That's the difference between
A Loser wants to address ONLY those who already
Agree with him.
(because his position is NOT defensible)
A Winner addresses his ADVERSARIES to discuss
(because his position IS defensible)
For the past twelve years I have offered WCR Supporters a Forum to prove the WCR is correct.
The ONLY ones who have
come into the room are those who employ the Foulest of language.
I have a Live Audio Chat Room on www.paltalk.com
Download & Use for FREE.
Once Logged on select Rooms, Social Issues & Politics.
Then select Government & Politics.
Scroll down to room called "WHIO KILLED JFK?"
I start between 8-9 pm e.s.t. EVERY NITE.
We can transfer files to one another Instantly.
ANY Exhibits of Evidence, ANY Testimony from WC/Church Committee/HSCA Volumes.
I can be reached for Questions,
Comments, Files Transfers or, Clarifications at the following e-mail address.