
Call me crazy…but I’m telling you something about Buell Frazier does not sit right with me…I’m satisfied that he lied about not dropping Oswald off that morning at the TSBD…But then you have to ask why would he lie about that? It was a freaking hike from where Buell parked to the building on Elm St and it was raining that morning pretty good according to Buell, and what decent fellow would make his rider walk all this way in the rain when he could just drop him off at the building?

In the testimony above it says Oswald rode to work with Frazier every day…and if you think about it, where is the bus driver that drove Oswald to work on his route for 6 weeks straight? Where are the bus riders that rode on the same bus as the “killer of the President?” We havent heard from them because they dont exist…I mean we know about Lee Oswald’s elementary school Principal…we know he got “the clap” in the service, but the WC or subsequent researchers don’t find any of these people?
I’m satisfied he lied about Oswald bringing a package to work that day…but then you have to ask why would he lie about that? Does it make more sense that Buell would concoct his “revving the engine” story to buy some time so Edward Shields and company would finish their smoke break and go back inside? This would allow Frazier to retrieve a package himself, and being taller than Oswald, and with longer arms, allow him to carry a package into the TSBD? Who saw Frazier enter the building? NOBODY! Follow me for a minute here, Frazier comes from Alabama at age 19 and is hired on in early September’s at the TSBD. It was said he came to stay with his sister to escape an abusive alcoholic step father…He was sleeping on the floor of her house…yet after Kennedy is shot, and after leaving work, he goes missing for 3 hrs and is eventually found at hospital visiting said abusive alcoholic step father that he moved out of state to get away from and sleep on his sisters floor because it was so bad…something don’t jive there…He was then brought in and questioned, asked to sign a confession, held in custody for a total of almost 10 hours, and given a lie detector test, to which we still don’t have the results of, only the police’s word that he passed it. So ask yourself, why do we not have those results? If he passed it, what’s the big deal?
In the weeks leading up to the assassination there were assertions made to the Warren Commision that Frazier would accompany Oswald to the shooting range…what else would two young fellas do for fun in Texas in the early 60’s?
Hmm….things aren’t looking good for Frazier…but it gets worse…
In the seventies an interesting book came out called “The Assassination Tapes” by George O’Toole in which voice stress analysis was used to determine if people were lying or not…and guess who failed in his televised interview after the assassination ? You guessed it…Buell Frazier. And after a long and arduous search that had to be completed by a hired private detective, was tracked down in the mid seventies for another interview, guess who failed it? Yep…Buell fails again. He also hid behind his lawyers and procastinated in testifying to the HSCA…His testimony to them was never published, but the audio tapes surfaced in the Archives of the interviews…out of the 4 tapes, 2 were completely unusable, while the other two could only be what could be described as a garbled mess with only snippets available with no context….how convienent! Also interesting to note that Buell told the Warren Commission that after he got to work, he took his stuff and lunch to the basement.
While waiting for the motorcade out front, Buell started to get hungry because several people around him were eating, so he ran downstairs real quick to get his sandwich and returned out front and ate his sandwich at about 12:20-12:25. Around this time, the power to the elevators was shut off, which can only be done from the basement, which is where Buell Frazier just went…coincidence? Nope…It was done to slow down the search of the building and allow the shooter time to get off the 6th floor down the back stairway…and Jack Dougherty who saw Oswald come in to work that morning, did not see Oswald carrying a package…that’s because I believe Buell Frazier is the one who had the package…I think he’s the one that planted the Carcano on the 6th floor, he could have collected empty shells from the shooting range…I mean when you think about it, he was put in a position to train Lee at his job, offer to give him rides places(likely to and from work everyday) …Frazier would go on to have a long career in the military, avoid getting sent to Vietnam while in the military, he doesn’t like to give interviews to researchers and avoids them at all costs…so what if Buell was recruited by the CIA to set up the patsy? Give him an extra gun his buddy Lee could use? We know they liked to recruit young, and still do to this day…to sum it up, Frazier is lying about something, his actions and evidence back that up…The story he has been reciting for 50 years is different from other eyewitness testimony that has come to light since then….was it done to further distance himself from the accused assassin? Or is there a more sinister plot afoot? Nobody else besides Buell and his sister Linnie say Lee had a package…Linnie was ultimately responsible for directing Lee to the TSBD for employment. That rifle had to get into the TSBD somehow…and if Oswald didn’t take it there (and I don’t think he did), who better to frame him than someone he trusted to keep an eye on him, be responsible to transport him, and also worked in the building?

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      • This is completely logical, thought out and written with evidence and documented testimony. Therefore completely worthless in the bizarro world of Cinque. That fool wants to charge for the Oswald Idiotcon to keep the enemies away from watching it to attack them. You’d think the fact his JFK world enemies far outweigh his clown posse of supporter would tell him something. How big this nominal fee will be to recoup their losses is anyone’s guess.
      • Thank you Bon! They are so worried about where Frazier was in the Altgens, they won’t take as far as I have…you wouldn’t believe the flak I got when I previewed this on some Facebook grouos and people reciting the WC lies…so worried about that damn package…
  1. Guess you fellows know that Jabba has put up Mr. Hankey’s ‘poo’ on his ‘oddcast’. Dreadful tripe. Dr. Janney never gave credit to Mr. Scully for googling Mitchell for him. But all that ain’t over yet……. far from it. What did Ambrose Bierce say about lawsuits?? Oh, yeah……. you enter into court as a pig and come out a sausage.
    • I’m not sure when Fatzer fell do deeply in tune with Hankey. Hankey has gotten a lot of things wrong over the years. maybe that’s the attraction. One point on Mitchell…I know Skully goes to the ends when looking for someone or their connections to others. But does anyone honestly think think that “William Mitchell” is a real name or entity? Seems to me that a cover for someone involved in a hit team certainly wouldn’t use a real name.
      • The age difference would be about right. I would have never thought it possible that Janney would have standing for a lawsuit based on an unrequited, pseudo-maternalistic relationship. Freud could have gotten a new chapter out of this one.
      • Hankey is Bushwhacked. His main basis for JFK Jr being killed by George W Bush sabotaging his plane is that George Bush Sr killed JFK . I’ve seen Lee Cahalan has gone further to say that JFK Jr purposely named his magazine George he was on to the Bushes. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the first president’s name. I mean George HW Bush looking at the first cover with Cindy Crawford must have thought he was looking into a mirror!

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