


Senator Christopher Dodd and the

Senator Christopher Dodd and the Continuing Coverup of the JFK/MLK Assassinations

Opinion/Commentary/Historical Perspective by MLK Assassination Investigator Gary Revel

Although I have found it to be disconcerting over the years and even now, the reality that Congressman Christopher Dodd could have been part of the HSCA for the purpose of limiting it's investigation and preventing the truth from being made known is clear to me. 


On September 17, 1996 Robert Tanenbaum, Former Deputy Counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations 1976-1977 was scheduled to testify before the Assassination Records Review Board. The ARRB was meeting in Los Angeles California and I had received an anonymous call several days before saying that Tanenbaum wanted to meet with me. I was still thinking that my undercover work on the investigation of the assassination was top secret and though I knew Tanenbaum would have known about it this call brought back anxious and disturbing memories. I immediately told the caller that I could not meet with Mr. Tanenbaum under any circumstances however now most everything that was so secret back then is easily found on the internet so I will touch on his importance to the investigations of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and to some extent that of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy. I will also comment on something that has bothered me since 1977 about the motive and agenda of Senator Christopher Dodd. 

Prior to this testimony Mr. Tanenbaum had written a book, 'Corruption of Blood' which dealt with the issues and stories of his work on the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Woven within the pages of that book is a deep regard for true justice and the fraud of the supposed 'investigation' of the House Select Committee on Assassinations; HSCA. He doesn't despair about the investigators but does wrangle with moral and ethical concerns regarding motives, agendas and actual results. 

As scheduled he testified before the ARRD and said, "I could tell you that if Richard Sprague and I stayed with the committee, there was no document that we would have kept away from the American people. And when I say "document" I include in that films or other pieces of evidentiary value. We saw nothing frankly that should not be given to the American people and I say that, Judge and members of the panel, when you mention classified material." 

In 1977, when I was working on the investigation, I got the same feeling from Chief Counsel Richard Sprague. He was clearly driven to uncover the truth of who killed MLK and JFK. As was my understanding from what Chief Counsel Richard Sprague had told me himself Mr. Tanenbaum was of the same ilk in that he believed that nothing the government had that related to the assassinations should have been kept from the investigators of the committee and ultimately the American people. 

In his book, 'Corruption of Blood', and in his testimony before the ARRB Mr. Tanenbaum has said things that show a contempt for the motives of many of the members of the HSCA and some other officials of the US Government. One in particular is Senator Christopher Dodd. He seems to believe that the honorable Senator from Connecticut and then Representative pushed to get rid of Richard Sprague and bring in G. Robert Blakey as Chief Counsel for reasons other than what was best for the investigation. 

When I reach back into my memory I find that I am in full agreement with him on this point. Christopher Dodd's father was the former FBI agent and Senator Thomas Dodd from Connecticut. He was also one of President John F. Kennedy's political rivals and closely associated himself publicly and privately with J. Edgar Hoover and CIA Director Allen Dulles and further was one of those known to be very unhappy with JFK's role in the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the firing of Dulles. 

Recently my commentary that related to one of the HSCA Executive Sessions where Santo Trafficante testified was published on my MLK Assassination Investigation news feed. In it I made it very clear that Connecticut Representative Chritopher Dodd was a member and was there during the Trafficante testimony. I don't think that Congressman Dodd heard anything that day that he didn't already know because his dad, Senator Thomas Dodd, had been up to his eyeballs in the FBI/Mafia/CIA corruption swirling around the Whitehouse in 1963. Prior to the JFK assassination Senator Thomas Dodd was looking into a number of businesses and individuals directly related to the JFK assassination including the mail order house that was used to deliver the supposed JFK assassination rifle to Lee Harvey Oswald. Although I have found it to be disconcerting over the years and even now, the reality that Congressman Christopher Dodd was a part of the HSCA for the purpose of limiting it's investigation and preventing the truth from being made known is clear to me. His part may have been as innocent as his desire to protect his father's honor but regardless he was a servant of the people of this country and given the job of finding the truth. 

Mr. Tanenbaum and Senator Christopher Dodd can answer for themselves concerning this opinion, as I do not speak for either of them, however there are questions that have not been settled after all these years. I believe that transparent acknowledgement to facts about the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and the relationship of them to that of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy is a must. Finally an explanation by Senator Christopher Dodd as to his motives and agenda on the HSCA is something all Americans deserve to hear and even people all around the world await. 

The HSCA-House Select Committee on Assassinations was a committee empowered by the US Government to investigate the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. To this day most people in America and most informed people throughout the world are not satisfied with the 'Lone Gunman Theory' on the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy-November 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. April 1968, or Presidential Candidate-Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June of 1968.




With the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy past now comes a renewed interest in reminding ourselves of the injustice of using the lone gunman assassination theory to explain away all the evidence that clearly shows these killings were operations requiring a number of experience professional criminals and the following cover-up a monumental effort.
Before his death, E. Howard Hunt, would offer a number of confessions to being part of the secret operation to kill President Kennedy. He fingered:

Lyndon B. Johnson: LBJ, whose own career was assisted by JFK nemesis J. Edgar Hoover (FBI), gave the orders to a CIA-led hit team, and helped guide the Warren Commission/lone gunman cover-up. 
Cord Meyer: CIA agent, architect of the Operation Mockingbird disinformation apparatus, and husband of Mary Meyer (who had an affair with JFK). 
David Atlee Philips: CIA and Bay of Pigs veteran. Recruited William Harvey (CIA) and Cuban exile militant Antonio Veciana. 
William Harvey: CIA and Bay of Pigs veteran. Connected to Mafia figures Santos Trafficante and Sam Giancana. 
Antonio Veciana: Cuban exile, founder of CIA-backed Alpha 66. 
Frank Sturgis: CIA operative, mercenary, Bay of Pigs veteran, and later Watergate figure. 
David Morales: CIA hit man, Bay of Pigs veteran. Morales was also a figure involved with the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. 
Lucien Sarti: Corsican assassin and drug trafficker, possible "French gunman," Grassy Knoll (second) shooter.


More Assassination Links: 

The JFK Assassination: In the Light of Day
Gary Revel interview on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Pictures of Assassins 
JFK Assassination Bullet Fragment Analysis Proves Second Shooter 
Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel 
3 Tramps in Dealy Plaza: What are they to JFK killing 
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK 

MLK They Slew the Dreamer Movie Presentation

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