It is now October 17, 2011.
Sucky Lips Ed Cage hasn't been hard from in Y-E-A-R-S.
Do you suppose he DIED of that old "Devil Rum"? (malts/Hops)
Or, is he somebody's Bitch in a Texas Prison? ? ?
Today's offering from ed cage
Sorry Tom.. No you did not post a timeline..
Nor can I if I just say "check the official
records." The trip to 700 North Beckley was
logged as 12:30 to 12:45." That's in the
official records okay.. But I wouldn't use
it.. It's wrong.
Disagreeing with the WCR AGAIN???
Changing the WCR facts AGAIN?
The official timing
according to DPD HQs Dispatch was bracketed
to establish Tippit's death at between 1:12
to 1:16 pm.. But even though that's from the
official DPD Dispatch records it could be wrong..
Calloway puts the shooting at circa 1:12-1:13pm..
That's in the "official records." But will Tom
Rossley use any of those three quotes from the
"Official records?" Of course not..
Calloway was NOT there, Markham WAS.
She said 1:06.
She KNEW because she caught the 1:12 bus for
Citation for Calloway Please?
Was Calloway AT the scene?
Sak.O.Nutz is quite selective in what he fishes
out of the wide range of conflicting "official
records" ( This is why you stand alone Tom. )
You/Yours represent 10% who believe the WCR.
WHO's Alone?
Who else thinks Oswald didn't kill Tippit and the
pistol and the discarded jacket don't mean anything?
alone Sak.O.Nutz
There are Unanswered questions on the pistol
The jacket was NOT Oswald's. Read
Marina's testimony.
You have a HABIT of Losing NUTSACK-SUCKER.
You and your interpretation and almost comical
conclusions are alone
What's "COMICAL" is that 1 by 1 you
are REJECTING the WC's Claims.
Now let's chat about how you discovered the
Z film was ( gULp ) *altered*
America wants to
MR ;~D
You sound like you're having a Hard Time
swallowing a Trucker ed.
Here is official Proof they Altered the
"Z" film>>>
On May 30, 11:05 pm, "tomnln" <>
> I Already DID post the Tippit timeline ed.
> It's from the official records of the WCR that you Accept.
> You Sure are Uncomfortable with the WCR records aren't you.
> NOW, we Both know they LIED.
> <>
wrote in message
> > Still unable to post a Tippit timeline eh Tom?
> > Why can't you do what I just did? I think the
> > answer is you fear close scrutiny.. I don't.
> > I don't have to use broad generalities. I can
> > post a timeline:
> > This is a good example of why you have
> > so consistently and repeatedly failed
> > to convince anyone Tom.. Yet, Bugliosi
> > and the WCR and the HSCA are essentially
> > on the same page.. But not Sad.Sack.O.Nutz..
> > I posted a **READABLE** timeline..
> > Sak.O.nutz "responds" with more "read
> > the official records" rhetoric!! Never
> > mind that the "official records" show
> > Oswald was dropped off at 12:45.. RH
> > still rounds it up to 12:52!
> > The reason you can't put your timeline
> > into actual words Tom, is because you
> > apparently fear close scrutiny.. Yet
> > I did it and so did Bugliosi.. But not
> > Scrotum "See the official records" Man.
> > You have failed again Tom.. Out of fear
> > you would be even further exposed than
> > you already have been..
> >
> > Do you think I could just say "16
> > minutes is plenty of time?"
> >
> > Yet that's what you essentially do:
> > Sak.O.Nutz ON:
> > "Prove tyhat you can walk .85 mile in TWO (2)
> > Sak.O.Nutz OFF
> > Nonetheless here's my timeline and you are
> > unable or unwilling to do someting like
> > this:
> > ~ ~ ~ ~
> > Sak.O.Nutz:
> > I posted my Tippit timeline; I have walked the routes.. Patton
> > Tenth, 1026 N. Beckley, Jefferson, the TT..
> > Yet you post some vague "the official records" claim
to avoid putting
> > your Tippit timeline in writing as I did mine..
> > Here's what I posted since you "love it when I repeat my
posts." How
> > about posting your timeline Tom-Kook?:
> > 1) Tom one of the many problems you have is referring to
> > records" in a manner that does account for the fact that
> > records" are in large part compiled from hearsay,
estimates both
> > accurate and inaccurate, and interpretations.
> > 2) Additionally you do what so many researchers do on both
sides of
> > the aisle.. (Not just CTers).. You lock into what fits your
> > then tend to disregard conflicting input that doesn't fit your
> > predetermined ultimate conclusion.
> > 3) According to RH which you will receive in the mail this
> > cabdriver William Whaley logged the 6 minute trip to 700 North
> > Beckley, not 500 as Oswald originally suggested as 12:30 to
12:45. No
> > cause for alarm here, the fares were recorded in 15 minute
> > increments.
> > Bugliosi puts the drop-off at 12:52 pm on page 68 of RH but
does not
> > explain how he arrived at adding seven minutes, but clearly
12:45 pm
> > was too early and 12:52 seems justified. (I hope you noticed
that one
> > part of the "official records" was dropped because
it didn't seem
> > correct.) This move helps your case that Oswald didn't kill
> > but
> > it is fair and objective.
> > 4) Unless one believes Oswald lingered around, that would put
him at
> > the 2610 boarding house at about 12:55. Accounts by
> > Earlene Roberts (page 70) are that she said, "You sure
are in a
> > hurry"
> > and that Oswald "rushed" out. VB does not offer a
timeline here but
> > I'd say he was out the door by 12:56.. A guess. She does say
he was
> > "standing" at the bus stop but indications it was
only a quick glance
> > on her part. I find it difficult to believe he just
"stood" there for
> > any length of time.
> > 5) Fast forward ahead.. It appears by locking in time accounts
> > Markham, Scoggins, Benavides, Tatum, Barbara and Virginia
> > Callaway, Searcy, Reynolds, Russell, Lewis, Patterson, est.
1:13 pm,
> > it would certainly appear that a 1:12 pm murder time is
> > Individuals do make time estimate errors but a group of people
has a
> > better chance of arriving at a more likely shooting time;
1:12pm - My
> > words here but VB's account is on pages 68 thru 80.
> > 6) Also take into account accounts by people like shoe clerk
> > who saw Oswald ducking in and out of store fronts as cop cars
> > up
> > and down Jefferson.
> > Why would Oswald do that?
> > 7) The arrest at the Texas Theater occurred at a more precise
> > but
> > still an estimate: 1:50 pm, an estimated 80 minutes after the
> > assassination.
> > 8) Back to the journey from 2610 North Beckley to Tenth &
> > That
> > time span is an estimated 16 minutes. I have tried
alternate routes
> > from 2610 to Tenth & Patton and 16 minutes is very
realistic, but
> > brisk. Other investigators and documentaries have found
Oswald's trip
> > time from 1026 North Beckley to Tenth at Patton to be equally
> > feasible.
> > 9) Oswald who had just killed the President was walking
> > That
> > appears to be the reason Tippit was suspicious.. That and the
> > reasonable likeness to Brennan's description.
> > 10) IMPORTANT: The call from Tippit at 1:08 certainly appears
to be
> > when he began *tailing* not stopping Oswald who was quite
> > walking quickly and looking around. (Speculation but offered
by DPD
> > HQ, not me.)
> > * Tom the timeline for Oswald to kill Tippit appears to be
there. I
> > have walked it.
> > * The witnesses certainly are there. Several made positive
> > * Oswald was also seen ducking in and out of storefronts on
> > immediately after Tippit's slaying!
> > --- Why would Oswald do that? ---
> > * Why did Oswald duck into the TT (illegally) without paying?
> > * What appears to have been his jacket was found along the
> > route from Tenth & Patton to the TT. It makes one wonder
what Oswald
> > was doing there and how he could possibly have the cursed bad
luck of
> > being in the immediate vicinity of what appears to be a dead
> > for Oswald if it wasn't him.. Isn't it more likely it was
> > LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Who in hell *planted* the pistol that
> > Tippit on Oswald if he didn't kill Tippit himself? (A
great question
> > posed by Chuck who hand-cuffed CTers with this brilliant
> > You can take a look at RH when you get it Tom and compare
> > my notes. I gave pages.. Perhaps I overlooked something
> > but it appears at this early stage:
> > .
> > VB has hand-cuffed the CTers.
> > .
> >
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
> > MR ;~D
> > Ed Cage
> > Rossleyafraidtoposttimeline
> > On May 30, 7:14 pm, "tomnln" <>
> >> Good ed;
> >> I see you don't like the WCR's accounting.
> >> Thanks
> >> NOW do you wanna Change any of these Others???
> >> ttp://
> >> OR, are you TOO Chickenshit to address them?
> >> <>
wrote in message
> >> > This is a good example of why you have
> >> > so consistently and repeatedly failed
> >> > to convince anyone Tom.. Yet, Bugliosi
> >> > and the WCR and the HSCA are essentially
> >> > on the same page.. But not Sad.Sack.O.Nutz..
> >> > I posted a **READABLE** timeline..
> >> > Sak.O.nutz "responds" with more "read
> >> > the official records" rhetoric!! Never
> >> > mind that the "official records" show
> >> > Oswald was dropped off at 12:45.. RH
> >> > still rounds it up to 12:52!
> >> > The reason you can't put your timeline
> >> > into actual words Tom, is because you
> >> > apparently fear close scrutiny.. Yet
> >> > I did it and so did Bugliosi.. But not
> >> > Scrotum "See the official records" Man.
> >> > You have failed again Tom.. Out of fear
> >> > you would be even further exposed than
> >> > you already have been..
> >> >
> >> > Do you think I could just say "16
> >> > minutes is plenty of time?"
> >> >
> >> > Yet that's what you essentially do:
> >> > Sak.O.Nutz ON:
> >> > "Prove tyhat you can walk .85 mile in TWO (2)
> >> > Sak.O.Nutz OFF
> >> > Nonetheless here's my timeline and you are
> >> > unable or unwilling to do someting like
> >> > this:
> >> >
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
> >> > Sak.O.Nutz:
> >> > I posted my Tippit timeline; I have walked the
routes.. Patton @
> >> > Tenth, 1026 N. Beckley, Jefferson, the TT..
> >> > Yet you post some vague "the official
records" claim to avoid putting
> >> > your Tippit timeline in writing as I did mine..
> >> > Here's what I posted since you "love it when I
repeat my posts." How
> >> > about posting your timeline Tom-Kook?:
> >> > 1) Tom one of the many problems you have is referring
to "official
> >> > records" in a manner that does account for the
fact that "official
> >> > records" are in large part compiled from
hearsay, estimates both
> >> > accurate and inaccurate, and interpretations.
> >> > 2) Additionally you do what so many researchers do on
both sides of
> >> > the aisle.. (Not just CTers).. You lock into what
fits your agenda,
> >> > then tend to disregard conflicting input that doesn't
fit your
> >> > predetermined ultimate conclusion.
> >> > 3) According to RH which you will receive in the mail
this week,
> >> > cabdriver William Whaley logged the 6 minute trip to
700 North
> >> > Beckley, not 500 as Oswald originally suggested as
12:30 to 12:45. No
> >> > cause for alarm here, the fares were recorded in 15
> >> > increments.
> >> > Bugliosi puts the drop-off at- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -...
> read more »

> 1) Tom one of the many problems you have is referring to
> records" in a manner that does account for the fact that
> records" are in large part compiled from hearsay, estimates
> accurate and inaccurate, and interpretations.
"Official Records" are taken from
MY references to "official records" are to
Evidence/testimony are the very Basis to our Judicial System.
Heresay is NOT allowed in official
> 2) Additionally you do what so many researchers do on both sides of
> the aisle.. (Not just CTers).. You lock into what fits your agenda,
> then tend to disregard conflicting input that doesn't fit your
> predetermined ultimate conclusion.
The very Basis for "Reasonable Doubt" is Conflicting
> 3) According to RH which you will receive in the mail this week,
> cabdriver William Whaley logged the 6 minute trip to 700 North
> Beckley, not 500 as Oswald originally suggested as 12:30 to 12:45.
> cause for alarm here, the fares were recorded in 15 minute
> increments.
See Volume XVI page 975 for CE-382. (It seems that RH lies as much
as you do)
Already proven that the trip from the Greyhound bus
station TO 500 N Beckley cost .95 cents.
Whaley logged his trips in FIVE (5) minute increments.

> Bugliosi puts the drop-off at 12:52 pm on page 68 of RH but does
> explain how he arrived at adding seven minutes, but clearly 12:45
> was too early and 12:52 seems justified. (I hope you noticed that
> part of the "official records" was dropped because it
didn't seem
> correct.) This move helps your case that Oswald didn't kill Tippit
> but it is fair and objective.
My point Exactly.
You Criminals must CHANGE the facts to fit a
lone assassin.
> 4) Unless one believes Oswald lingered around, that would put him
> the 2610 boarding house at about 12:55. Accounts by housekeeper
> Earlene Roberts (page 70) are that she said, "You sure are in
> hurry" and that Oswald "rushed" out. VB does
not offer a timeline here but
> I'd say he was out the door by 12:56.. A guess. She does say he was
> "standing" at the bus stop but indications it was only a
quick glance
> on her part. I find it difficult to believe he just
"stood" there for
> any length of time.
You don't even know the correct was 1026 N. Beckley.
Earlene Roberts said Oswald came in about

also said she saw Oswald standing at the North side bus stop (wrong
direction) a minute or 2 later.
> 5) Fast forward ahead.. It appears by locking in time accounts from
> Markham, Scoggins, Benavides, Tatum, Barbara and Virginia Davis,
> Callaway, Searcy, Reynolds, Russell, Lewis, Patterson, est. 1:13
> it would certainly appear that a 1:12 pm murder time is likely.
> Individuals do make time estimate errors but a group of people has
> better chance of arriving at a more likely shooting time; 1:12pm -
> words here but VB's account is on pages 68 thru 80.
Bugliosi's "Lying estimates" are NOT official records.
T F Bowley said Tippit was already Dead when he arrived at 1:10.
At the end of Benevides testimony, Belin asked; "is there
anything we didn't cover here that we discussed BEFORE the stenographer
came in? (Benevides) "Well, maybe just the
> 6) Also take into account accounts by people like shoe clerk Brewer
> who saw Oswald ducking in and out of store fronts as cop cars raced
> up and down Jefferson. Why would Oswald do that?
Johnny Brewer said Oswald ducked into HIS shoe VESTIBULE store ONLY.
> 7) The arrest at the Texas Theater occurred at a more precise time
> but still an estimate: 1:50 pm, an estimated 80 minutes after
the assassination.
> 8) Back to the journey from 2610 North Beckley to Tenth &
> That time span is an estimated 16 minutes. I have
tried alternate routes
> from 2610 to Tenth & Patton and 16 minutes is very realistic,
> brisk. Other investigators and documentaries have found Oswald's
> time from 2610 North Beckley to Tenth at Patton to be equally
> feasible.
Are you Dyslexic?
This is the THIRD time you have the WRONG
> 9) Oswald who had just killed the President was walking briskly..
> That appears to be the reason Tippit was suspicious.. That
and the
> reasonable likeness to Brennan's description.
You must PROVE Oswald killed the President ed.
Show me Testimony that Oswald was walking "Briskly"?
Show me how Brennan's description of Oswald helped I D him?
WHY wasn't Brennan's description of the Shooter's clothes NOT
> 10) IMPORTANT: The call from Tippit at 1:08 certainly appears to
> when he began *tailing* not stopping Oswald who was quite
> walking quickly and looking around. (Speculation but offered by
> HQ, not me.)
SPECULATION is "Useless". (That's what got the WCR in
> * Tom the timeline for Oswald to kill Tippit appears to be there.
> have walked it.
> * The witnesses certainly are there. Several made positive IDs.
> * Oswald was also seen ducking in and out of storefronts on
> immediately after Tippit's slaying!
> --- Why would Oswald do that? ---
Oswald walked into Brewer's shoe store VESTIBULE ONLY ed.
> * Why did Oswald duck into the TT (illegally) without paying?
Because Julia Postal was NOT in the ticket booth. She was
watching the Police cars going by.
> * What appears to have been his jacket was found along the escape
> route from Tenth & Patton to the TT. It makes one wonder what
> was doing there and how he could possibly have the cursed bad
luck of
> being in the immediate vicinity of what appears to be a dead
> for Oswald if it wasn't him.. Isn't it more likely it was Oswald?
It was NOT Oswald's jacket ed. Read Marina's testimony.
She cleaned Oswald's Jackets.
There was a cleaner's I D tag on the jacket found.
You REALLY need to read the evidence/testimony ed.
> LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Who in hell *planted* the pistol that killed
> Tippit on Oswald if he didn't kill Tippit himself? (A great
> posed by Chuck who hand-cuffed CTers with this brilliant
AGAIN, conflicting testimony ed.
1 the gun was in Oswald's hand.
2 the gun was in Oswald's waistband .
Do you want us to believe that you have
NEVER heard of Policemen carrying a "Throw-Down"??
> You can take a look at RH when you get it Tom and compare my
notes. I
> gave pages.. Perhaps I overlooked something but it appears at
> early stage:
RH is NOT official ed. I give official Volumes/pages ed.
You seem to be Very Dependant on
"Baseless Opinions" from LN authors.
I read all of the LN's books so I can Use their own words to PROVE
they LIE.
The same reason you never addressed the Lies of officer Baker.
The same reason you Never addressed the Alteration of the Walker back
yard photo.
What you wrote here PROVES you know Nothing of
evidence/testimony in the 26 volumes.
Your friends LIED, making them Felons.
Your support of those crimes makes you
"An Accessory After the Fact". (Another Felony)
> .
> VB has hand-cuffed the CTers.
> .
> MR ;~D
> Ed Cage
> 1218May2807
> thecters
Keep on addressing evidence/testimony ed.
I LOVE Hanging you with your own words.
Wanna try this one NOW???>>>
Ed Cage claims that Oswald did NOT work at
Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall in New Orleans.
Ed Cage claims that Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval did
NO work for the U S Government on Arial
Photos of Cuba.
Ed Cage claims Oswald did NOT work on these
Photos. (SEE BELOW)
Source is the 550,000 pages of the WC
Documents they never published.
They come on a 5 CD rom Set at a cost of $400.00.
