Gerald Rudolph Ford was a member of the warren Commission. It was Gerald Rudolph Ford along with Arlen Specter who gave birth to the "Single Bullet Theory". Here is a typewritten page of the Warren Report Draft. In Gerald Rudolph Ford's own handwriting is his attempt to Re-Locate JFK's Back wound six inches Higher than it actually was.
FBI Agent Proves Ford WRONG ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuVsimMTUiQ
In 2 Videos FBI Agent Francis X O'Neill calls Ford/Specter a LIAR! (below) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMfs8QGmb3M&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuVsimMTUiQ&NR=1
Gerald Rudolph Ford also "Ratted" on his fellow Commissioners by reporting to the FBI as to what each was doing. Below is a report of same by FBI Officer Cartha (Deke) DeLoach. The Same Gerald Rudolph Ford who was Recommended to Warren Commission by Richard M. Nixon. The same Gerald Rudolph Ford "Appointed" Vice president by Richard Nixon after Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned in Discrace. The Same Gerald Rudolph Ford who Ascended to the Office of President of the U. S. A. without benefit of Election when Nixon Resigned in Disgrace. The Same Gerald Rudolph Ford who 30 days later Granted Nixon a Pardon for ALL Crimes. Gerald Rudolph Ford makes a Buck (Below) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOW09EsGF8c&mode=related&search= Gerald Rudolph Ford makes BIG Bucks. http://flatsigned.com/JFK-FORD2.shtml By WHAT Authority did Gerald Rudolph Ford "Sell" Oswald's Diary to Life magazine"?
Rather than commit it to memory, here's what I wrote on Gerald Rudolph Ford Years ago.>>> FORD: G. * Rep. GERALD R. FORD Published a book in 1965, about The Assassination. We are forever grateful for it's First Chapter. For again it's information that was NEVER Printed in the Warren Report. NOR, It's 26 Volumes. The book's title is "Portrait of the Assassin" The first chapter deals with a "rumor" that Lee Harvey Oswald Was an "Under-cover Agent for the FBI.”? The trouble is that the Rumor had some DETAILS. … 1. Oswald's FBI # 179. 2. The FBI paid Oswald $200 a mo. Because I IMPLORE you to read the following list of books for yourself, I will quote ONLY paragraph 3 on page 22.
"WE HAVE A DIRTY RUMOR THAT IS VERY BAD FOR THE COMMISSION, THE PROBLEM, AND IT IS VERY DAMAGING TO THE AGENCIES THAT ARE INVOLVED IN IT AND IT MUST BE WIPED OUT INSOFAR AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO DO SO BY THIS COMMISSION." (Thank You Gerry) Thank GOD Gerry wasn't chewing gum the day he wrote that. IF THE COMMISSION WERE TRULY AN "INVESTIGATIVE" BODY THE WORDS "WIPED OUT" WOULD HAVE READ "INVESTIGATED." Some Commission members voiced concern over the fact that minutes of this meeting were being taken when Allan Dulles stated: "Don't worry about it. By and large, the American people don't read." (I guess Dulles knew what he was talking about.) It seems that the Commission was more interested in saving the reputation of a Suspected Federal Agency than in investigating the most Heinous Crime in American History. The Commission choose NOT to print or investigate the Aforementioned "RUMOR" in it's 888 page report nor it's 26 volumes. Gerald Rudolph Ford neglected to inform his readers that in effect he STOLE that one paragraph from a "TOP SECRET" document. This
document being the actual transcript of an EXECUTIVE SESSION of the The Executive Session was held on Monday, January 27, 1964 labeled "TOP SECRET" and secreted away for 75 years in the National Archives. Ford neglected to inform his readers that he did NOT even attend this meeting. Ford neglected to inform his readers of the remarks made by Allan Dulles to the effect that when questioned, Federal agents would LIE under oath. (PERJURY?) Ford neglected to inform his readers of further remarks by Dulles to the effect that when questioned, Federal agents would LIE to their own Chiefs. (OATH OF ALLEGIENCE?) Ford also neglected to inform his readers of remarks by Dulles to the effect that a P.O. Box is a great way to get payments to an under-cover informant. (Oswald?) Ford neglected to inform his readers that the Commission KNEW that the story came from CREDIBLE newsman Alonso "Lonnie" Hudkins of the Houston Post who, in turn got it from Allan Sweatt, (Dallas Chief Criminal Deputy Sheriff) Ford neglected to inform his readers that included in this SECRET transcript the Commission voiced suspicion the Secret Service of withholding this INFORMATION from them. As the Secret Service had this information as early as January 3rd. Ford
also neglects to inform his readers that the transcript of this SECRET executive
session on January 27th that the Commission is still at a loss to explain the
entrance hole 6 inches down in JFK's back aligning with the higher exit hole in
JFK's throat. Even though the final report states that the controversy was
resolved on November 23rd, 1963. (Phone conversation between Dr. Humes in Ford also neglects to inform his readers that he actually spied on his own Commission colleagues by reporting their plans in advance to the FBI's Cartha DeLoach. (Initially the FBI was the PRIME Suspect. See Robert Oswald's book. Pg.156)********************************** Ford
also neglects to inform his readers that page 192 of that secret transcript
shows the Commissions concern over what Oswald "STUDIED AT THE JUST
TO PUT TWO PEAS IN THE SAME POD! Read the footnote on page 406 of Posner's book
"case closed". It tells of the FBI investigating members of the THERE'S MORE IN THIS TRANSCRIPT FOLKS! BUT, IF YOU WANT MORE THAN THE GOVERNMENT HAS CHOSEN TO GIVE YOU, YOU HAVE BUT TWO OPTIONS. 1. You must sue the Federal Government under the Freedom of Information Act. 2. Rely on one who has already done the work, and read "WHITEWASH IV JFK assassination transcript" by Harold Weisberg. When questioned about spying on the Commission in a Television interview between Ford and (Video #39) Ford offered the excuse that quite often FBI Agents when reporting to J. Edgar Hoover they would "EMBELISH" their reports to ingratiate themselves to Hoover. Following is one of the FBI reports on the subject between Ford and the Number THREE (3) man in the FBI, Cartha De Loach.
TO: Mr. Mohr December 12, 1963 FROM: C. D. DeLoach SUBJECT: ASSASSINATION OF THE PRESIDENT I had a long talk this morning with Congressman Gerald R. (Gerry) Ford (R.-Michigan) in his office. He asked that I come up to see him. Upon arriving he told me he wanted to talk in the strictest of confidence. This was agreed to.
Ford told me he was somewhat disturbed about the manner in which Chief
Justice Warren was carrying on his Chairmanship of the Presidential Commission.
He explained that the first mistake that
On the occasion of their second meeting, Ford and Hale Boggs joined with
Dulles. Hale Boggs told Ford told me that he was currently having problems inasmuch as the majority of the members of the Commission decided to go along with the recommendations made in Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach's letter to the Commission dated 12-9-63. In this letter, Katzenbach recommended that the Commission make an immediate press release pointing out that the FBI report clearly showed there was no international conspiracy or collusion and that Oswald was a loaner. Ford stated that he was a minority of one that did not want to give out any press release until the Commission had had a thorough opportunity to review and discuss the FBI report. (I noted that the report was on his desk at the time of our meeting) (END PAGE 1) DeLoach to Mohr Re: Assassination of the President I told Ford in strict confidence that the Director concurred with his viewpoint. I mentioned that our investigation thus far had conclusively shown that Oswald operated by himself and that Ruby additionally was a loaner. However, FBI investigation was still pending on a large number of rumors, speculation and gossip and it, therefore, would be quite unfair for the Commission to take a stand prior to all the evidence being turned in. Ford stated this was his point entirely and that although he was a minority of one he intended to stick to his point.
Ford told me that John McCone, Director of CIA, had, approximately one
week ago, gone up to his office and told him that CIA had uncovered some
"startling information" in the Oswald case. McCone proceeded to tell
Ford that a source of CIA's in I told Ford that apparently McCone had failed to follow up on this matter. I mentioned that CIA's source had recanted his story and had indicated that it was a figment of his imagination. However to prove the unstable tendencies of this source, the source had later claimed that he was actually telling the truth. I pointed out that we were still checking some angles in this, however, the CIA source was obviously either unstable or somewhat of a psychopathic liar. Ford stated he could certainly see this. Ford indicated he would keep me thoroughly advised as to the activities of the Commission. He stated this would have to be on a confidential basis, however he thought it should be done. He also asked if he could call me from time to time and straighten out questions in his mind concerning our investigation. I told him by all means he should do this. He reiterated that our relationship would, of course, remain confidential. We have had excellent relations with Congressman Ford for many years. He has been given an autographed copy of the Director's book "A Study of Communism" and has been in touch with my office on numerous occasions in the past. ACTION: Contact will be maintained with Congressman Ford. (END PAGE TWO) Ford's spying on the Commission gets even more detailed with the release of additional FBI documents in 1977.
The Dec. 8, 1977 issue of The IT READS IN PART: At one point DeLoach wrote that the FBI even supplied Ford with an FBI briefcase with a lock in which to carry secret documents. FURTHER:
Two members of the Commission, Ford apparently reported to DeLoach, said
they still were not convinced that the President had been shot from the
sixth-floor window of the DON FULSOM
Former President Ford Admits by Don Fulsom In his final public words, former President Gerald R. Ford said the CIA destroyed or kept from investigators critical secrets connected to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The stunning admission by Ford—a member of the Warren Commission that investigated the JFK assassination—is contained in the foreword to a new edition of the commission's report, A Presidential Legacy and The Warren Commission. Ford died in late 2006 at the age of 93. In the new book, Ford said the commission's probe put "certain classified and potentially damaging operations in danger of being exposed." The CIA's reaction, he added, "was to hide or destroy some information, which can easily be misinterpreted as collusion in JFK's assassination." Ford family spokeswoman Ford's charge of a CIA cover-up is accompanied by a new concession by Ford—that there "conceivably" could have been a conspiracy to kill JFK, but that "no verified evidence to date shows a link to, or any direct involvement by any government agency, federal employees or subversive groups." Now there's a very carefully worded statement for you. Particularly the use of "verified," "to date" and "direct." The former president also conveniently leaves out Mafia leaders, the chief suspects of House assassination investigators who, in the mid-1970s, found a "probable conspiracy." In his new statement, Ford does mention CIA
efforts to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro. But he does not mention that
the agency, as only recently confirmed by the CIA itself, worked in lockstep
with the Mob in trying to bump off The closest Ford comes to touching on this particular CIA sore subject is a glancing reference: "The reason some things appear to be suspicious (about the JFK assassination) was possibly because there were people who apparently did have things to hide. It came out later that there was a government-sanctioned plot to kill Fidel Castro. There seemed also to have been a scramble to cover that up, which did interfere marginally with our investigation, as I testified (to House investigators)." Two other It is also now known that Ford made a key change in the commission's final report—a change that made the single-shooter theory easier to believe. He revised the description of the bullet wound in President Kennedy's back and placed it higher to make "the magic bullet" theory plausible, enabling the commission to conclude that Oswald was the lone gunman. Recently released FBI memos show that Ford
served as FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's informant on the commission. In his news release promoting the "final
word" of President Ford, the book's publisher, Tim Miller, goes even
farther than Ford. Miller flatly declares: "There was a conspiracy to kill
John F. Kennedy. There is no doubt that President Gerald Ford knew more about
the JFK death. There is no doubt President Clinton knows more. Has he or any
other Circle, it seems, has a right to beef about some of Miller's questionable statements. Just a few examples:
Both Miller and Circle decline to disclose exactly how Ford managed to "write" his final words. Nor do they say just how this project came about. Some might question why Ford would entrust such an important piece of history to a stranger with a somewhat shady background. Just how was an elderly man able to write a new foreword to the Warren Report and autograph 3,000 copies of the pricey (starts at $889) tome? The answer might be a relatively new device called LongPen. Developed by author Margaret Atwood, LongPen is a long-distance book-signing device. The LongPen Web site brags that it is "the world's first long distance, real-time, real pen and ink autographing device operated over the Internet." Atwood once said of her conception: "You don't have to be in the same room as someone to have a meaningful exchange." Others may solve that mystery of just how Ford's final words came to be written someday, but—in the meantime—let's look at just how far Ford has now strayed from his once solid commitment to the anti-conspiracy, lone-killer position. A long way, it seems. One of the president's best friends in the press, Tom DeFrank, says Ford never had any doubts about the Warren Commission's conclusions. In a 1992 interview, the ex-president told the reporter: "I signed the report. I've never changed my opinion. I feel as strongly today, Tom, on the two basic fundamental issues. Number one, Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin. Number two, the commission found no evidence of conspiracy, foreign or domestic." DeFrank discloses the conversation he had
with Ford in his new book, Write
It When I'm Gone. In 2003, according to DeFrank, Ford told historian
Douglas Brinkley: "I am a total devoted person to the (commission's)
conclusions. But 75 percent of the people don't believe the Warren Commission
anymore. It just makes me sad and unhappy." A longtime White House
correspondent for Newsweek, DeFrank is now the The newest remarks by Ford are certain to reignite the always fascinating and always fiery JFK assassination controversy, which has already caused more than 2,000 books to be written and published. Some two-dozen Web sites cover the internationally popular topic. At least a couple of expert opinions are already in. Veteran Debra Conway runs JFK Lancer, a leading
pro-conspiracy assassination research group and Web site. After being informed
of Ford's final words, she weighs in: "If he admits to having doubts about
the honesty of the CIA and that he knows they withheld and destroyed evidence
that may have affected their investigation, it takes the worth out of his
previous statements where he claims that not only did the Warren Commission not
find any evidence other than Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone, but that since then
he has never seen any."
Don Fulsom covered the Johnson, Nixon,
Ford, Reagan and Clinton presidencies. He is an adjunct professor of government
his book is the Most Expensive book ever writen on the Asassination ($889.00). SEE>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eZfS-oly10&feature=share SE>>> http://www.flatsigned.com/
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