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The Dallas Way to Honor
John F. Kennedy in November 2013: Silence Pesky Free Speech
Jim Schutze
Mon., Oct. 31 2011 at 3:00 PM
Comments (24) 
Get Off My Lawn
John F. Kennedy Library Foundation:
Good move on blowing off
the Sixth Floor Museum and executive director Nicola Longford regarding her
plans for a 50th anniversary commemoration of the Kennedy assassination in
Dealey Plaza. Believe me: You don't want to touch this gang with a 10-foot pole.
According to a story in
this morning's Dallas Morning News,
Longford and her assassination museum "are planning to take over commemoration
activities" at Dealey Plaza in 2013. Their avowed aim,
The News says, is to "avoid the
carnival atmosphere that has often prevailed at previous anniversaries on the
Yeah. Let me tell you
about that. There will be a hearing in federal court this Friday on another
attempt to avoid a carnival atmosphere in Dealey Plaza -- that attempt being the
city's decades-long goon-style campaign of intimidation against best-selling
author Robert Groden. Groden has been hauled into court 81 times by his own
count, including at least one tough session in jail, for the offense of selling
books and tapes and speaking his mind about the assassination in Dealey Plaza.
More than 80 times the
city has attempted to shut down Groden's exercise of free speech in Dealey
Plaza. They have been tossed out of court by their own municipal judges every
single time. Groden finally decided to sue in order in preserve the right of
free speech and assembly for himself and all people in this very important
place, a national landmark.
The News story today,
Longford is quoted as saying, "We have reserved Dealey Plaza for that date
[November 22, 2013]. I think, for the 50th anniversary, we have an opportunity
to offer a dignified, appropriate event for the city of Dallas."
So, John F. Kennedy
Library Foundation: I ask you to think about this. What does that mean, "take
over?" How do you "take over" a national landmark with the avowed aim of
controlling speech there?
I spoke this morning with Groden's lawyer Bradley Kizzia, who said he had never
heard of anyone taking over Dealey Plaza in order to prevent other people from
coming there and doing whatever they want to do within the law.
"It's a federal national
historic landmark," he said. "I doubt that that entity [the museum] can legally
do that. They sure shouldn't be able to do that, to preclude the access of other
citizens seeking to exercise their First Amendment right. That sounds very
troubling to me."
I talked to Groden as
well. He scoffed at the idea that the museum had even contacted you about
participating. I'm sure you know who Mr. Groden is -- proprietor at one point of
the world's most authoritative film and photographic library on the
assassination. He told me he has contacted members of the Kennedy family in the
past on various issues and that they have shown no interest in Dealey Plaza or
what goes on there.
It sounds from the story
in The News, that you, John
F. Kennedy Library Foundation, feel the same way. Longford is quoted as saying:
"I don't think the Kennedy family has changed their stand."
No kidding. Why did she
even ask? I have a call in to her about it, of course, but based on past
behavior I would guess she will not return my call. So I am left to wonder what
is it that she does not get about this situation?
Groden gets it. He understands that Dealey Plaza is not and will never be a
memorial to the life of JFK, no matter what ludicrous efforts the Sixth Floor
Museum may expend to create such an absurdly euphemistic, historically
irresponsible impression.
It's where he was killed.
That's what's important about Dealey Plaza. It was the scene of brutal
catastrophe. What, we might ask, can be dignified about an assassination? JFK's
murder here, even after half a century, is still an ongoing source of anger,
confusion and anxiety in our nation. The only way for Dallas to even approach
expiating its own role would be to stop trying to stifle debate in the place
where it happened.
Let's talk about this
whole thing of planning two years ahead to take over Dealey Plaza to make sure
everything will be "dignified." I think you should put it in a
certain context. On June 13, 2010, Dallas Police arrested and jailed Groden.
Groden alleges that the arrest came about at the request of Sixth Floor Museum
security personnel. That's a fact at issue in the ongoing lawsuit. The museum
has refused to comment when I have tried to ask them about it in the past.
But I ask you this, John
F. Kennedy Library Foundation: Have you ever even been accused of getting
authors thrown in jail? What is dignified, pray tell, about slapping the cuffs
on a late-middle-aged scholar, tossing him the back seat of a cop car and
hauling him off to the slammer? And by the way, when is the last time you tried
to take over a prominent public space in order to control speech here?
A quarter century ago I
interviewed the late Stanley Marcus about the assassination, and he told me he
thought Dallas bore significant blame. He said the city's fault was for refusing
to recognize the festering climate of extremism in its own backyard before the
assassination. If anything, Longford's impulse to clamp down on freedom of
expression on the anniversary is of a cloth with the same phenomenon Marcus
described a half-century before. If someone were going to write a senior thesis
about it at Harvard, he or she might even call it "Why Dallas Slept."
If I were you, I wouldn't
come to Dealey Plaza until Dallas wakes up.
Dealey Plaza,
Robert Groden
to Friend
More About:
I also do not think that 9-11 was a conspiracy. I do think that Bush and Cheney
took full advantage of it to force their own mis-directed foreign policy goals,
but I don't think they caused it. Ever since the JFK assassination, people who
want to cover up what really happened have been happily sewing disinformation
including creating fake conspiracies in order to convince the public that all
conspiracies are "crazy" - including the JFK assassination conspiracy. The
CIA's black ops base at Area 51 was only too happy to help spread the Rosewell
Aliens conspiracy in order to divert attention from the true purposed of Area 51
and they've been helping spin outrageous conspiracies ever since as part of
their anti-JFK conspiracy campaign.
list Robert. There's some on it that I will be very interested in looking
at in the future. I was particularly impressed with the five volume set by
Douglas P. Horne - "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board". I would
also add to this list, "Deep Politics and the Death of JFK" by Peter Dale
Scott, even though it was published in 1993. It looks at the assassination
within the framework of all "underground, behind the scenes" secret
alliances involved in "Deep Politics" in US history - one connection he
makes clear is the connections between the powers-that-be and the
international drug trade. It is certainly a political science theoretical
approach, but given its earlier publication date it does a good job of
connecting the dots and showing the behind the scenes connections.
Jay, I realize that I thought I was responding to Joe L. My mistake, I
didn't see any indication, mistaken or not, that you have an open mind on
this subject, after all.
I don't
know, although I doubt it, because it would have then been mentioned in Barr
McClelland's book, I would expect. However, Barr McClelland is the father
of George W. Bush's former press secretary, Scott McClelland.
This is
the typical excuse that people with their heads buried in the sand make for
not bothering to read anything that might challenge their
all-ready-made-up-minds. If you're not even willing to read one
well-documented book (such as "JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why
It Matters" by James W. Douglass), then clearly you have a closed mind on
this subject and no amount of factual information will weaken your defensive
pose. I thought from the way you had stated your message that you were more
open minded than that, which is why I took the trouble to give you some
suggestions. Clearly I wasted my time.
I highly
recommend the book LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination by Phillip Nelson.
The highly acclaimed second edition is out this month. It would make a great
read and a great Christmas gift. http://www.amazon.com/LBJ-Mastermind-Assassination-Phillip-Nelson/product-reviews/1453503013/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_pop_hist_5?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&filterBy=addFiveStar
James Fetzer: From first chapter to last, this is a beautifully written,
intellectually captivating, and ultimately persuasive account of the role of
LBJ in the assassination of JFK. I had more than 100 conversations with
Madeleine Duncan Brown, one of his many mistresses but the only one who bore
him a son. She, too, became convinced that Lyndon was profoundly involved in
the death of his predecessor. On New Year's Eve, six weeks after the
assassination, they had a rendezvous at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, where
she confronted him with rumors, rampant in Dallas at the time, that he had
been involved, since no one stood more to gain. He blew up at her and told
her that the CIA and the oil boys had decided that JFK had to be taken out.
She wrote about it in her book, TEXAS IN THE MORNING. Her account has been
reinforced by Billy Sol Estes, the Texas wheeler-dealer who made mountains
of money for Lyndon, Connally, and their buddies, who explains in his book,
A TEXAS LEGEND, how he became convinced that Cliff Carter, LBJ's chief
administrative assistant, and Malcolm "Mac" Wallace, his personal assassin
(by whom Lyndon had a dozen or more persons terminated, including one of his
sisters), had been personally involved. E. Howard Hunt, in his "Last
Confessions" in ROLLING STONE, explained to his son, St. John, that LBJ,
Cord Meyer, William Harvey, David Sanchez Morales, and others in the CIA had
been involved in the assassination. For an overview, enter "John F. Kennedy:
History, Memory, Legacy", and download Chapter 30. Or visit [...],
"Reclaiming History: A Closed Mind Perpetrating a Fraud on the Public", and
you will understand the context within which it took place. For a short
course, try "Reasoning about Assassinantions" via google. I also recommend
James Douglass, JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE. Both make profound contributions to
the case.
seem to be a lot of aggressive and incredibly ignorant "lone nutter" posters
on this thread. You folks have a lot to learn. Here are some good books to
read on the 1963 Coup d'Etat: 1 LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK's Assassination
Phillip F. Nelson 2 JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
James Douglass 3 Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years David
Talbot 4 Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put
It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America Russ Baker
5 The Dark Side of Camelot Seymour Hersh 6 The Tatum Chronicles (Google
"Chip Tatum Pegasus" for free on internet! Extremely important!) D. G. "Chip
Tatum" 7 The Final Chapter on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Craig
Zirbel 8 The Texas Connection Craig Zirbel 9 The Men Who Killed Kennedy -
the Guilty Men DVD, episodes 7,8,9 on YouTube Nigel Turner 10 Blood, Money &
Power: How L.B.J Killed J.F.K. Barr McClellan 11 The Dark Side of Lyndon
Baines Johnson Joachim Joesten 12 The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime
Family Exposed Russell S. Bowen 13 Texas in the Morning: The Love Story of
Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson Madeleine Brown 14 JFK -
Director's Cut - 2 Disc Special Edition (1991) Oliver Stone 15 Defrauding
America: Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA and Other Covert
Agencies Rodney Stich 16 Bloody Treason: On Solving History's Greatest
Murder Mystery: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Noel H. Twyman 17
ILLUSION AND DENIAL in the John F. Kennedy Assassination Noel H. Twyman 18
Conspiracy: Who Killed President Kennedy? Anthony Summers 19 The Last
Investigation Gaeton Fonzi 20 Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose
Lee Harvey Oswald Judyth Vary Baker & Edward Haslam 21 Oswald and the CIA
John Newman 22 Spy Saga: Lee Harvey Oswald and U.S. Intelligence Philip H.
Melanson 23 Who Shot JFK? Robin Ramsay 24 Barry & 'the Boys': The CIA, the
Mob and America's Secret History Daniel Hopsicker 25 Billie Sol Estes a
Texas Legend Billie Sol Estes 26 Jesse Ventura, Conspiracy Theory Jesse
Ventura and Dick Russell 27 History Will Not Absolve Us: Orwellian Control,
Public Denial, & the Murder of President Kennedy Martin Schotz 28 Lee Harvey
Oswald: The True Story of the Accused Assassin of President John F. Kennedy,
by His Lover Judyth Vary Baker 29 The Conspirators: Secrets of an
Iran-Contra Insider Al Martin 30 Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in
the Assassination of JFK Mark Lane 31 To Kill a President: Finally an Ex-FBI
Agent rips aside the Veil of Secrecy that killed JFK Wesley Smearingen 32
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy Fletcher
Prouty 33 The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United
States and the World Fletcher Prouty 34 Trauma Room One: The JFK Medical
Coverup Exposed Charles Crenshaw 35 Regicide: The Official Assassination of
John F. Kennedy Gregory Douglas 36 The Shadows of Power: The Council on
Foreign Relations and the American Decline James Perloff 37 A Texan Looks at
Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power J. Evetts Haley 38 The Men on the
Sixth Floor Glen Sample & Mark Collum 39 Crossfire: The Plot That Killed
Kennedy Jim Marrs 40 Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the
Nation and Why Gerald D. McKnight 41 Power Beyond Reason: The Mental
Collapse of Lyndon Johnson D. Jablow Hershman 42 Inside the Assassination
Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the
Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK, Volumes 1-5
Douglas P. Horne 43 Someone Would Have Talked Larry Hancock 44 On the Trail
of the Assassins Jim Garrison 45 Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy
Presidency Donald Gibson 46 Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of
America Anonymous DVD 47 War is a Racket: the Antiwar Classic by America's
Most Decorated Soldier Smedley D. Butler 48 Dog Days at the White House: The
Outrageous Memoirs of the Presidential Kennel Keeper Traphes Bryant 49 The
Warren Omission: A Micro Study of the Methods and Failures of the Warren
Commission Walt Brown 50 Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story C. David Heymann 51
Edward Lansdale's Cold War Jonathan Nashel 52 Not in Your Lifetime Anthony
Summers 53 JFK: The Cuba Files: The Untold Story of the Plot to Kill Kennedy
(Secret War) Fabian Escalante 54 Executive Action: 634 Ways to Kill Fidel
Castro (Secret War) Fabian Escalante 55 Who Killed Kennedy? Thomas Buchanan
56 How Kennedy was Killed: The Full Appalling Story Joachim Joesten 57
Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? Joachim Joesten 58 Marina Oswald Joachim
Joesten 59 Oswald: The Truth Joachim Joesten 60 The Garrison Enquiry: Truth
& Consequences Joachim Joesten 61 The Radical Right and the Murder of John
F. Kennedy: Stunning Evidence in the Assassination of the President Harrison
Livingstone 62 High Treason: The Assassination of JFK & the Case for
Conspiracy Harrison Livingstone & Robert Groden
Groden is highly respected in the JFK assassination research community. He
has every right to sell his materials on Dealey Plaza. He is being
Jay, you
can email me at Morrow321@aol.com and I will send you a 500 page word
document on the LBJ-CIA assassination of JFK. You will learn a lot. Plenty
of people have talked. Google Madeleine Duncan Brown, LBJ's mistress. Oswald
was US intelligence.
was US intelligence and a fake pro-Castro Marxist. You folks have a LOT to
learn. Another key point: Lee Harvey Oswald was U.S. intelligence and he
shot NO ONE on 11/2263. Re: Oswald's intelligence connections read 1)
"Oswald and the CIA" by John Newman 2) "Spy Saga: Lee Harvey Oswald and US
Intelligence" by Philip Melanson 3) "History Will Not Absolve Us" by Martin
Schotz (Chapter V Oswald and U.S. Intelligence by Christopher Sharrett) 4)
"Me and Lee" by Judyth Vary Baker (Oswald's mistress in New Orleans, summer
1963) 5) Google “Lee Harvey Oswald’s reading habits summer 1963”
Johnson and a bunch of Republican CIA and Republican Texas oil men murdered
JFK. Marcus was right on the money. Think HL Hunt, Clint Murchison, Sr. and
CIA George Herbert Walker Bush.
The 9/11
truthers have a LOT in common with the establishment types who promote the
fantasy there was no LBJ-CIA conspriracy to murder JFK. [Robert Morrow –
researcher into the 1963 Coup d’Etat. I have 250+ books related to the JFK
assassination. Google my essay “LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK”] If you want
to get quickly “up to speed” on the JFK assassination, here is what to read:
1) LBJ: Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination by Phillip Nelson 2) JFK and the
Unspeakable:Why He Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass 3) Brothers:
the Hidden History of the Kennedy Years by David Talbot 4) The Dark Side of
Camelot by Seymour Hersh 5) Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty by Russ
Baker. 6) Google the essay “LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK” by Robert Morrow.
7) Google “National Security State and the Assassination of JFK by Andrew
Gavin Marshall.” 8) Google “Chip Tatum Pegasus.” 9) Google “Vincent
Salandria False Mystery Speech.” Read everything Vincent Salandria ever
wrote. 10) Google “Murray Rothbard the JFK Flap” 11) Google “Preserving the
Legacy by Mat Wilson” 11) Google “Bertrand Russell 16 Questions on the
Assassination” 12) Watch on You Tube the extremely important videos The Men
Who Killed Kennedy, episodes 7, 8, and 9 which focus on the role of Lyndon
Johnson. 13) Watch on You Tube Jesse Ventura’s show on the JFK
assassination. 14) Watch the movie JFK director’s cut by Oliver Stone. 15)
Watch on You Tube “Evidence of Revision.” – 8 hours of fantastic and rare
footage relating to the JFK assassination.
Oswald was US intelligence. You are not very knowledgeable about the JFK
assassination, aka 1963 Coup d'Etat.
Groden is one of the modern American heroes, scholar and truth teller in the
JFK assassination. "The LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK" Google the full essay
Fifty years after the assassination of John Kennedy, research is
pointing the finger at Lyndon Johnson and the CIA as having engineered a
coup d'etat. It is likely that Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA
Republicans to murder John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup d’Etat. (People like
Clint Murchison Sr., H.L. Hunt, D.H. Byrd, Nelson Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, top Nelson Rockefeller aide Henry Kissinger, McGeorge Bundy,
George Herbert Walker Bush, Gen. Edward Lansdale (CIA) and Gen. Charles
Willoughby all are excellent candidates for elite sponsorship.) Lyndon
Johnson and Allen Dulles may very well have been co-CEOs of the JFK
assassination; with the CIA in charge of the killing of JFK, and Lyndon
Johnson and (his close friend and neighbor of 19 years in Washington, DC)
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in charge of the cover up. Texas
oil men and key LBJ supporters Clint Murchison, Sr. ands H.L. Hunt are
thoughtto be key players in the JFK assassination because of their close
ties to the inner core of US intelligence (Allen Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller,
John J. McCloy), close ties to Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover of the
FBI, bankers Rockefellers; Murchison was even friends with key Kennedy-hater
mafia godfather Carlos Marcellos of New Orleans. Not only that, Murchison,
Sr. was a patient and partner of Dr. Alton Oschner, the former president of
the American Cancer Society and who ran covert cancer research for the CIA.
Oschner, likewise was a Kennedy-hater. John Simkin: “One of Ochsner's
friends described him as being ‘like a fundamentalist preacher in the sense
that the fight against communism was the only subject that he would talk
about, or even allow you to talk about, in his presence.”
the essay "LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK"
DavidMyers, how many people, at a bare minimum, would it have been
necessarily to involve in any field operation planned, executed and
covered-up by either the CIA, FBI, LBJ, NSA or the Defense Department, as a
covert operation to assassinate the president (and plausibly blame some
other dumb schmuck like Oswalt)? I ask, because I firmly believe that two
people can only keep a secret if one of them is dead. Grand conspiracies
like the JFK assassination live long lives because there are no credible
witnesses, and absolutely no solid proof, behind any of these theories.
These assassination books represent nothing more than a cottage industry
selling fiction to a skeptical and gullible public.
Are Barr
McClellan and Dr. McClellan (the guy that pronounced JFK as dead) related?
bully attitude. I'll bet you were a holy terror as#hole in high school!
Yes, lets
forget-about-it and put it all behind - who cares if our democracy was
overthrown by a rightwing secret police coup d'etat. Does it really
matter? For all we know they could still be in control and since we don't
really know, does it really matter? (Note, in case you didn't notice - this
is sarcasm!) The truth will out no matter how many continue to bury their
head in the sand and lable those who pay attention as "loonies" and
"whackos". Lyin' Lyndon Johnson - worst president ever! (multi-murder and
co-conspirator along with his good buddy J. Edgar Hoover, who helped LBJ
blackmail his way onto the Kennedy ticket in 1960 by providing him evidence
of JFK's womanizing and health issues (Addisson's disease), allowing LBJ to
blackmail his way into the Vice Presidency by threatening to expose JFK
during the election campaign if he didn't put LBJ on the ticket. Then, when
things got really bad for LBJ (he was about to be indicted on charges of
corruption and graft in connection with the Billy Sol Estes, Bobby Backer,
and TFX military procurement scandals) and when all of LBJ's allies who were
also Kennedy's enemies felt their vested interests being threatened (oil
depletion allowences for the Texas "big oil" multil-millionaires, Viet Nam
war contracts for the military industrial complex, mafia enterprises under
attack by Autorney General Robert F. Kennedy in his war on organized crime,
J. Edgar's cherished FBI director for life status - JFK was going to force
him to retire after being re-elected in 1964). So, for all those parties
involved, putting a Texan in the White House - thier pal Lyndon, made murder
a very worthwhile enterprise.
that is exactly what the CIA and the right-wing "big-oil" extremists (such
as H. L Hunt and Clint Murchison) wanted you to think. The CIA went to
considerable effort to establish their operative (Oswald)'s left-wing, pro-
Castro bonefieds so that you would think he was a leftist while at the same
time he was working for and following the orders of the CIA and reporting to
the right-wing run FBI, which is how they were able to set him up to be the
patsy (the original plan was to blame it all on Castro as a justification
for invading Cuba - something Kennedy had promised Khruschev he would not do
- and it helped get him killed by his right-wing military establishment who
considered him a traitor to the Cold War). Try doing some reading of your
own, particularly on LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover's histories. A good over-all
starting point is the excellent and extensively documented book, "JFK and
the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why It Matters" by James W. Douglass (pub
2008). For an intimate view of LBJ written by his auttorney, Barr
McClellan, try "Blood Money & Power - How LBJ Killed J.F.K" (pub 2003) or a
newer book based on McClellan's - "LBJ - The Mastermind of JFK's
Assassination" by Phillip F. Nelson (pub 2010). All of these books are
available in paperback on amazon.com.
Please do
your own research. It wasn't Intelligence activities that led to the
so-called Intelligence failures preceding 9/11. It was legally impossible
for the various intelligence agencies to share information without sending
some of those operators, agents, and analysts to prison for violating either
the Posse Comitatus Act or various Executive Orders. There are walls
separating what sorts of intelligence can be pursued, collected, analyzed,
reported on and shared by the different intelligence agencies. Even with
the governmental shortcomings, which are varied and not without merit, it
still doesn't erase the fact that it was 19 radical fundamentalist
terrorists who planned, organized and carried out the attack. It was not
the Bush administration, nor was it the Clinton administration's fault that
9/11 happened.
Where to
start? When and why did JimS and the DO formally adopt this street urchin?
I'm actually considering writing a book about the persecution and
prosecution of assassinationologist Robert Groden, if I can only find a good
open spot on Dealey Plaza to hawk it to tourists. "Best selling author
Robert Groden." Really? What best selling book had Mr. Groden ever
published. Anyone? Anyone? "Mr. Groden -- proprietor at one point of the
world's most authoritative film and photographic library on the
assassination." Really? And he keeps it all in the trunk of his car no
doubt. Where exactly is this fascinating collection. Has anyone actually
seen this collection? I'm just speculating, but I would bet that the 6th
Floor Museum, FBI, CIA and the Warren Commission Archives have more
authoritative collections. He said that a Kennedy family "member" he has
contacted won't discuss Dealey Plaza with him? My guess is they won't even
speak with him. Could that be because in Gerald Posner's book "Case Closed"
Groden was featured and declared "guilty of misleading the American
public." Groden's subsequent lawsuit in the District Court was dismissed by
summary judgment. And the Kennedy family doesn't want to chat with him. Who
would want a dialogue with a street vendor retailing gossip rags basically
fictionalizing your family member's assassination? Go figure. And according
to Stanley Marcus, a Democrat, Dallas was responsible for the assassination
for not recognizing a festering climate of extremism? Was Mr. Marcus
advocating prohibiting free speech or assembly to quell extremism? Wasn't
the president actually assassinated not by a right wing hate mongers but
instead by a Marxists defector (who also murdered Dallas officer Tippit)
over Kennedy's Bay of Pigs fiasco? Look, Robert Groden is nothing more than
a street peddler selling National Inquirer quality tripe to tourists and
bored people on jury-duty wandering around Dealey Plaza. He seems to have a
reqular place of business on public property, so as long as he's paying
sales taxes on his sales (and bets there?), I say rent the man a booth and
let him sell whatever fairy tales the public will consume. But seriously,
there are more compelling free speech issues out there worthy of a good
Supreme Court fight. Let's just let this one play out where it belongs,
Dallas Municipal Court.
Damn it
Joe L, stick with the narrative. If you start interjecting, you know, actual
facts, the whole screed falls apart.
You're total shit, but you do it very well.
that Stanley Marcus was right for the wrong reason. He was worried about
the right-wing nut jobs.
been in Dallas at the time, I know how bad it was. You are right that the
far right was the issue. Spitting on and hitting senior government officials
with signs was considered okm even worth bragging about. The hateful ads in
the DMN exceed even the ones we see today. When the assasination occurred
ALL assumed that it was someone from the far right and were somewhat
relieved when it turned out not to be the case. However the vitriol and
hatred that was accepted in Dallas created an atmosphere of extremism that
made anyone of an persuasion think he could act.
We blame
the government because they do acts which deserve blame. Please follow your
own advice and do some research on pre-9/11 intelligence. Mr. Marcus' view
of the political and social tone of Dallas is also worthy of further
research. For you to dismiss it out of hand is foolish.
what I
don't understand is: "A quarter century ago I interviewed the late Stanley
Marcus about the assassination, and he told me he thought Dallas bore
significant blame. He said the city's fault was for refusing to recognize
the festering climate of extremism in its own backyard before the
assassination. " The festering climate of extremism was extremism of the
right. But Kennedy was killed by an extremist of the left. How can
right-wing extremism be responsible for an assassination by a leftist?
Why do
Americans always have to look for a way to blame the establishement for the
atrocities? We blame Bush, the CIA, Defense Intelligence and the Port
Authority for 9/11, instead of blaming the fundamentalist whack-jobs who
commandeered 4 planes and used them to attack our country. Now this Marcus
person seeks to blame the city of Dallas for the acts of THE prototypical
social retard lone assassin? What is this obsession with blaming our
government for acts perpetrated against the same? To the 9/11 conspirists,
the grassy knoll leprechaun-seekers, and the Area 51 ET-philes, it's ok.
The government isn't putting tracking devices in your dollar bills or
flouridating your water in pursuit of mind-control. The government is
guilty of doing all sorts of dastardly stuff to and in the name of, the
citizenry. Go research the concrete evils the government commits instead of
flailing your arms over what amount to, basically, side issues.
political vitriol today isn't unlike 50 years ago. Look at the editorial
page and ads in the DMN the week before JFK got here.
I think
the concern is what he is doing with the books and tapes. Is he passing
them out, or is he using public property to sell them? If he is passing
them out, the city should butt out and leave him alone. If he is selling
them, he needs to follow the rules anyone else trying to make a profit has
to follow.
You're totally wrong, but you do it very well.
You mean
to tell me that JFK was not bumped off by the mob, in cahoots with LBJ,
Jimmy Hoffa and Fido Castro. Please don't tell Bubbles, by the way, how is
Bubbles these days.
How does
that make us look like a city of assassins? While Mr. Marcus was a great
retailer, I don't buy him as an expert on group political psychology. We do
not have a clue what was going on in Lee Harvey's twisted little mind. I'd
guess it had more to do with his inadequacies as a human being than
political extemism. He did not know what he was except he knew he was a
failure and everybody around him agreed. Our taking steps to "remember"
this event does nothing positive and gives a negative as an example that
failures can achieve fame if they do an ugly enough act. November 22 has no
political importance. It's the day that shows that persons inadequate in
every measure of their personal and working lives can be a part of history.
The Catholic Church has All Saints and All Souls in early November. We
have All Losers' Day on the 22nd..
I would
prefer Dealy Plaza have a circus atmosphere complete with left/right wing
nuts, taco carts, and eardrum-grating bullhorns. Dallas needs more freak
shows. JFK has a slab at Arlington National with a cool flame that never
goes out unless the wind blows really hard. That's enough.
But Mike,
that makes us look like a city of assassins. That's not good, is it?
Books and
tapes occupy a different place in the law -- specifically protected,
especially under dallas ordinances in effect at the time of his arrest.
Designating Dealey Plaza a national landmark was a dumb idea. Now we are
stuck with it and its associated losers like Mr. Groden. Just because he
has free speech does not mean he is not a loser. We should have completed
changed the Plaza so it was no longer recognizable, torn down that ugly
county building, reshaped Elm Street so those twits do not have a place to
put their "X", and gotten rid of that ridiculous picket fence. The only
thing I agree with is the last recommendation. Let's all avoid Dealey Plaza
from this point. No more tour buses, no more gawkers, no more
self-professed expert guides. If you want to honor JFK, go see his tomb
(and brothers') in Arlington, visit his library in Boston, or heaven forbid,
read his books instead the tripe offered by the Grodens now in the Plaza.
I guess I
don't understand the free speech issue. I absolutely believe he should be
allowed free speech in Dealey Plaza, he should be able to pass out
whatever literature that he wishes and give out however many tapes he wants,
that is his right to free speech. I take issue with him operating a business
on public property, in my opinion he has no more right to sell books or
tapes about Kennedy on public property than I do to set up a food cart and a
mobile RedBox and sell bottled water.