justme "ADMITS" she
Lied, "AFTER" I caught her !
"tomnln" <tomnln@cox.net>
wrote in message
> <justme1952@gmail.com>
wrote in message
> news:a33fff9e-e485-4cc9-b2f4-6616f5bdf83f@i6g2000yqj.googlegroups.com...
> As for you toothless....I posted that on purpose, you keep shooting
> off that crusty mouth of yours that anyone can find the number and
> call Marina...well thats the only Marina and Ken Porter in Texas thats
> listed in the white pages. So you lying scum, nows your chance to post
> Marinas phone number so we can verify that your a liar. You won't post
> it because you know you'll be caught red handed lying again. You're a
> coward toothless or should I now refer to you as CHICKENSHIT! It goes
> well with your buddy Healy also known as SHITHEAD.
> WRONG Again justme;
> I got Ken/Marina's home phone number from Information.
> Keep posting here;
> Your Stupidity gives me a "Superior Complex".
> ps;
> Both daughters June/Rachael support Marina's belief in Oswald's Innocence.

justme's Latest>>>
On July 28, 2009
wrote in message
justme wrote;
Rossley couldn't beat his way out of a paper bag.
Marina D Porter
2409 Magnolia Leaf Ln
Flower Mound, TX 75022-4929
(972) 355-2822
Household: Kenneth R Porter, Harry Stover, Sophia Stover
I write;
We gotta do "Whatever it Takes" to keep this Dummy posting.
The info she posted above is Nothing but BULLSHIT.
WRONG Marina
WRONG address
WRONG phone number
WRONG phone prefix
NO Connectuion to the Marina who was married to Oswald.
This HAS to be added to the webpage>>>
This Maniac doesn't think
anyone has the right to RETALIATE ! ! !
Speaking of
justme believes in RETALIATION after all. (her side ONLY)
On Mar 31, 7:21 am, "justme1...@gmail.com"
One more thing....your buddy Healy started a thread
about Ed Cage, and
trashed him as a Vet...that one didn't seem to bother you right
Rossley???? When you said Ed fell into his own asshole???? Healy has
been putting down Ed and his being a Vet for a long time, and you all
chimed right in and helped him. Don't start your double standards now.
You stooges get everything you deserve, from anyone that wants to give
it. You 3 are the lowlife of this group. Deal with it.
who wrote;
He's making you a new face Healy...your's already looks like a 90 yr
old scrotum, now you can look like the dickhead you really are.
Just burns your ass doesn't it that other people made more of
themselves then you did Healy? Your jealously shows with every post
you make to Todd and others. You sould like some 2 bit whore, cursing
one of your tricks for getting stiffed and not getting paid. Come to
think of it, you are a 2 bit whore, and a drunk and drug addict. What
a wonderful life you lead. No wonder no one will talk civil to
you...you aren't worth the time of day. Only purpose you serve here is
for us to humiliate you and laugh at your retarded posts. Back to
scrubbing floors, wouldn't surprise me if you inhale the fumes for a
cheap high. You're scum Healy, but we all know that already.
I write;
THIS is one who hates retaliation !
It doesn't take any brains to be
led around by the nose and insult
people. YoHarvey and Justme are proof of that.
"Thanks for the compliment, I get paid very well to do my job....bigot!"
They're not only small but small
minded also.
and your a gay lying bigot
and you think you're taken seriously Jesus? Oh wait, you are
taken seriously as a bigot, liar, homosexual hater and bible blabbing
enough proof to show Gil Jesus is a sick bastard and has lied to
everyone about what he has done in the past. You go ahead and post all
you want about YoHarvey, Sam, or myself
...you're a lying, closet
case faggot, bible blabbing hypocrite, racist, junkyard piece of
Case closed.
The idea must be giving
"Penis Breath" a woody. Is Gil Jesus a closet
case gay boy??? Inquiring minds want to know.
Skank? Please don't call me the same words of endearment you call your
mother Jesus. Go brush your teeth Penis breath....gay boys have to
keep their mouths smelling fresh ...the next sissy will be along
you shortly.
you see any mention of evidence/testimony YET?
If you had a mind Healy, it would
be a miracle, not curious. BTW, dry
humping is alot more fun then sniffing asses! Especially when they
belong to Holmes, Jesus and Rossley. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww puke!
You have a better chance of seeing the Pope giving lap dances at a
titty bar Chico....for the 4th time I will ask you, WHY AREN'T YOU ON
>> Is
English your second language Junkie? Or is it you have so few brain
> >> cells
> >> left from getting "wasted" "dude"? "You
dig"? Fuckwit.
The "Chico Junkyard"
must be closed for the Holidays....instead he put
on his pretty pink dress and is going to spew his bs here, aren't we
all lucky?
Healy, I have no desire to visit
the underground crack houses you
could get me into in Vegas. Your "CLOUT" is a joke. If no one believes
me, Jesus sure is making an extended effort to prove me wrong and
failing. I have the emails and proof. That's all I need and they have
been forwarded to others on this board to prove they are legitimate
emails. The only morons backing the lying bigot are you, Rossley and
Robcrap...who is
backing himself. Forget about me "hon", I
wouldn't be seen within 10 feet of you in any public place or
privately for that matter. I have a reputation to uphold with the
government...your tax dollars fit nicely in my wallet. ROFLMAO
never had an old flame...sissys look for women like their
mothers...unfortunately for Jesus there were no female baboons the zoo
was willing to give up. It's not an obsession, it's a hobby. On work
days I get paid to do this...on vaction days I just do it to piss you
all off. And hot damn it works, you dig toots?
Healy? Even your ebonics don't make any sense....just shows how
fucking stupid you really are.
You know nothing about the internet asshole, I've worked in IT for 12
years...now go sit in a corner somewhere and stfu!
I have all the proof i need, shit for brains and its been sent to the
proper authorities.
As I said before go find a corner to sit in and stfu...this doesn't
concern you.
The cloned posts and emails are coming from that
server...got it fucktard??????
I receive my email back I'll make sure and post it for the entire
newsgroup to see who the asshole is that started something as a game
and now is in deep shit. You crossed the line when you used that
word, and didn't have the balls to use it under your own name.
can stuff the other foot in his mouth now for accusing YoHarvey
and I of being the same person.
Shit for brains that he is.
Ah so instead of Rossely we got the second in command idiot
Healy...how's that brown nose Healy?
Shoved far enough up the Dwarfs ass yet??? Two words for ya....GET
I could have cared less that someone was posting with my name or any
other LN's on
this newsgroup UNTIL they used the word "Cunt" in their last
That was where I drew the line. I can tolerate any other cuss word
there is, name calling and insults, but that one was the end of the
road...and it wouldn't have mattered who was being called it. That
post was downright disgusting and the person that posted it will pay.
I could have cared less that someone was posting with my name or any
other LN's on
this newsgroup UNTIL they used the word "Cunt" in their last
You can see what a fucking moron Rossely is as hes mentioned the word
at least 12 times in his repeated posts that say nothing
, nobody gives a fuck if anybody goes to your fucking YouTube
> > channel. It's nothing but a collection of bullshit videos you
> > hijacked from other sources. None of them prove anything.
Whoever the
> > fuck THEY are, THEY don't fucking care.
It's all he has
bigdog LOL...and he refuses to let anyone comment on
his videos. He keeps using the excuse that hes trying to stop the
advertising of porn. Why is it only his youtube channel that has
comments blocked? As for the porn, he's probably signed up for all the
ads that hit youtube. Along with his videos, porn is the only sex the
man knows of. Never married, no children...his life is the internet.
Christ, the thought of that disgusting pig jerking off to porn is
enough to make one vomit ROFLMAO
56 yrs old
, I can call you any name I want too. I'm allowed
to use swear words. What I don't do is preach the bible and condem
people for their sexual preference, preach about sinners, and quote
verses from the bible like you do. Then a day or 2 later, come back
here and call people dickheads, carpet munchers and various other
vulgar words. Not only are you a lying bigot your a bible blabbing
FUCKING hypocrite. Remove that dildo you keep nestled in your ass and
take you're un-Christian version of YOUR bible and cram it sideways,
you see any mention of evidence/testimony YET?
Healy? Even your ebonics don't make any sense....just shows how
fucking stupid you really are.
You know nothing about the internet asshole, I've worked in IT for 12
years...now go sit in a corner somewhere and stfu!
I have all the proof i need, shit for brains and its been sent to the
proper authorities.
As I said before go find a corner to sit in and stfu...this doesn't
concern you.
The cloned posts and emails are coming from that
server...got it fucktard??????
I receive my email back I'll make sure and post it for the entire
newsgroup to see who the asshole is that started something as a game
and now is in deep shit. You crossed the line when you used that
word, and didn't have the balls to use it under your own name.
can stuff the other foot in his mouth now for accusing YoHarvey
and I of being the same person.
Shit for brains that he is.
Ah so instead of Rossely we got the second in command idiot
Healy...how's that brown nose Healy?
Shoved far enough up the Dwarfs ass yet??? Two words for ya....GET
I could have cared less that someone was posting with my name or any
other LN's on
this newsgroup UNTIL they used the word "Cunt" in their last
That was where I drew the line. I can tolerate any other cuss word
there is, name calling and insults, but that one was the end of the
road...and it wouldn't have mattered who was being called it. That
post was downright disgusting and the person that posted it will pay.
I could have cared less that someone was posting with my name or any
other LN's on
this newsgroup UNTIL they used the word "Cunt" in their last
You can see what a fucking moron Rossely is as hes mentioned the word
at least 12 times in his repeated posts that say nothing
ROFLMAO and your point sissy boy fagot Jesus??? There I used the words
again you lying , bible blabbing, hypocritical, racist, homophobic
closet case. That about covers the likes of you
Healy, you mean you treat yourself with crack, don't ya junkie?? It's
ok the alcoholic Phil thinks you're funny.
Too late for you to post my cuss words
, your bible blabbing days
are over. We call em like we see em...
Bigdog thinks you're a fucking asshole, so do the rest of the LN's on
this group. (add that to your list LOL)
I needed a good laugh this morning, you 2 idiots never disappoint!
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/d6f13999639fc58...
> > ROFLMAO and your point sissy boy fagot Jesus??? There I used
the words
> > again you lying , bible blabbing, hypocritical, racist,
> > closet case. That about covers the likes of you
> > Healy, you mean you treat yourself with crack, don't ya
junkie?? It's
> > ok the alcoholic Phil thinks you're funny.
> > Too late for you to post my cuss words
, your bible blabbing days
> > are over. We call em like we see em...
> > Bigdog thinks you're a fucking asshole, so do the rest of
the LN's on
> > this group. (add that to your list LOL)
> > I needed a good laugh this morning, you 2 idiots never
disappoint!- Hide quoted text –
got that right Mark LMFAO! The only ones that
whines too
are Healy and Rossley when he's nailed against the wall. Their the
only ones who overlook his lies and stupidity because they fall in the
same catagory as Jesus.
ROFLMAO...the "F" word????
This coming out of the mouth of a pig that
used the "C" word continuously with his side kick Rossley?
lower scum then a gutter rat, you hypocritical bible blabbing pig
justme wrote
Only took 11 minutes before the butt sniffer Healy posted, foaming at
the mouth as usual ROFLMAO
Healy, Jesus and Rossley have to be the biggest bunch of lying morons
the interent has ever experienced. In all the work I've done online, I
have never come across anything like these 3. Healy is off sucking on
some guys toots-e-roll, Rossley is drooling over using the word cunt
450 times in an hour and Jesus is off looking for an alter boy to
preach the bible to. Now, lets sit back and wait for the idiots to
make asses of themselves again. It's an hourly occurance. LOL
BTW Yo...that ugly wench is
Rossleys daughter in law not his daughter.
If it were his daughter she'd be uglier LOL...
Hell just look at the picture of his son and visualize that face all
wrinkled with pox marks and voila you have Rossley!
As for you Rossley...NO ONE
discusses anything about the assassination
with you nor will they. NO ONE cares about your website that you keep
trying to shove down everyones throat. That is how you discuss
things..posting your useless website. You're an arrogant old bastard
who is as worthless as your website.
This will be the LAST time I address you about anything. Say whatever
you want about me, it just shows everyone what a piece of shit you
are. You just don't know when to shut your fucking mouth. You'll learn
when it's too late.
I can only shake my head and hope someday someone smacks some sense into that
empty head of yours.
justme wrote;
It appears Healys hobby is jerking off at his computer...he just loves
telling other men to keep both hands on the keyboard. Maybe that's why
Healys typing is so incoherent, he never learned to type one handed.
What does this post with DVP have to do with you sending me an email
attaching the post??? Are you always this fucking stupid? Even your
response to this thread makes no sense. Don't email me again moron...I
have no time for idiots like you!
stay tuned junkie, you want to play games?? go for
it...just remember
the game playing works on both sides of the field. You made your
move...I'll prepare to make mine. Enjoy!
Got news for you sissy boy....a hypocritical bible freak is
first on
the list, that would be you. Whats the matter
didn't like my
answers to your ridiculous questions?? Go find another alter boy to
abuse sissy boy, it's Sunday morning..you can have him on his knees
praying (ha) to the Oh Holy one Chico Jesus the hypocritical, bible
blabbling liar.
I told ya those terms are especially for you. You're a closet
case fagot sissy...case closed.
Do you really think you're going to accomplish turning Sam against me
by asking her this question?
My guess would be Sam thinks your a fagot too!
The lapdog Healy is backkkkkkkkk and said:
'this is the best you pukster's can put up? you got your ass in your
hand and you think your going to toast victory.... LMFAO! "
Unlike you Healy, who has Holmes dick in your mouth...
Yes Healy your wife if still
around but the tuna you smell is from
your daughter. When was the last time the slut took a shower?
Is Rossley
now dressed in his Combat boots and Helmet? There isn't a
LN on this forum that doesn't insult the old geezer.
After Mr. and Mrs. Healy retired, Mrs. Healy insisted her
> husband accompany her on her trips to Wal-Mart.
> Unfortunately, Mr. Healy was like most men--he found shopping
> boring and preferred to get in and get out.
> Equally unfortunate, Mrs. Healy was like most women--she
> loved to browse. One day Mrs. Healy received the following letter
> from
> her local Wal-Mart.
> Dear Mrs. Healy,
> Over the past six months, your husband has been causing quite a
> commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and may be
> forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against Mr.
> Healy are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance
> cameras.
> 1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in
> people's carts when they weren't looking.
> 2 . July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at
> 5-minute intervals.
> 3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to
> the women's restroom.
> 4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and
> told her in an official
> voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away.'
> 5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of
> M&M's on layaway.
> 6. September 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a
> carpeted area.
> 7. September 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and
> told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows
> and
> blankets from the bedding department.
> 8. September 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he
> began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me
> alone?'
> 9. October 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it
> as a mirror while he picked his nose.
> 10. November 10: While handling guns in the hunting department,
> he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.
> 11. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while
> loudly humming the ' Mission Impossible' theme.
> 12. December 6: In the auto department, he practiced his
> 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.
> 13. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed
> through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'
> 14. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud
> speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE
> And last, but not least ..
> 15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited
> awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in
> here!'
> Regards,
> Walmart
you see any mention of evidence/testimony YET?
Hey Junkie go back and read your last 200 or so posts and tell me how
many say anything about JFK or make sense to anyone reading
it....you're pathetic, along with the old geezer Rossley...I think his
colostomy bag has backed up...you can tell from all the shit that
comes out of his mouth
flattered that you mention me in each of your incoherent posts
Junkie, I didn't realize you were so inlove with me. I regret to
inform you though...I wouldn't piss on your face if it was on fire.
BTW that hole where the sun doesn't shine is already filled with your
head...I'm referring to Holmes butt. Tell me something junkie, does
Elaine and Chandra talk like street trash too? Must be a hell of a
conversation around the dinner table at your house.
we're gonna advertise for the junkie lets not forget where he can
be contacted...his little apartment
Spencer Street Manor Apts
1711 Rawhide St'
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Call anytime, his daughter is always available for your pleasure, and
when Healys too high to see straight his wife will take care of you
We can also
add that
has created a Christian Music site on
Youtube where he lures teenagers in with music. Seems this might be
his other hobby when hes not selling junk car parts in his yard or
watching tv. You've all heard of "Dialing for Dollars" ...well
new gimmick is "Trolling for Teens"
Such credibility shouldn't go unnoticed.
justme wrote;
This post is full of evidence and testimony from Walmart. LOL
would we want this thread to go away? It's too much fun reading
the idiotic things you people come up with trying to change something
you will NEVER be able to change. Again Jesus only reads what he wants
to read and then tries to turn the blame on someone else. I could have
cared less that someone was posting with my name or any other LN's on
this newsgroup UNTIL they used the word "Cunt" in their last post.
That was where I drew the line. I can tolerate any other cuss word
there is, name calling and insults, but that one was the end of the
road...and it wouldn't have mattered who was being called it. That
post was downright disgusting and the person that posted it will pay.
You can see what a fucking moron Rossely is as hes mentioned the word
atleast 12 times in his repeated posts that say nothing. I have not
seen another person make reference to it besides him. It could
actually be because you all have a bit of self esteem and morals left
in your lives. Rossely has NONE therefore it's expected for a fool
like him to find humor in what others find unacceptable.
justme wrote;
That's your daughter again junkie, she just got home from a busy night
on the strip. How many years have you been pimping out your daughter
for a few bucks?
Thanks for proving my point that you are nothing more then a worthless
piece of meat on this board to keep those of us with a brain amused.
You're nothing more then a senile, insane pig. Too many hookers, too
many drugs and you live in a pig sty that soots your personality.
Congratulations skank.
Rossley is a disgusting pig. He and Healy are the fathers of
3 pieces of skank all rolled into one.
Don't get dishpan hands washing
all those windows and floors Healy.
I've retired in the past month...at 55 yrs old. I've made enough money
to live very comfortably. Now go earn your 5 bucks and don't leave any
streaks on the windows. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas???
ROFLMAO, you mean I can't tell anyone how you pimp your wife and
daughter on the strip and all the cross dressing hookers you do? Damn,
wheres the fun in that? I've never been razzled and dazzled by a
junkie, sounds amusing! As a matter of fact, I do know someone that
would go with me...make that two tickets and when I talk to him again
I'll give you an address to send them. Ok toots???
<justme1952@gmail.com> wrote
in message
Hey Frankie boy...before you come in here telling lies you better have
proof that I ever said that.
Would you like me to tell everyone that you have a wife thats a manic
depressent who thinks you're a control freak?
How's the marriage going Frank? Do you still refer to your wife as a
"Feminist Bitch" and a female Nazi??
Maybe the reason shes a manic depressent is you. It appears you're the
one suffering bipolar syndrome.
Now you can apologize for lying, or I can post more about your
personal life that you so openly displayed on the internet. We have
enough pathological liars around here, we don't need another one. It
was you on another thread that reprimanded someone for doing the exact
same thing you just did, and you don't have a clue who I am to make a
statement like that. I'll assume your buddies with one or more of the
Stooges that post here and stepped in to give them a helping hand. Any
For me to have sent our resident
sicko a virus would require effort on
> my part. He, like YOU, is not worth the effort. Bot of you share
> similar personalities. Educated, ignorant, paranoid, and pathological
> liars. Only God would invest the time. He's such a practical joker.
Better luck next time to whoever sent
"the bug"
anyone see ONE mention of any evidence/testimony?)
in her own words.
> <Justme1952 quote on>
> Hey Healy, your wedding Anniversary is the 29th of this month.
> Shouldn't you be out finding your wife a present? That is if she
> hasn't already dumped your sorry ass for something better...hell
> anything would be better then you. Guess I'll have to check divorce
> records and see if she wised up and left you to wallow in your 500
> square foot apt. alone LOL ...Funny no one responds to you either
> unless its to ridicule or humiliate you, you must be proud!
> <quote off>
I posted those links weeks ago Gladys, you consider that proof that
you don't troll for little boys? Think again. You're a misfit, closet
case homo...you hate women, you hate yourself...you're a loser, just
ask your mother who has to keep praying on the internet that God gives
you a job and wisdom. ROFLMAO....get off your dirty fat ass and go
look for a job....you think Gods gonna knock on your door and offer
you one? Stupid sob.
SAME writing style as>>> http://whokilledjfk.net/guess_who_wrote.htm
Amazing ain't it?
> > Tim,
> > That was Healys reason for his speech about leaving the group. He had
> > to go on a crusade to find something he could use to try and cover up
> > his lies he was nailed on. He doesn't have any brains, everyone can
> > see right thru him. Just look at his above response. Trying to cover
> > his ass again and he still doesn't make any sense. How the hell has
> > this moron survived for 63 years? Well, actually he hasn't...living in
> > a 590 ft rat trap apartment in the slums of Vegas and being on welfare
> > is all he has left to offer. Spends that check on drugs and booze. No
> > wonder he lives in Vegas, it's cheap and he can relate to the hookers
> > and scum that walk the streets...he's one of them.
Now we have another idiot believing Marina and Robert Oswald where
part of the conspiracy. Courtjester? I hope Robert Oswald sees this
comment and runs your ass ragged. BTW, I'll make sure he does.
The child isn't an atheist, he's agnostic....which is better then
being a Christian hypocrite like you are. Hey he's only 20 years old,
maybe you should make a play for him...or is that too old for you
because then you can't offer him ice cream and candy as a reward? You
have the nerve to call others mental cases....you're a sick bastard if
ever there was one, and you've become just as delusional as your
sidekick Healy.
Message from boyoben:
I'm sorry if I am sending you a lot of messages, youtube keeps
glitching and I'm not sure if they are being sent. But anyways
basically what I was saying is that I am already thinking about either
"reseting" or closing my youtube account because I am planning on
maybe making a run for office in 2009 for a local seat in my hometown.
Oh, and I am an agnostic!
You do know what agnostic means don't you Jesus? Look it up!
I should have asked him where he was from, maybe Dartmouth and he
could get you evicted for turning your yard into a junkyard. I still
might ask him. He has your name now, i'll make sure and give him your
address too seeing how he might run for office. Damn lying bigot
Did I "miss" justme's mention of any
evidence/testimony AGAIN?
> > > > > > > > > In need of a good laugh?
Take a look at the postings of a drug induced
> > > > > > > > > junkie on a roll. As for
transcribing what Healy's trying to say,
> > > > > > > > > your guess is as good as mine! Is
it any wonder why he's ridiculed by
> > > > > > > > > so many on other forums he
attempts to post on? As you can see, any
> > > > > > > > > information relating to the
assassination of JFK is beyond Healys
> > > > > > > > > grasp. The research on John
Francis Kennedy is his forte'.
Couldn't resist posting this one by her.
He's making you a new face Healy...your's already looks like a 90 yr
old scrotum, now you can look like the dickhead you really are.
Just burns your ass doesn't it that other people made more of
themselves then you did Healy? Your jealously shows with every post
you make to Todd and others. You sould like some 2 bit whore, cursing
one of your tricks for getting stiffed and not getting paid. Come to
think of it, you are a 2 bit whore, and a drunk and drug addict. What
a wonderful life you lead. No wonder no one will talk civil to
you...you aren't worth the time of day. Only purpose you serve here is
for us to humiliate you and laugh at your retarded posts. Back to
scrubbing floors, wouldn't surprise me if you inhale the fumes for a
cheap high. You're scum Healy, but we all know that already.
Burly, what Jesus posts about us is our posts to him showing what a
lying bigot and Christian hypocrite he is.
He thinks that this retaliation is giving him some credibility. All
it's doing is showing anyone once again how he deserved everything
that was said to him each time. He's a joke, and we continue to laugh
at him.
BTW Chico, I posted the link...your father was fired according to the
article. He won his case...good for him.
Maybe you should have followed his footsteps being a bus driver
instead of a failure as a cop. Your intelligence level keeps you from
finding any jobs...do you go into an interview with your arrogant "My
shit doesn't stink" attitude too?
No wonder your mother is supporting you and paying all your bills.
Can't blame her for praying to the internet Gods, the real God has
already turned his back on you.
Hey Healy, I understand you work with other Vets trying to help them
in the catagory of drugs and alcohol. What are your their supplier???
Does it get you an extra 10 bucks selling drugs and booze to your
fellow Vets so they can all be as fucked up as you are? Tell us all
about it Healy....you damn psycho case.
What a GREAT Salute to our Vets from justme.
Hey Healy, I understand you work with other Vets trying to help them
in the catagory of drugs and alcohol. What are your their supplier???
Does it get you an extra 10 bucks selling drugs and booze to your
fellow Vets so they can all be as fucked up as you are? Tell us all
about it Healy....you damn psycho case.
NOT posted once. But, TWICE! ! !
She even Degrades our Vets in her Feeble attempt
to insult CT's.
Find Original posts HERE>>> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/547f9d650b435b33
Not ONE reference to ANY evidence/testimony by justme12952.
She employs
Every word in the world of Profanity.
one word that describes her BEST !
Contact Information tomnln@cox.net