Of course, no one knows what this means. That's because Mr. Paul
Gibson aka Mr. Paul Nolan, aka Mr. John MacMadman, aka Mr. Paul
MacNolan's specific purpose here, is the spread of nonsensical
disinfo, supposedly disguised as misinfo, with the intention of
breaking threads, and sidetracking any legitimate work being done on
forums dedicated to the study of the assassination.
This is why Shanet succinctly requested, loud and clear, for this
thread, and/or any other thread
becoming contaminated by the likes of this scam-artist, be allowed
to wither on the vine, or better yet, to crash and burn...

is Mcadams, CIA disinformation asset, or just plain Crackpot?
John McAdams attended the 1995 Copa Conference using the assumed
name Paul Nolan. More than that, he also fabricated a background to
go with the name in that he purported himself to be a jet-propulsion
expert and some-time computer store owner from Sherwood, Wisconsin.
In that guise, he was quoted in an article in the Washington press
by journalist Matt Labash. Mr. Labash later confirmed that McAdams
had duped him. Mr. Labash had quoted Paul (McAdams) Nolan in good
faith whilst in fact McAdams was lying through his teeth.
McAdams later claimed he had used an assumed name to avoid contact
with users of the alt.conspiracy group who may have been attending
the conference. With McAdams record of willfully abusing users of
the group, this story might seem plausible but going to trouble of
inventing a detailed cover story and lying to the press have more
sinister overtones...

Riiight. McAdams/Nolan/Fisher is a real credible source :sarcasm: