The HSCA saw fit to publish TWO (2) pieces of JFK's skull fragments that the WCR Omitted (With Exhibit numbers) The Harper fragment designated "H-2" (below) The piece brought to Bethesda During the autopsy. The above piece was designated as "H-3" (above)
In 1979 the House Select Committee on Assassinations delivered their Report stating that President Kennedy was killed by a "Probable Conspiracy". The report was accompanied by 12 Volumes of Evidence/Testimony. We will Start with pages 1 & 2 of the HSCA Report.
Below Chief Counsel Robert Blakey. G.
In 1981 former chief counsel to the House Select committee on Assassinations
Robert Blakey authored a book entitled "The Plot to Kill the
President" stating that Organized Crime killed the President. Co-Author of the book was Richard N. Billings: Billings served as Editorial Director for the HSCA. Billings was also a former Editor of LIFE magazine. (see chapter on Life/Lies)… Sprague's resignation was necessitated as a result of political infighting within the Committee and Staff. After the Media over played these inner squabbles within the Committee Sprague decided to resign to save the integrity of the Committee. The Committee then turned over all their findings to the Justice Department (FBI) for further investigation. (Isn't it ironic that this is ALL thrown back into the hands of the people that DECEITFULLY investigated it in the first place. WITHHELD INFORMATION FROM THE WARREN COMMISSION, SUGGESTED THAT WITNESSES GIVE FALSE TESTIMONY and GAVE FALSE TESTIMONY THEMSELVES! In his book "The Plot To Kill The President" Blakey tells us that President Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy orchestrated by "THE MOB". I don't doubt for an instant that the mob possessed the motive for such an act, Nor do I doubt for an instant that the mob possessed the ability and the POWER to carry out such an act. Mob decisions are based on BUSINESS not emotions) Even Blakey alludes to this mob "code" on page 374/5 of his book. This Blakey scenario automatically dictates that the mob also has the POWER to force my Government to LIE to me. It also automatically dictates that the mob has the POWER to force the American media to LIE to me. (Electronic & Print) We DO know that as an Institution the CIA employed the mob to assassinate Castro over an extended period of time. I know of NO instance when the mob employed the CIA as an Institution in the furtherance of committing a CRIME. I know of NO instance when the mob employed the MEDIA as an Institution in the furtherance of committing a crime. DESPITE HIS ASININE THEORY, BLAKEY IS STILL CONSTANTLY AFFORDED A FORUM TO SPREAD THIS GARBAGE ON NATIONAL TV & PRINT MEDIA. Contact Information tomnln@cox.net
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