bigpond.com>
> >> "timstter" <timst...@gmail.com>
wrote in message
> >>news:392a66d0-28a2-4eb7-aeca-c2a589515c8e@ki5g2000pbb.googlegroups.com.
> >> On May 26, 9:44 am, timstter <timst...@gmail.com>
> >> > On May 23, 9:36 pm, timstter <timst...@gmail.com>
> >> > > Hi All,
> >> > > Say, according to this video, Richard C. Dodd was NEVER mentioned
> >> > > the Warren Commission Report:
> >> > >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DYODZyI2qRMw
> >> > > WhatMarkLaneFAILS to tell the viewer is that Dodd's FBI interview
> >> > > DID appear in the Warren Commission volumes:
> >> > >http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_V
> >..
> So he simply told the truth.
> >> > > He is simplylyingby omission, in my view.
> You failed to mention what Dodd stated that he saw... you'relyingby
> >> > > No wonder the KGB saw fit to partially fund his research.
> >> You seem to be MIA on this one, even though you claim to have answered
> >> it.
> Looks like I answered it *again*.
> >> Why is that, Holmes?
> >> I think we ALL know the answer to THAT one, Holmes...
> >> *...NOT ONE of the three experts was able to strike the head or the
> >> neck of the target EVEN ONCE.* (Emphasis added).
> >>MarkLane, Rush to Judgment, page 129, footnoted as: XVII 261-262.
> >> And yet here IS WC XVII 261-262, showing hits to the head...http://www
> >story-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol...
> >> Holmes islyingas per usual Tim.
> >close you mouth stinky-poo.... your a disgrace to every living lone
> >nut moron, a pathological WCR regurgitator (course that's not many
> >these days). Carry on muncher.
> It's amusing that the kooks are now at the point where they have to list
> assertions byMarkLanethat are 100% accurate and true, and claim that they
> "lies of omission".
> The WCR - long as it is - is ENTIRELY filled with "lies of omission".
> Ditto with Bugliosi...
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ben Holmes
> Learn to Make Money with a Website -http://www.burningknife.com
OIC, so Lane skipping over the fact that the Warren Commission DID
publish Dodd's statement, in fact implying that they DIDN'T is quite
OK with you, is it Holmes?
Well we certainly get a handle there on your honesty, Holmes.
Not to mention that of your proven liar of a hero, Mark Lane.
Informative Regards,
Tim Brennan
Sydney, Australia
*Newsgroup(s) Commentator*
*...NOT ONE of the three experts was able to strike the head or the
neck of the target EVEN ONCE.* (Emphasis added).
Mark Lane, Rush to Judgment, page 129, footnoted as: XVII 261-262.
And yet here IS WC XVII 261-262, showing hits to the head...
