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The testimony of Colin Barnhorst was taken at 11:40 a.m, on April 1, 1964, in
the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay
Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., assistant counsel of the
President's Commission. Robert T. Davis, assistant attorney general of Texas,
was present.
Mr. JENNER. Please stand and be sworn.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Mr. JENNER. Mr. Barnhorst, I am Albert E. Jenner, Jr., a member of the legal
staff of the President's Commission which was authorized to be created by Senate
Joint Resolution 137, and President Johnson in Executive Order 11130, appointed
the commission and specified its powers pursuant to the legislation I have just
identified to you. The duties of the Commission are to investigate the
assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on the 22d of November.
And that entails our inquiry into various facts and circumstances and incidents,
some of them involving a man known as Lee Harvey Oswald. We understand that Mr.
Oswald was a guest at the YMCA here in down Dallas, and we would like to ask you
a question or two in that respect.
Mr. JENNER. What is your age, by the way?
Mr. BARNHORST. Twenty-one.
Mr. JENNER. Are you employed by the downtown YMCA here in Dallas?
Mr. JENNER. That is located where?
Mr. BARNHORST. 605 North Ervay.
Mr. JENNER. When did your employment commence?
Mr. BARNHORST. October 14.
Mr. JENNER. What year?
Mr. BARNHORST. 1963.
Mr. JENNER. State the nature of that employment and your hours?
Mr. BARNHORST. Desk clerk and mainly checking in and out guests--that is the
primary duty and my duties involve making change and the usual reports and
things like that. My hours are from 4 to midnight 4 nights a week.
Mr. JENNER. 4 in the afternoon until midnight 4 nights a week?
Mr. BARNHORST. Then on Friday night--midnight to Saturday morning 8 a.m. every
week, and every other week from midnight to 8 a.m., on Thursday night, so I
alternate 6 days and 5 days. The particular week of all this I had worked
Thursday night also.
Mr. JENNER. Were you on duty at any time so as to bring to your attention the
fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was or had become a guest at the YMCA?
Mr. BARNHORST. You mean at the time----
Mr. JENNER. At the time.
Mr. BARNHORST. Well, I wasn't working there when he was a guest. I know when he
was there, but I wasn't working there.
Mr. JENNER. That's right. Have you personally examined the records of the YMCA
in that respect?
Mr. JENNER. And those records are of what character?
Mr. BARNHORST. They are a daily report on transients in and out with permanents
in and out and the number of rooms, and a copy goes to the residence manager and
a copy stays at the household and a copy is sent to and, well, it is placed on
our desk copy.
Mr. JENNER. And have you examined those records for both the years 1962 and
Mr. BARNHORST. No; only the month of October 1963.
Mr. JENNER. Only the month of October 1963. In examining that month did you
examine each day of the month, that is, the records relating to each day of that
Mr. BARNHORST. Originally--yes, and I have looked at them also, actually, I
guess for September, because I had stayed there one night and I had looked back
to see which room I was in and I was just curious and in looking back--later
on--I saw there was a Lee H. Oswald. He was in room 601, because I looked at it
last night after the man called me and it is still on the desk.
Mr. JENNER. He occupied the room 601 when?
Mr. BARNHORST. Until the morning or early part of the afternoon of the 4th of
October. I say that because the clerk who was on was Eva Marshall. Her name was
beside the checkout. So, she was the one who would have checked him out and she
works on the day shift and at that time she was working day shift and that would
have been about 10 days, I guess, before I went to work there and she was
filling in there because the clerk had quit, which is why they hired me. I don't
know who the clerk was. I only found the checkout, I didn't ever see the
check-in--I think I did see it one time. And I think it was October 3, the day
Mr. JENNER. The check-in was October 3?
Mr. BARNHORST. I remember that from sometime ago, but I just happened to see the
Mr. JENNER. Tell me what kind of records you keep--you keep a receipt?
Mr. BARNHORST. Well, maybe I can describe these when he checks in to see step by
step what happens, because there is a little blue card with a stub on it and we
call this a transient register card. He fills in his name and the phone number
and membership, if any, and a number of other details, if it has anything to do
with such as when his membership expires, if he is in the service, his service
number or some other things, and then we fill out a triplicate receipt for his
room rent. In this case he paid for 1 night and then we give him a receipt and a
receipt stays in the register and a receipt goes in the drawer and, of course,
we fill out the rest of the stub--the receipt number, the amount paid, and we
fill out his name and his room number on the stub and the price of it and so
forth for the operator to put his name up on the board, and he came in fairly
early on the 3d, because the operator----
Mr. JENNER What is the board you mentioned something now about? You mentioned
something new.
Mr. BARNHORST. This is a board we have for locating anyone in the building at
that time, who is staying in the building. It is a PBX machine and is in the
nature of a board up on the wall and it has several sections. It is a flip type
board and you put a little narrow slip of paper with their name and room number
on it. That's for the telephone operator.
Now, he must have come in fairly early on the 3d, if he came in in the evening,
because in fact, he did come in in the evening. Mr. Barker, checked him in
because I know the evening operator typed his name in and so that would place
him coming in in the evening sometime before 10 o'clock, because that's about
when she leaves, and after that they are typed up by the--either the night clerk
or the next operator in the morning. Then in the evening, it is put on a ledger
sheet and we have two types--we have one for the permanent guests for their
personal account, and for just general transients that pass through, we have
a group account. We just put the last name and the amount paid and whether or
not they paid a membership fee. And, I might mention he didn't pay a membership
fee when he came in. There is only two ways a person can pay that and that is
either be in the service or have a membership card and I don't think he was
registered as a member. He may have tried to pass himself off as a service-man,
but that's just in passing--that's not on the record--but--then, we make this
daily report which is what I saw his name on last night. That is a long sheet
and it has a list of room numbers in numerical order and then the name of the
person who checked into that room that day and anybody who checked out of the
room that day, and any transfers.
Mr. JENNER. Mr. Hulen, when he testified a few moments ago, testified with
respect to his having checked over receipts showing payment for lodging and he
assembled a list and he is going to obtain photostatic copies of them and return
them this afternoon and return with them. Are you returning to the YMCA after
you leave here?
Mr. BARNHORST. No, I can--it's just across the street.
Mr. JENNER. Well, I would appreciate it if you would speak with Mr. Hulen who
made copies of the entries from the records--I would like to have in addition to
the copies of the receipts, photostatic copies of the registration card you have
Mr. JENNER. And this is a check-in card, did you call it a check in card?
Mr. BARNHORST. A transient register card, and do you want the daily report?
Mr. BARNHORST. How about this one in our ledger book?
Mr. JENNER. I would like that as well.
Mr. BARNHORST. Because the clerk would be Mr. Michaels, depending on what night
of the week it was. Probably Mr. Michaels--chances are it was he that made out
that report. He is not with us now, but he didn't report any membership fee paid
at the time.
Mr. JENNER. And that would indicate that none was paid?
Mr. JENNER. Is there a difference in charge or rate for a room depending upon
whether you are a member of the YMCA or a serviceman?
Mr. BARNHORST. From what I know, Mr. Oswald--he should have paid $3.75 or $2.25
for a room, 50 cents for membership and $1 for the key deposit. No doubt he paid
the room rent because that's on the record and the key deposit or else he
wouldn't have gotten a room, but the key deposit isn't listed in the ledger at
all. It is a separate account because we refund it and in the ledger we list
memberships and we separate that from the key deposits. Because it is in a
separate account. Now, I didn't see any membership fee by his name.
Mr. JENNER. But does an ex-serviceman receive this reduced rate?
Mr. BARNHORST. Not if he has been out a minute or more, at least I never give it
to him. Now, I always check the ID cards. Mr. Barker, I believe, does not, but
of course any serviceman could rattle off his service number 20 years after he
got out and I found that out quite early so I have been checking them and I have
had several fellows who were trying to get away with it--they usually had
forgotten it or say they would be back in a minute and they don't come back and
it was embarrassing to me, and Mr. Barker has been there a long time. He
wouldn't write up a membership unless he was a serviceman.
Mr. JENNER. These registration cards show----
Mr. BARNHORST They don't show which one it is.
Mr. JENNER. Would they show the address that the guests gave?
Mr. BARNHORST. We always ask for an address, try to get an address from them.
Occasionally we don't. Occasionally they just sort of don't put it on there and
you say, "Well, I would like to have an address on there." And they will say, "I
plan to stay here." It should show an address on there of some kind.
Mr. JENNER. And among the papers I have asked to have photostated will that
Mr. BARNHORST. If he gave an address, it will be there. Now, I came across
one fellow--I told a couple of the FBI men, because so many of them were over
there to talk to me--there's always around the YMCA somebody who knows a little
about everything, you know these kind of people, but in this case there is a
fellow down there who claims that he knew Lee in New Orleans. Now, he is a
little character and his IQ matches his height. I'm not making personal opinions
you understand, but this fellow was no end of trouble to me. He did come by and
he, I believe, stayed on the same floor, if I remember right.
Mr. JENNER. He was a guest?
Mr. BARNHORST. He was a permanent resident and he was one of these fellows who
bounced from job to job every few days but he just happened to bounce in the
same town all the time.
Mr. JENNER. What is his name?
Mr. BARNHORST. Joseph R. Hummel.
Mr. JENNER. [Spelling] H-u-m-m-e-l?
Mr. JENNER. Is he still a guest there?
Mr. BARNHORST. No; he moved out 2 or 3 months ago. We have a forwarding address,
I believe because his mail isn't here any more--that would indicate a forwarding
address. In fact, I believe I put the forwarding address in the box. It's over
there and I can probably get it for you.
Mr. JENNER. I wonder if you would do that and also give that to Mr. Hulen and
tell him what you told me about that so he can explain it to me.
Mr. BARNHORST. The night watchman over there told me one time--I mentioned
"Little" Joe, or heard "'Little" Joe talking about it one night and I wouldn't
put much stock in it because the night watchman says he has seen fellows come in
there from some of these towns and "Little" Joe recognized them and called them
by name, and evidently he has been in New Orleans possibly about that time, so
if I didn't know that, I would just say the guy was a glory hound, but something
like that sometimes a glory hound might be in the right place at the right time.
So, the FBI--I don't know whether they did anything about it or not, but I just
told them at that time that that wasn't the only person around that I know of
that remembers knowing Oswald or when he was there, and if we didn't have the
official records to show it.
Apparently he just passed unnoticed, because from the pictures I have seen, he's
like a hundred and one guys I have checked in over there, and the only reason I
would watch him if I suspected he might be a homosexual or something because in
a transient hotel of any kind we watch for them and try to see if they are going
to--to see the people they associate with, you know, what is going on and we do
watch that. I don't think anyone has said that he associated with anyone,
because it has been talked about some.
Now, Mr. Barker, the one who checked him in is the one clerk we have over
there-who the roof could fall in on--just so it didn't fall in over the part
that was his desk--it wouldn't matter.
Mr. JENNER. It wouldn't matter to Barker?
Mr. JENNER. Is he still working there?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; he's about 79. He just lives and lets live. He checks them
in and checks them out. Somehow, maybe it's better that way but I have never
heard him, of course, say anything one way or the other, about it.
Mr. JENNER. What hours does Barker have?
Mr. BARNHORST. He works the same hours I do--four to midnight except he works
the three nights of the week that I don't and then works on Saturday and Sunday
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. He and I share the weekend pretty well.
Mr. JENNER. All right, Barker checked in Oswald, according to your records?
Mr. BARNHORST. According to my knowledge.
Mr. JENNER. On these records?
Mr. BARNHORST. Right. And Eva Marshall is the one who checked him out, and I am
personally pretty positive it was Mr. Barker because the telephone operator that
was on with him said that that is true.
Mr. JENNER Mr. Barker signed the receipt of payment of $3.25, for this day on
October 3 and 4?
Mr. BARNHORST. It was $3.25 then?
Mr. JENNER. It says $3.25.
Mr. BARNHORST. It should have been $3.25, you see.
Mr. JENNER. And Mr. Barker apparently charged him out on the 18th of October
1962, and he paid $2.25 for the last day of that 4-day stay in October 1962. Mr.
Burge apparently checked him in because the receipt is signed by Mr. Burge, on
the 15th of October.
Mr. BARNHORST. If they still do the same thing as they did then that would
pinpoint the time when he came in. Mr. Burge relieves us in the evening for our
lunch hour, which is usually half an hour and that falls invariably between 5
and 7 because the cafeteria closes at 7:30.
Mr. JENNER. So, with Mr. Burge checking the man in, that would indicate that was
at night or in the evening?
Mr. BARNHORST. In the evening.
Mr. JENNER. It would be sometime after 4 in the afternoon?
Mr. BARNHORST. Sometime after 5, because he wouldn't come in until 5.
Mr. JENNER. And if Mr. Barker either checked somebody in or checked somebody
out, that would appear, wouldn't it?
Mr. BARNHORST. It depends on the day of the week. If it was on the weekend, it
would be between 8 and 4. It would--if it was on a weekevening, I mean a
weekday, it would be in the evening, That's presuming, of course, I'm pretty
sure he worked the same shift then as he does now. Of course I don't know.
Mr. JENNER. Well, October 15, 1962, was a Monday?
Mr. BARNHORST. A Monday--Well, then, that meant that he was very possibly
working the shift I am working now, because he's off Monday and Tuesday now, but
that would still be in the evening. I am presuming that he wasn't working full
time for us then.
Mr. JENNER. But if he did work, it was at night?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes. I'm pretty sure it would be. I don't think he was ever a day
Mr. JENNER. All right. I appreciate very much your coming in. You have been
helpful and if you will relate to Mr. Hulen my desire for these additional
records, photostatic copies, I would appreciate it. He said he was going to
return about 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Mr. BARNHORST. All right.
Mr. JENNER. If he has those, you might speak with him--you see he is in the
health department.
Mr. JENNER. I don't know just how familiar he is with these records, but he may
be able to explain them.
Mr. BARNHORST. He might and he might not be. He probably might not be familiar
with the midnight reports. We make these daily reports where his name would be
at the desk.
Mr. JENNER. Where the guest's name would appear at the desk?
Mr. BARNHORST. I beg your pardon?
Mr. JENNER. The name of the guest.
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; it would be on a permanent form. We have a sheaf of
papers--we have a stack this high [indicating] and it goes back, that goes back
to Noah and if we had Noah, it would be on that. It had everybody's else's name
on there and it would go back oh, I know of course it covers Oswald because I
saw it on there.
Mr. JENNER You actually saw it?
Mr. JENNER. As a matter of fact as late as last night?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; and I remember it was "Lee H." Now, it doesn't necessarily
mean on that report that the card was filled out "Lee H." It could have been
filled out in the whole name, we abbreviate the names for space.
Mr. JENNER. Now, that room 601, was the room he occupied on the 3d of October
1963, or was it the room he occupied in 1962?
Mr. BARNHORST. In 1963. I didn't see the one in 1962.
Mr. JENNER. Whatever room number he occupied on his earlier stay in
1962--appears on these records you have described?
Mr. BARNHORST. Well; I would say it would be there unless it had been mutilated,
and it's double checked by this Mr. McRee's secretary. He is the resident
manager. It is double checked by her to see that all the stubs are matched by
name on the checkin and all of the blue cards are matched by the name on the
checkout, just in case there are two of them stuck together.
Mr. JENNER. I hesitate to press you but in view of your great familiarity with
the records, if you would not be horribly inconvenienced, it would be helpful to
me if you would return with those registration records, because you know how to
explain them, at 2 o'clock, with Mr. Hulen.
Mr. BARNHORST. The photostats or the originals?
Mr. JENNER. The photostats.
Mr. BARNHORST. At 2 o'clock?
Mr. JENNER. Please, and you would be in a position to say that the photostats
that you produce are actually photostats of the records and cards that you
personally saw in the YMCA.
Mr. JENNER. And if you will return, then I will not close your deposition now,
but I will wait until 2 o'clock. Thank you very much. I appreciate your coming
Mr. BARNHORST. Well, I realize this is just details that you have to have.
Mr. JENNER. Yes; that's right.
Mr. BARNHORST. I'll be back at 2 o'clock.
Mr. JENNER. All right, thank you.
(At this point the witness Barnhorst was excused from the deposing room and
returned to same at 2 p.m. on this same day, April 1, 1964, and his deposition
was continued as follows:)
Mr. JENNER. Now, the balance of Mr. Barnhorst's deposition. You thought you
might be able to obtain some records for me, Mr. Barnhorst.
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes, sir; I was not able to obtain the blue card record. The FBI
has that. That's the notice from Mr. McRee in his handwriting.
Mr. JENNER. "The FBI"--I am reading the note, "The FBI has the register cards
for October 3, 1963. 1962 has been destroyed and we didn't keep them that long."
Mr. BARNHORST. This is a sample register card just for your own information.
Mr. JENNER. Mr. Barnhorst has given me a sample of the blue "transient register
card," which he described this morning. The card is entitled, "Transient
register card." It has a stub entitled "Transient," and is light blue in color.
We will mark it Hulen Exhibit No. 8.
Mr. BARNHORST. And that Toro, Calif.--I can identify that as a Marine base, I
believe, you've probably heard the name of it.
Mr. JENNER. Yes.
Mr. BARNHORST. That would have appeared as an address on the blue card in
October 1963, because that's the only place where Mr. Barker could have gotten
the information.
Mr. JENNER. The receipt as to that occasion which I have described in the
record, dated October 3, 1963, Lee H. Oswald, opposite the word "address," does
have "Toro, Calif." So, in the normal course, I take it that that address would
have been furnished to the registration clerk, and in this case, Mr. Barker?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; it would be on the blue card.
Mr. JENNER. Yes; the blue card, the sample of which you have furnished me?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; also, Mr. McRee, the resident manager, says that Mr. Oswald
produced an identification card, which is not hard to believe because he could
have simply claimed to have lost it, his ID, when he was in the service, and had
them make him another one and turn in the one he had made. I've seen fellows do
that quite often. It is usually used for getting into PX's and USO's. This is
from our ledger sheets, these I have here that are dated in the red left-hand
column-- everywhere there is a red checkmark on there, Mr. Oswald's name appears
with a receipt number, the amount paid, his last name, also that he never paid
any membership fees, but only the room fees.
Mr. JENNER. All right you have handed me three cards from the original
records of the downtown YMCA--they are three sheets.
Mr. BARNHORST. Written on both sides.
Mr. JENNER. Yes; written on both sides. I will mark them commencing with the
earliest date on the exhibits, as Hulen Exhibits Nos. 9, 10, and 11. Would you
identify the sheets? What are they, what kind of record?
Mr. BARNHORST. They are original ledger sheets for a transient guest and they
are for the purpose of recording temporarily that the registrar has paid certain
fees, because oftentimes they lose their receipts. They come down and we copy
into this register--which is placed in a file, the amount that they paid. It is
to guarantee that there is no confusion on the amount that is paid.
Mr. JENNER. And do these three register cards that I have in my hand cover all
the month of October 1963?
Mr. BARNHORST. No, sir; they don't.
Mr. JENNER. I'm sorry, do they cover the month of October 1962?
Mr. BARNHORST. I don't know whether they do--I doubt it--I think they would only
cover the days before and after the time which you are interested in. They cover
from October---October 15th through October 19th.
Mr. JENNER. May I call your attention to the last of the cards, which is marked
Hulen Exhibit No. 11, the first entry on which is dated October 2, 1963, and
that is for 1963, I'm sure?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; the 1962 cards, marked Hulen Exhibits Nos. 9 and 10,
respectively, run from October 15th through October 19th.
Mr. JENNER. And they consist of two sheets?
Mr. JENNER. In selecting these two sheets covering the 15th through the 19th,
did you examine the ledger sheets for the balance of the month?
Mr. BARNHORST. No, sir; Mr. McRee did.
Mr. JENNER. Mr. McRee did so?
Mr. BARNHORST. And he told me those are the only cards that have Mr. Oswald's
name on them.
Mr. JENNER. So, they were selected from the ledger cards for October 1963, those
which had some entry thereon with respect to Oswald?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes. It was done by the receipt numbers, also.
Mr. JENNER. It was doublechecked, so that there appears a--on the third line of
the 1962, card commencing with October 15th, an entry under date of October
15th, reciting item No. 18198 and the name, "Oswald," and $2.25 and under the
column, "balance," there is a strike line, and--indicating nothing due.
Mr. BARNHORST. Pardon me, that balance is not used for the purpose of something
due. We substitute for that a membership fee. That strike line means he did not
have a membership fee.
Mr. JENNER. There is a similar entry for the 16th, the 17th, and the 18th. These
records then are for the recording of the fact that Oswald was a guest on those
days, and that he paid the amounts of money recorded on the ledger sheets, which
in turn correspond with the receipts which Mr. Hulen brought in?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. The third of these ledger sheets--the first entry is opposite a date
in 1963--October 2, 1963. I take it this ledger sheet was selected from among
all of the ledger sheets for the month of October 1963, because it records the
name Oswald on October 3, 1963, item No. 15593, $2.25--is that correct?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes. I have seen all of the ledger sheets for October 1963.
Mr. JENNER. And this is the only one that has any entry on it with respect to
Mr. BARNHORST. That's the only one.
Mr. JENNER. And that one entry that does have, corresponds with the. receipt on
that date, produced by Mr. Hulen?
Mr. JENNER. May we have these photostated and then returned to you or did you
make photostats?
Mr. BARNHORST. We do not keep this for any great length of time. Mr. McRee said
we might turn this over to you.
Mr. JENNER. Thank you very much.
Mr. BARNHORST. As with all of the records.
Mr. JENNER. All right, we will retain them Do you have other papers?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; these are the daily report sheets you requested. This is
October 1963. These are for the specific dates at the top.
Mr. JENNER. Mr. Barnhorst has now produced and handed me----
Mr. BARNHORST. You see, the carbon was in the thing backwards when it was typed,
so, they didn't do it over on the third copy, they just stapled a sheet behind
it and attached it to the copies you read it through from the top because an
error was made in putting it in the typewriter.
Mr. JENNER. The front of each of these two sheets, for the purpose of
identification in the record consist of two sheets stapled together back to back
and in the typing the sheet was reversed and must be read from back to front.
The first, or facing sheet, is marked Hulen Exhibit No. 12, and it is entitled
"Resident's Hall Report, Thursday, October 3, 1963." The left-hand column is
headed "Permanent- in." The right-hand column is headed "Transients-out
continued." This records, as I look at it here, the registrations in and out on
October 3, 1963, is that correct?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes; approximately. It may include one or two who came in just
the night before or who checked out, or men who would have been there and
checked out the following day--would be on the next day's report.
Mr. JENNER. Is there an entry on this sheet with respect to Lee Oswald?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes, room 601, on the "Transients-out," and I believe on the
"Transients--in," I'm not sure. On this one it is the "Transients-in," room 601.
He isn't on this sheet on "Transients-out." I don't recall it.
Mr. JENNER. Room 601--and he is shown checked in by Mr. Barker?
Mr. JENNER. And from your knowledge of the hours Mr. Barker worked, that
check-in was either late in the day or early in the evening of October 3?
Mr. JENNER. The second set of papers you have produced consists of three sheets,
each entitled, "Resident's Hall Report." They are dated at the top right-hand
column as October 4, 1963, October 15, 1962, and October 19, 1962. They are
marked respectively, Hulen Exhibits Nos. 13, 14, and 15.
Mr. BARNHORST. Hulen Exhibit No. 13 is for the day following October 3, 1963.
Mr. JENNER. That would be the same report for the following day, and is there an
entry on this that relates to Mr. Oswald?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes, sir; "Transients-out, Room 601."
Mr. JENNER. Under "Transients-out," Room 601, appears the name. "Lee Oswald."
Then, at the end of the line there there is a word that is apparently a name
(spelling) E-v-a----
Mr. JENNER. Who is that?
Mr. BARNHORST. Mrs. Eva Marshall.
Mr. JENNER. What does she do?
Mr. BARNHORST. She is the day clerk. She was probably substituting at the time
for the clerk who quit.
Mr. JENNER. All right, and this indicates then that he checked out on the 3d of
October and that the lady you have identified handled that checkout?
Mr. BARNHORST. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. And the fact that she did it would indicate to you what, as to the
time of day he checked out?
Mr. BARNHORST. It would probably be morning, but it also could be early
Mr. JENNER. Exhibits 14 and 15 cover the period October 15---19, 1963?
Mr. JENNER. I offer the exhibits.
I think that's all we have with respect to you. You overheard what I said to Mr.
Hulen with regard to reading the deposition. That applies to you as well. If you
will check with Mr. Sanders, this ought to be ready next week. It is rather late
in the week to have it ready. You may sign the deposition if you wish or you may
waive that. If there are any errors in it, we would like know. Thank you very
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