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The Secret of Sandy Hook http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/RU3HNYBI/The_Secret_of_Sandy_Hook.mp3_links http://www.multiupload.nl/B2NPASM2IG http://mir.cr/RU3HNYBI A secret audio channel has been discovered by Yours truly, Johnny, who incidentally, is running for President of these United States standing.. Multiply 'silent' audio by 33.3 times, balanced for DC levels, with a touch of magic audio dynamics.. RAW audio from here: http://sheilaaliens.net/SandyHook/NewtownAreaFireandPolice/ 34:35 (hidden) '408 stand by shakes and thaws until we get further instructions for now. '67 I copy' 34:45 (hidden) go '401 Bobby.' awright.. every commanding officer on the PD side, state your personal on the front parking lot - entry is not available at this time.' Nearly thirty five minutes after the first call out from dispatch, cops can not yet, enter the school, while ems can not either to attend to children bleeding to death, until such a time, that does not happen until after 1pm where the nurse is found in a closet. Despite a single cop asking at 10:35, then again, the same near crying at 25:30. We even hear caught the sufferings in pain of a child 6 or 7, with the angry words of ems too, asking a demand to speak to who's in charge here, while suspects wearing masks and a nun's outfit, and an "off Duty" tactical squad officer are let to simply walk off without any APB given to nab the guilty parties. No, instead, in conempt of God and Man, CNN and FOXSNEWS don't seem to be concerned for Justice winning, as just like when they bomb, rape or torture innocent Humanity lawlessly in the war crime military to over throw Democracies for Saudia Arabia. The suspect named Lanza, let off more than a 150 rounds in much less than 2 minutes and eighteen seconds, much less. Witness was able to walk in silence from her car, notice the costumes that the grunters wore outside the OPEN FOUR DOORS of the suspect's car, as walking to the front door to notice the window had been smashed, she conversed with her friend on the strangeness of the mystery, then heard gunfire from inside of which she ran from. Let's say a generous shave of about 20 senconds? So, that leaves a continiuos barage of many more than one shot per second, considering also, the lengthy conversation the suspect had with someones over the intercom, and Ms. Soto, of which in their altercation, told of all the children were off to gym class - where incidentally there WAS A GYM CLASS present - a big empty room - then of course the suspect needed to reload all of his four hand guns and four rifles, (but leaving the AR-15 in the trunk for luck? - second video near nobody has seen - search "second Gun"!) which gave Soto's children the smarts to run out all the way over to Gene's house, followed CLOSELY behind by a crazed frantic male to murmer about not worrying about something continuing on, as he would know, or another thing about being vague. Gene stressed, best to get the children inside where it would be safer from the dangers of the grunter "Police" in Sandy Hook. America must war for Justice meeted against these ungodly wicked whores of Satan who remain US silent on this, the wickedest of treasons ever minus 9/11. God wills Justice always. We demand the 911 calls be made public with everyone in real Policing prepared to arrest all those Sandy Hook "Police" who refuse to co-operate with the Laws on the Book for first degree mass murder. King Johnny for President. 00:10 (9:35)ish dispatch "67?" 67 "67" dispatch '67, Sandy Hook School, caller's indicating SHE thinks someone is shooting in the building :35 (sirens) '...we're going' :52 dispatch 'units responding to the Sandy Hook School, the front glass has been broken - out of the scho.. they are unsure why' [important to word the quandry while someone shooting??? or different 9/11 call about grunts breaking a window to get in, to THEN gun down children like they regularly do for fun in Afghanistan as whores for George Walker Bush and the Neocon Zionist ungodly demon beligerents, who claim "we" didn't/don't need any crime scene evidence on 9/11 either, still, and if we thought any different as real believers freely would, all of God and civilization would be a terrorist not worthy a fair hand.] 1:31 dispatch 'all units, the individual I have on the line, continues to hear what HE believes to be gunfire' 1:44 '10 95, ..look'em shool.. at Cresent road, other units take a foundation point in that drive way' 2:28 dispatch 'all units responding to Sandy Hook school at this time, the shooting appears to have stopped, it is silent at this time - the school is in lock-down 2:54 678 take them out 2:54 Roger that.. they jump here and fight 3:15 dispatch '67 your on Crestwood, correct sir? [from the station, in less than 180 secs. ] 3:17 67 'Roger' 3:20 dispatch 'alright.. reports that a teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym, which would be rear - I think near shooting.. 3:36 'Yeah we got'em.. THEY ARE coming at ME down gun point, 3:45 'amby [ambulance?] stand by for dispatch' 3:49 'coming up the driveway left side..' 3:58 'F6 THIS IS IT' ------------------ 4:04 'YOUR VETRANS, YOUR PRE-TEMPO' 4:07 'Police [please?]' 4:07 dispatch 'YOU GOT HIM YOU GOT HIM DON'T TELL ME..' 4:07 'on daground [Sennacra?]' ------------------ 4:09 [two seconds] dispatch 'Ambulance is requested to stage Methodist church Sandy Hook Center.. I will need two Ambulances at this time' 4:38 1st different dispatch '729 to the garage' 4:42 'Amuli in touch' 4:44 2nd different dispatch '754 to the garage' 4:48 1st different dispatch '754'? 4:51 'he's involved in it... 4:55 new voice 'got to split sir' [!!!] 5:10 different dispatch 'all units, last known gunshots are at the front of the building' 5:12 'we're on route to the Methodist Church at Sandy Hook Center full crew' 5:35 'I don't know.. I got THEM proned out, 5:41 'porp for dat units, be aware we could have a second P unit' 5:42 [response to '..dat units'] go head 5:50 '185i3a, any discription' 6:31 'Young.. meant. that the last known shots were at the front of the schoo - maybe the roof' 6:42 'Yellow Echo, October, Samsug told Lee Lie 72 8:26 Dispatch 'just recieved a call, we have one female in room one, we is recieving a sear to the foot, do we have any other injuries at this time? ----------------------------- 8:34 'my thoughts ringing me home the baret staging' [WORTH NOTE! Why ??? DIFFERENT voices simutaeously metered - suggesting raw audio possible bogus] 8:34 (hidden) 'give daddy please ought to stay' ----------------------------- 9:17 'Confimed at the school. To the party in custody. thief.. forth grin a one. 9:22 'USE YOUR TEXT' 9:26 'BRILLIANT' 9:33 'ASS SIX' 9:37 'We have a teamed three, at the south east of the school. 9:45 'Roger, Dekser 3 thinks he's east portion of the school, I45' 10:03 'Neh se sic [976? or Tiny Sah is sick] 10:14 'ain't that a bick.. Joyka IS DEAD, you check for yourself' 10:15 'No..' ["no" by itself] 10:26 'Eight stand by, we're going an out!' 10:34 'Yeah these units in the pool, I got a, bodies here, but a, get Ambulances I think..' 10:43 'I do think the two of yah MF'ed in' 10:53 '82 is us staging' 10:54 'go eight two' 11:15 'if she answers' 11:20 'stage them at the [scrambled!] right in the driveway, and we'll fire on the(m).. and the FULL PLAN 11:35 '82, 83, and a medic, state at the rear parking lot, ate of Crown, on Dickinson drive. 11:40 'ten four. The dont prosecuter is here, so we can't have anybody, a handle, you know, let anyone in. [from here no police or medics are allowed to save children bleeding to death, for this grunter determined them all not worth saving - not yet transcribed is a child moaning in pain nearer an hour after this Bushite demanded no help be offered to all needlessly dying] 10:50 'make sure to copy, we're moving up to the rear of Sandy Hook Fire Department six. 10:51 'copy' 11:36 'f success forth unit fifth, setting up a perimeter front rear.' 16:14 'okay, we got one back down.. (scambled) clear.' 16:34 'we have suspect down.' 16:48 'probably could have left [fast cut] 16:49 'lietenant' 17:11 'five delta five on your scanner' 17:13 'see del five' 17:15 'Delta Five. Seal asking you a question, where am I going? I got Dickenson drive, standing at the firehouse out. 17:28 'it has been confirmed at this time.. your going to stage with the ems crews at Dickson Drive, the Sandy Hook Fire department [don't save America's children] 17:39 'Okay, just seeing where the actual call is. 17:45 'at the Sandy Hook fire Department' [never even bothers to make room to get through either] 20:12 (out of breath) 'D5, be advised. We do have multiple weapons including long rifles and shotgun' 22:45 (hidden) 'he come as they moved, gave wrong anttena' 22:51 'at the point, it's all we know at this time' 23:07 'stand by units in front of the school, we're conducting an interior search at this time' [who's checking for who then? this is why cops don't enter the school to check until near after 1 pm.] 23:35 '83? 83 Which one of you ems units were proceeding into the scene? 82 or 83? 82, nad 83 wants to know if we can go in also. 23:51 82 at this time, PD has not requested your arrival at that scene [nobody but bleeding to death children] 24:52 f6 to 67 (NEW DISPATCH?) go ahead f6 ..past the custodian, we need a weigh the roof, and a team up on the roof to clear the roof Roger [but don't check the school however] 25:21 92 is working on it. 25:30 85, we need buses here, asap, call danbury we need buses here, asap, call danbury if you have to [same guy from 10:34 asking for ambulances - children left to bleed to death - do YOU care fuck heads? ] NO CALLS FOR AN AMBULANCES MADE BY DISPATCH!!! THAT HAS ONLY REFUSED THE EMS TO HELP!!! 26:51 'Shake matter in LA, this is not a pate and bore to door a police car' 26:53 'get Congik aside [inside?]' 27:07 'unit calling you down.' 27:32 '82 to dispatch' dispatch 'go 82' 'we got 27:36 'we need a road bumped up, abulances, and he said call for a everything.. toot speak 27:45 'what is the number of Ambulances you will require?' 'day god by bare, bot not giving us a nubmber' 'repeat' [27:45 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] 28:43 'come ladder, she works well respond Sand Hook sdchool start up the ladder, Sandy Hook school, medical emergencies' 29:04 'Newtown 406 this Danbury' '407 this is station' '847' 29:21 'we going need to get in and score something' 29:33 '121 to station' 30:24 'now the 4440 at already station' 'proceed' 30:34 '92 currently on the roof - check that area 30:45 'you soud welch is yall' 'he wasn't' 31:15 (hidden) '401, 405, 444 we're done 24 -' 'two hour a year, why is he here?' 'HEY 41' 31:37 '401 to Newtown' [they are busy with their top secret communications where cops and ems can't hear them at something else hidden from everyone] 31:51 '401 to NEwtown' 31:55 'go ahead' 31:58 'do you get a man, would you contact a couple of our Austrailia to come to the front of the house and man the back wall, for a clipping book sign there'? 32:09 'I want to buy the diricherant' 'you want it Bob' 32:22 '7 still taken 7635 grad' 32:29 '42 Hatred' 32:39 '737' 32:47 'dummy down' 'ah.. we're going to return to going to israeli and reporting in a rapider' [to throwing hay bags for no helping age practice?] 33:05 '82 is transporting one patient to Danbury Hospital' 'als or dls'? 'motor vehicle not secure' 'proceed' [first one] 33:30 'Newtown 401 441 442 in enroute' 'ah make contact with the commanding officer on the scene just to ensure that the arease are going into have been cleared.' 33:44 'okay who's the commaanding officer on stay there? 33:35 '96, Seargent Calderon is the commanding officer 34:17 (hidden) '401 she might take five dead' (hidden) '...401...' 34:35 (hidden) '408 stand by shakes and thaws until we get further instructions for now. '67 I copy' 34:45 (hidden!!!!) go ' 401 Bobby.' awright.. every commanding officer on the PD side, state your personal on the front parking lot - entry is not available at this time.' ...to be continued ALEX JONES SUCKS http://www.multiupload.nl/5N104GA5U4 http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/2UI9VXU2/Alex_Jones_Sucks.mp3_links http://mir.cr/2UI9VXU2 AJ insists the enemies of America are socialists, liberals, freedom lovers, the elderly, or those in need of affordable health care - instead of CRIMINALS, who are known so by their actions in our worlds where WE WILL TRULY to treat ourselves fairly. AJ the LIAR, claims as a whore for Obama the for sure war criminal, that Assad is a dictator, for just one example of many. Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt." http://uruknet.info/?p=m57109&hd=&size=1&l=e Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911. 1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta 2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve freedom, America is lawlessly still led by those who demonically claim we don't need evidence to form their guilty verdicts. On the matters of Good and Evil. And some people call-ME-crazy.. Republicans are Evil traitors to our flag, warring to kill America for Satan as the good for nothings. Under the new Johnny Presidency, America will stand proud and strong as freedom being Justice for everyone. You included. "$12 billion every 30 days in Afghanistan" Remember, after the first year of the Iraq war, 2004, the REAL total cost for both wars was 2.5 billion. The late Senator Kennedy told US that. Investigating the Investigation http://www.alternet.org/story[.htm]l?StoryID=17816 / /Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney: "Yes \ \ ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations http://abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/DailyNews/FBI_whistleblowers... / / Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered [..] `You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations' \ \ "Anti-Mosque Coalition’s Website Owned By Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney" / / Gaffney: "It is regrettable that they had to die, but I believe they did have to die. The danger was inaction could have resulted in the death of a great many more Americans than 4,000. And that's the reason I'm still delighted that we did what we did." \ \ Saddam was doing whatever was asked plus more - whatdidtheywantbutnotaskfor Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441. War criminals truly deserve to die by war crimes Public trial. Why? It's NEEDLESS mass murder Neocon Gaffney supports on magic TV without the facts there to defend anyone. Dying. The Iraq war has no cause. Soldiers are warring there to bring about a situation that was present before the conflict began. Near Impossible now with all the toxic waste and losses to everyone of innocent lives made to suffer and die for nothing but the Bushite's contempt for Law. Contempt for Justice. Contempt for God. Contempt for our wise leaders of civility, contempt for Freedom. Once nearer a civilized Humanity we were living for freedom, and now, all suffering with God for more than a thousand years, due these Zionist Nazi illiterate savages, pirating our fire power. Innoculating THEMSELVES blindly with posions that make US all even dumber. George Walker Bush is evil personified as the war criminal of the worst order, ever. As Humanity it must all be our fault, for I felt I could easily help everyone to be more Human than all we've been left as on TV since 911 happened on our watch. One thing is for sure: Lawless wars for ungodly tyranny by slavery sucks for everybody. Justice is a must if we are to ever claim Victory here again. Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations. The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free http://jonathanturley.org/2012/01/15/10-reasons-the-u-s-is-no-longer-the-land-of-the-free/ / / Ron Paul wrote, ‘Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions.’ \ \ Obama "Nothing will be gained by laying blame for the past." Good or Evil? ...by the way, did you know that banksters do not cover our loans? Why is this happening? Banksters are walking away with defrauded TRILLIONS. And the Rightard will to have life die this way, denying free talk on the facts surrounding their ungodly evilness. Making the escape for the Antichrist enemy of God, Mr. George Walker Bush who Closed 911 police investigations as naked traitor like themselves, enemies of the Republic who refuse to allow a just cause speak as America's will for Freedom. Matt Taibbi - Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail! http://dailybail.com/home/why-isnt-wall-street-in-jail.html Ron Paul sucks. prisonplanet.com / / Why would FEMA, an organization supposedly tasked with helping in a time of crisis, deliberately cut police communication lines? \ \ Ron Paul: FEMA - Why We Don't Need It Ron Paul is a demon con escaping those who did US wrong with stealing trillions and mass murdering Americans. FORMER FBI CHIEF SAYS 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhMcii8smxk Bushites Warring side by side with Osama bin Laden's Army now in Lybia 1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta 2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers We refuse to sacrifice further for the evil 'no opinion' TV bullshitters all to make the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. War criminals suck. Truth is our way. as we are freely being to make that stand in the greatness of all there is. And right now, there isn't much.. We have alot of work to do here People, so, let's get started on the charge of Obstruction by Bush and Cheney on 9/11, and NATO commanders as clearly traitors to continue bombing anyone else but guilty parties - namely, themselves. Libyan detainees die after torture by Obama and Hitlery's al-Qeada, says Amnesty International http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16741937 And the TV couldn't care less if their own 'innocent' lives with America's criminal Congress hung in the balance for being blatant naked accesories to war crimes earning rightful death sentences as LYING sacks of shit, trying to make the big break for Bush and Cheney here on 9/11, by calling the cowardly evil grunts heroic for whoring as Satanic. AMERICAN TV - argues it's good to get killed Jews by breaking truces with prison labor slave camp - "for real" 'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Monday, March 21st, 2011 / / ENGEL: ..I would say one in five of the rebels told me today that they are fighting because they think Gadhafi is Jewish. \ \ ONE OUT OF FIVE WILL TO KILL JEWS FOR MORE AMERICAN GIVE AWAY MONEY Weak intellectually, prone to cuss, the bushite nazi dumfuk, is a worthless piece of crap. 9/11 police investigations were immediately closed. ABCNEWS FBI Called off Terror Investigations "You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations" Bush "There's no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt." Someone planted explosives in building 7, and believing that 'bin Laden did it' without any way to know actually so, STILL insists Laden would have had to have an accomplice. Ozoleck had a war game called, "Unified Vision" practicing the collapsing of buildings in NYC, a "Red Ex" plan for invasion of Afghanistan in May 2001. Condi signed the invasion plan on Sept. 9 2001 as reported by Jim at MSNBC. The Taliban wanted to hand over Laden repeatedly all the way b ack through Clinton, by just simply a formal allegation with evidence these demons deny all dying Americans still. Denying justice from the terrorists as a public option strategy is the con of a war criminal. Don't be dumber than dumb as cowardly 'unawares'.
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alt.conspiracy.right-wing MY RESEARCH--Homepage with links to all reports http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/home 5 pp, 05/09 Academic Theses and Dissertations on Right-Wing Request by email: ernie1241@aol.com 75 pp, 08/08 Anti-CFR, Anti-Illuminati, Anti-Rockefeller Literature http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/biblio-1 22 pp, 08/08 BUNDY, Edgar / Church League of America http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/bundy-1 10 pp, 08/08 GOLITSYN, Anatoli – A Conspiratorial Dilemma http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/golitsyn 20 pp, 08/08 JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY (3 parts--revised May 2009) http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/JBS-1 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/JBS-2 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/JBS-3 70pp, 05/09 KING Jr., Martin Luther – and the “Communist Training School” Controversy http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/hfs-1 23 pp, 08/08 MULLINS, Eustace http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/mullins 11 pp. 10/08 PURPOSE OF CONSPIRACY THEORIES http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/ct-1 21 pp, 08/08 SMOOT, Dan— Conspiracy Expert? http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/smoot 26 pp, 08/08 RIGHT WING CRITICS OF BIRCH SOCIETY http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-4 3pp, 03/09
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alt.conspiracy.right-wing MY RESEARCH ( 9 pages, July 2009) http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/home JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY (85 pages - June 2009) chapters 1-4 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-1 (1) FBI Evaluations of Robert Welch and the John Birch Society including an introduction to the controversy over Robert Welch's book- length "private letter" entitled The Politician. (2) FBI vs JBS on Internal Security Status of U.S. (3) FBI vs JBS on Communist Infiltration of Clergy and Religious Institutions (4) FBI vs JBS on Communists in the Department of Health, Education, Welfare chapter 5 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-2 (5) FBI vs JBS on Dr. Harry A. Overstreet as an alleged “Communist sympathizer” or Dupe chapters 6-7 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-3 (6) FBI vs. JBS on Civil Rights Movement -- discusses Alan Stang's 1965 book, "It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights", and, Highlander Folk School as an alleged "Communist Training School" and Gary Allen’s article on the August 1965 Watts Riots, “The Plan To Burn Los Angeles” (7) FBI vs JBS on Persons JBS Claims To Be "Experts" on Communism [discusses Dan Smoot, W. Cleon Skousen, David Gumaer, Julia Brown, Lola Belle Holmes, among others] Chapter 8 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-4 (8) Conservative critics of Robert Welch and/or the John Birch Society (NEW!) W. CLEON SKOUSEN: Mythology About His FBI Career (25 pages, June 2009) http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/skousen (NEW!) JAMES W. VON BRUNN (19 pages, June 2009) [Critique of Rush Limbaugh’s claim that Von Brunn was motivated by left-wing impulses.] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/vonbrunn (NEW!) ARCHIVES and PRIVATE PAPERS (28 pages, July 2009) [Archives and private papers on conservative and extreme right movements in U.S.] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/archives ANTI-CFR, ANTI-ILLUMINATI, ANTI-ROCKEFELLER LITERATURE (22 pages, August 2008) [A brief introduction to the history of right-wing conspiracy arguments] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/biblio-1 EDGAR BUNDY / CHURCH LEAGUE OF AMERICA (10 pages, August 2008) http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/bundy-1 PURPOSE OF CONSPIRACY THEORIES (21 pages, August 2008) http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/ct-1 DAN SMOOT: CONSPIRACY EXPERT? (26 pages, August 2008) [This Smoot report greatly expands upon the data presented in chapter 7 of my JBS report (above) and includes a lengthy discussion of extreme right assertions about our civil rights movement.] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/smoot ANATOLI GOLITSYN:A CONSPIRATORIAL DILEMMA (20 pages, August 2008) [Conspiracy believers often propose we believe mutually exclusive “expert” sources] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/golitsyn MARTIN LUTHER KING AND THE “COMMUNIST TRAINING SCHOOL” CONTROVERSY (23 pages, August 2008) [Who was responsible for describing Highlander Folk School as a Communist training school?] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/hfs-1 EUSTACE MULLINS(12 pages, October 2008) [Also see report on James W. Von Brunn (above) for additional data regarding Mullins’ background] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/mullins ACADEMIC THESES & DISSERTATIONS ON RIGHT-WING (75 pages, June 2009) [Copy available by email---address below] Questions, criticisms, and comments may be directed to me at: ernie1241@aol.com
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alt.conspiracy.right-wing REPORTS ON EXTREME RIGHT MY RESEARCH http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/home 9 pages - 12/09 ACADEMIC THESES & DISSERTATIONS ON RIGHT-WING http://sites.google.com/site/ernie1241/biblio-2-1 86 pages - 12/09 ANTI-CFR, ANTI-ILLUMINATI, ANTI-ROCKEFELLER LITERATURE [A brief introduction to the history of right-wing conspiracy arguments] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/biblio-1 23 pages - 08/09 ANTI-COMMUNISM FBI Concerns About Extremism and Ill-Informed Anti-Communists http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/anti-communism2 6 pages - 12/09 ARCHIVES and PRIVATE PAPERS [Archives and private papers on conservative and extreme right movements in U.S.] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/archives 20 pages - 07/09 EDGAR BUNDY / CHURCH LEAGUE OF AMERICA http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/bundy-1 10 pages - 08/09 CONSPIRACY THEORIES: Nature and Purpose of http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/ct-1 21 pages - 08/08 DOCUMENTS [Copies of scanned documents pertaining to extreme right – many of which are discussed in my reports] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/documents 10 pages- 12/09 DOOM: Extreme Right Doom Predictions http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/doom 6 pages - 12/09 ANATOLI GOLITSYN: A CONSPIRATORIAL DILEMMA [Conspiracy believers often propose we believe mutually exclusive “expert” sources] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/golitsyn 20 pages - 08/08 JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY chapters 1-4 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-1 88 pages- 12/09 Introduction -- including discussion of controversy over Robert Welch's 287-page "private letter" entitled The Politician and how the FBI first learned about Robert Welch and the Birch Society --- then (1) FBI Evaluations of Robert Welch and the John Birch Society (2) FBI vs JBS on Internal Security Status of U.S. (3) FBI vs JBS on Communist Infiltration of Clergy and Religious Institutions (4) FBI vs JBS on Communists in the Department of Health, Education, Welfare chapter 5 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-2 (5) FBI vs JBS on Dr. Harry A. Overstreet as an alleged “Communist sympathizer” or Dupe chapters 6-7 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-3 (6) FBI vs. JBS on Civil Rights Movement -- discussing Alan Stang's 1965 book, It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, and, Highlander Folk School as an alleged "Communist Training School" and Gary Allen’s article on the August 1965 Watts Riots, “The Plan To Burn Los Angeles” and the Birch Society's evaluation of African-American Labor and Civil Rights Leader, A. Philip Randolph. (7) FBI vs JBS on Persons JBS Claims To Be "Experts" on Communism [discusses Dan Smoot, W. Cleon Skousen, David Gumaer, Julia Brown, Lola Belle Holmes, among others] Chapter 8 http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-4 (8) Conservative critics of Robert Welch and/or the John Birch Society MARTIN LUTHER KING AND THE “COMMUNIST TRAINING SCHOOL” CONTROVERSY [Who was responsible for describing Highlander Folk School as a “Communist training school”?] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/hfs-1 23 pages - 08/08 EUSTACE MULLINS http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/mullins 16 pages - 09/09 W. CLEON SKOUSEN: Mythology About His FBI Career http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/skousen 26 pages - 09/09 DAN SMOOT: CONSPIRACY EXPERT? [This Smoot report greatly expands upon the data presented in chapter 7 of my JBS report and includes a lengthy discussion of extreme right assertions about our civil rights movement.] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/smoot 19 pages - 08/09 JAMES W. VON BRUNN [Critique of Rush Limbaugh’s claim that Von Brunn was motivated by left-wing impulses.] http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/vonbrunn 16 pages - 06/09
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alt.conspiracy.right-wing FBI FILES ON BIRCH SOCIETY AND ITS ASSERTIONS: This 157-page report explains why J. Edgar Hoover and senior FBI officials within the Bureau’s Domestic Intelligence Division concluded in FBI memos that the JBS was “extremist”, “irrational” and “irresponsible” http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-1 CONSERVATIVE CRITICS OF ROBERT WELCH and BIRCH SOCIETY: Contrary to claims made by the Birch Society about the alleged "left- wing" origins of JBS criticism, the most potent adverse comments about the JBS have always originated from the right-side of the political spectrum. This report presents a representative sample of such comments. http://ernie1241.googlepages.com/jbs-4 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY: This report presents documents which, generally, have never been previously publicly available -- including private correspondence between Robert Welch and numerous individuals and correspondence by JBS National Council members during the formative years of the Birch Society. This report is a work-in-progress and considerable new material will be added over the next few months. https://sites.google.com/site/ernie1241/Home
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