Zapata Oil: The Lost Years
Submitted by leighmf on 26. July 2012 - 7:02 I will fast track the crucial details of Zapata Oil 1960-1966, lost by the SEC in 1981, and fill in with an exciting narrative afterward. The files were destroyed to sever essential 1941 connections of Prescott Bush which, thanks to secret intelligence, secretly continued through WWII, through his descendants to the Persian Gulf War, ENRON and the WTC attack. All is affirmed and can be anchored between two real estate transactions involving the sale of Fort Wayne Corrugated Paper, Inc. to Continental Can, Inc. (1959), and sale of Fort Wayne Bank Building, Inc. (1962 and 1966) where the Kryder Company, Inc. was housed at the time of its last official sighting. Following are the entities which since The Great Depression have always been conjoined, despite securities regulations, from which the Bush regime tried to sever itself so that we wouldn't know. The Zapata entities have always been thick as fleas with the list below, and I will show how private Natural Gas Pipeline of America mortgages made 1960-1966 severed Zapata (1947 Southeastern Drilling) from its hook-up in 1981 to Southeastern Exploration from which G.W. Bush received his KMI/Continental in the Can Holdings dividend in CA in 1990.
Begin- 1930 Continental Construction
(became Natural Gas Pipeline of Amerca c/o
Kinder Morgan) continued after Perry Mason 2
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· Login or register to post comments Comments26. July 2012 - 13:34 Alberto Ceras When you add a comment to a blog with an excessively long title you push that post with its long title right to the top of the list. · Login or register to post comments 26. July 2012 - 14:08 overturn
leighmf wrote: I will fast track the crucial details of Zapata Oil 1960-1966, lost by the SEC in 1981, and fill in with an exciting narrative afterward. The files were destroyed to sever essential 1941 connections of Prescott Bush which, thanks to secret intelligence, secretly continued through WWII, through his descendants to the Persian Gulf War, ENRON and the WTC attack. All is affirmed and can be anchored between two real estate transactions involving the sale of Fort Wayne Corrugated Paper, Inc. to Continental Can, Inc. (1959), and sale of Fort Wayne Bank Building, Inc. (1962 and 1966) where the Kryder Company, Inc. was housed at the time of its last official sighting. Following are the entities which since The Great Depression have always been conjoined, despite securities regulations, from which the Bush regime tried to sever itself so that we wouldn't know. The Zapata entities have always been thick as fleas with the list below, and I will show how private Natural Gas Pipeline of America mortgages made 1960-1966 severed Zapata (1947 Southeastern Drilling) from its hook-up in 1981 to Southeastern Exploration from which G.W. Bush received his KMI/Continental in the Can Holdings dividend in CA in 1990. - See more at: http://www.thomhartmann.com/users/leighmf/blog/2012/07/zapata-oil-lost-years#sthash.5IcIoouk.1ew9Rbbr.dpuf |