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Time to repost this updated classic...
First, a recap: I mentioned the FBI
intimidation that occurred for so many of the eyewitnesses, and Toddy demanded
some examples... so I was happy to oblige. Toddy then claimed that he could
demolish all these examples, but his refutations were all in a file cabinet that
was in storage.
Of course, this was years ago, and still no refutation.
Toddy *asked* for this post. Now, he's too gutless to respond to it.
Toddy simply lied. First posted in 2005 - Toddy keeps telling everyone that
he'll answer it when he 'gets around to it'. Of course, he never will.
Although Toddy's been running from this post for quite some time, others have
too, Eddie "Disgrace to the Corps" Dolan, and Chuckie Schuyler, to name just
two. Other LNT'ers are too smart to get close to this post.
All you ever need to shut up the LNT'ers is the evidence...
Todd, just like other LNT'ers, refuse to see what is right before their eyes,
and refuse to attempt to explain it when it becomes clear that they can't refute
Todd didn't like it very much when I asserted:
Since the FBI, as early as Saturday, was *telling* eyewitnesses that there were
only three shots, coaching eyewitnesses to say what the FBI wanted to hear, it's
amazing that we have as many accounts as we do that there were more.
Mr. BELIN. How many shots did you hear, if you remember?
Mr. EDWARDS. Well, I heard one more than was fired, I believe.
And considering the number of people who've come forward to state that their
affidavits and even *testimony* was changed, again, it's simply amazing that as
much evidence as we have is still left in the record.
But Todd won't actually *respond* to this... so let's add some more accounts to
the fire. That way, Todd can ignore even *more* accounts:
Richard Randolf Carr was a steelworker watching the motorcade from the
Courthouse building. He testified:
Q: Mr. Carr, did you talk to any FBI agents about this incident?
A: Yes, I did.
Q: Did they tell you to forget about it?
MR. DYMOND: I object to that as hearsay.
Q: Were you threatened in any way --
THE COURT: I sustain the objection. You cannot tell us the words used by someone
who spoke to you because of hearsay; however, you can state that you had
conversations with them and what did you do as a result of the conversation, I
will permit that.
Q: As the result of the conversations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
what did you do?
A: I done as I was instructed, I shut my mouth.
Q: Were you called to testify before the Warren Commission?
A: No, sir.
Carr told researchers Gary Shaw and Larry Harris: "The FBI came to my
house-there were two of them-and they said they heard I witnessed the
assassination and I said I did. They told me, 'If you didn't see Lee Harvey
Oswald up in the School Book Depository with a rifle, you didn't witness it.'" I
said, 'Well, the man I saw on television that they tell me is Lee Harvey Oswald
was not in the window of the School Book Depository. That's not the man.' And
(one of the agents) said I better keep my mouth shut. He did not ask me what I
saw, he told me what I saw."
But perhaps Todd doesn't find anything strange about reports such as this.
After all, he's questioned eyewitnesses himself, and has the solution to the
case. Yet explaining why eyewitnesses were threatened poses a problem ... one
that he won't address.
Ed Hoffman, the deaf mute who belatedly came forward and claimed to have seen
two men with a rifle behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, stated that
he'd been warned by an FBI agent to keep quiet "or you might get killed."
Then we have an attorney, Carroll Jarnagin, who reported being an eyewitness to
a meeting between LHO and Ruby. According to an interview he gave Marrs, FBI
agents, instead of investigating his potentially explosive revelations, tried
accusing him of hallucinating. Jarnagin asserted that their conduct was
"clearly abuse of a witness."
Moving along to more august eyewitnesses, Senator Ralph Yarborough was shocked
at the treatment he received from the Warren Commission staff (admittedly not
the FBI, but related). He stated that they "walked in like they were a couple
of deputy sheriffs and and I was a bank robber." They tried to pressure him to
sign a statement that closed with "This is all I know about the assassination"
and when he refused, they kept pressuring him, saying "you're holding this up,"
and demanded he sign the statement. As Yarborough told Jim Marrs in 1986, "...I
typed one up myself and put basically what I told you about how the cars all
stopped. I put in there, 'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the
protection of future presidents, they should be trained to take off when a shot
is fired."
If a United States Senator can be treated this way, imagine the lack or respect
those "investigating" the assassination accorded the average citizen. David
Powers, as I previously mentioned, was another who asserted that he'd been
"pressured" to lie to the Warren Commission. Interestingly, he must have
resisted quite well, since his deposition is certainly not one that the WC would
have welcomed. Perhaps this is why he was never questioned... or more
accurately - when he *WAS* questioned by Arlen Spector, why his testimony was
never put in the record.
(Now is perhaps a good time to mention that Todd had no response to make when I
mentioned an example of the tremendous coverup going on, that: "As just one of
the simple examples, care to defend the fact that the *closest* non-limo
eyewitness to the murder, *a policeman* at that, was never questioned by anyone
prior to the WCR being released?
Nor can you argue that the WC was unaware of him - Anyone can view the Altgen's
photo, and see him for themselves."
Todd couldn't find the strength to respond to this... but perhaps this isn't
covered in the "Lone Nutter's Handbook".
Moving on... David Lifton reports Tomlinson's account, who history has recorded
as the finder of CE 399, and who was called by the FBI that night - after
midnight, and being told to keep his mouth shut about what he'd found. Tomlinson
noted that "And they have a way to make a believer out of you".
Mark Lane records this statement of Jean Hill: "For two years I have told the
truth, but I have two children to support and I am a public school teacher. My
principal said it would be best not to talk about the assassination, and I just
can't go through it all again. I can't believe the Warren Report. I know it's
all a lie, because I was there when it happened, but I can't talk about it
anymore because I don't want the FBI here constantly and I want to continue to
teach here. I hope you don't think I'm a coward but I cannot talk about the case
anymore." But noooo... we must listen to Todd, he carefully coaches us that
there has not been any FBI intimidation in this case.
Another good example is also given by Mark Lane, the curious incident of Mrs.
Tice - and considering that the Warren Commission flatly lied about her
testimony, it's quite interesting indeed: "Mrs. Tice told the FBI that she had
been visited by a man who claimed to be a reporter and who asked her to repeat
the story about seeing Ruby at Parkland Hospital which she had previously told
to Ruby's sister. After Mrs. Tice related the incident to him, the man advised
her 'not to talk about this'. Shortly before her WC testimony, Mrs. Tice
received the following anonymous phone call:
Tice: Hello.
Male Caller: Mrs. Tice?
Tice: Hello.
Male Caller: It would pay you to keep your mouth shut.
(Rush to Judgment, pg 273)
Another example given by Mark Lane is eyewitness Jean Hill:
"Jean hill said that after she had originally spoken with me in February 1964
'the FBI was here for days. They practically lived here. They just didn't like
what I told them I saw and heard when the President was assassinated.' She
declined to permit a filmed interview, stating, 'For two years I have told the
truth, but I have two children to support and I am a public school teacher. My
principal said it would be best not to talk about the assassination, and I just
can't got through it all again. I can't believe the Warren Report. I know it's
all a lie, because I was there when it happened, but I can't talk about it
anymore because I don't want the FBI here constantly and I want to continue to
teach here. I hope you don't think I'm a coward, but I cannot talk about the
case anymore." (Rush to Judgment, pg 285)
In Tip O'Neill's book Man of The House, O'Neill describes a conversation with
O'Donnell, who told him he was sure that two shots had come from the fence
behind the grassy knoll. (As does Powers) O'Neill said to O'Donnell, "That's not
what you told the Warren Commission." O'Donnell responded, "You're right, I told
the FBI what I had heard, but they said it couldn't have happened that way and
that I must have been imagining things. So I testified the way they wanted me
to. I just didn't want to stir up any more pain and trouble for the family." But
nooooo... we must listen to Todd... who will tell you that no such thing ever
happened. (or, more accurately, will simply refuse to respond.)
While I'm quite sure that this is an incomplete list, when we have a record of
eyewitness intimidation such as this - what explanation does Todd offer?
Why... none at all.
Congratulations, Todd!
Ben Holmes
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