







SEE Oswald's "Security Clearance" Below

ALSO>>>   http://whokilledjfk.net/lt%20DONOVAN.htm




RFK ON the WCR  (From ARRB Report)


After 5 separate Investigations into the JFK Assassination 

Warren Report

Rockefeller Report

Pike Report

Church Report

HSCA Report

The American thirst for Truth was still not satisfied

Over 90% of the American people did NOT accept the Lone Nut Theory.

Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" caused such a Furor that it resulted in President George W. Bush being forced to order one more Panel.

It was called "The Assassination Records Review Board".

The ARRB managed to get SOME documents released but, NOT ALL.

The report goes on to tell us how the Intelligence Agencies "Stonewalled" they're efforts to uncover all the facts in the crime of the century.

When a Liaison between the HSCA and the CIA was needed the CIA designated ???  Joandides without telling the HSCA that Joandides was actually the agent in charge of the                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mexico City Station that Spied on the Russian/Cuban Embassies/Consulates.

Because the autopsy photos were SO controversial and Secret the HSCA needed Security to insure their safety.

The CIA provided that Security by assigning Roger Blahut.

When it was discovered that the photos were left OUT of the Safe they found Blahut's fingerprints on them.

Following are 2 graphics.

1. Percentage of info asked of several agencies.













2. Percentage of info received from each agency. 







Oswald's Security Clearance

Testimony of Roy Schaeffer

Dallas , Texas -- November 18, 1994 Hearing

MR. SCHAEFFER: My name is Roy Schaeffer and I am a private citizen, and I never met Hal Verb, but I am --

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Could you spell your name for the record?

MR. SCHAEFFER: Okay, it is S-c-h-a-e-f-f-e-r.


MR. SCHAEFFER: I am the person Hal Verb mentioned, I am the person who replaced Oswald after                                                                     he left El Toro in 1960. He left in 1959, and I joined his unit. So I did have a crypt clearance. I don't want to get into that.

Basically, what I would like to mention is, I am a private probably an assassination buff more or less. In 1986,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I contacted Jim Garrison, and before he died he had sent -- well, when he got the Zapruder film down at the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                trial on '66, he ran off 100 copies. Sometime in 1989, you know, I received a copy from him, and then I have                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                been researching using a copy of the 100 that was made.

Now what I had found then at first, you know, I am interested in this flawed editing of the Zapruder film, and I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           wondered, Zapruder said that he had set his camera on a film speed of 24, and so over the years it got me                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              thinking. In 1963, I worked for the Dayton Daily News, and Hess & Eisenhart was the company that rebuilt the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Presidential Limousine, so I had gone down there with a fellow reporter because I had like a scientific                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   background.

Okay, so anyway what was unique about that time was the emergency lights on the Presidential car.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Now the lights were interesting in one aspect, they blinked, they would blink on one side and then on the other.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          So one problem I had in -- so I know there was a constant blink rate. Now, I have taken a lot of eight millimeter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              film. In other words, if something has a constant blink rate and you are photographing it through, like Zapruder,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           that Bell & Howell camera, then it would show a constant rate.

In other words, if it found that the blink rate was .41 seconds, so it would show a rate of nine blinks in the film.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Now what I had submitted, I believe you have that record I gave to Mr. Gunn, I plotted from 133 to 238, and the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            pattern does not show up that way. So I am suggesting, you know, to yourselves that that proves that alterations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      was done to the Zapruder film.

Also on the night of the assassination, what I believe, the film -- in other words, Zapruder took the film to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kodak lab in Dallas . Now I have some film expertise. I served a six-year government sponsored                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         apprenticeship in film, and that had what they call a 14K process. This 14K process is how they developed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kodachrome. It is quite complicated. At that time, the only place that had that process was here in Dallas                                                                                              next to Love Field, and that was at the Dallas Eastman-Kodak lab.

From my information on the Max B. Phillips minimal, I think Paul Halp talked about that on Commission                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Exhibit 450, that it shows that the Zapruder film, and I believe three copies were flown to Washington the night of the assassination, I believe they were taken into -- they had five hours from my timetable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I worked with a Dr. James Fetzer on this, and also Mike Pinser, he is an attorney. So any way,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I interjected on that, but anyway I lost my place when I said that. Could you help me? I lost my place.

DR. HALL: You were saying only the Dallas Eastman-Kodak lab.

MR. SCHAEFFER: Okay. So anyway, it is a very complicated process, and it takes about 45 seconds, so it is called the K-14 but the 14K process because it is what they call a subtractive process. It is a reversal film that like comes into a color transparency after it is developed. So, in other words, I believe that they took the original film to the National Interpretation Lab and at that point they altered it down to                                                                                                                approximately 18 frames per second. Like I say, in 1960 -- so what I am saying is that I believe Frame  Z-133 to 238 is where they altered that.

Now the way I found that out was, I personally had the film and I went through and I plotted each blinking light per frame, and that is how I derived that the film was altered. Unless you have the actual film, you can't -- there is no way you can determine that.

So that is pretty much what I had to say. I thank you for your time.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Any questions for Mr. Schaeffer?

DR. NELSON: I have one. You say you replaced Oswald, that is to say you took over all of his functions, his job?

MR. SCHAEFFER: That's correct.

DR. NELSON: Which were? What was the job assignment?

MR. SCHAEFFER: We worked at TACC, Tactical Air Control Center, basically, and it was basically tracking IFF boxes. In other words Strategic Air Command, and then they had like IFF boxes.  And then they would set those in the morning, and then your crypt orders would come down from Washington  and they were like Zulu Time Rated, 24-hour time, and then there was what you call authentifications.   So that is what a person that has crypt does.

So our job was, when the planes left the United States through the EDACs area was to clear them    and plot them, and so that was basically what our job function was there at El Toro, and I am sure Oswald did the same thing.

MR. MARWELL: Mr. Chairman, in fact, Mr. Smith had signed up earlier.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Thank you, Mr. Schaeffer, we appreciate your help.



From the November-December, 1995 issue (Vol. 3 No. 1)

Classified until 2017?

When the ARRB sent out the results of its closed October 24th meeting, many, including us, were taken aback by the fact that in the first review of HSCA documents, the overwhelming majority were being postponed by the Board for a 2017 release. Many jumped to the conclusion that, like the Warren Commission and House Select Committee, the Review Board had reneged on its statutory promise.

The day after Probe received the notice of so many redactions upheld, we put in a call to Tom Samoluk, the ARRB spokesman. When asked about this point, he stated that this batch of HSCA papers are mainly administrative in nature and that the redactions being upheld deal exclusively with the Social Security Numbers of HSCA employees. He added that, in hindsight, he should have noted this fact in the mailing. But he also added that he wishes that, in the future, if someone questions a call by the Board, they should phone him first and he will be glad to inform them about certain details.

We think that is a fair request and are relieved that there is nothing sinister about the HSCA redactions. Many researchers, especially us, are eager to see what the HSCA held back. And the sooner—and more completely—that hidden record is revealed, the better it will be for all of us.

1. Saundra Spencer of the Naval Photographic Center told the ARRB that
she developed autopsy photographs that are not in the extant
collection.She did not recognize any of the current ones available. Not
only that, she showed the printing paper that was used which is
different. Also, she said she saw a brain photographed next to JFK in
one shot, & the wound in the throat was a circular thumb sized wound
that doesn't correspond to the big messy throat wound in the current
pictures. And she saw a hole clearly in the back of the head matching
some 40 other witnesses. To believe the offical fairytale Spencer who
was very sure of her observations would have to have been wrong on at
least 5 different points...what are the odds? Seems to me anybody that
has any curiosity left,even if they were 80% LHO acted alone which,
certainly is not a 100%hardcore lone nutter that infests these boards,
would be mighty interested in what Spencer says.

2.Douglas Horne meticulously recounts the evidence for a 2 brain exam
shell game. The evidence for a substitute brain that doesn't match the
official Ida Dox tracings.Too much to go into, or remember precisely,
but You can google it

3. I would say the sum revelations about Mac Wallace the fingerprint
issue, which gets into LBJ and the owner D.H. Byrd. That was made
available to the ARRB.

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